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Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)
- Joining Forces to Combat
Antimicrobial Resistance –
Thomas Ifland
Senior Advisor
Ministry of Health, Germany
Antimicrobial Resistance is…
…an increasing threat to Public Health.
… affecting industrialized and devolping countries showing
a complex global scope arising beyond boarders.
…leading us straight back to a „pre-antibiotic era“ if no
actions are taken NOW.
ECDC: Data on resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae in Europe
Antimicrobial Resistance is…
…when we realize that we face prolongued treatment
times, higher mortality and higher costs.
…when common infectious diseases and minor
injuries - easily treatable today - become major
health threats tomorrow.
…when you caught a simple lung infection and
nothing can cure you.
…when medicine once effective suddenly fails.
…when individuals and health care systems have to
carry an additional high burden.
Main Drivers of AMR
• extensive use of antibiotics
> selfmedication, overprescribing, faulty
advise/prescribing, wide use of
broad-spectrum antibiotics,
prophylactic use…
• inappropriate use
> non-compliance, nonknowledge, unreliable access to
medication, unsafe medicine,
financial aspects…
• use of antibiotics and
antimicrobial drugs in livestock,
veterinary medicine and
agriculture – resistance within
the evironment
Health Care
Did you know…?
80% - 90% of respiratory infections result from virusinfections which are non-treatable through antibiotics
85% of antibiotics are being prescribed in ambulant
health care settings (Germany).
Up to 50% of antibiotics prescribed are not being needed
or of optimal treatment effect (CDC).
Antibiotic development has not been sufficient within the
last three decades.
Every 5th antibiotic prescription arises from uncertainty
2.5 million hospital days extra and costs of at least 1.5
billion €/year ( in the EU, 2007) result from AMR.
Risks and Consequences
increase in mortality and disability
socioeconomic consequences and productivity loss
additional burden to health systems
especially high risk in industrialized countries for: cancer chemotherapy,
complex surgery, dialysis for renal failure, rheumatoid arthritis, organ and bone
marrow transplants…
cost increase through
– prolongued and costlier treatment
– extra health personnal
– extra hospital days
– costly medicine…
Lessons learnt
In May 2015 the World Health Assembly
adopted the
FIRST „Global Action Plan
on Antimicrobial Resistance
Thank you for your attention
Bundesministerium für Gesundheit(Hrsg.): DART – Deutsche AntibiotikaResistenzstrategie; 2011
CDC - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
ECDC European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
Kassenärztliche Vereinigung Deutschland
Sosa, A. et al: Antimicrobial Resistance in Developing Countries; Springer
WHO: Antimicrobial Resistance. Global Report on Surveillance; World
Health Organization, 2014
WHO: Draft Global Action Plan