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25th January 2015
Elections monitor
Corinne Deloy
The possible victory of the
Radical Left Coalition led by
Alexis Tsipras in the Greek
general elections on 25th
January is the cause of concern
Abstract :
Ten million Greeks are to renew the 300 members of the Vouli Ton Ellinon, the only chamber of
parliament on 25th January. This general election, which is taking place 18 months ahead of time,
follows the failure of the presidential election in December, which in itself also came two months
ahead of the planned date. Indeed MPs did not manage to elect the successor to the head of State
in office, Carolos Papoulias, whose second term in office will come to an end in March and who
was not allowed to stand again.
On 29th December Stavros Dimas, the only candidate
world stock exchanges plummeted (the price of oil is
standing, with the support of New Democracy (ND)
also behind this collapse), showing Athens that the
of Prime Minister Antonis Samaras and the Pan-
country cannot finance itself alone.
Hellenic Socialist Movement (PASOK) led by Evangelos
Venizelos, won 168 votes, 12 less than the required
On 3rd January the on-line edition of the weekly Der
3/5th majority (180 votes) in order to be elected in
Spiegel stressed that according to contacts close the
the third round of voting. He won a similar number of
Chancellery, the German government deemed that
votes on 23rd December in the second round when a
Greece’s exit from the euro zone was almost inevitable if
qualified 2/3 majority was required (200) and 160
the leader of the Radical Left Coalition (SYRIZA), Alexis
votes on 17th December in the first round. The failure
Tsipras, managed to form a government and gave up
of the presidential election led to the dissolution of the
budgetary austerity and decided not to continue paying
parliament on 31st December and to the organisation of
back the country’s debts after the general elections.
general elections.
Germany’s intervention together with that of the
Prime Minister Antonis Samaras decided to organise the
European Commission via its spokesperson and that
election as quickly as possible and set 25th January as
of Pierre Moscovici (see below) was both logical (the
the date. According to a poll by Kapa Research, published
European States are Athens’ creditors and Chancellor
in the daily To Vima, six Greeks in ten (59.9%) were
Angela Merkel (Christian Democratic Union, CDU) has
against the idea of the snap election. The latter qualified
always promised the Germans that financing Greece
as “the most important election in decades” by the Prime
would not cost their country a penny) and counter-
Minister appears to be turning into a referendum on the
productive. In all Greece has borrowed 194.7 billion
government’s austerity policy.
euro from the euro zone (52.9 billion of which from
various countries, notably Germany and France). The
Political issues
The Athens stock market fell sharply during the three
President of the European Commission Jean-Claude
rounds of the Presidential election and after the
Juncker provided his support to Stavros Dimas prior to
announcement of the organisation of general elections.
the presidential election, a first in the Union’s history. But
Interest rates on the Greek debt soared. Across the
it was not an enterprise that was crowned with success.
General elections in Greece
25th January 2015
that SYRIZA will try to rid the country of its financial
tutelage without concluding the 2nd financial aid plan
Since 2010 Greece has been on a financial drip: that
or that it might even demand for the re-opening of the
year the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the
negotiations over the Greek debt. A decision like this
European Union committed to lending it 240 billion euro
would scare off investors and cause a shock-wave on
in exchange for the introduction of reform and painful
the markets, notably on the European sovereign debt
political austerity for a major part of the population.
The first assistance plan of 110 billion € was granted to
However the situation is different from the one in 2010
Athens between 2010 and 2012; the disbursement of
and Athens’ budgetary situation has changed. Moreover
the second plan of 130 billion € which covers the period
Brussels has introduced structures (European Budgetary
2012-2014 were undertaken progressively, taking on
Pact – Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance,
board the introduction of the reforms demanded by the
the European Stability Mechanism (ESM)) to circumvent
creditors. The last tranche of 10.8 billion € was due to
crises and prevent any contagion to the rest of the euro
be paid before 31st December but the parties did not
zone. A rise in Greek borrowing rates should therefore
come to agreement on the draft budget 2015, and on
not affect other countries.
8th December the European Union gave the country
Mina Andreeva, the European Commission’s spokesperson
two additional months to close the second aid plan that
indicated that whatever happens the only viable scenario
should finally help to make safe the country’s finances. A
for the Commission is to “keep Greece firmly anchored to
compromise must therefore be found before the end of
the euro.” The Commissioner for Economic and Monetary
February. The snap election complicates matters and has
Affairs, Taxation and Customs Union Pierre Moscovici,
now weakened Athens’ position.
has called on the Greeks to support the reforms: “strong
On a positive note we might quote the return of growth:
commitment towards Europe and wide support by the
after six years of recession the Greek economy is due
electorate of their political leaders in view of the necessary
to return to growth (0.6% in 2014, 2.9% this year)
reform process for growth are vital, so that Greece will
according to economists; in 2013 Athens recorded the
prosper again within the euro zone,” he declared on 29th
weakest contraction in its GDP since 2008 (-3.9%),
notably, thanks to a smaller reduction in household
Athens’ other creditor the IMF has suspended its aid
consumption and the recovery of tourism. Likewise the
to the country until a new government is formed. Its
government deficit represents 0.2% of the GDP whilst it
spokesperson Gerry Rice did however say that the
totalled 15% five years ago. Finally, in April last, Athens
country did not need any immediate funding. According
made its return to the financial markets.
to the report published in October by the IMF, Athens will
But the country is still extremely fragile and has been
need 10 billion € this year. The IMF is demanding that the
significantly weakened by the austerity measures.
Greek authorities introduce retirement reform and that
Unemployment affects 25.7% of the working population
they liberalise collective dismissal.
(49.8% of the under 25’s); the poverty rate lies at
23.1% of the population, a record in the European Union.
Salaries have decreased by one third, both in the civil
Political issues
service and in the private sector (the minimum salary
The possible victory by SYRIZA and the arrival of a
totals 586€) and are often paid late; retirement pensions
government led by Alexis Tsipras is frightening the
have collapsed and household revenues fell by 35%.
Europeans. Over the last few months the far left party has
The number of civil servants has dropped from 900,000
repositioned itself, visibly trying to reassure investors and
(end of 2009) to 656,000 (end of 2014). One business
the electorate and to show that it can exercise power. It
in four has had to close. Finally the government debt
is no longer asking for Greece to leave the euro zone but
which totalled 157% of the GDP two years ago now totals
for a revision of the austerity policies and it wants Athens
to be free from the tutelage of the troika (IMF, ECB, EU)
As the election draws closer the European Union fears
which is forcing painful economic reform on the country,
General elections in Greece
25th January 2015
with the aim of restoring the viability of public finances.
part of our government debt held by the banks of the
To do this SYRIZA wants to sign a New European Deal
European States, the ECB and the European Stability
which would include public investments on the part of the
Mechanism (ESM) [1] in order for it to be supportable,”
European Investment Bank (EIB) and enable the ECB to
declared George Stathakis, a professor of Economy and
purchase bonds. The party wants to reduce the debt so
advisor to Alexis Tsipras, who is forecast to become the
that funds can be released so that the State can invest
next Economy Minister in the event of victory by SYRIZA.
and improve the social situation of the poorest. It plans
He repeats that “the party is no longer the same as in
to revive the economy by raising domestic demand.
2012.” In his opinion “Europe has an interest in allowing
In spite of his campaign declarations (“Germany did
Greece to remain in the euro zone and for it to recover
it in 1953, why can’t Greece in 2015?” “It is time for
growth without suffocating under the weight of the debt.”
democracy, time for dignity, time for the people to
“Indeed what kind of growth and of which success can
stand up”) and promises made to his fellow countrymen
we speak whilst the country has lost more than 25 GDP
of “turning the page on austerity”, “of making the
points over four years, that 30% of the Greeks have fallen
markets dance,” Alexis Tsipras has committed not to act
below the poverty line, that unemployment is affecting
unilaterally, and undeniably, his programme proves that
27% of the population and that businesses continue to
he wants dialogue with the European Union.
close? It is time to try another model,” he maintains.
The party’s leftwing, which is somewhat dormant, is still
“Alexis Tsipras is putting forward social aid measures
there however. Hence Yannis Tolios maintains: “We can
that represent a cost of 13.5 billion €, but the coffers are
decide to stop paying the interest and the amortisations,
nearly empty. As for his will to reduce the debt – it would
this is one of the promises made by our party”; Maria
of course be ideal but 85% of it is held by European
Kanelopoulou stresses that “we cannot be tributary to a
institutions and partners so do you think that the French
debt that we did not cause, nor can we be responsible for
or the Germans will accept to pay the Greek debt without
the commitments taken by previous governments,” whilst
German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble recalled
professor European Policy at the University of Athens,
that Athens should continue on the path of reform after
“Alexis Tsipras maintains that he can increase salaries
the election. “The election will change nothing in terms
as soon as he takes office or renationalise businesses or
of the agreements made with the Greek government. If
land that has already been privatised – this is not serious
Greece takes another path it will be difficult for us to
talk,” stresses Sotiris Dallis, professor of International
support it,” he declared.
Relations at the same university.
“SYRIZA might win 30% of the vote this time. Not enough
September in Thessaloniki. It is divided into three
to hold an absolute majority but it will only require about
phases. The first is to bring austerity to an end: the party
10 MPs to achieve the 151 necessary votes,” analyses
is planning to lighten taxes, raise the minimum salary,
Elias Nikolapoulos, a political expert. The party came
reintroduce the 13th month for the lowest pensions,
to an agreement with the Democratic Left (DIMAR).
deliver electricity or lodgings coupons and provide free
Four MPs from this party are due to be candidates on
access to public transport for the poorest (around 300,000
the SYRIZA lists. Stavros Theodorakis, Chairman of
households), to a total of 11 billion €. The second phase
the Centre Left Party To Potami (The River) which is
is the immediate negotiation of the reduction of the debt
attracting many former PASOK voters and which might
in 2015 and finally the re-negotiation of the debt burden
well rise beyond the 3% necessary to be represented in
(175% of the GDP).
the Vouli says it is prepared to work with the government
“The issue of the budgetary gap can be settled if we
led by SYRIZA. For its part PASOK is refusing any type of
negotiate a reduction of the 24 billion € we are to allocate
to the reimbursement of the debt in 2015. We want to
Victory for the far left would undeniably be highly symbolic
reduce the level of reimbursement of our government
in Europe. It would strengthen Podemos (We can) in
debt from 5% of the GDP to 2% over the next 10 years.
Spain led by Pablo Iglesias Turrion, a splinter group of
We shall pay the IMF but we want to renegotiate the
Movimiento 15M (Movement of 15th May) in Spain with
1. SYRIZA indicated that
it wanted to reimburse the
sum of 3.5 billion € that
Greece owes to private
Political issues
General elections in Greece
25th January 2015
which the Greek party has joined forces in the European
the anti-fascist rapper Pavlos Fyssas. He denies any
Parliament. Podemos is running neck and neck with
involvement in this act, which he denounces as a “political
the People’s Party (PP) in office in the opinion polls. “In
machination”. The violence undertaken by its members
Europe things are starting to change. Everyone is getting
and the accusations made against them do not seem to
used to the idea that SYRIZA will be in government and
be discouraging supporters of the far right party which
that new negotiations will start,” stressed Alexis Tsipras.
is perfectly skilful in using the electorate’s mistrust of
“We do not want the austerity policy and we are going
the traditional parties. Golden Dawn highlights the need
to renegotiate the troika’s programme. This claim is not
to grant priority to Greeks and points to the danger set
only ours. There is an entire movement across Europe
by immigration in which it sees a threat to the nation’s
which wants to bring austerity to an end,” maintains
integrity suggesting that it is the cause of the insecurity it
Dimitrios Papadimoulis, an MEP (GUE/NGL).
claims reigns in the country. Its real influence however is
difficult to assess, since its supporters do not like talking
about their electoral preferences with the polling institutes.
Finally the PASOK is very weak in the polls. Its failure
when in office (2009-2011) and its government coalition
Political issues
By organising the presidential election (which was due
with New Democracy have clearly discredited the historic
to take place in March in any event) early in December,
left-wing party. Former Prime Minister (2009-2011)
Antonis Samaras hoped to end a climate of instability which
and former Chairman of PASOK (2004-2012) George
had reigned in the country over the last few months. He
Papandreou created his own party on 2nd January that
lost the first round of the battle. By pointing to the threat
he has called the Movement for Democratic Socialists. He
of chaos and convening a snap election, whilst Greece has
says he wants to reform the former corrupt system that
not yet finished the aid programme, he has undoubtedly
led to the financial crisis. This party might bring about the
complicated matters for SYRIZA.
final collapse of PASOK. If it succeeds in rising above the
Antonis Samaras is campaigning on the threat of instability
obligatory 3% to enter Parliament it might be approached
caused by SYRIZA which he is quick to call terrorism.
“Voting for SYRIZA means taking Greece towards
On 18th and 25th May last the Greeks renewed their
catastrophe and the danger of exclusion of the euro zone,”
regional mayors and councillors. New Democracy came
repeats his party, New Democracy.
out ahead in the first round with 26.3% of the vote
“The difficult reforms have brought results, there is no
ahead of SYRIZA which won 17.7% of the vote. Half of
alternative and the elections will change nothing to the
the electorate did not turn out to vote however (whilst in
agreements passed with the Greek government,” declared
Greece it is obligatory to vote). We should note that for a
the Prime Minister after the failure of the presidential
long time the political parties paid voters who did not live
election. He wants to convince his fellow countrymen that
in the community where they were registered to go and
he is the only one able to negotiate with the States in the
vote – a practice that they have now given up.
euro zone and likes to repeat that the election on 25th
New Democracy won 7 of the 13 regions in the country
January is about maintaining Greece in Europe. Maybe he
whilst PASOK, which was running under the name Elia
hopes to win in the same way as he did in the general
(Olive tree), only retained Crete and western Greece, two
election of 2012? It is not certain however that threat is
touristic regions. SYRIZA won the region of Attica where
the best electoral argument; moreover Greece’s situation,
5 million people live, i.e. half of the country’s population.
like that of Europe, is different from 2012.
Rena Dourou became its Chairperson with 50.82% of the
On the far right the neo-Nazi party Golden Dawn (XA)
vote ahead of Ioannis Sgouros. The party also conquered
is the country’s third political force. Since June 2014 all
the Ionian Islands, of which Corfu is the capital.
of the party’s MPs are being prosecuted for “belonging
Several towns including Athens and Thessaloniki elected
to a criminal organisation”, several are in prison. Its
independent candidates - four independents, two of whom
leader Nikolaos Michalodiakos and four other MPs were
are former PASOK members, who were elected as regional
also charged with murder on 18th September 2013 of
General elections in Greece
25th January 2015
In the European elections, which were organised
7 political parties are represented in parliament at
on the same day as the second round of the local
election, SYRIZA won 26.57% of the vote and 6
– New Democracy (ND) founded in 1974 by former
seats ahead of New Democracy which won 22.7% of
President of the Republic (1980-1995) and former
the vote and five seats. Elia only won 8.02% of the
Prime Minister (1955-1963 and 1974-1980), Constantin
vote (2 seats), coming behind Golden Dawn which
Caramanlis. Led by outgoing Prime Minister Antonis
won 9.39% of the vote and three seats.
Samaras, it has 129 seats;
– The Radical Left Coalition (SYRIZA), far left party
created in 2004 borne of the former Synaspismos and of
several far left movements, communists and ecologists.
It is led by Alexis Tsipras, and has 71 MPs;
monocameral and comprises 300 members elected
– The Pan-Hellenic Socialist Movement (PASOK), a party
for four years within 56 constituencies by reinforced
created in 1974 by former Prime Minister (1981-1989
and 1993-1996) Andreas Papandreou, led by Deputy
votes for a list on which they can express their
Prime Minister and outgoing Foreign Minister, Evangelos
preference. 51 constituencies appoint 288 MPs; the
Venizelos. It has 33 seats;
12 remaining MPs, called national MPs since they
– The Party of Independent Greeks (ANEL) created on
represent all of Greece – an honorary position – are
24th February 2012 led by Panos Kammenos, with 20
appointed on the basis of the results achieved by
each of the political parties nationally. This electoral
– Golden Dawn (XA), far right party created in 1980, led
system guarantees a 70% representation level for
by Nikolaos Michaloliakos, with 18 seats;
the parties involved. The party that wins is awarded
– The Democratic Left (DIMAR), founded in June 2010 by
a bonus of 50 seats. Candidates must be aged 25
former members of Synaspismos. Led by Fotis Kouvelis,
minimum. It is obligatory to vote in Greece up to
with 17 MPs;
the age of 70. Abstention is officially punished with
– The Communist Party (KKE), founded in 1918 and
a sentence ranging from one month to a year, as
borne of the Socialist and Workers’, Communist and Anti-
well as dismissal from work but these sanctions are
European Movementet. Led by Aleka Papariga, with 12
not implemented.
Reminder of the general elections of 17th June 2012 in Greece
Turnout : 62.49% (it is obligatory to vote)
Political Parties
No of votes won
% of votes won
No of seats
New Democracy (ND)
1 825 497
Radical Left Coalition (SYRIZA)
1 655 022
Pan-Hellenic Socialist Movement (PASOK)
756 024
Party of Greek Independents (ANEL)
462 406
Golden Dawn (XA)
426 025
Democratic Left (DIMAR)
384 986
Greek Communist Party (KKE)
277 227
1 456 19
Source :
Political issues
General elections in Greece
25th January 2015
According to a poll by Marc for the TV channel Alpha
Can Antonis Samaras win the 2nd round? A Kapa
TV SYRIZA is due to come out ahead in the general
Research poll shows that 44.1% of the Greeks see the
elections with 28.3% of the vote. New Democracy is
present head of government as the best placed to lead
due to take 2nd place with 24.8% of the vote. Behind
the country; 34.4% prefer Alexis Tsipras. Moreover
these two parties, To Potami is due to win 5.8%
a GPO poll shows that three quarters of the Greeks
of the vote; Golden Dawn 5.7%; the Communist
(75.7%) want their country to stay in the euro zone;
Party, 5.1% ; PASOK, 4.5% ; the Party of Greek
one quarter (24.1%) would prefer it to leave.
Independents, 3.3% ; People’s Orthodox Alert (LAOS),
The next government will have to be formed quickly,
1.9% and finally DIMAR, 1.2%. Another poll by Alco
since the European Commission has set the end of
and published by To Pontiki on 8th January shows that
February as the deadline for Athens to close the 2nd aid
SYRIZA will win 33.8% of the vote and New Democracy
plan. Hence there will be little time to negotiate with
30.5%. But SYRIZA’s lead is declining. A GPO poll for
the troika, little room to manœuvre. Finally the new
MEGA TV on 7th January indicates that SYRIZA will win
MPs who will sit in parliament as of 5th February will
28.5% against 25.3% for New Democracy. SYRIZA’s
have to elect a successor to Carolos Carolos Papoulias
lead is now only 3.2% whilst it was 4.9% a month ago.
to the Presidency of the Republic.
Historic victory for the radical left in
Corinne Deloy
Abstract :
In the end outgoing Prime Minister Antonis Samaras lost the second part of his wager. After having failed to
bring about the election of a president of the Republic by parliament and of having been obliged to convene a
snap election, he did not succeed in retaining the confidence of the Greeks and was beaten on 25th January by
the Radical Left Coalition (SYRIZA) led by Alexis Tsipras which was just two seats short of an absolute majority.
SYRIZA won 36.34% of the vote and doubled the number of seats it holds in comparison with the last general
election on 17th June 2012 (149, + 78).
The head of government’s party, New Democracy (ND) led
led by Panos Kammenos, won 4.75% of the vote and 13
by Theodore Fortsakis, rector of the University of Athens won
seats (- 7). Finally the Pan-Hellenic Socialist Movement
27.81% of the vote and 76 seats (- 53).
(PASOK) led by outgoing Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign
Minister Evangelos Venizelos, has collapsed, winning 4.68%
Golden Dawn (XA), a far right party led by Nikolaos
of the vote and 13 seats (- 20). The Democratic Socialists
Michaloliakos, whose 16 outgoing representatives are in
Movement (KIDISO), a party created on 2nd January by
prison and of which 70 members have been accused of
former Prime Minister George Papandréou (2009-2011) did
belonging to a criminal organisation, is still the third most
not rise above the 3% voting threshold, obligatory to have a
popular party with 6.28% of the vote and 17 seats (-1). It
seat in the Vouli.
is followed by To Potami (The River), a liberal party led by
Political issues
Stavros Theodorakis, which won 5.05% of the vote.
Turnout was slightly more than that recorded in the last
The Communist Party (KKE) led by Aleka Papariga won
general election on 17th June 2012 – totalling 63.87% (+
5.47% of the vote and 15 seats (+ 3). The Independent
1.38 points). It is obligatory to vote in Greece until the age of
Greeks Party (ANEL), a rightwing populist movement,
70 but sanctions are never applied.
General elections in Greece
25th January 2015
collapsed and household revenues have fallen by 35%. The
number of civil servants has dropped from 900,000 (end of
2009) to 656,000 (end 2014). One business in four has had
The Greeks clearly have expressed their rejection of the
to close.
traditional parties embodied by PASOK and to a lesser degree
Many Greeks believe that New Democracy was the party
New Democracy. SYRIZA no longer scares people and the
responsible for this. However thanks to the work done
Greeks have chosen it to express their pain in the hope that
Greece’s economy has been growing likewise the primary
their vote will succeed in changing their daily lives.
surplus (the debt apart) since the 3rd quarter of 2014. New
By passing over a ten year period from 3.3% of the vote
Democracy called on the electorate’s responsibility, as it
(2004) to more than 30% SYRIZA has been obliged to
pointed to the danger that SYRIZA represented, saying that
change: effectively it has refocused over the last few years
it might “turn Europe against Athens” and that chaos awaited
saying that it wants Greece to stay in the euro zone. However
the country if this party won.”
there are still some supporters within its ranks who lean very
much to the left, with whom the party will have to deal.
SYRIZA has succeeded in attracting a wide share of the Greeks
who are exhausted by the austerity policy implemented over
“Our common future in Europe is not that of austerity, it
the last few years. They have been affected by severe cuts
is one of democracy, solidarity and cooperation,” declared
in government financing demanded by the troika (EU, IMF,
Alexis Tsipras. “On Monday we shall be done with national
World Bank) in exchange for the payment of 240 billion € in
humiliation. We will have finished with orders from abroad,”
financial assistance. SYRIZA also convinced many of those
he said during his last campaign meeting in Athens on 23rd
disappointed by the traditional Greek left symbolised for the
last four decades by PASOK.
SYRIZA wants both to relieve the suffering Greeks and revive
Rejection of the austerity policies and anger were the first
the country’s economy. To do this it wants to sign a New
reasons quoted by the Greeks for their vote on the eve of the
European Deal that will include public investments on the part
election. We should remember that 25.7% of the working
of the European Investment Bank (EIB) which will enable the
population are unemployed (49.8% of the under 25’s) and
purchase of bonds by the European Central Bank (ECB) and
that the poverty rate lies at 23.1% - a record in the EU.
the creation of a State Investment Bank. The party wants to
Salaries have been reduced by a third in the civil service,
reduce the debt in order to release funds to enable the State
as in the private sector (the minimum salary totals 586 €),
to invest and improve the social situation of the poorest. It
and often people are paid late; retirement pensions have
wants to revive the economy by raising domestic demand.
General election results of 25th January 2015 in Greece
Turnout : 63.87% (it is obligatory to vote)
Political Parties
No of votes won
% of votes won
No of seats
Radical Left Coalition (SYRIZA)
2 245 533
New Democracy (ND)
1 718 421
Golden Dawn (XA)
388 383
To Potami
373 793
Greek Communist Party (KKE)
338 047
Independent Greeks Party (ANEL)
293 327
Pan-Hellenic Soclialist Movement (PASOK)
289 382
533 003
Source : Ministry for Home Affairs ({%22cls%22:%22main%22,
Political issues
General elections in Greece
25th January 2015
Its economic programme promises the end of austerity: tax
elections on 15th and 22nd October 2006: SYRIZA won
reductions (abolition of taxes and social contributions for 7
10.50% of the vote in Athens and he became a town
years and tax limited to 30% of the income which will bring
councillor with three other members from the list.
in 3 billion 3 billion € per year), a raise for the minimum wage
In 2008, Alexis Tsipras was elected as chair of Synaspismos
(to 751 € against 586), re-introduction of the 13th month for
(the former far left party member of the SYRIZA coalition)
the lowest retirement pensions, distribution of electricity or
and the following year he became an MP.
housing coupons and free access to public transport for the
He was re-elected during the general elections on 6th May
poorest (around 300 000 households), creation of 300 000
2012 when SYRIZA achieved the highest score in its history
jobs, free healthcare for all.
with 16.78% of the vote and 52 seats (26.9% of the vote
SYRIZA wants to negotiate the 2015 debt and the overall
and 71 MPs on 17th June). On 22nd May Alexis Tsipras was
negotiation of the debt burden immediately (175% of the
appointed as chair of SYRIZA.
GDP, i.e. 318 billion €). It supports nationalisation.
In the European elections on 25th May 2014, the party
Alexis Tsipras has estimated his programme at 12 billion €
won 26.57% of the vote and 6 seats. It drew ahead of New
which he thinks he will release by reducing the debt, fighting
Democracy led by Prime Minister Antonis Samaras, which
to counter tax fraud and by re-distributing European funds.
won 22.72% of the vote and five seats.
Alexis Tsipras has been the Deputy Chair of the European
“The issue of the budgetary gap can be resolved if we
Left Party since 2010.
negotiate a reduction of 24 billion € with our partners which
The real issue in the Greek general elections on 25th January
we shall allocate to the reimbursement of the debt in 2015.
focused less on the name of the victor than on the majority
We want to reduce the level of the reimbursement of our
with which it was going to govern.
government debt from 5% of the GDP to 2% over the next ten
Running just short of the absolute majority, Alexis Tsipras
years. We shall pay the IMF but we want to renegotiate the
will have to find a government partner. He has launched
share of our government debt held by the European States,
negotiations with the populists of the Independent Greeks’
the ECB and the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) [1] to
Party. Both are against the troika but have very few other
make it sustainable,” declared George Stathakis, professor
points in common. He might also turn to To Potami, a
in Economy and advisor to Alexis Tsipras, deemed to the be
party that is also hostile to the troika (it wants to conclude
main craftsman of the party’s turnaround and seen as the
negotiations with the international organisations to enable
future Economy Minister.
the payment of the last financial tranche) and it is especially
SYRIZA “does not want the collapse but the salvation of the
against all types of statism (“We do not want to make the
euro,” declared the party’s leader. “We are not in 2012, there
State grow but the economy,” indicated the party’s leader
is room for negotiation,” he added indicating on 21st January
Stavros Theodorakis).
that “he would do what he could and not what he wants.”
The election has consolidated the new two-party system that
has been emerging in Greece for the last two years, which
opposes the right, led by New Democracy and the radical left
led by SYRIZA. The PASOK, the Greek left party in existence
Aged 40 Alexis Tsipras is originally from Athens and has a
since the fall of the dictatorship of the Colonels in 1974 has
degree in civil engineering from the Polytechnic University
of Athens (UPNA). For several years he worked as a civil
Political issues
engineer in the building industry.
The party led by Alexis Tsipras has therefore become the
He joined the Communist Youth (KNE) at a very young age
first radical left party to assert itself in Europe. “Changing
and took part in several student movements. He was part of
Greece, changing Europe,” maintained one of the slogans.
the reform movement which split from the Communist Party
Its victory has pleased a great number of Europeans and
(KKE) at the end of the 1980’s and in 1999, and he became
notably Podemos, led by Pablo Iglesias, in Spain and the Left
the first political secretary of the party’s youth section
Bloc in Portugal – two countries which will be renewing their
(Neolaia Syn), a position he occupied until 2003.
parliament this year. However it has worried the institutions
Alex Tsipras’s first electoral victory came during the local
in Brussels, which for the first time ever, will have to work
General elections in Greece
25th January 2015
with a national leader who is openly hostile.
It remains that although the Greeks are sovereign, Athens
is not really in a strong position and the next government,
which says it wants to remain in the euro zone, will not be
able to revolutionise the country’s economic policy.
Very quickly the new Greek parliament will also have to
elect a successor to the President of the Republic, Carolos
Papoulias. The first round of voting will take place on 7th
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Publishing Director: Pascale JOANNIN
THE FONDATION ROBERT SCHUMAN, created in 1991 and acknowledged by State decree in 1992, is the main
French research centre on Europe. It develops research on the European Union and its policies and promotes
the content of these in France , Europe and abroad. It encourages, enriches and stimulates European debate
thanks to its research, publications and the organisation of conferences. The Foundation is presided over by
Mr. Jean-Dominique Giuliani.
Political issues