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The Menace of Secession
What practical problems would occur if the United States became two nations?
The two would have no way to divide the Appalachians or the Mississippi River, it would be
difficult to determine how much of the national debt each side would take, how would the
remaining territories be divided, how would the Fugitive slave law be supported
2. Why did European powers favor war in America?
If the US broke apart the European powers would be able to play divide and conquer by pitting the
two sides against each other. This would also ensure that the “Yankees” couldn’t take over British
colonial holdings still in the Americas. European powers could more easily defy the Monroe
South Carolina Assails Fort Sumter
Fort Sumter, Col. Robert Anderson
What action did Lincoln take that provoked a Confederate attack on Fort Sumter?
What effects did the South's attack have?
Lincoln notified the South Carolinians that an expedition would be sent to provision the fort, not to
reinforce it. To Southerners this meant war. On April 12, 1861, the Carolinians opened fire on their
own fort and after 34 hours, the Union troops surrendered. The effect of the Southern victory
electrified the North and provoked it to fight (the fort was lost but the Uion was saved) Lincoln
issued a call for 75,000 militiamen and volunteers.
Brothers' Blood and Border Blood
Border States, Billy Yank (Northern brother), Johnny Reb (Southern brother)
How did the border states affect northern conduct of the war?
The border states consisted of Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland, Delaware and West Virginia. In
Maryland Lincoln declared martial law where needed and sent in troops so that Washington DC
wouldn’t be cut off. He also deployed soldiers to western Virginia and Missouri. Because these
states held slaves, Lincoln had to publicly declare that he was not fighting to free the slaves, but that
they were fighting to preserve the Union.
5. How did the slavery issue affect war in the West?
In Indian Territory (Oklahoma), most of the 5 civilized tribes sided with the Confederacy. Some
natives owned slaves themselves. The Confederate government took over payments to the tribes
and allowed them to have delegates in the Confederate Congress. Most of the plains Indians sided
with the Union even though they would fight the Indian Wars after the Civil War and move natives
to reservations.
The Balance of Forces
Robert E. Lee, Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson
What advantages did the South have?
Fight defensively in their own territory, self-determination and preservation of their way of life,
morale, most talented military officers such as Robert E. Lee and Thomas J. Stonewall Jackson.
Southerners were also bred to fight as they were accustomed to managing horses and bearing arms.
7. What disadvantages did the South have?
Lack of factories, poor transportation, limited railroads, poor economy, no navy
8. What advantages did the North have?
Many more factories, boasted ¾ of the nation’s wealth and ¾ of the nation’s railroad tracks. The
North also controlled the sea with a navy which enabled them to set up a blockade and trade with
Europe for munitions and supplies. The Union had more people including immigrants from Europe
who were convinced to enlist in the Union army.
9. What disadvantages did the North have?
Northern soldiers were less prepared than Southern soldiers and had few capable higher
commanders. Lincoln had to use a trial-and-error method to sort out leaders.
Dethroning King Cotton
King Cotton, King Wheat, King Corn
Why did King Cotton fail the South?
They were depending on European intervention because cotton was so important to Great Britain.
The ruling class supported the Confederacy, but the working classes had read Uncle Tom’s Cabin
and wanted the North to win. Britain depended on the South for 75% of its cotton supplies, but
because the South exported a lot between 1857-1860 British warehouses had a surplus. By the time
they needed more cotton Lincoln had issued his Emancipation Proclamation and the “wage slaves”
of Britain were not going to allow war for the slave owners of the South. In addition, Britain
received cotton from Egypt and India. King Wheat and King Corn in the North proved to be more
important to Europe than King Cotton.
The Decisiveness of Diplomacy
Know: Trent, Alabama
What tensions arose with Great Britain during the Civil War?
A Union warship stopped a British mail steamer, the Trent, in 1861 and removed 2 Confederate
diplomats heading to Europe. The British were angry and the London Foreign Office prepared an
ultimatum demanding surrender of the prisoners and an apology. Lincoln released them. In
addition, Britain was building Confederate commerce-raiders (specifically the Alabama). The
British got away with it because they were picked up and the guns loaded elsewhere. Britain was
seen as the chief naval base of the Confederacy. The Alabama captured over 60 vessels before it
was destroyed by a Union cruiser in 1864.
Foreign Flare-Ups
Laird Rams, Napoleon III, Maximilian
12. What other circumstances led to serious conflict with Great Britain during the Civil War?
In 1863, the Laird rams-2 Confederate warships being built in the shipyard of John Laird in Great
Britain had iron rams and would easily destroy wooden cruisers. If they had been delivered they
would have sunk blockading ships and the North would have retaliated by invading Canada and war
with Britain would have erupted. The London Government bought the ships for the British Navy
and in 1872 paid Americans $15.5 million for damage caused by the Alabama. Some Americans
invaded Canada anyway, and the British Parliament established the Dominion of Canada in 1867.
13. What circumstances led to conflict with France during the Civil War?
Napoleon III sent a French army to occupy Mexico City in 1863 and in 1864 he installed the
Austrian archduke Maximilian as emperor of Mexico. Both were violations of the Monroe
Doctrine. When the war was over in 1865, Seward was prepared to march South and fight off
Napoleon but he withdrew in 1867.
President Davis Versus President Lincoln
Jefferson Davis, States Rights, Abraham Lincoln
Describe the weaknesses of the Confederate government and the strengths of the
Union government?
Confederate government’s constitution could not logically deny future secession. The gov’t was
based on states’ rights so “national” unity was impossible. Many state troops wouldn’t serve
outside of their state borders. The Union government was long-established, financially stable and
recognized abroad. Lincoln was good at interpreting and leading public opinion and demonstrated
charitableness toward the south
Limitations on Wartime Liberties
Habeas Corpus
Give examples of constitutionally questionable actions taken by Lincoln. Why did he
act with arbitrary power?
He proclaimed a blockade without Congress’ approval, he increased the size of the Federal army
(something only congress can do), he directed the Treasury to advance $2 million for military
purposes and he suspended the writ of habeus corpus (requires person under arrest to be brought
before a judge) so that anti-unionists might be arrested. He acted this way initially because
Congress was not in session, but also because he knew that when the war was over he would hand
the power back.
Volunteers and Draftees: North and South
Three-hundred-dollar-men, bounty jumpers
Was the Civil War "a rich man's war but a poor man's fight?" Explain.
In 1863, Congress passed a federal conscription law for the first time and it was grossly unfair.
Rich boys could have substitutes go in their place or they could purchase an exemption by paying
$300. Conscription often ended in riots. They also combed the British Isles and western Europe
and found poor immigrants and induced them to enlist. Many of these men deserted. The
Confederacy used conscription as early as April 1862 and a rich man could also hire a substitute or
purchase exemption. Slaveowners could also claim exemption.
The Economic Stresses of War
Income Tax, Morrill Tariff Act, Greenbacks, National Banking Act, inflation
What was the effect of paper money on both North and South?
Greenbacks fluctuated with the fortunes of Union arms. The holders of the notes were indirectly
taxed as the value of the currency slowly withered in their hands. In the South, large issues of
Confederate bonds were sold at home and abroad and the Confederate government was forced to
print blue-backed paper money. Runaaway inflation occurred as they printed notes with no real
backing. The war inflicted a 9,000 percent inflation rate on the Confederacy and an 80 percent rate
on the Union.
Income Tax-pay a percentage of taxes based on how much money you make.
Morrill Tariff Act-increased duties 5-10 percent, boosting them to a moderate level
Greenbacks-paper money
National Banking Act-Launched as a stimulant to the sale of government bonds, it was also
designed to establish a standard bank-note currency. Banks that joined could issue sound paper
money. This was the first significant step taken toward a unified banking system since 1836 when
the BUS was killed by Andrew Jackson.
The North's Economic Boom
Know: "Shoddy" Wool, Elizabeth Blackwell, Clara Barton, Dorthea Dix
Explain why the Civil War led to economic boom times in the North?
New factories boomed because of new protective tariffs and businesspeople became wealthy. The
Civil War bred a millionair class for the first time. Unscrupulous manufacturers sold cardboard
shoes and poor uniforms made of “shoddy wool” instead of virgin wool. Newly invented
machinery allowed the North to expand economically as well. The sewing machine allowed for
faster uniforms and also introduced sizes that were used in garments. Mechanical reapers allowed
thousands of farm boys to go to the army and fed them their rations. They sold grain abroad which
allowed profits to buy munitions and supplies. The petroleum industry was introduced and people
found gold in 1862. Women often took the jobs of men when they went to war and also stepped up
to be nurses and soldiers.
A Crushed Cotton Kingdom
Give evidence to prove that the war was economically devastating to the South.
The south went from 30 percent of the national wealth to 12 percent by war’s end. Before the
war average income was 2/3 that of Northerners. After the war it was 2/5. Transportation
collapsed, window weights were melted into bullets. The south had little remaining at the end of
the war other than ruins and memories.