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Civil War To Gettysburg
_____1) How did “Stonewall” Jackson get his nickname?
a. He was a farmer who built stonewalls for his neighbors
b. He stood like a stonewall at the battle of Bull Run I
c. His fierce leadership at Fredricksburg
d. His troops ability to stand up in battle.
_____ 2) Where were the battles of Bull Run I & II fought?
a. Sharpsburg, Md.
b. Gettysburg, Pa.
c. Vicksburg, Ms.
d. Manassas, Va.
_____ 3) Who took over the Union Army after the battle of Bull Run I?
a. McClellan
b. Burnside
c. Hood
d. Lee
_____ 4) What was the name of the Union Army in Washington D.C.?
a. The Army of Northern Virginia
b. The Army of the Potomac
c. The Union D.C.’s
d. The 1st Brigade
_____ 5) George McClellan was nicknamed after this great general.
a. George Washington
b. Patton
c. Benedict Arnold
d. Napoleon
_____6) What was the biggest criticism of McClellan?
a. Too bold
b. Too smart
c. Too talkative
d. Too cautious
_____ 7) What nickname was given to U.S. Grant after the victory at Ft. Donelson?
a. Under Surrender
b. Unconditional Surrender
c. The Fireman
d. Utterly Skeptical
_____ 8) Who was the confederate commander at the Battle of Shiloh in April of 1862?
a. Grant
b. Johnston
c. Lee
d. Hood
Match the following word bank with the questions.
a. Army of Northern Virginia
b. Robert E. Lee
c. Jefferson Davis
d. Yorktown
e. Richmond
_____ 9) Where did McClellan take the Army of the Potomac during the spring of
1862? (Where the British surrendered to end the Revolutionary War)
_____10) What city was McClellan trying to capture?
_____ 11) Who was the Confederate commander for the defense of Richmond?
_____ 12) What was the name of General Lee’s army?
_____ 13) Who was the president of the confederacy?
Multiple Choice
_____14) Where did Lee’s 1st invasion of the North end?
a. Antietam
b. Gettysburg
c. Chancellorsville
d. Vicksburg
_____15) What was another name for the battle of Sharpsburg?
a. Bull Run
b. Bloody Run
c. Burr Ridge
d. Antietam
_____16) The union name for the Battle of Sharpsburg was named after this.
a. A railroad
b. A creek
c. A lake
d. A town
_____17) What ground breaking writing did Lincoln do after the battle of Antietam?
a. The Gettysburg Address
b. The Emancipation Proclamation
c. The Constitution
d. The letter of Recognition
_____18) Who did the Emancipation Proclamation emancipate?
a. All slaves
b. Only slaves in the Union
c. Only slaves in Washington DC
d. Slaves in the states that were in rebellion
_____19) How many casualties were there at Antietam?
a. 18,000
b. 23,000
c. 40,000
d. 51,000
_____20) What commander took over after McClellan was fired.
a. Burnside
b. Hooker
c. Grant
d. Sherman
_____21) What two battles that ended at approximately the same time are considered the
turning points of the war?
a. Gettysburg, Fredricksburg
b. Vicksburg, Fredricksburg
c. Gettysburg, Vicksburg
d. Bull Run, Manassas
_____22) Why was General Hooker so popular with his troops?
a. He believed in them
b. He allowed prostitutes to follow them
c. They liked him because he supplied them with liquor
d. He fought with them
_____23) What was General Lee’s greatest victory?
a. 7 days battle
b. Bull Run II
c. Gettysburg
d. Chancellorsville
_____24) Why was it (23) Lee’s greatest loss?
a. Stonewall Jackson defected
b. His horse died
c. He lost his arm
d. Stonewall Jackson died
Who shot Stonewall Jackson
Union Private
John Brown
Harper Ferry
His own men
_____26) What state is Gettysburg in?
a. Maryland
b. Virginia
c. Washington
d. Pennsylvania
_____27) How many casualties were there at Gettysburg?
a. 18,000
b. 23,000
c. 40,000
d. 51,000
_____28) What Colonel, who later became a General, defend the extreme left flank
of the Union Army at Little Round Top?
a. Josh Chamberlain
b. Joe Hooker
c. Irish O’reily
d. George Meade
Who held the following battlegrounds during the Battle of Gettysburg?
a. Union
b. Confederates
_____29) Little Round Top
_____30) Cemetery Ridge
_____31) Seminary Ridge
_____32) Devil’s Den
_____33) Culp’s Hill
_____34) Peach Orchard
_____35) Wheatfield
_____36) The final charge of the battle of Gettysburg was led by and named after this
Confederate General.
a. Longstreet
b. Hill
c. Pickett
d. Lee
Match the events with the dates.
_____37) July 21, 1861
_____38) February 1862
_____39) April 1862
_____40) September 1862
_____41) Winter 1862
_____42) January 1, 1863
_____43) May 2-6, 1863
_____44) July 1-3, 1863
_____45) April 12, 1861
Who won what?
a. Union
b. Confederates
_____46) Bull Run I
_____47) Bull Run II
_____48) Fort Sumter
_____49) Shiloh
_____50) Antietam
Bull Run I
Emancipation Proclamation
Fort Sumter
Ft. Henry and Donelson
_____51) Fredricksburg
_____52) Chancellorsville
_____53) Gettysburg
_____54) 7 days battle
_____55) Fort Henry
_____56) Fort Donelson
_____57) Stones River