Download Planets of the Solar System – Scavenger Hunt KEY Saturn, Uranus

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Planets of the Solar System – Scavenger Hunt KEY
How many planets are in our solar system: 8
Name the planets in order starting from the sun: Mercury,
Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter,
Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
Name two dwarf planets: Ceres,
Pluto, Haumea, Makemake, and Eris
Between which two planets is the asteroid belt? Mars
There are 4 gas giant planets. They are: Jupiter,
& Jupiter
Saturn, Uranus & Neptune
There are 4 terrestrial planets, which are hard & rocky. They are: Mercury,
Venus, Earth, Mars
This planet is the smallest: Mercury
This planet is the biggest: Jupiter
This planet is called “Earth’s twin” or “sister” planet: Venus
On which planet is the largest volcano in the solar system: Mars
What is the name of the volcano? Olympus
Does the rotation of a planet determine its day or its year? day
Does the revolution of a planet determine its day or its year? year
Which planet has the longest day? Venus Which planet has the longest year? Neptune
Which planet has a day longer than its year? Venus
Which planet has a runaway greenhouse effect causing extremely high temperatures? Venus
Which planet is the only one to have water in all three states (solid, liquid & gas)? Earth
Which planet has a great red spot, which is a huge hurricane? Jupiter
Name all the planets that have moons. Earth,
Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
Which planet is the only one that can sustain life as we know it? Earth
Which planet has such a low density it would float in water? Saturn
Which planet is tilted all the way on its side? Uranus
Planets of Our Solar System
Order from sun:
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, [asteroid belt], Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
Distinctive features of each planet:
• Mercury – smallest, many craters, extremely hot (day) to extremely cold (night)
• Venus – Earth’s sister planet, runaway greenhouse effect, acidic clouds, volcanic, day is longer than its
• Earth – only planet in solar system to have water in all 3 states, life, volcanic
• Mars – ‘Red Planet’, largest volcano in solar system (Olympus Mons), used to have water, no active
• Jupiter – largest in solar system, gassy, ‘Great Red Spot’ (hurricane larger than Earth), one moon
(Europa) may have life in its ocean
• Saturn – gassy, many moons, lovely rings around it, less dense than water
• Uranus – gassy, tilted onto one side, small rings around it
• Neptune – gassy, used to have ‘Great Blue Spot’, small rings