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Practice Exam 2
1. The embryonic layer that will eventually form the muscles of the adult is the
A. musclederm.
B. mesoderm.
C. endoderm.
D. ectoderm.
2. Electrical is too nervous, as ? is too endocrine
A. chemical
C. phospholipid
B. signal
D. gland
3. (2) Cite the animal body systems designed to move substances through the body?
Smooth Muscular System
4. (2) Cite the animal body systems designed to move the entire animal body?
Skeletal Muscular System
5. (2) Cite the animal body systems designed to protect the body from unwanted entry?
Integumentary System
6. (2) Cite two examples of respiration strategies seen in animals?
Direct, Tracheal (lungs), or Gills
7. (2) Classify a chordate animal as per body cavity type and symmetry?
Coelomate and Bilateral
8. (2) What would you tell someone if they accused you of being a deuterostomic ecdyzoan?
I would tell them “Why yes I am a deuterostome (because?), but since I don’t shed my
exoskeleton I am not an ecdysone, thank you very much”
9. (4) Cite and explain two reasons why nutrition is important in animals?
Nutrition is important to allow organisms to have the materials for growth (increase in size),
repair (build new material and cells), basic metabolic purposes (tasks devoted to keeping the
organism alive and within homeostatic limits like gas exchange, acquiring food, or getting rid of
waste), or doing activities (like moving).
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Mr. Brumbaugh
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10. (10) Match the statements in column B with the phyla in column A.
D .Porifera
H .Cnidaria
G . Platyhelminthes
I . Nemertea
J . Mollusca
A ..Annelida
E . Nematoda
B . Arthropoda
F . Echinodermata
C . Mammalia
A. Segmented body with a true coelom, earthworms and leeches
B. Highly successful, “chewing” mouth parts, some fly
C. Furry, live births, mammary glands, and feed young
D. No true tissues and sessile adults
E. Round worms covered with a cuticle and some reeeealy like us
F. Slow moving water living radial, kind of a throw back
G. Flat worm with complete simple nervous and digestive systems
H. Both medusan and polyp stages in a radial life style
I. The first closed circulatory system and they have a proboscis
J. All of us have (can put) a foot and (on a) mantle
11. (2) State the criteria for calculating a BMR or an SMR?
Both require that the organism is at rest, fasting, non-stressed, but for ectotherms they need
to be in their ambient temperature range.
12. In balancing an energy budget, the biggest concern for mammals is
A. activity level.
B. reproduction costs.
C. basal metabolic rate.
D. temperature regulation.
13. In balancing an energy budget, the biggest concern for reptiles is
A. activity level.
C. basal metabolic rate.
B. reproduction costs.
D. temperature regulation.
14. (3) Why would a deer mouse have a greater energy expenditure per unit mass than an adult
This is due to the imbalance of its surface to volume ratio because the mouse has a greater
volume in relationship to its surface area.
15. The regulation of fat stores in mammals is thought to depend on
A. caloric balance.
C. basal metabolic rate.
B. activity.
D. all the above.
16. (2) What is meant by the phrase an “This amino acid is an essential nutrient”?
Amino acids that are considered essential must be procured from the ingested diet.
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17. The mammalian brain structure thought to regulate metabolism is the
A. medulla oblongata.
C. limbic system.
B. pons.
D. hypothalamus.
18. (4) List two fat-soluble vitamins and two water-soluble vitamins and give their general function.
Please see Table 41.1 on page 877 of your textbook for assistance.
19. Most minerals in the human body function
A. as precursors of other molecules.
C. as the basis for building bones or teeth.
B. as coenzymes/cofactors.
D. in a variety of roles.
20. The primary function in digestion of the poriferan cell called a choanocyte is
A. ingestion.
B. transport.
C. digestion.
D. elimination.
21. Most of digestion in a cnidarian occurs
A. extracellularly.
C. at Uncle Bob’s.
B. intracellularly.
D. within a gastrodermal tract.
22. (3) Describe the advantage of a gastro-vascular strategy of digestion?
A gastro-vascular strategy lies in the fact that the organisms practicing this approach can save
energy based on the fact that they don’t have to build or support a more advanced digestive
23. The first true (one-way) digestive system is seen in the ? group.
A. Platyhelminthes
C. rotiferan
B. annelidia
D. nemertean
24. (3) Explain the function of the crop in the alimentary canal?
The crop function’s as a food storage and mixing container before further grinding of food is
25. (4) Describe the main digestive functions of the oral cavity and name the structures that
accomplish these functions?
The digestive function’s of the oral cavity accomplishes two tasks. First it is designed to grind
and mechanically digest (teeth and tongue) incoming food and second to mix the food with saliva
to begin carbohydrate chemical digestion and to prepare the food to move through the rest of the
Biology& 212
Mr. Brumbaugh
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26. The arrangement of the ? layer of the esophagus allows mammals to swallow.
A. muscular
B. connective
C. nervous
D. epithelial
27. (4) Describe the main digestive functions of the stomach and name the chemicals that help
accomplish these functions?
The stomach function’s as a food storage and mixing with chemicals to enhance the digestion
of protein. The chemicals are pepsinogen, HCl, and mucous. The HCl activates the pepsinogen
into pepsin (the protein enzyme) and the mucous counteracts the HCl.
28. (4) Compare and contrast the functions of the small versus the large intestine?
The small intestine is designed to maximally increase the surface to allow for complete
(relative) digestion of food and then to absorb the resulting molecules, where as the large
intestine is designed to pack the unabsorbed material for elimination and to absorb water.
29. (4) Contrast the pancreas with the liver in regards to digestive function?
The pancreas is responsible for releasing a number of digestive enzyme to complete
carbohydrate, lipid, protein, and nucleic acid chemical digestion down to the level of molecules
that can be absorbed, where as the liver is responsible for secreting a lipid emulsifier b=called
bile. Both dump their products vis a tubular network into the duodenum of the small intestine..
30. (4) Describe the process of cephalic digestion.
Cephalic digestion is really a preparation for digestion to begin. When the senses are
stimulated with food odors, visual cues, or just plain hunger pangs the brain sends signals to the
salivary glands to begin secreting saliva, it also stimulates the esophagus, stomach, and S.I. to
begin peristaltic waves in anticipation of the arrival of food. Chemicals begin to be released from
the stomach as well.
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31. The hormone responsible for activating the pancreas during digestion is
A. secretin.
C. gastrin.
B. choleocystokinin.
D. pancreatin.
32. An herbivore is going to have more ? types of teeth.
A. incisor
C. molar
B. canine
D. deciduous
33. (4) Explain why an herbivore has a longer intestinal tract than a carnivore?
The length has to do with the processing of the plant molecule called cellulose. This molecule
simply needs more time to be broken down chemically.
34. (6) Compare the function of the section of a bovine’s digestive tract known as the Omasum,
Reticulum, and the Abomasum?
The omasum is a highly folded to increase surface area of this second stomach of the bovine
to allow for maximum absorption of water and salt and some mechanical digestion due it
muscular wall contractions. The reticulum is a portion of the area of a bovine digestive tract
which allows for mixing of digestive enzymes and bacteria to begin the breakdown of food for
absorption. This third stomach also enhances the mechanical digestion of the food. The
abomasum is the fourth stomach of a bovine where much of the chemical digestion is completed
due to additions of enzymes from glands found it its tissue walls.
35. The practice of chewing “cud” by bovines does which of he following
A. increases the surface area to volume ratio.
C. mixes bacteria with the food.
Biology& 212
Mr. Brumbaugh
B. occupies time.
D. What is cud?
Practice Exam 2
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