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Discussion Questions:
Act 4 Scene 1 , Scene 2, & Scene 3
The Friar’s Plan & Juliet’s Fears
Romeo & Juliet Act 4 scene 1:
1. Make an inference about Lord Capulet’s needing to have Paris marry Juliet so soon after Tybalt’s death?
2. What allusion does Paris make in these lines? Explain this allusion. Why would Shakespeare have Paris make
this allusion?
3. Describe Juliet’s conversation with Paris. What does Paris think will happen?
4. There are many instances of dramatic irony in lines 1 to 43. All instances relate to Paris’s lack of knowledge
about Juliet’s marriage to Romeo. The following chart indicates the discrepancies between Paris’s beliefs and the
truth. Illustrate your understanding of dramatic irony by completing the following chart, indicating what the
audience knows and what Paris does not:
The Apparent Situation
What the Audience Knows
(What appears to be true.)
(The reality of the situation.)
Friar Lawrence to Paris: “On Thursday sir? The time is
very short.” (line 1)
Paris believes that Juliet “weeps for Tybalt’s death.”
(line 6)
Paris calls Juliet “my lady and my wife” (line 18)
Paris to Juliet and the Friar: “God shield I should
disturb devotion” (line 41)
5. Based on what we know about Juliet, describe what she will do if Friar Lawrence refuses to help her? *List three
things she would rather do than marry him.
6. What is the plan the Friar proposes to Juliet? Create a bulleted list of what is “supposed” to happen.
7. Where have we previously heard mention of this “potion”? What is this potion capable of doing?
8. What are potential problems with this plan?
9. What ulterior motives does the Friar have in suggesting this plan?
10. What kind of moral dilemma or internal conflict does this plan cause for Friar Lawrence?
Romeo & Juliet Act 4 scene 2:
11. Up to this point in the play, Juliet hasn’t actually lied to her father. However, she deliberately deceives him now.
What line or lines illustrate her deception..
12. There is more dramatic irony in this scene. Give one example and explain the irony.
13. What is the dramatic purpose of Scene 2? Why is the scene necessary to the plot, theme, and characterizations?
14. How does Juliet’s willingness to marry Paris cause Lord Capulet to change the wedding plans?
15. What new problem(s) does this cause for Friar Lawrence’s plan for Juliet?
Romeo & Juliet Act 4 scene 3:
16. Juliet’s soliloquy in Scene 3 reveals her fears. What is she afraid of? Write a list of Juliet’s fears concerning the
potion and Friar Lawrence’s plan:
17. Do you share her fears? If you were Juliet, what would you be most fearful of if you were the one having to go
through with this plan? Why?
18. What does it say about Juliet that she goes through with the plan despite her fears?
19. Many readers wonder why Juliet doesn’t go to Mantua with Romeo once he is banished or join him there after
she discovers she has to marry Paris. What reasons can you give to explain the fact that she doesn’t leave?
Would the reasons be the same today, somewhat similar, or quite different? Explain.
20. Choose ONE of the following statements and finish it in a minimum of five (5) sentences:
• I believe that Juliet has/hasn’t changed significantly since the beginning of the play because….
• If I were Juliet, I would/wouldn’t consider going through with the plan because…