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Monologue/Soliloquy Assignment 2015
What: You will select a monologue or soliloquy from Romeo and Juliet to recite in front of the class. The
selected verse must be a minimum of fifteen lines.
A monologue is a long speech delivered from one actor when he or she is with others on stage.
A soliloquy is an act of speaking one’s thoughts aloud in a formal speech alone on stage.
After you select your speech, you will begin to memorize and thoroughly explore your piece in order to
understand how your selection ties into the scene, the act, and the play as a whole. Together, we will develop
your dramatic abilities until the final performance.
Why: Shakespeare is meant to be seen and heard more than just read from a book. Your presentation will give
emotion and visual aid to you and your classmates to help bring the play to life.
Step 1: Select your monologue or soliloquy. You will need two copies of the selected monologue/soliloquy,
one for the teacher, and one for you to mark on and rehearse from. During your presentation, your teacher will
follow along and prompt you if you need it. Use this website for selection ideas:
Step 2: Justification
8-10 typed, complete sentences on why you selected your monologue or soliloquy. Include a brief discussion
of the character, what has happened in the play at that point, why this speech appealed to you, and what you
hope to learn by studying this piece. You will be assessed on your writing using Criterion D (see rubric below)
Step 3: Performing the Recitation
You will perform your monologue/soliloquy for the class on your assigned day. On the day you present, be
sure to indicate the act, scene, and speaker of your piece. You will be assessed on your presentation using
Criterion D (see rubric on back). Dramatic emphasis and dressing in the role of the speaker are highly
encouraged to help you get into the role of your character. This is a challenging assignment, so start rehearsing
Memorization Tips:
 Choose a monologue/soliloquy you understand
 Watch the movie for ideas of how to interpret the piece
 Use or another website that can help you understand the context of your piece
 Find rhythm in what your memorizing, like music
 Chunk your piece into groups of lines—memorize each chunk and then lace them together
 Practice, practice, practice!
My Presentation Date: ___________________
Monologue/Soliloquy Assignment 2015
Criterion D: Using Language (i., iii., iv.,)
The student does not reach a standard described by
any of the descriptors below
The student:
uses a limited range of appropriate
vocabulary for monologue/soliloquy
uses grammar, syntax and punctuation
with limited accuracy; errors often
hinder communication
spells/writes with limited accuracy;
errors often hinder communication
Criterion D: Using Language (ii,v)
The student does not reach a standard described by any
of the descriptors below.
The student:
 Speaks in an appropriate style for the
character that may not serve the context and
intention of the scene from Romeo and Juliet
 Makes limited and/or inappropriate use of
non-verbal communication techniques, like
gestures, visual cues, and body language,
which inhibits his/her ability to communicate
ideas clearly with an audience
The student:
 uses adequate range of appropriate
vocabulary and sentence structures for
monologue/soliloquy justification
 uses grammar, syntax and punctuation with
some degree of accuracy; errors sometimes
hinder communication
 spells/writes with some degree of accuracy;
errors sometimes hinder communication
The student:
 uses varied range of appropriate vocabulary
and sentence structures competently for
monologue/soliloquy justification
 uses grammar, syntax and punctuation with a
considerable degree of accuracy; errors do
not hinder effective communication
 spells/writes with a considerable degree of
accuracy; errors are minor and
communication is sufficient
The student:
 effectively uses a range of appropriate
vocabulary and sentences structures for
monologue/soliloquy justification
 uses grammar, syntax and punctuation with a
high degree of accuracy; errors are minor
and communication is effective
 spells/writes with a high degree of
accuracy; errors are minor and
communication is effective
The student:
 Sometimes speaks in a style for the character
that serves the context and intention of the
scene from Romeo and Juliet
 Makes some use of appropriate non-verbal
communication techniques, like gestures,
visual cues, and body language, which
sometimes helps him/her to communicate ideas
clearly with the audience
The student:
 Speaks competently in a style for the character
that serves the context and intention of the
scene from Romeo and Juliet
 Makes sufficient use of appropriate non-verbal
communication techniques, like gestures,
visual cues, and body language, which help
him/her communicate ideas clearly with the
The student:
 Speaks in a consistently appropriate style for
the character that serves the context and
intention of the scene from Romeo and Juliet
 Makes effective use of appropriate non-verbal
communication techniques, including gesture,
visual cues, and body language, to effectively
and clearly communicate ideas to an audience