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Balm of Gilead
Also called: Black Salve
Note: No claims can be legally made about Balm of Gilead. The U.S. FDA
requires, by force and intimidation, anyone associated with natural healing to
warn people...
The information herein has not been evaluated or approved
by the F.D.A., the A.M.A., or any other 3-lettered federal,
state, or local agency. Therefore, if you are ill, have any
disease, are pregnant, or just improving your health, we are
forced to warn you to seek the “advice” of a medical doctor.
Because of the current lack of health freedom in America it is
legal for them to kill you but not legal for anyone else who
truly wants to help you learn or equip you to help your body
heal itself, the way the Creator intended from the beginning.
You hereby agree to take full responsibility for yourself, your
health and release, indemnify and hold harmless,, its agent(s) and its supplier.
Many people have been unscrupulous and misused the
information we received from above and the subsequent
mixture of natural ingredients to mislead the public and sell
them inferior products that have made people sick and even
worse. Therefore, we warn you that this is the ONLY site
where you will find the ORIGINAL product.
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This instructional document has been prepared as a narration of what users have reported to be
the most effective way to use Balm of Gilead as a folk remedy, and what some have reported as
results. It is not intended as a report of scientific studies, and it is not offered as endorsed by the
AMA or the FDA. It is intended to be an honest report of what is known for those who are
interested. What is reported here is the result of informal trial and error on the part of many nonprofessional folks interested in and determined to find healing themselves or for their animals.
What follows has been gleaned from letters with users over 30 years, which means it is based on
experience but is by no means complete.
Historical Background
In 1890 Tom McCreary was diagnosed as having incurable, cancerous tumors on his neck by
physicians. They refused to operate, not wanting to risk injury to his jugular vein. Tom paid
careful attention to a repeated dream that came to him about how to make a medicine to cure
himself after obtaining the elements and herbs for the medicine from some gypsies traveling
through Texas, he mixed up a Balm of Gilead and applied it to his tumors.
In less than a month, Tom was healed and went on to live another 70 years. Over his lifetime, he
was a preacher, rancher, doctor, tanner, and sheriff under Judge Parker, living with a strength
that became legendary. Tom kept the formula for the Balm of Gilead to himself, sharing it only
with a friend. After Tom's death, his son Howard, and grandson Mickey, sought out the old friend
who taught them how to make the salve.
Howard McCreary, attempting to make the Balm of Gilead available to everyone, started a
company in the 1960's and had some tests done on "Balm of Gilead" in the early 70's, at the
University of Colorado to learn more about it. The Veterinarian College at Ft. Collins also tested
Balm of Gilead and discovered that it killed all known viruses on contact. They found with one
application, sarcomatoid on horses (similar to skin cancer) had an 80% cure, and with two
applications 100% cure was achieved.
For many years, Balm of Gilead has been used to cure eye cancer and early viral diseases in
cattle, sarcomatoid on horses, and abnormal tissue growths in all kinds of pets.. In addition,
ranchers, homesteaders, and folks of the rodeo circuits used it for external cancers, tumors and
growths on themselves. Some successfully treated gangrene and even leprosy.
Today, people are using Balm of Gilead for moles, skin malignancies, warts, liver detox, diabetes,
internal malignancies, herpes, chronic fatigue syndrome, viral diseases, tumors, yeast and fungal
infections, allergies, parasites, lupus, gum disease, Aids related symptoms, and more.
Tom's son, Howard McCreary was the first to use Balm of Gilead internally. In the 1960's he was
diagnosed as having stomach cancer. After checking himself into the hospital and without telling
his doctors, he took an oral dose of Balm of Gilead the night before his scheduled surgery. The
next morning they postponed his surgery because he was running a fever that continued for
several days. On the 5th day Howard said he passed a large quantity of black, vile smelling feces
apparently the growth itself. When the doctors took x-rays, they discovered that the cancerous
growth was gone. Howard went on to live another 25 years, without recurring stomach cancer.
He later used Balm of Gilead to cure himself of bone cancer in the 1980's.
During the course of his life, Howard provided Balm of Gilead to thousands of people. However,
in his seventies, Howard was caught in a blizzard and later died of pneumonia.
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Balm of Gilead has been used successfully by tribal people and is now being used by the modem
people of today. It has been used for moles, skin malignancies, wart, liver detox, diabetes,
internal malignancies, herpes, chronic fatigue syndrome, viral diseases, yeast and fungal
infections, tumors, allergies, parasites, lupus, gum disease, Aids and much more. There are no
side effects because it is herbal.
Balm of Gilead is somewhat acidic having a pH like vinegar. It is best to use wood or plastic
utensils when handling Balm of Gilead.
Using a non-metal utensil, lift out enough Balm of Gilead to make a ball HALF the size of a dried
pea or the size of a lentil. Make sure you know how big dried pea or lentil is, even if you need to
get one! Pack the half pea dose into a gelatin capsule or simply place it on the back of your
tongue and swallow it with a small mouthful of water after you have eaten a meal! Take this,
dose twice a day for 20 days and always on a full stomach. It will make you nauseated if you
take on an empty stomach and it will make your stomach burn... Take with food!!
After the first 20 days, during which Balm of Gilead has built a great deal of zinc into your
system, it is prudent to take a complete 5 day break from the Balm of Gilead. During these 5
days you may wish to double your doses of vitamins and minerals, as this will help balance the
system. Balm of Gilead can be taken. as directed above in 20 day cycles with a 5 day break for a
total of four (4) cycles.
NOTE: Avoid caffeine and alcohol, take extra Vitamin C, and drink pure water. In addition eat
plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, organic if possible. This helps in the healing and rebuilding of
your health!!!
Internal cancers of all known body regions have dissolved under the onslaught of Balm of Gilead.
Balm of Gilead hunts down and kills abnormal tissue wherever it is.
Colon cancer and uterine cancer have been eliminated with not only the internal dosing described
above, but by also using enemas or douches of one quart water to which was added one- (1) pea
size volume of Balm of Gilead.
Breast cancer has completely disappeared with internal and external applications.
Emphysema, Aids, and Viruses also seem to come under subjection to Balm of Gilead.
NOTE: If you are in the process of Chemotherapy or Radiation Treatment do not use Balm of
Gilead at the same time-The Chemical action that occurs could clash with other substances.
NOTE: Brain Cancer should be monitored by a professional, because the swelling that will occur,
it may have to be relieved by a surgical hole being place in the skull to relieve the pressure.
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Everyone is different, so proceed cautious . This salve will cause a burning sensation if there is
cancer present. Begin with a small amount of slave on ONE cancer, and follow the directions
below. DO NOT OVER DO IT! Some hardy souls are able to remove several cancers at once.
Others cannot. You will want to learn your own tolerance for this burning sensation, as well as
how quick you body is able to remove the toxins which will be released, so begin slowly.
Once you have established what is comfortable for you, place a liberal amount of salve on the
affected area. Cover with a bandage and leave alone for 24 hours. If cancer is present, you feel a
burning sensation, and a white, scab will begin to form.
DO NOT REAPPLY AFTER THE 24 HOURS ARE UP. If there. is no activity there, then there
should be no significant effect. If the pain is too severe, then only leave on for as long as you can
tolerate, up to at least 5 hours. Wash the place and cover with Vaseline or Vitamin E ointment
and then cover with a bandage.
Remove the bandage at the end of the time and rinse thoroughly with hydrogen peroxide on a
cotton ball or Q-tip. After cleaning, cover well with a softening salve (Myrrh, Golden Seal Salve.
Vitamin E ointment, olive oil, Castor Oil, Nature's Way Black ointment, etc).
Twice a day (morning and evening) clean the edges to keep them loose and free of pus. Do not
let a hard scab form. Five to seven days should show a core loosening and it should come out in
7 to 10 days. Do not try to pull it out or force it in any way. The feelers and tentacles must come
out too.
Swelling will most likely occur and the cancer will be painful and/or itch. This is the normal
reaction. The growth will change color after the first day, and may even become "dead white".
There will sometimes be pus as the body ejects the mass; just keep it clean. Keep changing the
bandage and cleaning the area until it is healed.
More than two applications do not seem to be necessary for external growths. More applications
cause increased pain and longer healing time.
If you feel that you should apply another layer of Balm of Gilead, that is ok, just follow the above
What to expect during the first 20 days.
Lymphomas, such as appear on the neck or arm, may change -from the texture of a hard lump,
to rather soft, pliable, even squishy consistency. During the first 20 days, you may continuously
run a low fever. Sweat, urine and feces may take on an offensive odor and be darker than usual.
At the 20-day mark, it is wise to have competent physician take biopsy, or test your cancer for
malignancy. For many, but not all people, the test reveals that the cancerous tissue is dead but
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Balm of Gilead is not gentle. But neither is surgery. In many reported cases, it is a relentless
substance, which hunts down and penetrates all abnormal tissue. It cannot be stressed enough
that Balm of Gilead is very potent. Do not assume that if a little is works more will be better. Use
the smallest dose possible and increase only if necessary. pain, swelling, and sometimes fever is
associated during its use. Animals seem to mind it less that people.
In almost all reported cases, Balm of Gilead completely eliminates abnormal tissue and stimulates
regrowth of either healthy or scar tissue.
More than half the people who have used Balm of Gilead have reported that they ended up with
a moderate or heavy scar when used externally on their skin. If scarring cannot be tolerated on
the face or elsewhere, consider Vitamin E ointment or Castor oil or one of the salves mentioned
After the Core Comes Out
After the core comes out, you will have a hole in your flesh and you may even see muscle, but it
usually doesn't bleed. This normal.
Keep it clean, soft and bandaged until the core area is filled in and new skin is formed. Colloidal
Silver can also be used before you put a new bandage on. This will keep any infection from
Ingredients: Zinc Chloride, Galangal Root Powder, Blood Root Powder, and Distilled Water.
Balm of Gilead:
Reproduces protein enzymes in system
Strengthens enzyme structure
Normalizes differentiated cells
Is responsible for release of negative cells from body by switching electrical frequency
Oxygenates all cells
Stimulates Immune system, i.e. T cells
Reorganizes bio-electrical system
Enhances oxygen delivery to brain
Restores blood parameters to normal
Reduces excess fluid in heart, feet, ankles, wrists and lungs
Actively restores elimination through skin, urine and feces
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Stimulates positive systemic nutrients in system
Restores equilibrium (homeostasis) to body tissues and fluids
Preventative, strongest of all antioxidants
Transdermal poultice effect immediate, within five seconds
Decreases all malignancies promptly
Works on twelve hour cycle, most effective when taken once daily in the morning
Reduces mycosis in system
Ancient American Indian formula that eliminates degenerative diseases of modem
civilization. (pollution of food, air and water)
Also works on killing the venom of Brown Recluse Spider bites. Use as directed for skin
Alleviates the symptoms of the flu and common cold.
Melanoma cancer
I am F. Turner and was diagnosed with lymphoma cancer all over my body in 1997. Shortly
afterwards, my daughter in law also was diagnosed with melanoma cancer which started as a
wart on her knee. As my son was operating a health food store for us. Heidi figured there was
something there for the wart.
My son Tao told her the only thing he had was some Balm of Gilead a man sold him. for cancer
and other skin conditions. She took it home and applied it to the knee and the next day she had
a rash that went up her leg and criss-crossed her body to the breast. She got scared and went to
see the Doctor and he told her after the tests were done, that she had melanoma cancer and
need to start chemo. She said no, and went home and took the salve internally and got well.
Meanwhile my wife talks to our son and tells him that I, Fred Turner, have cancer very bad.
When she learns about him having the Balm of Gilead, she tells him to bring it immediately. It
was applied to my neck once a week for 2 months for lymphoma cancer. My wife took care of
cleaning and doctoring it daily for me. It drained and drained but I was fine. Yes, it had a lot of
pain. At the end of 2 months I had a sore place about the size of a hardball. My wife decided to
try and pull it out. She said it drained a cup of pus out first but finally it turned loose and out
came all the feelers and the core. Needless to say I had a huge hole there. But I was well. The
Doctors said 3 to 6 months and I would be dead. We did have to purchase another jar of salve to
finish the job. At the end of 6 months I went Colorado and went snow skiing instead of to the
cemetery. Today there are no holes, and I am fine. Fred Turner, Odessa Texas
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Squamous Cell Carcinoma
In August of 2002, 1 was diagnosed with. Squamous Cell Carcinoma. I had surgery in September
2002 to remove it however the surgery did not remove all of it, so I had to start treating it with
Efudex, (a cream that destroys skin cells) after the first treatment I learned that it had not
worked so I used the Efudex again about this time I learned about Balm of Gilead I read the
testimonials and heard the success stories but I am just like everyone else when it comes to this
type of thing I found it hard to believe that curing my cancer could be this easy. After about 4
weeks, I decided why not what did I have to lose? I took Balm of Gilead internally for the full 20day cycle, took the 5-day break and took it for another 20-day cycle. Amazingly, when I went to
my doctor for a colonoscopy and biopsy - the colonoscopy showed that there wasn't any cancer
left to biopsy! ! 1.
I also had a melanoma on my arm that I have treated externally with the Balm of Gilead this too
is now gone. Although I was unable to get people involved in the treatment of my Squamous cell
cancer (due to it's location) I did let several people watch the progress of the removal of the
melanoma Even the skeptics couldn't deny what they saw with their own eyes. Balm of Gilead
successfully treated my cancer - and I recommend it to anyone who is open enough to believe
that a cure for cancer does exist we just need to know where to look. .my heart and prayers are
with each of you as you face your battle God Bless & keep the faith.
Prostate cancer
My name is Eric, I am 17 yrs, old, was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2002. Doctors wanted
to start chemo and radiation on me but my mom bought the salve and I started to take it. After
three weeks I went back to the Doctors and the cancer was dormant.
On the following page you will find pictures from a friend who had a serious and FAST moving
“flesh-eating” bacteria. The first picture is what his leg looked like before using Balm of Gilead.
The medicine men wanted to amputate his entire leg up to the hip. The second picture is what
his leg looked like after using the Balm of Gilead for little over a week.
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This is a series of photos from a friend who used Balm of Gilead on skin cancer near the eye. Each
photo is time-stamped.
This friend began with a tumor shown by the green circle, mostly under the skin. The picture on the right is
within days of beginning the Balm of Gilead. Bottom left is a few days later and bottom right is after about
8 days. The tumor eventually disappeared completely.
Photos of a documented case of neck cancer, treated 8 years unsuccessfully with "orthodox" medicine, then
effectively with a bloodroot salve slightly different than our older formula.
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The first part of a review from the Eclectic Medicine International (EMI) staff at
"Escharotic salves and pastes represent a botanical approach to cancer treatment. They are mostly applied
topically, but can also be taken internally. The efficacy of a well-prepared cancer salve is 100%. This
doesn't mean that it is the appropriate treatment for all cancers, but when applied, it always works. What is
this medication, and what does it do?..."
"BOTANICAL SURGERY" This treatment is a two-salve modality. It reportedly only reacts in the
presence of cancerous tissue, but my experience suggests it works on any abnormal or diseased tissue,
though not on healthy tissue. Contact us for more info.
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Black Salve Wrist Melanoma Photos
This is what my skin looked like
before I treated myself with the
Black Salve.
A few days after applying the Black Salve:
It appeared that the cancer cells had come
to the surface and that I would be done
with my treatment within a week or two.
Dead tumor coming out from skin.
Look closely... white dots are tentacles
that weave thru one's skin around
tendons, blood vessels and bone. Note
at this time "tentacles" are dead.
I let the skin heal back, but it does
not look healthy.
I applied more Black Salve on my wrist
because I still had cancer! The reaction
was faster and more intense than 1st time.
Applied Black Salve daily, looking for
all of the cancer to be gone. With even
one cancer cell, I would have to
continue until no sign of cancer.
As you can see, my wrist,
hand and arm are swollen,
but the cancer is being abated
The dark circle is the scab made up of
dead cancer and adjacent tissue.
The site is 2 5/8 inches in
circumference. On the side of the scab
you see the tentacles.
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Cancerous tentacles wrapped around
my tendons. The cancer was so
tenacious that I had to use Black
Salve until my bone was exposed
and my tendons were suspended like
a bridge.
This photo is approximately one week
after the cancer was eliminated. Healthy
skin tissue
was able to grow back.
The inflammation has receded and
the skin tissue is filling in. I have
checked numerous times to make
sure that all the cancer was killed.
I had an x-ray and biopsies
all tests proved negative!
The hole in my wrist has completely
healed. The scarring is minimal but there
is absolutely no cancer in my wrist or the
rest of my body.
The yellowish-white in this photo are
tendons. The white mass is petroleum
jelly surrounded by new skin tissue that
is filling in the hole in my wrist.
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