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American Civil War
Social Studies 7
Power Point Questions
Who did the Republican Party choose as their candidate for President in 1860?
Who did the Northern Democrats choose as their candidate for President in 1860?
Who did the Constitutional Unionist choose as their candidate for President in 1860?
Who won the Election of 1860?
Which state became the first to secede from the Union on December 20, 1860?
Name the six other southern states to secede in February of 1860?
What was the name of the Confederation these seven southern states formed?
Who became the president of this confederacy on February 18, 1861?
Most people in Southern Illinois had an allegiance to which section of the United States?
10. What did Southern Illinois become a hotbed of leading up to the Civil war?
11. Which Southern Illinois newspaper declared that “the sympathies of the people are mainly with
the south”?
12. Which Southern Illinois County sought to join the south during the Civil War?
13. What was the name of the military unit organized by John A. Logan?
14. Which army did Logan and unit for during the Civil War?
15. Where was Fort Sumter located?
16. Who did Fort Sumter belong too?
17. The South opened fire on Fort Sumter under the command of which general?
18. Who commanded Fort Sumter?
19. Which side was considered the winner after the Battle of Fort Sumter?
20. What did Lincoln do in response to the attack of Fort Sumter?
21. Which four states joined the Confederacy after the attack on Fort Sumter?
22. List the seven Union Advantages during the Civil War?
23. List the six Confederate advantages during the Civil War?
24. Which group of Americans was not allowed to enlist in the U.S. Army?
25. Which famous abolitionist was outrage by the fact that African Americans could not enlist in the
U.S. Army?
26. When did President Lincoln finally allow African Americans to join the Union Army?
27. Who developed the Union plan for winning the Civil War?
28. What was this general’s nickname?
29. What did the Union plan call for?
30. Where did the first real battle of the Civil War take place?
31. What was unusual about this battle?
32. Who was in the command of the Union Army at the Battle of Bull Run?
33. Who was in command of the Confederate Army at Bull Run?
34. Which Confederate General would become famous at the Battle of Bull Run?
35. What nickname did this general earn at the battle of Bull Run?
36. Who won the Battle of Bull Run?
37. Who led the Union Army at the Battle of Shiloh?
38. Who led the Confederate Army at the Battle of Shiloh?
39. The Union had just won victories at which two western forts?
40. How many Union and Confederate causalities were there at the Battle of Shiloh?
41. Which Confederate general decided to invade the North by marching into Maryland?
42. The Confederate and Union army fought at battle near what creek
43. Who was in command of the Union Army at the Battle of Antietam?
44. What is the Battle of Antietam known for?
45. How many men total were lost in the Battle of Antietam?
46. Who won the Battle of Antietam?
47. Why had President Lincoln been waiting for a Union victory?
48. What was the Emancipation Proclamation?
49. Who did the Emancipation Proclamation not free?
50. The Emancipation Proclamation made the Civil War a battle for what two things?
51. Where did the Battle of Gettysburg take place?
52. How many days did the battle last?
53. Who commanded the Union Army at Gettysburg?
54. What was the name of the ridge that the Union Army occupied?
55. What was the name of the ridge that the Confederate Army occupied?
56. What battle took place on the second day at Gettysburg?
57. Who commanded the 20th Maine during this battle?
58. Who led an assault of Union Lines on the third day of Gettysburg?
59. This assault would become known as what battle?
60. Who one the Battle of Gettysburg?
61. What did this battle mark for the Confederacy?
62. How many total casualties were there at Gettysburg?
63. Why did President Lincoln travel to Gettysburg in November of 1863?
64. How long did the Presidents address last?
65. What did most people of the day think of the President’s speech?
66. What city fell to the Union on July 4, 1863?
67. Which Union general developed the scorched earth policy?
68. What was Sherman’s March to the Sea?
69. Who was Elected President of the United States in 1864?
70. Where did Robert E. Lee surrender his army to U.S. Grant?
71. How many Union soldiers were killed during the Civil War?
72. How many Confederate soldiers were killed during the Civil War?
73. Why did President Lincoln go to Ford’s Theater on April 14, 1865?
74. Who was scheduled to go with the President but backed out at the last moment?
75. Who assassinated President Lincoln?
70. On what day did President Lincoln die?