Download Detailed timeline - Germany 1919-1945

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SA- This was in practice a Nazi
army wing which could beat up
opposition and help protect their
own meetings. Making the Nazis
look strong and stable.
Assassination – Killing a political
or well-known person.
Coalitions – No party go enough
seats to work on their own so
hard to work together.
Invasion of the Ruhr this was as a period of the German Ruhr valley by France Passive resistance – The Weimar
and Belgium between 1923 and 1925 in response to the Weimar Republic's
government was not strong
failure to continue its reparation payments. The Germany government told
enough to physically remove
the words in the Ruhr to go on strike. To pay for passive resistance in the
France so decided to create a
Ruhr, the German government began the printing more money making
strike to stop anything of value
hyperinflation that destroyed the German economy in 1923 even worse.
being produced and then taken. It
also helped create sympathy for
Hyperinflation This is when money became worthless and prices were out of Germany.
control. A loaf of bread cost 100,000 million marks.
Stresemann- was chancellor then
foreign minister that helped
Germany to recover.
Reichsmarks – The currency that
became worthless during
April Dawes plan to aid Germany's economy. Germany was to be given loans
from America to help pay off reparations. This helped to reduce
hyperinflation. However, economy only helped in short term, it was built on
Locarno Treaties- Helped create peace in Europe by agreeing post war
borders and territories to stop arguments between countries. German feels
Hindenburg becomes president
Hitler sets up the SS, his personal protection squad of elite soldiers.
Germany becomes a member of the league of nations – This helps Germany
feel safer as now countries will discuss before they attack.
Aryan- Belief in a pure race of
blonde hair and blue eyes.
Hyperinflation – This is when the
value of money drops and prices
increase dramatically as a result.
Hitler wrote Mein Kampf whilst in Prison this allowed him to organise his
party’s beliefs and gained him publicity. The Nazis in their first election 52
seats won
Rentenmark – The new currency
introduced that stopped
Ludendorff – army general that
supported Hitler in the Putsch.
Kahr, Lossow - Two politicians
that promised to helped Hitler
than betrayed him.
Dawes Plan- was described as
Dancing on a volcano. As you
didn’t know what might happen
when America asks for loans back
President – The President had to
choose the chancellor and remove
the chancellor. This was the most
powerful person in Germany at
the time.
Stresemann wins the Nobel peace prize
League of Nations- An
organisation aimed at creating
peace in the world, this was the
processor of the UN.
Hitler Youth, was formed. This new re-organised Hitler Youth was aimed at
indoctrinating children, it looked modern and new. It attracted many children
and their parents.
Hitler Youth- A youth group for
children included free holidays,
hikes, many children saw it as fun.
Rearmament – Growing the army
and arms that Germany has.
Anti-Semitism- Hatred of Jews
No major events
Young Plan – Stresemann negotiations that Germany won’t have to pay as
much reparations payments each month. This would help the Germany
economy grow and get stronger.
Hitler Creates the SA. This provides unemployed people or ex-soldiers a new
purpose and structure to their life. People are given free uniforms as well. It’s
impressive and threatening at the same time as it acts like an army and beats
up communist.
June- Walther Rathenau was assassinated. He was foreign minister for
Weimar government. Shows that there was political instability which angered
people and made them want a strong leader who could sort out these
February Hitler's trial- Hitler was allowed to speak at his trial and his judge
was supportive. He was sentenced to five years but served 10 months.
Kapp Putsch – The army angry with the Weimar government tried to
overthrow the government in Berlin. At first it was successful and the
government fled Berlin. However, it failed after a few days, when large
sections of the German population followed a call by the government to join
a general strike. Most civil servants refused to cooperate. Weimar looked
weak as it was hard to deal with it. People’s attitudes towards political parties
split and were moved to the extremes e.g. Communists.
25 point programme of The Nazis - The Nazis set out their policies and ideas,
including anti-Semitism, rearmament, crushing communism, and undoing the
treaty of Versailles
Reparations were set by the Allies. The amount decided would be hard to
pay as land that was take in the treaty of Versailles had many of Germany’s
factories and coal that it could have sold. The government start to print
money to help pay of reparations and help the economy, this starts
He also called off Passive resistance to help make peace with France and
again gain time to repair the economy.
November - Munich Putsch (or Beer Hall Putsch) - Hitler and Nazi party
attempt to overthrow the Bavarian government but it fails. The leaders were
arrested and charged with treason.
Crisis Year
January – Nazi Party formed in part because of the fear of communists taking
June – Treaty of Versailles is signed. The Big three decided the terms that
Germany has to agree to. Germany was not allowed to have any input into
the treaty. Caused real anger in Germany and weakened Germany
Problems for the Weimar government
January – Spartacist Uprising – Communists revolt against the Weimar
government. They take over buildings. There is righting on the street Weimar
looks weak. Stopped by the Freikorps.
Crisis Year
Weimar Republic declared.
November - Stresemann become chancellor – Stresemann becomes
chancellor and attempts to fix Germany’s problems. He introduced a new
currency to help stop hyperinflation. This help reduce the prices in shops.
Golden Age and Recovery
Kaiser abdicates (King leaves Germany)
Key Words
Armistice – treaty that ends the
Stabbed in the Back - Belief that
Germany had been betrayed.
November Criminals - the name
given to those that ended the
Maria Luxemburg – One of the
Freikorps – returning soldiers
from WW1
Reparations – 6.6billion
Saarland, Polish Corridor, Danzig
-bits land that was taken away.
Article 231 – the clause of the
treaty that blamed Germany for
the war.
Big Three – Name for America,
Germany, and France.
Kapp – The general and leader of
the revolt.
Hitler and his Rise to
World War One ends, with Germany surrendering. Germany had no choice to
surrender as they were close to collapse.
October- Stresemann dies of a heart attack
October – The Wall Street Crash – American economy starts to fail and the
American banks start to ask for all their loans back. Germany economy
collapses as the loans were holding it up.
Great Depression – Wall Street Crash resulted in a world depression saw
many Germans face unemployment and poverty. Support for the Nazi party
increased dramatically.
The Nazis get 107 seats. This is because they were offering work and bread.
No major events
Depression- This is when
unemployment becomes very
high in Germany it was around
February – Hitler passed the Enabling Act. This gives him the power to pass
any law without the approval of the Reichstag, he bans freedom of speech,
press and association.
Chancellor- This was the leader of
the Reichstag. They had to power
to introduce laws but needed the
elected members to agree.
Dictator – This is someone who
controls every aspect of a country,
and makes all the laws in a
Consolidate - This means getting
more power and becoming a
RAD created Men had to serve at least 6 months in the RAD (Reich Labour
Service) this helped solve the problem of unemployment, and helped
construct large projects in Germany to create national pride, e.g. autobahn
Women were not expected to
work in Nazi Germany. There had
been 100,000 female teachers,
3000 female doctors. With Hitler
coming to power, many female
doctors and civil servants were
November Kristallnacht Jewish shops and synagogues were destroyed.
Following the event the Jewish population was fined for the destruction. Jews
who rented properties from Germans which were damaged were fined 1
billion Reichsmarks
December 1938
Jewish businesses completely confiscated
January 1939
New names for Jews - Sarah Israel
Reich office for Jewish Emigration established to promote emigration to
Orders sent out for Jews and Gypsies to be moved to live in guarded ghettos.
September 1939 WWII starts
Rationing introduced on clothes.
Ghettos This was a wall off part of
a town, the conditions in the
ghettos were generally brutal. The
Jews were not allowed out of the
ghetto, so they had to rely on
smuggling and the starvation
rations supplied by the Nazis: in
Warsaw this was 253 calories per
Rationing - Soap and Toilet roll
were low, dislike of Nazis grows.
No Major Events
Operation Barbarossa - 3 million German troops invaded Russia, German
advance in Russia halted by Russian winter and Russian counterattacks.
Germany started toe experience mass casualties.
Opposition: People start to go
against the Nazis. For example
Swing Youth, Edelweiss Pirates
and White Rose Group
Wannsee Conference - approved plans for the 'Final Solution'.
Final Solution - The planned
extermination of undesirables
predominantly Jews.
First bombings of Germany cities such as Dresden and Hamburg.
August – Oath of Loyalty- The army and then the civil service had to swear to
obey and protect Hitler.
Nuremburg Laws - These laws took away the rights of Jews. Jews couldn’t
marry non-Jews.
Niemoller opposed the Nazis and
set up the Confessional Church to
oppose the Reich church
Kristallnacht – Night of Broken
Glass, this was in response to a
Jew killing a Nazi abroad.
November 1938
Jewish children only allowed in Jewish schools
August- President Hindenburg Dies
Pastor Niemoller was sent to a concentration camp for 8 years.
October 1938 Jew passports require a red 'J' stamp
April – With his new powers he sets up the Gestapo (secret police)
April - Boycotts of Jewish Shops begin
Van der Lubbe – Was the
communism caught after the
May - 25,000 'un-German' books burned in an “Action against the Un-German Reichstag Fire.
Spirit”. The move was encouraged by Joseph Goebbels, Head of Propaganda.
Strength Through Joy- An
June – Hitler makes a deal with the Pope, Hitler makes an agreement with the organisation that provided
Pope who seems Hitler as someone who can destroy communism. It allows
affordable leisure activities such
Hitler to take over political power in Germany as long as he leaves the
as concerts, plays, libraries, day
Catholic Church alone.
trips and holidays. Large ships, ,
were built specifically for KdF
July – Other political parties are banned in Germany.
cruises. They rewarded workers
July – Frist concentration camp set up in Dachau
with taking them and their
July - Law for the Prevention of Hereditarily Diseased Offspring – this made it families to the movies, to parks,
the law to sterilise anyone who had a disease that could be passed onto
keep-fit clubs, hiking, sporting
children, including mental and physical disabilities.
activities, film shows and
September – The Reich Church set up.
Volkswagen – Car sold cheaply.
Strength Through Joy (Kdf) set up
People Courts Set up – Courts run by the Nazis that didn’t give people fair
Ernst Röhm – He was the leader
of the SA and was killed as Hitler
June - Night of Long Knives 150 leaders of the Storm troopers SA were
saw him and his Sa soldiers as a
executed. Many members of the SA were committed socialists and
demanded that Nazi policy embrace socialist aims. This was not a direction
the Nazis wished to follow so the SA were eliminated. This would also give
Hitler the support of the Germany army who were scared of the SA taking
their jobs.
December - Law concerning the Hitler Youth made membership of the Hitler
Youth compulsory for all boys
June 1938 Jewish doctors/dentists/lawyers unable to treat Aryan patients
Life in Nazi Germany
December – Von Papen is replaced by Von Schleicher
January - Von Papen makes deals with Hitler and von Hindenburg to get
Hitler as Chancellor and von Papen as vice because von Hindenburg and von
Papen think they will then be able to control him.
December elections Nazis get 230 seats.
February Reichstag Fire- The government building is burnt down. This is
blamed on the communists and therefore Hitler gets them banned from the
government. This gives Hitler control over the Reichstag as his party is now
the biggest.
After Hitler becomes chancellor he aims to consolidate his power and become a dictator
Berlin Olympics - Anti-Semitic propaganda is suspended.
Hitler and his Rise to
November elections the Nazis get 196 seats
Key Words
May – Von Papen is made chancellor
Total War- As the war goes badly
the Nazis try to get everyone
Total War begins: Women go back to work in factories
involved in war effort. Aim to get
3 million women back to work
Warsaw Ghetto Uprising - When SS officers came to remove all the Jews from only get 1 million.
the Ghetto, Jews armed themselves and resisted, 17 Nazis were killed. The
Uprising ended with Nazis burning the whole Ghetto down with the Jews
July Bomb Plot - Colonel Von Stauffenbrug plans to try and kill Hitler.
Shows that Hitler is losing support and even the army who has swan to
protect Hitler is opposing
Hitler committed suicide
2nd May 1945 Germany surrendered ending the war in Europe