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Stu’s News
“ A cheerful heart is good
medicine ...”
A funny thing happened on
the way to better hearing...
I was talking on the phone to my
sister in Texas and had been
explaining to her about a throat
irritation our mother was having.
Reassuring her, I wrapped
up the conversation with the
statement, “Again, there’s no
reason to worry.”
My sister, who refuses to admit
she has a hearing problem
came back with,“Why would
you do that?”
I responded, “Do what?”
Nancy said, “Come to Houston.”
“Why would I come to Houston?”
I asked her.
“That’s what I want to know.
You can do that where you are.”
“Do what?” I asked again,
“But there’s nothing to worry
“Then why did you say, “I’ll
come to Houston to worry?”
Whew boy! Some conversations
just don’t go in the direction
you’re trying to take them—
especially when one party has
a loose connection—between
words! I will keep trying to
get Nancy to follow my longdistance urging to get hearing
help. Hopefully, she’ll take the
advice.Sooner, rather than later!
Turkey Talk: Just How Bad is Bad?
Thanksgiving is just around the corner
and, like every year, I know I’m going to
hear it. The family’s already prompting
you to come in for a hearing test—before
they get into town. You come in and tell
me, “My loss isn’t that bad.” Or, “I get
by.” Knowing many people with a mildto-moderate hearing loss, I thoroughly
understand what you mean. Since
you still have a substantial amount of
functional hearing, you think you hear
“just fine”. Even without hearing aids,
you still just don’t know you
don’t hear well. So, how severe does
hearing loss have to become for you to
be concerned?
It’s time to talk turkey. Let me tell you…
even a small amount of hearing loss can
affect many parts of our lives, eroding
patience and peaceful living, like water
on a rock. Easy communication and
good conversation are the bond of
meaningful relationships. The first and
most serious impact of hearing loss is
Cont. pg 3
Let the Voices of America Be Heard!
In this election year, much
focus is on our highly
unusual political scene
and, very certainly, the
most honorable Office of
the American President.
While November 8th will
give us the results of
many months of rigorous
Cont. pg 2
Let the Voices of America Be Heard!
Cont. From pg. 1
candidates, it is the voice of the people plight of the hearing impaired, as well
that will be heard in the final count.
as the technological advancements
Which brings us to another point: the that could bring new hope to those
voices that could not be heard by two who need(ed) to hear better. A White
former Presidents of the United States, House staffer said at the time, Mr.
the late President Ronald Reagan and Reagan was “like a kid with a new toy.”
former President Bill Clinton. Both
of these U.S. Presidents were fitted
with hearing aids to help them more
clearly hear and understand the voices
around them.
According to a Newsweek article from
September, 1983, Ronald Reagan’s
hearing had been damaged on a movie
set in 1939 when a .38 caliber blank
was fired too close to his right ear. Mr.
Reagan’s hearing slowly deteriorated
and, 44 years later, he was fitted with
his first pair of hearing instruments.
Then-President Reagan was fitted
with the newly-introduced “In-theCanal” style hearing aids, one of
the first highly visible VIPs to wear
these “hardly visible” instruments. Mr.
Reagan’s experience with hearing loss
and his subsequent hearing aid use
brought valuable recognition to the
Bill Clinton had suffered with hearing
loss “for decades” prior to being fitted
with his first pair of hearing aids in
October, 1997, at the ripe old age of
51. Growing up as a “Baby Boomer”
with rock music, concerts—and, yes,
his very own saxophone—all added
up to one thing: a high-frequency
hearing loss for the 42nd President of
who openly admit to their own hearing
the United States.
loss, hearing aids have lost a lot of their
By 1997, hearing instruments had come stigma and have gained acceptance
a long way over the fourteen years and popularity.
since Reagan had gotten his first aids,
So, in this very important election year,
and Mr. Clinton was fitted with the most
vote for yourself and elect to do the
advanced style and technology of the
best thing you can for your hearing—
time: the “Completely-in-the-Canal”
get tested and follow the prescribed
(CIC), nearly-invisible instruments.
steps to hear better. And may the
And now, as technology continually voices of America be heard!
advances and the general public
becomes aware of many VIP’s, rock
stars, celebrities and other notables
Buddy’s Bio
odor in September. In
October he was helping
me garden. Now he just
smells all the time.
I can’t figure out what is
going on with Buddy. He is
really stinking up the place.
We got rid of the skunk
We have taken him to the
vet. It cost us $500.00
to tell us he doesn’t
have allergies. That’s
the equivalent to me
charging $500.00 to tell
someone they don’t have
wax in their ears. Oh
well, it does give us peace
of mind to know it’s not
something we’re feeding
him. So...what is the stink?
in different soaps and
shampoos. We keep him
outside so he can get some
sun—but not for too long.
He also has his own bed
by the front door. His crate,
that he really loves to sleep
in, is in the living room. We
have sprayed, washed and
decontaminated both. Still
Buddy stinks!
If anyone has any ideas,
PLEASE...let me know!
Mariela is just about ready
to try the washing machine!
(Just kidding!) We still love
Buddy and I’m sure the
smell will leave as quickly
as it came. I’ll let you know
next month how he’s doing.
Until then, keep your
distance from our house.
You will be happy you did!
Turkey Talk: Just How Bad is Bad?
In Singapore, spitting, smoking
and feeding birds in public
are considered civic crimes
punishable by instant fines.
NOVEMBER 11, 2016
Gratefully remembering the
sacrifices of all our Veterans.
To All Our Dear Veterans
and Their Families:
Freedom costs more than
most of us can truly ever
know. We thank you for your
dedication and service for the
well-being of our country and
all its citizens.
ends at 2:00 AM on Sunday,
November 6, 2016
Completing his term as
POTUS in 1853, the late
President Millard Fillmore ran
again on the “Know Nothing”
ticket of 1856 and garnered
21.6% of the popular vote and
8 electoral votes.
Cont. From pg. 1
soon as possible. The
human ear is very
sensitive. The healthier
and more capable the
ear is of accepting
new sounds, the more
effectively a hearing
care professional can
stimulate any remaining
hearing through expertly
fitting and programming
detection and correction
felt in our closest relationships—like
can make a significant
with our spouses, or our children and difference for anyone to successfully
grandchildren. We don’t like to hear transition into wearing hearing aids.
the subtle (and often not-so-subtle)
suggestion that we might have hearing It may be clever to say, “I hear what I
loss and hearing aids could be needed. want to hear” or “There isn’t anything
Too often, the idea is scoffed at or worth hearing, anyway” but it loses
ignored altogether, causing frustration, its charm when someone you love
annoyance and irritation for both sides. is trying to share something and you
can’t understand what they’re saying.
Don’t let hearing loss fool you. If Over time, many give up trying. So.
you—or someone you’re close to— How bad is bad? If anyone notices, it’s
notices ANY hearing loss, make sure bad enough to have it checked.
to act quickly! If you recognize that
simple conversations have become So let’s talk turkey. We can tell you
more challenging—on either side of before Thanksgiving if you or a loved
the conversation—there is, typically, one has hearing loss. It’s easy as pie.
already substantial and irreparable Addressing it now will make everyone
damage to the cochlear hair cells. more thankful at your gathering.
The hearing should be checked as Call us today!
Solution to Secret Code Names Are No Secret
1. L – Lancer
7. A – Renegade
2. G – Minuteman
8 . E – Eagle
3. J – Rawhide
9. B – Rainbow
4. K – Evergreen
10.H – Lace
5. I – Tumbler/
11.C – Mogul
6. F – Tempo
From pg. 4
12.D – Timberwolf
24310 Moulton Pkwy., Ste. D
Laguna Woods, CA 92637
Stuart Spencer,
Board Certified
Hearing Instrument
Now ‘Ear This from the Expert
A Puzzling Question About
Patients often come into the
office and tell us they can readily
hear someone speaking to
them but they don’t understand
the words clearly. So...what’s
We administer a Pure Tone
hearing test to find out what
portions of your hearing are
the weakest. Patients often
comment that they dread this
particular test. The different
beeping tones become so faint
they wonder if they’re truly
hearing it, or just imagining it.
This is equivalent to the eye
exam where you’re instructed
to push the button when you
see the light. Did it flash, or
did I just think it was flashing?
As agonizing as this test may
be, it’s a very important test to
identify these obscure points
of hearing across your speech
Once we locate your different
points of hearing, we can easily
visualize where to stimulate
your hearing to “fill in the blanks”
of sounds needed in order
to customize your frequency
response for better speech
understanding. Most people
have a greater hearing loss in
the “high frequency” range.
This is where very soft speech
sounds are heard.
Without the assistance of
hearing aids, patients often
confuse words. For example,
the word “found” is confused
for “sound”; the word “thin” for
“men”. When this happens, there
is a disconnect in your brain for
the flow of conversation. You
have to stop and think about
why what you heard doesn’t
make sense or didn’t fit into the
context of conversation. While
you are trying to complete
the puzzle, your conversation
partner keeps right on talking
and you miss the rest of the
We can help identify the pieces
of your hearing that are missing
and help you solve the puzzle.
Call us today!
Answers on pg. 3
One of the most important secrets of each
Presidential candidate or VIP protected by the
Secret Service isn’t as guarded as you’d think.
From a list provided by the SS, each notable
selects a Code Name which they keep for
their lifetime. Can you match the Code Name
each VIP selected? Some selections are quite
1. John F. Kennedy
__ A. Renegade
2. John Kerry
__ B. Rainbow
3. Ronald Reagan
__ C. Mogul
4. Hilary Clinton
__ D. Timberwolf
5. George W. Bush
__ E. Eagle
6. Laura Bush
__ F. Tempo
7. Barack Obama
__ G. Minuteman
8. Bill Clinton
__ H. Lace
9. Nancy Reagan
__ I. Tumbler/
10. Jackie Kennedy
11. Donald Trump
12. George H.W.
__ J. Rawhide
__ K. Evergreen
__ L. Lancer