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Reporting Category 1 : Cell Structure and Function Test Select the best answer for each question. 1. Which of the following structures contains digestive enzymes that allow the cell to break down damaged organelles? a. Golgi apparatus b. mitochondria c. ribosome d. lysosome 2. Which of the following requires a host to reproduce? A. B. D. C. 3. The diagram below represents a cell model placed in a beaker filled with solution. The membrane is not permeable to sugar. In this situation, the cell model will -­‐ a. gain water b. lose water c. gain sugar d. lose sugar Rc1.test Reporting Category 1 : Cell Structure and Function Test 4. Which of the following is the best example of a prokaryotic cell? A. B. C. D. 5. Amino acids link together by peptide bonds to form proteins. In which cellular organelle would this b. lysosome c. Mitochondrion d. ribosome 6. RNA and DNA are which type of organic compound? a. carbohydrate b. lipid c. nucleic acid d. protein 7. Which best describes how enzymes function in the body? a. Enzymes are converted into products by the reactions they catalyze. b. Enzymes lower the activation energy of reactions. c. One enzyme can catalyze many different reactions. d. An enzyme is used once and then destroyed by the cell. 8. An ion must cross the cell membrane through active transport instead of passive transport when the ion is Rc1.test Reporting Category 1 : Cell Structure and Function Test a. negatively charged b. carried across by a protein c. going against the concentration gradient d. too small to move independently 9. Meiotic cell division results in gametes that produce sperm and egg cells by a. reducing the daughter chromosome number by 75% b. reducing the daughter chromosome number by 50% c. increasing the daughter chromosome number by 75% d. increasing the daughter chromosome number by 50% 10. Which statement best represents the outcome of meiosis? a. Identical cells are formed. b. Haploid gametes are produced c. An organism grows and develops d. Fertilization takes place. 11. Which of the following events in the cell cycle must occur before a cell enters the stage of mitosis? a. DNA is synthesized. b. Enzymes form a cell plate. c. Chromosomes line up along the center of the cell. d. Centrioles migrate to opposite poles. 12. The picture above shows onion root cells in various stages of mitosis. The arrow is pointing to a cell in a. anaphase b. interphase c. metaphase d. prophase Rc1.test Reporting Category 1 : Cell Structure and Function Test 13. Amino acids are the building blocks of a. carbohydrates b. lipids c. proteins d. nucleic acids 14. Which is an example of osmosis? a. potassium ions moving in and out of a cell b. carbon dioxide moving into the leaf cells of a plant c. oxygen moving into the bloodstream from the lungs d. water moving into the root cells of a plant 15. In humans, glucose is kept in balance in the bloodstream by insulin. Which concept does this best illustrate? a. adaptation b. homeostasis c. metabolism d. organization 16. Like complex carbohydrates, proteins are biomolecules that serve many functions and can be chemically broken down and restructures. Both proteins and complex carbohydrates are which of the following? a. Polymers of smaller subunits b. Sequences of sugars c. Lipids of large molecules d. Nucleotides of DNA Rc1.test Reporting Category 1 : Cell Structure and Function Test 17. The diagram above shows the process of meiosis. The segregation that results in meiosis results in a: a. decrease in the total number of cells in the organism. b. reduction in the number of chromosomes per cell. c. single fertilized egg cell d. group of genetically identical cells 18. Which of these best describes the initial change caused by a DNA mutation? a. a change in the sequence of base pairs b. a change in the production of enzymes c. a change in the number of nucleosomes within a cell d. a change in the number of hydrogen bonds between the bases Rc1.test Reporting Category 1 : Cell Structure and Function Test 19. Loriciferans are microscopic multicellular animals that live in various marine sediments. Scientists have discovered genera of Loriciferans in a deep-­‐sea habitat that lacks oxygen. Before this discovery, some prokaryotes and some unicellular eukaryotes were known to inhabit anaerobic environments. Among the newly discovered Loriciferans is Spinoloricus sp. nov., which is pictured below. Scientists determined that organisms of the genus Spinoloricus were eukaryotes and not prokaryotes because Spinoloricus cells have — a. Flagella b. hereditary material c. cell walls d. nuclear membranes 20. Before a cell goes through either mitosis or meiosis, which process must be carried out by the DNA in the nucleus? a. replication b. nondisjunction c. transcription d. translation Rc1.test Reporting Category 1 : Cell Structure and Function Test Sources:
Gateways to Biology: Our Living Planet, Region 4 ESC, Houston, Texas, 2011