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 All
words serve a particular function in a
word’s function is determined by what “part
of speech” it is.
 Noun,
Pronoun, Verb, Adjective, Adverb,
Preposition, Interjection, or conjunction.
noun is a person, place, or thing
Mr. Spitzer, Student, Class, School,
Edwards, Intelligence, Education.
of sentences are nouns – every
sentence needs at least one noun.
Spitzer teaches English.
 Concrete
Noun – A noun that is tangible or has substance. Ex. Desk,
book, etc.
 Abstract
Noun – An abstract noun is something that cannot be
seen or touched (an idea or concept). Ex. The soldier has great
 Proper
Noun – A specific person or place. Ex. California.
 Common
Noun – A noun that is not specific. Ex. School
 Compound
Noun – A noun made up of two or more words.
 Collective
Noun – A noun that names a group of individual people
or things. Ex. Team, class, crowd (considered SINGULAR).
pronoun is a word that replaces a
antecedent is the noun that the
pronoun replaces in a sentence. Ex. Mr.
Spitzer is a teacher who teaches English.
 Personal
Pronouns refer to (1) the person
speaking, (2) the person spoken to, or (3) the
person, place, or thing spoken about.
 Ex.
I, me, my, mine
 Ex.
You, your, yours
 Ex.
He, him, his, she, her, hers, it, its
 Ex.
We, us, our, ours
 Ex.
They, them, their, theirs
Demonstrative Pronoun points out a specific
person, place or thing.
 It
can come before or after it’s antecedent.
Ex. This/These (Singular/Plural)
Ex. That/Those (Singular/Plural)
 Reflexive
Pronouns – Refers back, or reflects back,
to a noun or pronoun used earlier in the sentence;
adds information.
 Ex.
I exhausted myself working on the assignment
for English.
 Intensive
Pronouns – Adds emphasis to another
noun or pronoun; does not add information. Can
be omitted.
 Ex.
You yourself told me where to go.
 Myself,
yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves,
yourselves, themselves.
 An
Interrogative Pronoun is used to form questions.
 Ex.
Who? Whom? Whose? What? Which?
 Add
–ever to make it intensive.
Relative Pronoun is used to create a
subordinate clause (a group of words that has a
subject-verb but is not a complete idea).
 Ex.
Who, Whose, Whomever, That, What, Whom,
Whoever, Which, Whichever, Whatever.
 An
Indefinite Pronoun refers to person, places,
or things in a more general way than a noun.
 Ex.
She seems to know everyone at school.
 Ex.
All, each, many, nothing, someone,
everyone, few, both, etc.
verb is an action or state of being.
 It
tells what a subject is doing, or what a
subject is.
 Ex.
Mr. Spitzer teaches English.
 Ex.
Mr. Spitzer is a teacher.
 An
action verb tells what something or
someone does.
 Transitive:
Ex. Cats climb trees.
 Intransitive:
Ex. Cats climb to avoid large,
hungry dogs.
linking verb links the subject of a sentence with a
word or expression that identifies or describes the
subject (it does not show action).
 Ex.
The student is intelligent.
 Ex.
He grew taller over the summer.
 The
most commonly used linking verb is “be” in all its
forms – am, is, are, was, were, will be, has been, was
verb phrase consists of a main verb
and all of its auxiliary or helping verbs.
I am walking.
I have walked.
I had been walking.
 An
adjective modifies (describes) a noun or
 Ex.
Tall girl, short boy, smart students, loud class
 Articles
are special types of adjectives: a, an,
 Nouns
and pronouns can be used as
 Proper
Nouns can be used as Proper
Adjectives: Britain  British
 An
adverb modifies (describes) a verb, adjective, or
other adverb.
 Often,
adverbs end in –ly.
 Ex.
He moves quickly.
 Ex.
The brilliantly funny Mr. Spitzer amuses the class.
 Ex.
He is rather shy.
 Ex.
They walked quite slowly.
preposition shows the relationship of a noun or pronoun to
some other word in a sentence.
 Ex.
The car started with ease.
 Often,
prepositions show location.
 Ex.
The garage is behind the house.
 Ex.
The engine started after the adjustment.
Prepositional Phrase is a group of words that begins with a
preposition and ends with a noun called an Object of a
 Ex.
Near the back door, outside the house, beyond belief.
conjunction joins words or groups of words.
 Coordinating
conjunction joins words or groups of
words that have equal grammatical weight.
 Ex.
He designs and builds
 Subordinating
conjunction joins two ideas, one
dependent on the other.
 Ex.
We stopped talking when the bell rang.
 Ex.
I did well on the quiz because I studied.
 Correlative
 Ex.
conjunction works in pairs to join words.
Either you or I must go.
An interjection is a word or phrase that shows emotion or
Ex. Hey!
Ex. Wow!
Ex. What?
Ex. Ouch!
Ex. Golly.
Ex. Ah