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SECTION 1: SPELLING LIST .................................................................................................... 2
SECTION 2: SPELLING CONCEPTS .......................................................................................... 3
SECTION 3: SEARCHING FOR MEANING ................................................................................. 6
CHAPTER 2: NOUNS............................................................................................................. 10
SECTION 1: TYPES OF NOUNS .............................................................................................. 10
SECTION 2: NOUNS AS SUBJECTS ........................................................................................ 12
SECTION 3: NOUNS AS DIRECT OBJECTS ............................................................................. 15
SECTION 4: NOUNS AS PREDICATE NOMINATIVES ............................................................... 17
SECTION 5: INDIRECT OBJECTS ........................................................................................... 19
SECTION 6: APPOSITIVES, GERUNDS, AND INFINITIVES ....................................................... 21
CHAPTER 3: PRONOUNS....................................................................................................... 25
SECTION 1: PRONOUNS DEFINED ......................................................................................... 25
SECTION 2: PRONOUNS MUST AGREE .................................................................................. 27
SECTION 3: THE CASE OF PRONOUNS .................................................................................. 30
“When you go through your day expressing kindness and courtesy to
all you meet, you leave behind a feeling of warmth and good cheer,
and you help alleviate the burdens everyone is struggling with."
Brian Tracy
Copyright 2002 Starline Press, Inc.
English 703 unit test
S.5.21.11.IIE.P.21. 5. 11
English 703
1. To Understand the Meaning and Importance of Being Considerate
2. To Apply Spelling Concepts:
a. Latin Roots: manu, anim, arbitr, art, cap, capt
b. Forming the Plural of Nouns
3. To Understand and Use Nouns
4. To Understand and Use Pronouns
In this unit, you will learn about the character quality of being considerate. Being
considerate means being observant of the feelings of others. It means being less
concerned with yourself and more concerned with others and their needs.
Directions: Look up the origin of the word considerate. List some other
words that come from the same origin.
Section 1: Spelling List
The following words will be your spelling words for this unit. These words illustrate
the spelling concepts covered in this chapter. You will be reminded to study your
words in Chapters 2 and 3 to prepare you for the test at the end of the unit.
Copyright 2002 Starline Press, Inc.
English 703 unit test
S.5.21.11.IIE.P.21. 5. 11
Section 2: Spelling Concepts
1. The following roots of words come from Latin. You need to learn the
meaning of the root because it at least partly determines the meaning of the
whole word.
manu – make
anim – life, mind
arbitr – to judge, consider
art – craft, skill
cap, capt – to take
Directions: Write each word under the correct heading.
1. _______________
3. _______________
5. _______________
2. _______________
4. _______________
6. _______________
7. _______________
cap, capt
8. ______________
10. ______________
9. ______________
11. ______________
12. ______________
Little deeds of kindness, little words of love,
help to make earth happy, like the Heaven
Julia Fletcher Carney
Copyright 2002 Starline Press, Inc.
English 703 unit test
S.5.21.11.IIE.P.21. 5. 11
Forming the Plurals of Nouns
a. Most nouns form the plural by adding –s to the end of the
Directions: List the words that form the plural by adding –s.
1. _______________
3. _______________
2. _______________
4. _______________
b. If a word ends in –s, –z, –x, –ch, or –sh, the plural is formed by
adding –es.
Directions: List the words that form the plural by adding –es.
5. _______________
6. _______________
7. _______________
c. If a word ends in –y preceded by a vowel, the plural is formed
by adding –s.
Directions: List the words that end in –y preceded by a vowel.
8. _______________
9. _______________
Copyright 2002 Starline Press, Inc.
English 703 unit test
S.5.21.11.IIE.P.21. 5. 11
d. If a word ends in –y preceded by a consonant, the plural is
formed by changing the y to I and adding –es.
Directions: List the words that end in –y preceded by a consonant.
10. _______________
11. _______________
e. If a word ends in –f or –fe, the plural is often formed by
changing the –f or –fe to –ves.
Directions: List the words that end in –f or –fe and form plural by changing the –f
or –fe to –ves.
12. _______________
13. _______________
Score Sections 1 and 2 now. Teacher’s initials: __________
“Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in
his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to
your fellow man. Even if it's a little thing, do something for those
who need help, something for which you get no pay but the privilege
of doing it. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own.
Your brothers are here too.”
Albert Schweitzer
Copyright 2002 Starline Press, Inc.
English 703 unit test
S.5.21.11.IIE.P.21. 5. 11
Section 3: Searching for Meaning
Directions: Look up each spelling word. Remember to put the definition in
your own words, and be sure you understand the definition. Notice how the
meaning of the roots influences the meanings of the words.
1. manual
2. manufacture____________________________________________________
3. animal
4. animated ______________________________________________________
5. arbiter
6. arbitration ______________________________________________________
7. arbitrary ______________________________________________________
8. artisan
9. artistic
10. capture ______________________________________________________
11. captor
12. captive ______________________________________________________
13. computers_____________________________________________________
14. continents_____________________________________________________
15. judges
16. concepts ______________________________________________________
17. ditches ______________________________________________________
18. foxes
19. quizzes ______________________________________________________
20. buoys
Copyright 2002 Starline Press, Inc.
English 703 unit test
S.5.21.11.IIE.P.21. 5. 11
21. journeys _____________________________________________________
22. mysteries_____________________________________________________
23. countries_____________________________________________________
24. knives
25. shelves _____________________________________________________
Directions: Look up and record the dictionary meaning of the word
Score Section 3 now. Teacher’s initials: __________
To be considerate, you have to go
against much of what the world teaches,
such as ―Look out for Number One.‖ To
be considerate, you have to be willing to
look out for other people instead of
Copyright 2002 Starline Press, Inc.
English 703 unit test
S.5.21.11.IIE.P.21. 5. 11
Directions: Underline the correct spelling of each word.
10. capture
11. captive
12. captor
13. computers
14. continentes
15. judges
16. consepts
17. ditchs
18. foxez
19. quizes
20. buoyies
Copyright 2002 Starline Press, Inc.
English 703 unit test
S.5.21.11.IIE.P.21. 5. 11
Directions: Use each spelling word in a sentence.
21. journeys
22. mysteries _____________________________________________________
23. countries _____________________________________________________
24. knives
25. shelves
Directions: Define the roots learned in this chapter.
26. manu
27. anim
28. arbitr
29. art
30. cap, capt ___________________________________
Directions: Read the following situation, and write a considerate response.
You are planning to read a book this rainy Saturday morning. Your younger brother
is doing a difficult project in science, which happens to be one of your best subjects.
He is having trouble and needs help.
Score Chapter 1 Review now. Teacher’s initials: __________
Copyright 2002 Starline Press, Inc.
English 703 unit test
S.5.21.11.IIE.P.21. 5. 11
Chapter 2: Nouns
Section 1: Types of Nouns
1. A noun is a word that names a person, place, thing, or idea.
Examples of nouns:
Person: Sharon, chef, mother, coach, student
Place: yard, Chicago, home, China
Thing: lawnmower, paper, note, cup
Idea: devotion, loyalty, love, infatuation
2. A collective noun is a singular noun that names a group.
Examples of collective nouns: team, group, covey, herd, orchestra
3. A compound noun is two or more words that are used as a single noun.
Examples of compound nouns: Mt. Zion, birdhouse, mother-in-law
4. A common noun does not name a particular person, place, thing, or idea.
Examples of common nouns: avenue, county, uncle
5. A proper noun names a particular person, place, thing, or idea.
Examples of proper nouns: Boone Avenue, Clark County, Uncle Joe
Copyright 2002 Starline Press, Inc.
English 703 unit test
S.5.21.11.IIE.P.21. 5. 11
Directions: Name a common noun for each category.
1. person
2. place
3. thing
4. idea
Directions: Now replace each common noun with a proper noun.
1. person
2. place
3. thing
4. idea
Directions: Write sentences as directed.
1. with a collective noun as the subject
2. with a compound noun as the subject
3. with a proper noun as the subject
Score Section 1 now. Teacher’s initials: __________
Copyright 2002 Starline Press, Inc.
English 703 unit test
S.5.21.11.IIE.P.21. 5. 11
Section 2: Nouns as Subjects
The subject of a sentence will be a noun or a pronoun. (More on pronouns later.)
You have learned that to find the subject of a sentence, first find the verb. Then,
ask who or what performed the action of the verb.
Paul drove the truck.
The verb in this sentence is drove. Ask “Who drove?” and you will discover that
Paul is the subject of this sentence. Now you need to learn some specific rules
about subjects.
The subject and verb must have agreement in number. That is, a singular
subject must have a singular verb, and a plural subject must have a plural
The cat is on the roof. (Singular subject and verb)
The cats are on the roof. (Plural subject and verb)
Cities, countries, organizations, works of art, and literary works are
considered singular even if they appear to be plural.
The Encyclopedia Britannica is my favorite reference book.
Sioux Falls was a great place to visit.
Tea Leaves is a wonderful shop.
Collective nouns can be singular if the group is thought of as a unit and
can be plural if the group is thought of separately.
The orchestra has finished its performance. (Singular)
The children were taking turns on the swings. (Plural)
Nouns that name amounts can also be singular if thought of as a unit
and plural if thought of separately.
Three-fourths of the students were finished. (Plural)
Three-fourths of my money is gone. (Singular)
Copyright 2002 Starline Press, Inc.
English 703 unit test
S.5.21.11.IIE.P.21. 5. 11
If the subject and verb are separated by a phrase, or if the sentence
asks a question, you must be careful to locate the subject and make
sure the verb agrees with it.
The last of the cups has been broken. (Singular)
The names of the band were announced. (Plural)
Here is the list of names. (Singular)
Where are the dogs? (Plural)
Compound subjects joined by the word and usually require a plural verb
unless the compound noun is considered as a unit or is only one
My mom and dad are going to a party. (Plural)
Our teacher and coach is Mrs. Freitag. (Singular)
Macaroni and cheese is Alyssa‟s favorite food. (Singular)
When compound subjects are joined by or, nor, either . . . or, or
neither . . . nor, the verb agrees with the subject nearer the verb.
Neither Al nor his brothers were at home. (Plural)
Neither Al nor his brother was at home. (Singular)
"Our job is not to straighten
each other out, But to help
each other up."
Neva Cole
Copyright 2002 Starline Press, Inc.
English 703 unit test
S.5.21.11.IIE.P.21. 5. 11
Directions: Underline the correct verb in each sentence.
1. Don and Jean (like, likes) to get up early.
2. One-half of the cake (has been eaten, have been eaten).
3. Neither you nor I (knows, know) the answer to that problem.
4. Either Kendra or her aunts (cook, cooks) at Christmas.
5. The leaves from the oak tree (have fallen, has fallen).
6. Forty dollars (was needed, were needed) for the teacher‟s gift.
7. Ham and eggs (are, is) my favorite breakfast.
8. No news (are, is) good news.
9. Cumberland Falls (is visited, are visited) by many tourists in the summer.
10. The band (have finished, has finished) practice.
Directions: Write sentences as directed. Make sure the subject and verb
1. with a collective noun as the subject
2. with a compound subject
3. with a place as the subject
4. with an amount as the subject
Score Section 2 now. Teacher’s initials: __________
Copyright 2002 Starline Press, Inc.
English 703 unit test
S.5.21.11.IIE.P.21. 5. 11
Section 3: Nouns as Direct Objects
As you learned in the chapter about sentences, some sentences need words to
complete them. Another way to use a noun is as a direct object. A direct object is
a noun or pronoun that comes after an action verb and receives the action of the
verb. It answers the question whom or what after the verb.
Karen bought a van. (Van answers the question what did she buy.)
I see Tony. (Tony answers the question whom did I see.)
Direct objects can be singular or compound.
I fixed breakfast. (singular)
I fixed pancakes and syrup. (compound)
Direct objects will not be in prepositional phrases.
We ate at the restaurant. (The noun in the predicate is restaurant,
which is the object of the preposition at and does not answer the
question whom or what after the verb.)
We ate dinner at the restaurant. („Dinner‟ answers the question what
after the verb and is the direct object.)
Remember that there must be an action verb in order for there to be a direct
object. If there is no action verb, there will be no direct object.
Charles is the captain. (Captain is a noun but is not used as a direct
object because the verb is is not an action verb.)
We like the captain. (Captain is the direct object answering the
question whom.)
Questions can have direct objects, even though the order of the sentence is
different. Follow the same procedure to locate the direct object.
Have you taken the test? („Test‟ is the direct object answering the
question what.)
Copyright 2002 Starline Press, Inc.
English 703 unit test
S.5.21.11.IIE.P.21. 5. 11
Directions: Underline the verb(s) in each sentence. Circle the direct object(s).
Watch for compound objects. Not every sentence will have a direct object. Do
not be confused by objects of prepositions.
1. Terry has a dog, a cat, and ten fish.
2. Oliver sat at the table and wrote the story.
3. I am not angry with you.
4. We have three rooms to clean today.
5. They are planning three field trips and a class party.
6. Ross introduced the new assistant to the principal.
7. We all want tacos for lunch.
8. Have you seen the new movie?
9. Jerry was at the movies last night.
10. I rented that movie last week.
Directions: Write sentences as directed.
1. with a singular direct object
2. a question with a direct object
3. with a compound direct object
Score Section 3 now. Teacher’s initials: __________
Copyright 2002 Starline Press, Inc.
English 703 unit test
S.5.21.11.IIE.P.21. 5. 11
Section 4: Nouns as Predicate Nominatives
Another use for a noun is as a predicate nominative. A predicate nominative is a
noun or pronoun that follows a linking verb and renames the subject. It looks
suspiciously like a direct object, but the differences are: it follows a linking verb
instead of an action verb, and instead of receiving the action of the verb, it renames
the subject. To locate a predicate nominative, first look for a linking verb. Then,
look for a noun in the predicate that describes or renames the subject.
Jane was the teacher. (The linking verb is was. The word teacher
renames the subject Jane.)
Jane likes the teacher. (Likes is an action verb, and teacher is a
direct object answering the question whom.)
Predicate nominatives, like direct objects, will not be in prepositional phrases.
The statue was at the wall. (The word wall is the object of the
preposition. It does not describe or rename statue and is not a
predicate nominative.)
The statue was Moses. (The word Moses is a predicate nominative
because it follows the linking verb was and renames the subject.)
Predicate nominatives can be singular or compound.
Dan is a father. (singular)
Dan is a father and a policeman. (plural)
Questions and imperative sentences can also have predicate nominatives.
Is Jane the teacher? (Teacher is still the predicate nominative.)
Please be the hero in the play. (Hero is the predicate nominative,
even though the subject, you, is understood.)
Copyright 2002 Starline Press, Inc.
English 703 unit test
S.5.21.11.IIE.P.21. 5. 11
Directions: Underline each linking verb, and circle each predicate nominative.
1. Joan is the librarian for the school.
2. Is the computer a laptop?
3. Lindy is a nurse and a mother.
4. Was the book a novel?
5. You are my friend and role model.
6. Tom and Dan are boy scouts.
7. Please be my friend.
8. Steve should have been a doctor.
9. Francis will be a missionary.
10. The dessert on the table is cobbler.
Score Section 4 now. Teacher’s initials: __________
"The only true source of
politeness is
William Gilmore Simms
1806-1870, American Author
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English 703 unit test
S.5.21.11.IIE.P.21. 5. 11
Section 5: Indirect Objects
Still another use for a noun is as an indirect object. An indirect object is a noun
or pronoun that comes before the direct object and tells for whom or for what,
or to whom or to what the action of the verb is done.
To find the indirect object, first find the verb. Then, find the direct object and
look for a noun or pronoun that tells for whom or for what, or to whom or to
what the action of the verb is done. An indirect object must have a direct
object. If there is no direct object, there will be no indirect object.
Gina gave me a party. (The verb is gave. Party is the direct object. Me
is the indirect object.)
An indirect object will not be in a prepositional phrase.
Stanley showed me the cat. (The verb is showed. The direct object is cat.
The indirect object is me.)
Stanley showed the cat to me. (The word cat is still the direct object, but
the word me is an object of the preposition to.)
An indirect object can be compound.
Stanley showed Don and me the cat. (The words Don and me are both
indirect objects, joined by the conjunction and.)
"Great opportunities to help others
seldom come, but small ones surround
us every day."
Copyright 2002 Starline Press, Inc.
English 703 unit test
S.5.21.11.IIE.P.21. 5. 11
Directions: Underline the verb in each sentence. Identify the italicized word
as a direct object, predicate nominative, indirect object, or object of a
1. __________ Mother gave Tom the last of the cake.
2. __________ Mother gave Tom the last of the cake.
3. __________ Mother gave Tom the last of the cake.
4. __________ Steve came to the party.
5. __________ I have three coins in my pocket.
6. __________ I have three coins in my pocket.
7. __________ Please take Marla her assignments.
8. __________ Please take Marla her assignments.
9. __________ Ken is the president of the club,
10.__________ Ken is the president of the club.
11. _________ Will you be the leader this time?
12. _________ Paul took Chemistry and Math at the college.
13. _________ Paul took Chemistry and Math at the college.
14. _________ Please be the example of good manners for the other students.
15. _________ Please be the example of good manners for the other students.
Score Section 5 now. Teacher’s initials: __________
Copyright 2002 Starline Press, Inc.
English 703 unit test
S.5.21.11.IIE.P.21. 5. 11
Section 6: Appositives, Gerunds, and Infinitives
An appositive is a noun that follows and explains another noun. An
appositive is usually nonessential to the sentence and is set off by commas.
Jan‟s mother, a nurse, helped at the scene of the accident. (The word
nurse is an appositive and explains the noun mother.)
An appositive phrase consists of the appositive and its modifiers.
Steve, the nicest man I know, is retiring. (The appositive is man, and
the appositive phrase consists of man and the modifiers—the nicest
man I know.)
As you learned in the last unit, a gerund is a verb form used as a noun. A
gerund ends in –ing and can be used as a subject, direct object, predicate
nominative, object of a preposition, or appositive.
Swimming is her favorite sport. (subject)
Her favorite sport is swimming. (predicate nominative)
Her favorite sport, swimming, is excellent exercise. (appositive)
She likes swimming. (direct object)
I am not fond of swimming. (object of a preposition)
An infinitive is a verb form, used as a noun, where the verb is preceded by
the word to. This form can be used as a subject, direct object, predicate
nominative, or appositive.
To win the race was his dream. (subject)
His dream was to win the race. (predicate nominative)
His dream, to win the race, came true. (appositive)
He wanted to win the race. (direct object)
Copyright 2002 Starline Press, Inc.
English 703 unit test
S.5.21.11.IIE.P.21. 5. 11
Directions: Circle each appositive phrase and underline each appositive.
1. Our teacher, the graduate student, has finished grading the tests.
2. Mr. Perkins, the author, had a book signing.
3. I like Little Italy, the new restaurant.
4. Jeremy, the family‟s first child, will graduate in May.
5. We moved into the new house, the third one on the right.
Directions: Identify the italicized word as gerund or infinitive.
1. __________ They love to camp.
2. __________ They love camping.
3. __________ Bicycling is an excellent form of exercise.
4. __________ We are extremely tired of walking.
5. __________ Her first thought, to buy all new clothes, was not practical.
6. __________ To arrive at school on time is a worthy goal.
7. __________ She wants to go to college.
8. __________ Working on my paper is all I am going to do today.
9. __________ We encourage sharing in our family.
10.__________ Your job, folding the clothes, will not take long.
Score Section 6 now. Teacher’s initials: __________
Copyright 2002 Starline Press, Inc.
English 703 unit test
S.5.21.11.IIE.P.21. 5. 11
Directions: Write or type your spelling words. Study the meanings and the
meanings of the roots.
Directions: Give examples as directed.
1. A common noun
2. A proper noun
3. A collective noun
4. A compound noun
Directions: Identify how each italicized noun is used in the sentence (subject,
direct object, indirect object, predicate nominative, appositive.)
1. __________ The cups are still in the dishwasher.
2. __________ The cups, the blue ones, are still in the dishwasher.
3. __________ Our parents are the sponsors of the event.
4. __________ Jason, my older brother, will be home tomorrow.
5. __________ Daniel took Grandmother a dog.
6. __________ Daniel took Grandmother a box of cookies.
7. __________ We will expect Tom, our uncle, tonight.
Directions: Define the following.
1. appositive
2. indirect object
3. gerund
4. infinitive
Copyright 2002 Starline Press, Inc.
English 703 unit test
S.5.21.11.IIE.P.21. 5. 11
Directions: Underline the correct verb in each sentence.
1. One-half of the students (was, were) ready for the exam.
2. The last of the meat loaf (is, are) in the refrigerator.
3. Neither Tamara nor her cousins (have, has) brown hair.
4. The dance team (leave, leaves) tomorrow for the competition.
5. Ham and eggs (is, are) my favorite breakfast.
Directions: Explain this idea in a paragraph.
“You do not have to agree with a person or even like him to be considerate of him.”
Score Chapter 2 Review now. Teacher’s initials: __________
Copyright 2002 Starline Press, Inc.
English 703 unit test
S.5.21.11.IIE.P.21. 5. 11
Chapter 3: Pronouns
Section 1: Pronouns Defined
A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun. The antecedent is the
noun replaced by the pronoun.
Brian was sick last week. He had to go to the doctor. (The pronoun he
takes the place of the noun Brian, which is the antecedent.)
Types of Pronouns
o Personal Pronouns refer to people.
I me we they he she it us them my mine you
him her his hers their theirs our ours its yours
o Demonstrative pronouns point out the person or thing referred to.
o Interrogative pronouns are used in questions.
o Indefinite pronouns do not name a particular person or thing.
someone somebody something everyone everybody
no one nobody anyone anybody some both several
many few each either none all most neither one
o Relative pronouns introduce dependent clauses.
whose which that who whom
o Compound pronouns are pronouns combined with –self or –selves.
myself yourself itself himself herself
ourselves yourselves themselves
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English 703 unit test
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Directions: Underline each pronoun and identify its type. (personal,
demonstrative, interrogative, indefinite, relative, and compound)
1. __________ Joan and I have a test tomorrow.
2. __________ Stan can finish the job himself.
3. __________ Which building is the shoe store?
4. __________ We returned to the hotel at 5:00.
5. __________ John located the papers that were lost.
6. __________ Somebody ought to put the cat out.
7. __________ The book on the table is mine.
8. __________ The teacher knows us.
9. __________ Does Frances have the book that was in the library?
10.__________ Tabitha wants those people to come to the party.
11.__________ Who took the last of the spaghetti?
12.__________ The team is afraid of no one.
Some synonyms for considerate are: helpful,
attentive, philanthropic, courteous, careful, mindful,
heedful, amiable, humane, and benevolent.
Score Section 1 now. Teacher’s initials: __________
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English 703 unit test
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Section 2: Pronouns Must Agree
Not understanding pronoun agreement causes people to make many errors in
writing and speaking. You need to learn these basic rules of pronoun agreement.
A pronoun subject must agree in number (that is, be
singular or plural) with the verb of the sentence.
o The following pronouns are singular and take a singular verb.
one everyone everybody somebody someone anyone
anybody no one nobody each either neither
One of the books was returned. (One is singular and must have a
singular verb.)
o The following pronouns are plural and take a plural verb.
both few several many
Both of the books are in the bookcase. (Both is plural and must have
a plural verb.)
o The following pronouns can take a singular or plural verb
depending on the sentence.
most all some any none
All of the mud was cleaned off the shoes. (Singular)
All of the children were asleep. (Plural)
A pronoun must agree in number with its antecedent.
Gerome took his bicycle to the race. (Singular pronoun
agreeing with singular subject)
The girls took their bicycles to the race. (Plural pronoun
agreeing with plural subject)
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English 703 unit test
S.5.21.11.IIE.P.21. 5. 11
o If the antecedent is compound joined by the word and, the pronoun is
usually plural.
Sarah and Ann put their clothes in the hamper. (Their is a plural
o If the antecedent is plural and joined by or or nor, the pronoun agrees
with the antecedent nearer the verb.
Mom or her sisters are putting away their groceries. (Their is
plural and agrees with sisters.)
o If two pronouns are used in the same sentence, they must agree in
number. Singular pronouns are used to refer to the singular indefinite
pronouns, and plural pronouns are used to refer to the plural indefinite
pronouns. The agreement of some pronouns is determined by the
context of the sentence.
Either of the girls can wash her own clothes. (Either and her
are both singular.)
Both brought their clothes to the washer. (Both and their are
Some of the girls brought their music. (Plural)
Some of the shirt lost its color. (Singular)
A pronoun must agree in gender with the antecedent.
o If the antecedent is masculine, the pronoun must be masculine, and if
the antecedent is feminine, the pronoun must be feminine.
Kendra saved her snack from yesterday. (feminine)
Jack saved his dessert for tomorrow. (masculine)
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o If the antecedent is neutral in gender, that is, is neither masculine nor
feminine, it is referred to by it and its.
The table lost its leg.
o If the gender of the antecedent is not known, the masculine form or
both forms together can be used.
The doctor must bring his own supplies. OR
The doctor must bring his or her own supplies.
Directions: Underline the correct verb in each sentence.
1. One of my gloves (is, are) missing.
2. Each of the pilots (are, is) training for three years.
3. Most of the students (are, is) finished with the assignment.
4. Some of the trees (have, has) already turned yellow.
5. Both of the restaurants (are, is) closed.
6. Most of the pieces (has, have) been lost.
7. All of the drivers (was, were) late.
8. All of the work (has, have) been done.
Directions: Underline the correct pronoun in each sentence.
1. Each of the players has (their, his) own shoes.
2. Most of the hotels have (their, its) own pools.
3. All of the girls brought (her, their) own snacks.
4. Some of the band members bring (their, his) own music.
5. Stephanie lost (hers, her) trumpet.
6. The dollhouse needs (their, its) roof fixed.
7. The teacher saved (her, its) notes for the next lecture.
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8. Larry needs (its, his) shoe tied.
9. Most of the cake still has (its, their) frosting.
10. The parents all had (her, their) assignments.
Look around you, outside of the circle of your own needs
and wants. You will find there are many people who need
a little consideration today- a lot of people you can
minister to, even at your young age. You may even feel
better about yourself and forget your own problems as
you focus on the needs of others.
Score Section 2 now. Teacher’s initials: ____________
Section 3: The Case of Pronouns
You will now focus on using personal pronouns. Personal pronouns can be
classified according to case: nominative case, objective case, and possessive
Nominative Case Pronouns
o The nominative case pronouns are:
I you he she it we they whoever who
o If the subject of a sentence, singular or compound, contains a
pronoun, the pronoun must be in the nominative case.
He is my father.
Greg and he will do all the work.
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English 703 unit test
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o If a sentence has a pronoun used as a predicate nominative, it must be
a nominative case pronoun. This rule makes sense because a
predicate nominative renames the subject and so should be the same
case as the subject.
The contestants are he and she.
It is I.
Objective Case Pronouns
o The objective case pronouns are:
me you him her it us them whom whomever
o If a sentence has a pronoun used as a direct or indirect object, it must
be in the objective case.
Shannon will finish it.
Bring me the cat.
Ellen saw Drew and me.
o If a sentence has a pronoun used as an object of a preposition, the
pronoun must be in the objective case.
Bring the paper to him.
We received an invitation from Gary and her.
The table has a cloth on it.
Be careful not to use a nominative case pronoun in the predicate as a
direct or indirect object or as the object of a preposition.
This is good for him and I. (incorrect use of I)
This is good for him and me. (correct)
Possessive Case Pronouns
o Possessive pronouns indicate ownership. The possessive case
pronouns are:
my mine your yours his her hers its
our ours their theirs
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English 703 unit test
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o My, your, his, her, its, our, and their come before nouns and are used
as adjectives. They are called possessive adjectives.
My dad is the owner of the print shop.
Shana followed her cousin to the park.
o Mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, and theirs function as pronouns and
can be used as subjects, predicate nominatives, and objects.
Mine is the smallest house in the neighborhood.
The biggest yard is hers.
I like this house, and I am fond of yours.
Do not confuse it‟s with its. It’s is a contraction meaning it is.
Its is a possessive pronoun indicating ownership.
Directions: Underline the correct pronoun in each sentence.
1. That tent is (yours, our).
2. Dorian brought a bucket for (I, me).
3. Mr. Gennings took (she, her) to school.
4. The leaders will be (her, she) and (I, me).
5. The letter for Allison and (he, him) arrived yesterday.
6. (Mine, My) is the old car.
7. Lily and (we, us) will attend the concert.
8. Drew saw (its, it) first.
Directions: Write sentences as directed.
1. Using a possessive case pronoun
2. Using an objective case pronoun
3. Using a nominative case pronoun
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English 703 unit test
S.5.21.11.IIE.P.21. 5. 11
When you are trying to decide which case of pronoun to use,
Look at how the pronoun is being used in a sentence. The
function of the pronoun will tell you which case to use.
If a pronoun is compound with another pronoun or a noun, try
saying the pronoun alone in the sentence. Saying it alone makes it
easier to figure out which pronoun is the right one.
Score Section 3 now. Teacher’s initials: ___________
Directions: On your own paper, write a sentence with each spelling word.
Study the meanings of the roots.
Directions: Give an example of each type of pronoun.
1. Personal
2. Demonstrative
3. Interrogative
4. Indefinite
5. Relative
6. Compound
Directions: Underline the correct verb in each sentence.
1. All of the buns (is, are) in the refrigerator.
2. All of the cakes (is, are) in the refrigerator.
3. He (goes, go) to that church.
4. Most of the keys (was, were) lost in the pool.
5. Neither of the teams (has, have) the schedule yet.
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English 703 unit test
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Directions: Underline the correct pronoun in each sentence.
1. Each child must complete (his, their) assignment.
2. Some of the boys studied (his, their) assignments.
3. All of the parents took (their, his) children out of the game.
4. Jane and Sam visited (her, their) uncle for Christmas.
5. Jake or his brothers have finished (his, their) book reports.
Directions: Give an example of each type of personal pronoun.
1. Nominative case
2. Objective case
3. Possessive case
Directions: Underline the correct pronoun in each sentence.
1. (We, Us) will travel on Saturday.
2. The book report was written by (us, we).
3. Henry will show (they, them) how to do the problem.
4. Mrs. James will bring Harold and (I, me) to school tomorrow.
5. The report was done by (he, him).
What’s in it for me? Write a paragraph in which you explore what you have to
gain by being considerate of others in your daily life.
Score Chapter 3 Review now. Teacher’s initials: __________
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English 703 unit test
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Directions: Use each spelling word in a sentence. (1 point each)
1. manual
2. animal
3. artisan
4. artistic
5. captor
6. judges
7. foxes
8. quizzes
9. buoys
Directions: Write a synonym for each word. (1 point each)
11. ditches ____________________________
12. arbiter
13. capture ____________________________
14. journeys ____________________________
15. captive ____________________________
Directions: Underline the correct spelling of each word. (1 point each)
16. manuphacture
17. animated
18. arbitrashon
19. arbitrarry
20. computers
21. continentes
22. consepts
23. misteries
24. countries
25. shelfs
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English 703 unit test
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Directions: Define the roots learned in this unit. (2 point each)
26. manu
27. anim
28. arbitr
29. art
30. cap, capt ___________________________________
Directions: Give examples as directed. (2 points each)
31. A common noun
32. A proper noun
33. A collective noun
34. A compound noun
Directions: Identify how each italicized noun is used in the sentence (subject,
direct object, indirect object, predicate nominative, appositive.) (2 points each)
35. __________ Jan took the toy home.
36. __________ Jan took the toy home.
37. __________ Jan took Mason the toy.
38. __________ The toy was a truck.
39. __________ Uncle Jeffrey has a new apartment.
40. __________ My uncle has a new job.
41. __________ My Uncle Jeffrey has a new job.
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English 703 unit test
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Directions: Identify the word in bold as a gerund or infinitive. (1 point each)
42. __________ Don enjoys hiking.
43. __________ To attend college is a worthy goal.
44. __________ We like to travel.
45. __________ I am excited to start work at the office.
Directions: Give an example of each type of pronoun. (1 point each)
46. Personal
47. Demonstrative ____________________
48. Interrogative
49. Indefinite
50. Relative
51. Compound
Directions: Fill in the blanks. (2 points each word)
52. The _______________ is the word replaced by the pronoun.
53. A pronoun subject must agree in number with the _______________.
54. A pronoun must agree in _______________ and _______________ with its
Directions: Underline the correct verb in each sentence. (1 point each)
55. Neither they nor we (have, has) any homework.
56. All of the cars (are, is) new.
57. Some of the cake (is, are) left.
58. Some of the cakes (are, is) left.
59. Both he and I (has, have) three dollars.
60. Either Tom or I (eats, eat) lunch at 11:00.
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English 703 unit test
S.5.21.11.IIE.P.21. 5. 11
Directions: Underline the correct pronoun in each sentence. (1 point each)
61. Each of the boys brought (their, his) own ball.
62. Either of the teams has (his, their) uniforms.
63. The old house is (yours, our).
64. Some of the animals have had (his, their) shots.
65. The tree has lost (their, its) leaves.
66. (Our, Ours) is the blue car with the dent in the fender.
67. We will be glad to show them (their, they‟re) way to the store.
68. The dinner will be fixed by Angela and (him, she).
69. The last one in the recital is (she, her).
70. The postman has a package for you and (me, we).
71. It is (I, me).
72. (My, Mine) sister has three loose teeth.
73. The teacher is (she, her).
74. Do we have time to finish (hour, our) dinner before we leave?
75. The players need (their, her) helmets by game time.
Directions: Name two people who could use some consideration from you,
and give a short description of what you can do for them. (2 points each)
76. ______________________________________________________________
77. ______________________________________________________________
Score Unit 703 Review now. Teacher’s initials: __________
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English 703 unit test
S.5.21.11.IIE.P.21. 5. 11
Copyright 2002 Starline Press, Inc.
English 703 unit test
S.5.21.11.IIE.P.21. 5. 11
Name __________________________
Date ___________________________
Score __________________________
Directions: Write each word as it is dictated to you. (1 point each)
1. _______________
9. _______________
2. _______________
3. _______________
4. _______________
5. _______________
6. _______________
7. _______________
8. _______________
Directions: Write a synonym for each word. (1 point each)
16. quizzes ___________________________
17. journeys ___________________________
18. concepts ___________________________
19. manufacture________________________
20. capture ___________________________
Directions: Use each word in a sentence. (1 point each)
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English 703 unit test
S.5.21.11.IIE.P.21. 5. 11
21. animated
22. arbitrary
23. captor
24. judges
25. knives
Directions: Define the roots learned in this unit. (1 point each)
26. manu
27. anim
28. arbitr
29. art
30. cap, capt ___________________________________
Directions: Give examples as directed. (2 points each)
31. A common noun
32. A proper noun
33. A collective noun
34. A compound noun
Directions: Identify how each italicized noun is used in the sentence (subject,
direct object, indirect object, predicate nominative, appositive.) (2 points each)
Copyright 2002 Starline Press, Inc.
English 703 unit test
S.5.21.11.IIE.P.21. 5. 11
35. __________ I have a new movie.
36. __________ The teacher will be Mrs. Wallace.
37. __________ The teacher will be Mrs. Wallace.
38. __________ The teacher brought Ian his grades.
39. __________ The teacher, Mrs. Wallace, brought Ian his grades.
40. __________ The teacher brought Ian his grades.
41. __________ The teacher brought Ian his grades.
Directions: Identify the word in bold as a gerund or infinitive. (1 point each)
42. __________ I am afraid of diving.
43. __________ To perform is her wish.
44. __________ We like traveling with our children .
45. __________ We do not like to fly.
Directions: Give an example of each type of pronoun. (1 point each)
46. Personal
47. Demonstrative ____________________
48. Interrogative
49. Indefinite
50. Relative
51. Compound
Directions: Fill in the blanks. (2 points each word)
52. The _______________ is the word replaced by the pronoun.
Copyright 2002 Starline Press, Inc.
English 703 unit test
S.5.21.11.IIE.P.21. 5. 11
53. A pronoun subject must agree in number with the _______________.
54. A pronoun must agree in _______________ and _______________ with its
Directions: Underline the correct verb in each sentence. (1 point each)
55. Neither they nor we (have, has) any idea where the hotel could be.
56. All of the trucks (are, is) blue.
57. Some of the meat loaf (is, are) left.
58. Some of the meat loaves (are, is) left.
59. Both Tom and they (has, have) tents.
60. Either Donna or she (eats, eat) lunch at 11:00.
Directions: Underline the correct pronoun in each sentence. (1 point each)
61. Some of the animals have had (his, their) shots.
62. The dinner will be fixed by Angela and (him, she).
63. The old house is (yours, our).
64. The new house is (hers, her).
65. The plant has lost (their, its) flowers.
66. (His, Her) is the blue car with the dent in the fender.
67. We will be glad to show them (their, they‟re) way to the church
68. (Your, Yours) should be the last coat on the rack.
69. The last one in the recital is (she, her).
70. The grocer has a treat for you and (I, her).
71. It is (I, me).
72. (My, Mine) brother has to come home right now.
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English 703 unit test
S.5.21.11.IIE.P.21. 5. 11
73. The artist is (she, her).
74. Do we have time to finish (hour, our) dinner before we leave?
75. The players need (their, her) helmets by game time.
Directions: Remember the two people you thought of who could use some
considerate treatment? What will you commit to doing for them this week?
Make a plan in the space below how you will do this. (10 points)
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English 703 unit test
S.5.21.11.IIE.P.21. 5. 11