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Elodea Lab Terms
Cyclosis: Cyclical streaming of
cytoplasm of plant cells
Plasmolysis: Process in plant cells in
which the cytoplasm pulls away from
the cell wall due to the loss of water
through osmosis.
Turgor:Pushes plasma membrane
against cell wall – caused by the flow
of water from outside cell into the
•Process in plant cells in
which the cytoplasm pulls
away from the cell wall due
to the loss of water through
•Pushes plasma membrane
against cell wall – caused by
the flow of water from
outside cell into the
• 1. Draw the elodea cell before and after salt
water was added. Label cell membrane, cell wall,
cytoplasm, chloroplast.
• 2. What did you notice about the cytoplasm and
chloroplasts in the Elodea cell before salt water
was added?
• 3. What were the differences in the Elodea cell
after salt water was added to the cell? Why did
this happen?