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Item #3890
Ages 8 and up
Adult Supervision Required
Explore the amazing world of plant science
Activity Guide
Are you ready for a plantastic safari through the amazing world of plant science? This fun kit uses a variety of visual and tactile
experiments to allow kid scientists to discover many principles about plant science, including capillary action, classification, the
water cycle, DNA, seed purpose and description, plant biology, horticulture, and natural products science. An incredible range of
experiment types represent or explain plant biology--you’ll even use real plants in the experiments! You’ll also learn fantastic fun
facts about plants (like about the world’s largest flower that smells like rotting meat, plants that eat bugs, and plants that look
like rocks) as you become a “Green Genius!” Who knew botany could be such a blast?
Science Kit Experiments and Activities:
Flowering Capillary Action Tree: Learn about capillary action as you make a paper tree “bloom” in minutes!
Teeny tiny terrarium: Make a terrarium out of a test tube!
Polymer Plant: Learn about DNA as you grow squishy polymer plants!
Chlorophyll Detective: Isolate chlorophyll from leaves!
Super Sprout: Be a sprout scientist as you sprout seeds in a petri dish
Polymer Seed Soak: Discover how seeds work by soaking “polymer seeds” to find the surprise inside!
Sorting Scientist: Learn about classification and categorization as you sort, soak, and study these crazy, rowing jelly shapes!
Drought Doctor: learn about horticulture and environmental science as you experiment with modern materials to combat drought
for real plants in your own “biodome!”
Here’s What You Get
Super absorbent crystals
Growing polymer flower
Large petri dish (90 mm diameter)
Seed Secret Capsules (3)
9-compartment plastic tray
Small petri dish (50 mm diameter)
Jumbo Test Tube w/cap
Filter paper (6” diameter)
4 oz Shaker Cup & lid
Paper growing tree and solution
Garbled Marbles Mix
Specimen Jar and Lid
Here’s What You Need
Isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol
dried beans or peas
fast-sprouting seed (like chia)
paper towel or napkin
Leaves, such as spinach
large cup or bowl
potting soil or dirt
notebook, pencil, and ruler (optional)
This set contains chemicals that may be harmful if misused. Read cautions on
individual containers carefully. Not to be used by children except under adult supervision.
Polymer Plant
Type of Science: Life, Physical
Area of Science: Biology, Botany, Applied Chemistry
Skills: Predict, Experiment, Observe
Principles Explored: Genetics, Molecules, Molecular Movement
Use the science of superabsorbent polymers to explore the theory of DNA: The genetic code is a self perpetuating blue print that
always results in rose seeds turning into roses, turnip seeds into turnips, and acorns into oaks. Soaking the little polymers in water
will result in larger copies of the same shape. You won’t believe how big these colorful polymers will get--each absorbs up to 300X
its weight in water!
Here’s What You’ll Need:
Growing polymer flower
Large petri dish (90 mm diameter)
water (you get it)
notebook and pencil (optional)
ruler (optional)
Try It!
1. Measure the size of the polymer plants, and record the information in your notebook.
Also record your observations: What do they look like? How do they feel?
2. What will happen when you soak them in water? Write down your hypothesis in your notebook.
3. Fill the petri dish and cover with water and place a polymer flower in each. Allow them to soak for several hours or overnight.
4. Observe your growing shapes. What happened? Write down your observations in your notebook.
How does it work?
The Scientific name for your Polymer Plant is cross-linked polyacrylamide polymer gel. It’s a big name isn’t it?
Did you catch the word “polymer” in there?
A polymer is a really big molecule made of lots of little molecules linked together, just like a train is made of many train cars linked together.
In fact, the word “polymer” actually comes from two greek words, “poly” meaning many, and “meros,” which means units or parts.
So a polymer is a big molecule made of “many parts.” In polymer science, the train cars are called “monomers,” which comes from the greek
words “mono” (one, or single) and “meros” again.
But why does it grow in water?
Polymer Plant Crystal Cubes are like big nets made of lots of little molecules connected together. Because they are like nets, water can sneak
inside through the holes. That is, the crystals “drink” (soak up) water and hold it inside. The polymers that make up Polymer Plants belong to a
class of molecules called the “superabsorbents.” That means that Polymer Plant crystals are thirsty—VERY thirsty! Each Polymer Plant crystal
can hold up to 300 times its weight in water. If you were a Polymer Plant crystal you would be able to drink almost 2000 gallons of water!
When the Polymer Plant crystals meet water, they start drinking When they soak up the water, they expand (get larger) and soften.
In other words, you added water to make huge, colorful Polymer Plants made of goo!
But what do Polymer Plants have to do with DNA?
You had a few different kinds of Polymer Plant shapes in your kit, with a variety of colors and shapes.
What did you notice about these Polymer Plant shapes when you soaked them in water? Did the shapes or colors change?
Every living thing that we know of is made of one or more cells, and every cell has a set of instructions for building and repairing itself.
The instructions are made of DNA. Remember what you learned about polymers? DNA is a polymer, too--a long, skinny molecule made of many
small parts hooked together like train cars in a train. In the case of a DNA polymer “train”, there are four kinds of “train cars”, and the order
of the train cars within the train is the code that tells the cell how to build and repair itself or to make more cells.
Plants and seeds are made of cells, and the DNA inside of the cells tells a seed how to grow and what to grow into. The order of the “train cars”
in a carrot seed tell the seed to grow into a carrot, while the order of the “train cars” inside of a pine cone tell the pine cone to grow into a pine
tree. A carrot seed will never grow into a pine tree, and a pine cone will never become a carrot or a rose plant. This is because as a seed grows,
its cells grow and divide into more cells, each with a copy of the DNA polymer “train.” Soaking your little Polymer Plants in water made them
grow, but they kept the same shape and color, right? Just like the growing polymer shapes in water will result in larger copies of the same shape,
growing seeds get bigger as they make more cells, with each new cell getting a copy of the same set of DNA instructions, so that the plant that
grows from the seed will always be the right kind of plant. Amazing, right? Just like you!
Plantastic Facts:
How big did your Polymer Plant shapes grow? Wow, that’s pretty big! But it’s not as big as the world’s biggest flower. The largest flower in the
world comes from the Rafflesia arnoldii plant, which grows in the rainforests of Indonesia, Malaysia, and Sumatra. It grows as a parasite on the
vine of a certain kind of grape plant (Tetrastigma plant). The Rafflesia arnoldii plant is strange in many ways. Not only is it very big (the flower
grows up to three feet across (1 meter) and can weigh up to 24 pounds (11 kilograms)) but it doesn’t seem to have any leaves, a stem, or roots.
Also, unlike other flowers, Rafflesia doesn’t smell nice. It smells like rotting meat, so it is sometimes called the corpse flower. The rotting meat
smell attracts flies, which help to pollinate the flower. Your superabsorbent polymers didn’t get quite as big as the Rafflesia arnoldii, but luckily,
they smell a whole lot better! To find out more about the corpse flower or to see pictures, have your adult assistant help you look for “Rafflesia
arnoldii” on the computer or ask the librarian at your local library. Be sure to record your plant detective work in your notebook.
Seed Soak Surprise
Type of Science: Life
Area of Science: Botany
Skills: Predict, Experiment, Observe
Principles Explored: Water cycle, plant science
This cool experiment will teach you about seeds, what they are made of, and how they work.
Soak your own “seed” in water and discover the surprise inside.
Here’s What You’ll Need:
Seed Secret Capsules (3)
Jumbo Test Tube w/cap
water (you get it)
notebook and pencil (you get it)
ruler (you get it)
Try It!
1. Measure the size of the secret seed capsule and record the information in your notebook.
Also record your observations: What do they look like? How do they feel?
2. What will happen when you soak them in water? Write down your hypothesis in your notebook.
3. Fill the jumbo test tube with water and place the seed secret capsules inside.
Screw the lid on tightly and let them soak for several minutes. You can shake them if you like.
4. What happened? Write down your observations in your notebook.
How does it work?
Your Seed Secret Capsule is a lot like a seed. What is a seed, anyway? True seeds are actually immature baby plants surrounded by a food supply
and wrapped in a protective cover. It’s like the mother plant wrapped her little baby up in a blanket and packed a bottle or two…awwww!
The protective cover is called a “seed coat.” The seed coat’s job is to protect the seed until the seed finds proper conditions that will allow the
baby plant to grow. Under proper conditions (usually the right amount of water, heat, and light) the seed coat allows the seed to soak up water
and “wake up” the baby plant, which then “eats” the food inside of the seed and start to grow. In the case of your Seed Secret Capsule,
the “seed coat” is a water soluble polymer that soaks up water and dissolves, revealing the surprise inside.
Plantastic Facts:
Different plants grow well in very different environments, so the seed coats of seeds are also very different. Some are as thin as paper, like the
seed coat of peanuts. Others are very thick, like the seed coat of a coconut. Some seed coats are so strong that the seed can’t grow until the seed
is eaten by an animal, cut by a knife, or in the case of the Ceanothus plants, burned in a fire. The Ceanothus plants are a group of small trees
and shrubs that live in California. Their seed coats are so strong that they require a fire to burn them before the seed is able to soak up water
and grow. This may seem strange, but it ensures that there will be plenty of room and sun for the plant to grow, since all of the other plants that
would be taking up room and blocking the sun have been burned away. Amazing!
Chlorophyll Detective
Type of Science: Life
Area of Science: Botany, Natural Products Research
Skills: Measure, Predict, Experiment, Sort
Principles Explored: Solutions, Chromatography, Photosynthesis
In this experiment you will do real “natural products research.” Learn about this exciting branch of science as you do some natural
products exploration of your own--isolating cholophyll from leaves! Learn how chlorophyll acts as the powerhouse of the plant cell by
capturing sunlight and turning it into food. Then, separate the chlorophyll using chromatography--making your own natural tie-dye!
Here’s What You’ll Need:
Filter paper (6” diameter)
4 oz Shaker Cup & lid
isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol (you get it)
Leaves, such as spinach (you get it)
scissors (you get it)
small bow. two paper towels (you get it)
notebook , ruler,and pencil (optional)
Try It!
Experiment 1: Isolating chlorophyll
1. Put a handfull of leaves into your shaker cup. Use the scissors to chop them into very small pieces
(if your adult assistant has a food processor, a few pulses would work, too.)
2. Pour in enough isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol to cover the leaves by a centimeter or two.
3. Cap your shaker cup, give it a good shake, and let it sit for a couple of hours. Every once in awhile, you can give it a good swirl.
While you wait, place a couple of paper towels into a small bowl.
4. After a couple of hours, place a couple of paper towels on top of each other in a small bowl. You will use the paper towels to catch the spinach
leaves so that you can use the liquid. Pour all of the chopped leaves and alcohol onto the paper towels in the bowl. Carefully gather up the sides
of the paper towel and let the liquid drain through into the bowl. What color is the liquid? Remove the paper towel and leaves and throw them
away. Keep the green liquid for your next experiment.
How does it work?
You just did real natural products chemistry! One of the ways scientists study plants is to try to figure out what new kinds of molecules they make
or are made of. Often one of the first ways scientists do this is to chop or grind a part of the plant up and then soak it in different kinds of liquid
such as alcohols, ethers, acids, or just water. Different kinds of chemicals soak from the plant into the different kinds of liquids, and can be studied
separately. This is called an “extraction” and it is something that scientists do every day. Way to go scientist! But what did you “extract?”
Let’s do another experiment to find out.
Experiment 2: Chromotography
1. Rinse out your empty shaker cup, then pour a little of the green liquid back into
the shaker cup (you’ll need about a centimeter.)
2. Cut a strip of the filter paper that is about one inch wide and four inches long.
Fold the edge of the filter paper so that it just hangs over the edge of the cup.
Lower the filter paper strip until the end is just dipping into the green liquid.
It might help to look at the cartoon to the right.
3. Let the liquid start to soak up the filter paper. What do you see? Let it continue
to soak for several minutes. Afterward, remove the paper strip and let it dry.
4. What happened? Write down your observations in your notebook.
How does it work?
You should see two bands of colors on your filter paper strip. The yellowish orange band is a mix of carotenoids, the kind of molecule that makes
carrots orange. The greenish band is a mixture of chlorophylls. Chlorophyll is the chemical that plants use to absorb the energy from the sun to
use to make sugars and other building blocks to grow.
But why do they separate on the filter paper?
Different kinds of molecules have different properties. They are different sizes, some are more soluble in water or alcohol than others, and some
are more likely to stick to the paper than the others. When the filter paper, is lowered into the green alcohol solution, the alcohol starts soaking
up into it. Do you remember why (you learned about it in the flowering capillary action tree experiment.) The molecules you extracted from
the leaves are carried by the alcohol. As the alcohol moves through the filter paper, it takes the dissolved molecules with it. However, since the
molecules have different properties, they move through the paper at different speeds. This results in the molecules spreading out on the paper.
Using a solid support (like paper) to separate different kinds of molecules is called chromatography. Scientists use this method all the time in
different experiments. I’ll bet you didn’t know you were a chromatographer!
Flowering capillary action tree
Type of Science: Life
Area of Science: Botany, Chemistry
Skills: Predict, Experiment, Observe
Principles Explored: Molecular properties, plant science
Without a heart like animals have, how does a plant move water and nutrients move around? Learn how plants put a special property
of water molecules (stickiness?!) to work. Then you can put water molecules to work as well, making a paper tree “bloom” in just
minutes. Amazing!
Here’s What You’ll Need
Small petri dish (50 mm diameter)
Paper growing tree and solution
notebook and pencil (you get it)
Try It!
1. Slide the taller paper form over the slot in the short form to make your tree. Lightly bend the branches of each side of the tree in different
directions (this will make the tree look more realistic.)
2. BE CAREFUL as you pour from the liquid packets. The magic crystal liquid is non-toxic, but it will grow crystals wherever it is poured.
Try not to spill or you might grow a flowering table or carpet instead! Cut a corner off the top of the magic minerals packet and pour the
solution into the small petri dish.
3. Place the paper tree into the small petri dish. Watch what happens over the next several minutes.
4. What happened? Write down your observations in your notebook.
How does it work?
Water molecules are sticky. They stick to each other (cohesion) and they stick to other things (adhesion.) You already know examples of this.
Some insects called “water skeeters” or “water gliders,” can glide along the surface of the water without sinking. This is because the water
molecules stick together strongly enough that they can hold up the weight of the insect. You know about adhesion, too. If you dip a paper towel
part way into a cup of water, the water will “climb” up the paper towel. This is because the water molecules want to stick to the molecules in the
paper towel. Even though the water molecules are sticking to the paper towel, they are also sticking to each other. So when one molecule climbs
up the paper towel, it brings another water molecule that is stuck to it, which brings another molecule, which brings another molecule…and so on.
When water “climbs” up something like a paper towel, it can carry other things with it. This is very important in nature; it’s what allows the
leaves and top branches of trees to get nutrients instead of just the roots. The roots are in contact with the soil, and they soak up water, and with
it, soil nutrients. Inside of the tree are very long, thin tubes called capillaries. Water carrying nutrient molecules gets drawn up the capillaries all
the way to the leaves.
When things like salt crystals are dissolved in water, it means that water molecules are all around it. If you stir sugar in water until it dissolves,
water surrounds all of the sugar crystals so you can’t see it. But it is still there—the water would be “sweet” if you tasted it. It is also possible
for things to come OUT of solution. In other words, the crystals that were surrounded by water start sticking to each other. Eventually there are
enough to see.
Your flowering tree works by capillary action (just like a real tree!), evaporation, and crystallization. Because the water molecules are attracted
to the paper molecules, when you pour the Magic Crystal Solution into the petri dish, the water begins to “climb up” the paper. Just like in the
capillaries in a tree, the water carries things with it. The water in the Magic Crystal Solution carries the Magic Crystal Salts with it.
When the water gets to the top of the paper, it starts to evaporate, leaving the Magic Crystal Salts behind. Eventually, so much water evaporates
that there is not enough to keep the salts surrounded and separated from each other, and they start sticking to each other and come “out of
solution.” As more and more water evaporates, more and more crystals come out of solution, until the trees bloom.
It’s like magic, except it’s better—it’s science!
Teeny Tiny Terrarium
Type of Science: Life
Area of Science: Botany, Environmental science
Skills: Predict, Experiment, Observe
Principles Explored: Water cycle, horticulture
Some plant scientists study single plants, or just single parts of plants, but others study the effect of lots of plants together in a whole
environment, like rain forests or tundras. You can become an environmental scientist as you make a self-sufficient, self-watering,
teeny tiny terrarium that takes care of itself! Learn about how plants help regulate the water cycle and oxygen cycle, and watch as
your plant plays a part!
Here’s What You’ll Need
Jumbo Test Tube w/cap
fast-sprouting seed (like chia you get it)
potting soil or dirt (you get it)
water (you get it)
notebook and pencil (optional)
Try It!
1. Use the lid of the jumbo test tube to measure six capfuls of dirt, one capful of water, and one teaspoon of seeds in a bowl.
2. Holding the jumbo test tube sideways, carefully pack the potting soil into the test tube. Screw the lid on tightly.
3. Let the terrarium sit somewhere out of direct sunlight for a day or two. Keep an eye on it, though.
What do you see happening to the sides of the terrarium? What do you see happening to the seeds?
4. After the seeds sprout, you can move your teeny tiny terrarium to a window so that your tiny plants can get some sun.
Keep observing your terrarium for several days, and write your observations in your notebook.
Plantastic Facts:
The very dry regions of South Africa are home to the Lithops plants. Lithops means “stone face.” The plants were given that strange name
because they themselves are very strange--they look so much like little rocks that they are sometimes called “pebble plants.” The plant has
hardly any stem and hides most of its leaves under the ground. It stores water in its “stone face” the way aloe vera plants do.
These strange adaptations help the plants blend in with rocks and keep the plants from being seen and eaten by hungry (and thirsty!) critters.
Sorting Scientist
Type of Science: Life
Area of Science: Botany
Skills: Classify, Sort
Principles Explored: Classification
One hugely important area of science is classification and categorization. From stars to snails, from microbes to mammals, scientists
often first begin their studies of things by asking themselves “How are these things alike, and how are they different. This is true for
Plants scientists, too. Become a plant scientists as you search and sort these super absorbent polymers. Then soak them in water and
watch as they grow to giant jelly sizes! Be sure to save them for the next experiment!
Here’s What You’ll Need
9-compartment plastic tray
Garbled Marbles Mix
Shaker cup
water (you get it)
cups or bowls (you get it)
notebook, pencil, and ruler (optional)
Try It!
1. Open the bag with the Garbled Marbles mix and pour it into the Shaker cup. How many colors are there? How many different sizes?
How many different shapes? How do they feel? Which do you think are the most alike? Sort the marbles into the different categories in
the spaces of your sorting tray. How will you choose to sort them? You may want to consider color, shape, texture, or size.
2. How many different categories did you make? Write down your categories in your notebook, and why you chose the categories you did.
Also write down your observations of your Garbled Shapes in your notebook. Will the differences in the size and color of the garbled marbles
effect how big they will get or how fast they will grow? Why do you think that? Write down your guesses in your notebook.
3. Now do the experiment to see if you were right! Fill the cups or bowls with water, and put the different kinds of “marbles” into the different cups.
Let them sit for a few hours, checking on them from time to time. After soaking, give your shapes a good examination. What happened?
Did they change? Write down your observations in your notebook.
How does it work?
Although it sounds easy at first, sorting and categorizing thins is not always so simple. When they find a new plant, scientists have to figure out
1) whether it has already been discovered, and 2) what plants it is like, (to which family it belongs.) This can be a little bit tricky. For example,
Pachycereus pringlei is a plant that can grow over 62 feet (19m) tall that grows in the hot regions of Baja California. Blossfeldia liliputana is a
tiny plant (about 1 cm, or less than half an inch) that grows high up in the Andes Mountains, often near waterfalls. These two plants sound very
different, don’t they? But they are both in the same plant family—both are cactuses!
Plantastic Facts:
You might think that all plant science discoveries have been made, but actually scientists are discovering new plants and animals all of the time.
In 2011, a plant collector in Brazil noticed a tiny, one-inch tall flower in his backyard. It was a little unusual in that it planted its own seeds—
once the flowers turn into fruit, the little branches slowly bend down, finally releasing the seeds into the soft moss that it grows in. It turned out
to be a new species of plant, which scientists called Spigelia genuflexa. Maybe someday you’ll discover a new plant –in a rainforest, a savannah,
or even in your backyard!
Super Sprout
Type of Science: Life
Area of Science: Botany
Skills: Predict, Experiment, Observe
Principles Explored: Plant science
Now that you know all about DNA blueprints and seeds, how about sprouting some real seeds? Use the included petri dish and fast
sprouting seeds to release the embryo inside the seed. You’ll be able to see the results in days!
Here’s What You’ll Need
Large petri dish (90 mm diameter)
dried beans or peas (you get it)
paper towel or napkin (you get it)
water (you get it)
notebook and pencil (optional)
Try It!
1. Fold the paper towel into fourths and moisten it with water. Place it in the petri dish, and pack the corners down so that you will be able
to close the lid.
2. Place three or four large seeds (such as dried beans or peas on the paper towel, anc put the cover of the petri dish on.
3. Put the petri dish somewhere dark for a day or two.
4. Take the petri dish out and look at your dried legumes. What happened? Record your observations in your notebook.
Drought Doctor
Type of Science: Life
Area of Science: Botany, Environmental Science, Horticulture
Skills: Predict, Experiment, Observe
Principles Explored: Plant science
One area of plant science that affects a lot of people is Horticulture, or the industry and science of plant cultivation. Become a plant
Horticulturist as you use the amazing science of the superabsorbents (and the superabsorbent polymers you grew) to experiment with growing
plants in drought conditions.
Here’s What You’ll Need
Speciman Jar
super absorbent crystals
water (you get it)
potting soil (you get it)
notebook and pencil (optional)
Try It!
1. Place a couple of scoops of superabsorbent crystals into the specimen jar, and fill the far about half full of water (the crystals need to be
covered with water by a few inches. Let them soak for several hours or overrnight.
2. After they have soaked for several hours, carefully pour out the extra water.
3. Mix an equal amount of potting soil into the superabsorbent crystals (the jar should be aobut ¼ full, and the superabsorbent crystals and
potting soil should be well-mixed.
4. Plant the potted plant in the soil/crystals mix, and screw the lid on tightly. Place the specimen jar in the sun.
5. Watch the jar for a few days. What happens? Write down your observations in your notebook.
How does it work?
So how can the environmentally safe, super-absorbent polymers help stop drought? They can save irrigation costs and prevent the stress that
drought causes to plants. They reduce water consumption up to 80% for lawns, golf courses, vegetable gardens, and even houseplants. When
mixed with soil, super-absorbent polymer crystals absorb the moisture and nutrients from the soil and retain excess water for long periods of
time, keeping the water near the plants, rather than allowing it to sink into the ground, creep away to lower-lying areas, or be evaporated by
extreme temperatures. The roots of plants penetrate the crystal’s membrane, soaking up the nutrients and extra moisture whenever the plant
is thirsty.
About the creator of this kit:
Dr. Diana always liked to find out how things worked, so when she realized that science could tell you how cells worked...and how DNA and
proteins worked...and even tiny molecules and atoms worked...she was hooked! Dr. Diana studied biology, physics, chemistry, biochemistry, and
medicinal chemistry in school. Now she creates fun science kits to help kids learn to love science, too. She tries to make a new discovery every
day. Have you discovered anything lately? ©2012 Be Amazing! Toys
All Rights Reserved