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Hannan Street, 1900
In Western Australia during the 1880’s gold had been found
in the Kimberley, the Pilbara and the Murchison. By 1888
gold had been discovered east of Perth at Golden Valley
and Southern Cross. Prospectors and miners flocked to
these new finds seeking gold and the find by Bayley and
Ford at Coolgardie in September 1892 brought men in even
greater numbers. When Patrick Hannan, Tom Flanagan
and Daniel Shea discovered payable gold in June 1893 at
the top of what is now Hannan Street, countless
prospectors poured onto this new ‘field’. They were soon
followed by makeshift shops, hotels, banks, a warden’s
court and a post office.
The population of Hannan’s Find increased rapidly,
and by June 1894 a Progress Committee was needed
to deal with the new township. By the following year the
conglomeration of tents, a few pretentious hessian and
timber structures and a main street, which still had trees and
stumps down its length, was declared the Municipality
of Kalgoorlie. More and more discoveries were made and
between the years 1896 and 1898 Kalgoorlie became firmly
established as skilled miners arrived from areas around
Ballarat, Bendigo and Broken Hill to take up work along
the Golden Mile.
The arrival of the railway in September 1896 brought
cheaper freight and the canvas and hessian structures
rapidly gave way to larger corrugated iron ones, and
eventually to more substantial buildings of locally quarried
stone or Coolgardie pressed bricks. Many of the fine
brick or stone buildings featured in this Inner City Trail
are the third structure on the site.
As you walk this Trail, look up at the dates on the buildings
and you will notice that most of them were built by 1899.
Apart from a few constructed between 1900 and 1902 and
the Town Hall in 1908, Hannan Street today looks very
much as it did in 1900.
Not only miners, but hundreds of tradesmen came to the
goldfields to escape the deep economic depression
gripping the Eastern States. Kalgoorlie was their saviour
and thousands of pounds were sent back to support
families in South Australia, Victoria, New South Wales and
Queensland as the men quickly found work. Imagine the
bustle in the streets as canvas and hessian gave way to
stone and brick - scaffolding everywhere, carpenters
sawing and hammering, the masons lifting and laying the
large stone blocks, water being carted in for the mortar and
building supplies arriving daily from the coast.
Although hotels, shops, banks, and public services
were among the first buildings, it was not long before they
were joined by theatres, clubs, churches, libraries
and schools as the miners and tradesmen sent for their
families to join them. As well as the many historic buildings
along Hannan Street, the Inner City Trail will take you past
three fine churches and the site of the first timber and iron
school at Kalgoorlie.
The old claim was that the streets of Kalgoorlie were
paved with gold. We think you will agree that this walk will
reward you with many nuggets of knowledge about this
Goldfields city.
35 34 33
41 2
24 25
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
28 29 30
15 16
21 20
1Kalgoorlie Town Hall
This municipal building is a fine example of Gold Rush
architecture. After delays in the construction of the building
due to a cyclone, the Kalgoorlie Town Hall was officially opened
on September 8, 1908. The magnificent Town Hall has fulfilled
many municipal functions including hosting numerous social
events and performances. Famous entertainers such as
Dame Nellie Melba and Percy Grainger have played to
Goldfields audiences in this hall.
Endownment Block, 1909
Your walk begins along the heritage listed Endowment Block
which extends from the Town Hall at Wilson Street to St. Barbara's
2Endowment Block
The Endowment Block was originally occupied by squatters
who set up small shops in this particular area of Hannan Street.
The Council did not approve of the occupancy but any
measures taken to remove the squatters were met with
resistance. In 1897 Sir John Forrest told the Council that if the
squatters could be removed the land would be given to the
Municipality as an endowment, hence the name "Endowment
Block." The Council bought out the squatters and have
retained ownership ever since.
Within the Endowment Block are the City Markets with the ornate
gates as an entrance.
3City Markets
Here is an ideal place to take a photograph of the York
Hotel opposite.
Walk further along Hannan Street to the area with the statue
of Saint Barbara.
Kalgoorlie Town Hall, 1950
Kalgoorlie Town Hall, 2005
The City Markets are a fine example of nineteenth century
covered markets. The official opening of the City Markets took
place on April 3, 1901. For many years the markets were a
bustle of activity with greengrocers, butchers, fruiterers and
many others selling and auctioning their goods. Today the
building is once again used for retail purposes.
4St. Barbara's Square
St. Barbara is the miners’ Patron Saint and this Square
was dedicated to her in commemoration of the hard-working
miners who have brought prosperity to the region. This section
of Cassidy Street was closed to traffic and made into a public
walkway in 1985. The square was officially dedicated to
St. Barbara during the official opening of K-Mart on November
25, 1985. In the garden area beneath the statue of
St. Barbara, there are plaques detailing the story of the miners’
Patron Saint.
St Barbara’s Square, 2005
Continue walking along Hannan Street to the Government
Buildings with the Clock Tower.
5Government Buildings
The discovery of gold in Kalgoorlie in 1893 resulted in a large
influx of people to the region, with a pressing need for a postal
service. The first Post Office was built from poles and cloth
over a weekend. However, as people continued to flock to the
Goldfields, it soon proved inadequate and a second, larger
and more substantial building was required. As a result, this
impressive pink stoned colonnaded building was constructed
to house the Warden's Court, Court of Justice and the Mines
Department in one half, and the Post Office and the Telegraph
Offices in the other. Construction of the buildings were
completed in 1899, at a cost of £22,000. A year later, Warden
Finnerty formally started the clock on August 11, 1900.
Government Buildings, 1900
Government Buildings - Clock 2005
Here is an ideal opportunity to take a photograph of the
Park, Exchange and Laslett Buildings opposite.
The Park, Exchange and Laslett buildings were constructed
during the 1890s and early 1900s. They continue to serve
their original purpose as commercial buildings, with upstairs
at the Park building recently being converted to residential
premises. Note the decorative Art Nouveau motifs, tiles
and curved windows in the Islamic style on the Laslett
building. Well-known Goldfields photographer, J.J. Dwyer,
whose work provides a detailed representation of life
in the Goldfields between 1900 and 1917, housed his
studio in the Park building.
A short walk along Hannan Street will bring you to the entrance of
the Kalgoorlie Mechanics Institute. You will notice the glass prism
pavement tiles still in place. These tiles provided light to the
basement of the building.
8Australia Hotel
The original Australia Hotel was gutted by fire in 1899 and was
replaced with the present two-storey building. This hotel has
experienced some lively events such as the fatal shooting in
1903 of Ginger Sly by C.B. Kennedy in the Middle Bar, the
discovery of alluvial gold when the original cellars were dug and
the arrest of William Coulter for the murder of well-respected
members of the gold stealing policeman branch, Sergeant
Pitman and Inspector Walsh.
A Kalgoorlie Miners Institute was established in 1895, with the
objective being 'the cultivation of literature, science and art, the
intellectual improvement, and the recreation of its members'.
In 1902 the single-storey building was extended to include
a basement, large reading room and a balcony. The objectives
remained after the Institute became incorporated and
changed its name to Kalgoorlie Mechanics Institute in 1904.
The Mechanics Institute maintained a healthy membership
over the years, providing a free reading room and a
programme of educational lectures. Since the 1970s the
building has been used for commercial and office space.
Proceed further along Hannan Street until you reach the corner
where you will be at the McKenzie’s Buildings.
7McKenzie’s Buildings
The McKenzie’s Buildings were constructed by R.D. McKenzie
& Co. to replace their timber and iron premises, which had
been constructed in 1894. In 1901 McKenzie & Co. had a
London office, a branch in Fremantle and a store in Kalgoorlie,
selling an extensive range of groceries and hardware.
The buildings were refurbished c.1979 and have functioned as
commercial premises and offices for over 100 years.
The McKenzie family were associated with this building from
1895 to 1979.
The Exchange Hotel is located across the road
on the corner of Hannan and Maritana streets.
This is an ideal opportunity to take a photograph of
the Hotel.
By staying on this side of Hannan Street and walking across
Maritana Street you will come to the Australia Hotel.
An opportunity to take a photograph. While enjoying
this historical hotel you will notice the Palace Hotel
across the intersection.
The next building along Hannan Street is Lee’s Chambers.
9Lee’s Chambers
W.J. (Jack) Cotter, a Kalgoorlie Town Councillor, operated
a chemist shop in Lee’s Chambers as early as 1899. Mr John
Boileau, also a Town Councillor, operated a chemist shop from
the same building in 1905 after having been burnt out twice in
Coolgardie and Broad Arrow.
Look directly across the street for a photograph of the
historical Kalgoorlie Miner Building.
Walk a further three buildings up Hannan Street where you will be
at the front facade of the Brennan Bros building.
Brennan Bros Building
The Brennan Bros building was opened in 1898 and originally
had a single-storey open arcade that led to the imposing
two-storey brick facade, the latter of which still stands today.
Brennan Brothers Importers owned and operated stores
in Kalgoorlie, Boulder, Gwalia, Southern Cross and Perth.
For many years Brennans were the leading drapers in
Hannan Street.
Take a photograph of the Criterion Hotel directly
across the road.
A short walk further along brings you to the Western
Australian Bank.
Tippett’s Tearoom, 1935
Western Australian Bank
The Western Australian Bank was opened in 1894 and was
the first bank in Hannan Street. Dyke and Ridgeway of
Coolgardie provided the bricks for the building and the granite
and local white stone were from Bullabulling. The building was
designed by architect Mr J. Talbot Hobbs of Perth and built by
Mr J.D. Connolly. The lavish interior is a reminder of the Gold
Rush period in which it was constructed.
Across the road, photograph Sheeds building (1898).
Note the bull next to Sheeds, carved into the pediment
of Moher and Smith's butcher shop est. in 1900.
A further two buildings in the same direction brings you to
Tippett’s Tearoom now GBM Office National.
Tippett’s Tearoom
This building was originally constructed in 1899 as a tearoom
and fruit shop for Silbert and Sharp. Over the years the
building changed hands, but continued to operate as a
tearoom. Long time owners were Albany Bell and by the
1930s Norman Tippett, who served light lunches and teas on
marble-topped tables, until the 1970s.
A little further along Hannan Street is the Grand Hotel.
Grand Hotel, 1896
Western Australian Bank, 2006
Grand Hotel
The Grand Hotel was built by W.J. Reynolds in 1896 and was
the first of many permanent hotels to be built in Hannan Street.
Local material was used for its construction, with stone from
Mount Charlotte at the east end of Hannan Street and timber
from Bickerton's Steam Sawmills. The bedrooms were
furnished with marble topped washstands, mirrors and carpet.
The cellar contained the latest American designed ice chest.
In March 1897 the Grand Hotel installed the town's first
private telephone.
From this vantage point take a photograph across
the road of Cohn's Buildings.
Walk to the next corner (Hannan and Porter) where you will
come to the Montgomery Bros. building.
Montgomery Bros.
Montgomery Bros. conducted business from 1893 in the
Eastern Goldfields. In 1902 they established a store in
Kalgoorlie buying this building from the original owners,
Alexander and Gaillard. Montgomery's operated as an
emporium, stocking furnishings, manchester and clothing.
The distinctive interior featured an arched canopy, supported
on cast iron columns. It operated a Lampson Rapid-Wire
Service with ten lines; a flying fox system of cash service, used
before cash registers. Montgomery Bros. was always known
affectionately as Monty’s. This building has operated as a
restaurant since 1998 and has adopted the name Monty’s.
Monty’s, 2006
Notice the large head frame across the road at the
Western Australian Museum - Kalgoorlie-Boulder.
Cross Porter Street and walk further up Hannan Street to the Duke
of Cornwall Hotel.
Duke of Cornwall Hotel
The Duke of Cornwall Hotel was built in 1900 and the
architecture shows influence of Federation Arts and Crafts
and Federation Anglo Dutch styles. Paddy Whelan, a
celebrated storyteller, poet, politician and astute businessman
operated the hotel for some time. Another Kalgoorlie
identity, "Shorty" Western is reported to have set a world
record drinking feat here in 1953 by downing 12 pots of beer
while the Post Office clock struck 12! The adjoining building is
the Cremorne Theatre.
The original theatre was built in 1896 with a roof that
could be winched back on hot summer nights. In 1907
the Cremorne Theatre was rebuilt with a Federation Free
Classical style facade designed by architect Tom Roberts.
It served as a venue for music, comedies and a cinema for
many years. In 1936 renovations were conducted by
Hobbs, Forbes & Partners who added some Art Deco
features to the interior. A separate picture garden was
established nearby on the corner of Hannan and Porter
Streets where the RAC is currently located. Today the
theatre is used as an indoor cricket and
volleyball venue.
Duke of Cornwall Hotel, 2006
Cremorne Theatre, 2006
Cremorne Theatre
Cross Hannan Street to the Federal Hotel.
Federal Hotel
The Federal Hotel was built in 1899 in a Federation Filigree
style. Located close to the Hannan Street Railway Station the
hotel was originally patronised by Loop-Line rail passengers
and miners. The Loop-Line rail carried passengers and freight
around the Golden Mile. The Federal Hotel was briefly named
the Royal Hotel in 1903.
Photograph both the Cremorne Theatre and the Duke of
Cornwall Hotel.
Walk around the side of the building where you will see the
British Arms Hotel, the smallest hotel built in Kalgoorlie, which is
now part of the WA Museum complex.
Walk back to Hannan St and continue down to the
corner of Porter Street for a photograph of the
Montgomery Bros. building.
Turn left on Porter Street until you reach the Kalgoorlie Roads
Board building.
Kalgoorlie Roads Board
Built for the Kalgoorlie Roads Board, formally known as
the East Coolgardie District Roads Board established in 1896,
this building served as the Chambers for more than half a
century. In 1961 all Roads Boards and Municipalities in
Western Australia were renamed shires, towns and cities with
little change to the boundaries. In 1969 the Kalgoorlie
Shire merged with the Town of Boulder and became the
Shire of Boulder operating separately to the Town of
Kalgoorlie. In 1971 new Shire offices were built and this
building was vacated. In 1989 the Shire of Boulder and
the Town of Kalgoorlie were amalgamated to become the
City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder.
Wesley St. Paul's Church
It was not long after the discovery of gold in Kalgoorlie, that the
Wesley Church trustees erected a timber and hessian church,
which could seat up to 100 people. In 1896, a wood and
iron church was built with plans for a more permanent church
and manse to be constructed. Only a year later the
Wesley Church, as it stands today, was the first stone built
church in Kalgoorlie.
The foundation stone and two memorial stones were laid
at a service held on May 24, 1897. The first service at the
church was conducted by Reverend G.E. Rowe on
September 26, 1897.
Continue west down Egan Street to the corner of
Boulder Road for a photograph of the beautiful
architecture of the Palace Chambers (see No. 27).
Cross Boulder Road, staying on Egan Street, until you reach the
Chamber of Mines.
Chamber of Mines
In 1885 the Coolgardie Chamber of Mines was established
followed in 1889 with the establishment of the Kalgoorlie
Chamber of Mines. In 1901 the Chambers combined to form
a single Chamber of Mines, constructng this building in the
same year. Since renamed the Chamber of Minerals and
Energy, it continues to operate as an advocate for the mining
industry. With an obvious connection to the mining industry,
the Gold Stealing Detection Unit of the West Australian Police
Force relocated to this building on June 9, 2005 sharing the
facility with the Chamber of Minerals and Energy.
Continue along Egan Street to the next building which is the
Western Australia School of Mines.
Continue along Porter Street to the corner of Porter and Egan
streets where the Wesley St. Paul's Church is located.
Western Australian
School of Mines
Lord Forrest Olympic Pool, 1950
The steady growth of the mining industry in the Eastern
Goldfields from the mid to late 1890s was matched with
growing pressure to establish training facilities in specialised
mining related fields such as Geology, Metallurgy, Surveying,
Assaying and Engineering. When the School of Mines was first
opened in 1902 it was housed in Coolgardie's 1899 Exhibition
building. Two years later the School moved to Kalgoorlie when
a new purpose-built School of Mines was opened at an official
ceremony in 1904. Since 1969 the Western Australian School
of Mines (WASM) has been a branch of the Western Australian
Institute of Technology, which is now Curtin University. The
WASM museum was built in 1907 and displays a vast array of
minerals from all over the world.
Now walk to the corner of Egan and Cassidy streets, turn left and
proceed to the corner of Cassidy and MacDonald streets.
This position provides a photograph opportunity
of the facade of the Lord Forrest Olympic Pool,
diagonally opposite.
Lord Forrest
Olympic Pool
Prior to the opening of the Lord Forrest Olympic Pool in 1938
there was a smaller Municipal Pool in Victoria Park. However
Mayor Richard Moore, proposed a new full sized pool be built
at the north end of Commonwealth Park. It was designed by
W.G. Bennett and funded largely by the Town Council and
Chamber of Mines. The pool was named after Lord Forrest to
mark the centenary of his birth in August 1947. The new pool
opened on Christmas Eve 1938 and was the first olympic pool
built in the state. The pool served as a very popular place for
recreational and competition swimming until it closed in 1999.
Walk further down MacDonald Street along Kingsbury Park where
you will find a toilet block and drinking fountain.
Continue to the corner of MacDonald and Wilson Streets,
turn right and walk to the corner of Hannan Street where
you will be under the balcony of the Kalgoorlie Hotel.
Western Australian School of Mines
Kalgoorlie Hotel
The Kalgoorlie Hotel was built in 1896 in a Federation Filigree
architectural style. Since it underwent major renovations in the
1990s, the Kalgoorlie Hotel has been referred to as Judd's
Pub and has a very popular balcony dining area, while down
stairs is a popular venue for live bands.
Take this opportunity to photograph the Kalgoorlie
Town Hall in all its splendour located across the road.
Turn right on Hannan Street to the Crothers Buildings.
York Hotel, 1901
Crothers Buildings
Mr J. Crothers was a prominent building contractor in the
Eastern Goldfields during the early part of the 20th century. His
buildings included the Crothers Buildings, the City Markets on
the opposite side of Hannan Street and the York Hotel
adjacent. This Federation Free Classical styled building
was constructed in c.1907 and has been used for a variety of
retail purposes. Previously a second building adjoined the
eastern side of the York Hotel but this building has since
been demolished.
This is the ideal place to photograph the Kalgoorlie
Markets and Endowment Block buildings.
Next door is the York Hotel.
The York Hotel with its impressive facade was constructed
between 1900 and 1901, opening on February 23, 1901. Built
for Mr Laslett, it was leased to an experienced hotel manager
Mr McLachlan. In the early part of the 20th century, famous
guests at the hotel included the heavy weight boxing
champion, Premo Carnera, and the French actress Tittle
Broom. During the 1934 race riots, the York Hotel verandah
floor caught alight - fortunately firemen were able to save the
A short walk to the corner of Hannan and Cassidy streets
brings you to the former site of the Oriental Hotel.
Kalgoorlie Hotel
Crothers Buildings, 2006
York Hotel
Oriental Hotel
Exchange Hotel
The Oriental Hotel was constructed in 1900 on the former site
of MacDonald's Water Right. This was a very grand building,
financed by John Wilkie, one of the Wilkie brothers who built
the railway line from Southern Cross to Kalgoorlie. Despite
street demonstrations to retain the hotel, it was demolished in
June 1972. A new building was later built at the same site,
which now operates as a Chain Reaction store.
The Exchange Hotel is an impressive building, constructed in
1900 for the Wilkie Bros. who were contractors for the
Southern Cross - Kalgoorlie Railway line. Along with the
Australia and Palace Hotels, the Exchange Hotel holds a
prominent position on the corner of Hannan and Maritana
Street. It is believed that the hotel was saved from damage
during the 1934 race riots when Bill Trythall temporarily took
over the licence from the licensee whose name made him
vulnerable to assault.
As you stroll down towards the Palace Hotel after
crossing Cassidy Street take the opportunity to
photograph the Post Office clock and facade of the
Kalgoorlie Mechanics Institute.
Palace Hotel and
Palace Chambers
In 1897 Mr J.D. Connolly constructed this impressive
two-storey building. The building design was a result of an
architectural competition won by Porter and Thomas of Perth.
Given its prominent position on Hannan Street, it has been
witness to many occurrences including street gatherings
and public speeches, photographs of some of these events
can still be viewed today inside the building. The function room
in the Palace Hotel is named after Herbert Hoover who
worked as a Mine Manager in the Northern Goldfields and was
a regular visitor to the hotel. Hoover later became President of
the United States of America.
Adjacent to the Palace Hotel along Maritana Street, is the
Palace Chambers built three years later. The building is two
and three storeys high, built to the pavement line with offices
at the front. The upper floor, used for accommodation, is
connected to the hotel by an enclosed passageway over the
laneway. The Palace Chambers is one of Kalgoorlie's finest
pieces of streetscape architecture.
While you are at this building take a photograph of
the McKenzie’s Buildings across the road.
Next to the Exchange Hotel on Hannan Street is the Kalgoorlie
Miner building.
Kalgoorlie Miner Building
This building has a long association with the Hocking family.
After being involved in newspapers in Adelaide and later
Coolgardie, the Hocking brothers bought the weekly Kalgoorlie
"Western Argus" in 1895. Later the same year they published
the first issue of the "Kalgoorlie Miner", a daily publication of 4
pages, costing two pence. This building was constructed in
1900 to provide greater office and factory space for the
expanding daily newspaper. It was the first three storey
building in Kalgoorlie. In April 1970 the ownership of the
Kalgoorlie Miner passed from the hands of the Hocking family
to West Australian Newspapers Pty. Ltd. Today the building
remains the headquarters of the "Kalgoorlie Miner" still
published daily, however printing of the paper is now
undertaken in Perth.
This is a good opportunity for a photograph of the
Brennan Bros. building facade.
Continue your walk for a short distance until you reach the
Sheeds building.
This is a prime position to photograph the
Australia Hotel.
Cross over Maritana Street to the Exchange Hotel entrance.
The first building on this site was constructed in c.1898
out of hessian for J.W. Fimister. It was then upgraded to
corrugated iron and later to the two-storey stone and brick
structure that stands today. After 1900 David Sheed bought
the building and sold hardware, wholesale and retail groceries,
general house furnishings, spirits and wines. Sheeds
expanded to become one of the leading enterprises in the
Goldfields, having branches in Boulder and Fremantle. The
Sheeds family sold their business in 1983 ending a long
association. Of the five Sheed generations that lived in
Kalgoorlie, three operated the store.
Cohn’s Buildings, 1981
A great place to take a photograph of the Western
Australian Bank building.
Now proceed through to the corner of Hannan and Porter Streets
where the Cohn's Building is located.
Cohn's Buildings
After a fire in 1895, the Cohn's Buildings was built on the
site of the Club Hotel. The contractors were Hassell, Forrest
and Brimage. The buildings were named after the owner
I.J.K. Cohn who was a one time Mayor of Southern Cross and
a Magistrate of Coolgardie. Part of the building was used as
the Tattersall's Hotel, which was later called the Savoy.
Sheeds building, 2006
Cross over Hannan Street to Monty's and walk along Porter Street
until you reach the corner of Porter and Brookman Streets where
the Federation Gothic style design of Saint Mary's Catholic Church
can been seen.
Kalgoorlie Fire Station, 1913
St. Mary's Catholic
By 1900 it became strongly apparent that a much more
substantial Catholic Church was required to replace the
original church built of corrugated iron in 1896. Designed
by joint architects Hawkins & Sprigg from Kalgoorlie and
M.F. & J.C. Cavenagh from Perth and contracted to
S. Campbell of Subiaco, St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church
was completed in 1902. The church was designed in a
Federation Gothic style and was built from Coolgardie bricks.
Continue along Brookman Street to the Fire Station building that
adjoins St. Mary's Catholic Church.
Kalgoorlie Fire Station
This building was erected in 1934, replacing the former
Fire Station constructed in 1896. Designed by architect
Mr K.C. Duncan and built by T. Snooks and Sons, the station
remained in service until 1971 when a new fire station to
service both Kalgoorlie and Boulder was built on Boulder Road
halfway between the two towns.
A short walk further down Brookman Street brings you to the first
Kalgoorlie Municipal Council Local Government Chambers.
Municipal Chambers
Continue along until you reach the corner of Brookman Street and
Maritana Street, where the Maritana Buildings are located.
St. Mary’s Catholic Church, 2005
This two-storey brick building was constructed in 1897 to
house the offices and chambers of the Kalgoorlie Municipal
Council and was used until 1908 when the Municipality moved
to the newly constructed Kalgoorlie Town Hall on the corner of
Hannan and Wilson Streets.
Municipal Chambers, 1902
Maritana Buildings
The Maritana Buildings and the surrounding area have long
been associated with the Anglican Church of Kalgoorlie. Upon
completion of this building in 1902 the Maritana buildings
were leased in two sections to different mining engineers.
Throughout its history the Maritana buildings have had many
tenants, providing revenue to the Kalgoorlie Anglican Diocese.
Take the opportunity to photograph the Hannans Club
across the road.
Turn right and you will see the St. John The Baptist Old Cathedral
St. John The Baptist
Old Cathedral
In 1906 Canon T. McClemans took over as resident minister at
St. John's and announced the intention to construct a much
larger and more permanent church built of brick. After enough
funds were raised a new church was built, designed by
architect Tom Roberts and contracted to O'Donnell, Williams
and Co. for £2600. The church that stands here today was
completed and consecrated in 1909.
Cross Maritana Street to the Hannans Club.
Hannans Club
Designed by architects H.L. Brookman and Harvey G. Draper,
the Hannans Club was purpose built as an exclusive
Gentlemen's club in 1896. The creation of this Club was the
outcome of a meeting held in August 1895 organised
by Warden Maynard Jephson. At the meeting William
Brookman and Charles de Rose offered to build suitable
premises and lease it to the Club. By November 1897, there
were 288 Ordinary Members and 279 Honorary Members.
The Hannans Club still operates as a venue for seminars,
meetings, parties, conferences and other functions.
Kalgoorlie Ex-Services
Memorial Club
This Club building was once the home of the former Manager
of Burbanks Gold Mine, Mr Nicholls. In 1910 Mr Nicholls
bought this land, which was being used as a Sports Ground
and relocated his Manager's house here. The house was
hauled on a jinker by a team of camels. Mr Nicholls enlisted in
1914 and donated this property to the Red Cross before
leaving for "the front". The house was used to provide
accommodation and comfort to war veterans. The Red Cross
continued to use part of the building as a branch meeting
place until 1972 when a purpose-designed replacement was
built next door. The Red Cross then transferred ownership to
the present Kalgoorlie Ex-Services Memorial Club.
Directly across the road is the Kalgoorlie Central
School. This is a good spot to take a photograph
of the School.
Cross the road to the Kalgoorlie Central School.
Kalgoorlie Central School
The original Kalgoorlie School was constructed on this site in
1896. The building was made of iron and it was the first
Government School to open in the area. To cater for
overcrowding, a new stone building was constructed in 1897.
The builders were Messrs Phillips and Royle who used stone
from the Ashlar quarry south of Boulder. The official opening
of the school was on October 4, 1897. The first Headmaster
was Mr J. McInerney and there were 267 children on the roll.
Over the years, attendance increased and more buildings were
added. The original iron school continued to be used for
various purposes until it was dismantled in 1974.
Continue down Dugan Street, across Cassidy Street to Wilson St
where you turn left and head towards the Kalgoorlie Town Hall.
While at the corner of Dugan and Wilson streets take
a photograph of the Horan's Meats building.
Walk back along Maritana Street away from the town centre
and turn left at Dugan Street. A short walk will bring you to
the Kalgoorlie Ex-Services Memorial Club.
Horan's Meats
Horan’s Meats, 2005
This building in the Federation Free Classical style,
with Romanesque style detailing, was built in the late 1890s.
The building has associations with the meat industry, first
established as a bulk meat store and retail butchers which
accounts for the unusually high windows to let the
heat out. The Horan family who owned and operated
this business lived in the nearby Municipal Heritage listed
home at 72 Dugan Street. The Horan's Meats building
was used as a butchers shop until recently but now operates
as a restaurant.
The final walk is along Wilson Street until you reach Paddy
Hannan's Statue at the corner of the Kalgoorlie Town Hall.
Paddy Hannan's Statue
Outside the Kalgoorlie Town Hall Paddy waits for
you to take his photograph and maybe refresh
yourself with a drink from his waterbag.
The suggestion for a statue of Paddy Hannan was
submitted by a Kalgoorlie schoolboy, Keith Craig, when the
Municipal Council held a competition for a memorial to
mark Western Australia’s 1929 Centenary. The key element in
his idea was the water bag ‘from which the precious
fluid would flow’. The design was drawn up by Baker
and Matthews of Kalgoorlie and the statue was scupltured
in clay by John McLeod of Perth. The Perth factory of
WunderLich Limited finished the work by casting and
shaping dozens of pieces of hammered bronze and
assembling them to perfectly match the clay sculpture.
This replica was created and placed here in February 1983.
The original was refurbished and moved to the Town Hall
foyer. In 2001 during Centenary celebrations, the orginal
statue was relocated to the Australian Prospectors and
Miners Hall of Fame.
Paddy Hannan’s Statue, 2005
The Kalgoorlie Inner City Trail was made
possible through the efforts of several
individuals and local organisations.
Special mention to:
Elaine Beccarelli and
Victoria Woodhouse for the
research and development of the text.
Tess Thomson for completing
the introduction and her support
and advice throughout.
Colleen Horton for the design and
graphics of the brochure.
The Eastern Goldfields Historical Society
for providing many of the photographs.
I walked the Kalgoorlie
Inner City Trail
on this
_____ day of ________________
in the year ________
Brennan Brothers Importers (background)