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Words Their Way Choice Homework *** You must use at least 10 of your words unless otherwise noted. You may always do MORE! *** On your free choice evening: If you do an activity that requires the use of paper, please return it to school the following day. If you choose an activity that involves movement or oral practice and no paper, it does not need to be submitted. We are using the Honor System. We encourage you to try various activities. However, you may repeat your favorite activities as often as you would like. 1. Rainbow Writing: write your words 3 times one on top of the other with different colors. 2. Write 5 words. Look up 5 of your words in the dictionary. Write the guide words and the part of speech that the word it is. 3. Write 10 sentences using a Words their Way word in each. Underline your word. 4. Put your words in ABC order. 5. Left to right/ Right to left – write each word one time with your left hand. Then write each word again with your right hand. 6. Kinesthetic writing – place your paper on top of a rough surface like sandpaper, your driveway, tile floor, etc. and write your words. 7. Write a synonym or antonym for 10 of your words. 8. Go to and create a crossword puzzle or a word search 9. Vowel – Consonant spelling -­‐ write your word in pencil and then trace over your vowels in red and your consonants in blue. 10.
Smiley face spelling J The first eye is the first letter. The second eye is the last letter. The smile is the entire word. 11.
Shaving cream – spread shaving cream on a surface and write your words in it 12.
Write and erase. Write your words on a dry erase board. Erase each letter with your finger while you say the letter out loud. 13.
Stair writing. cat c ca cat 14.
Make your words with play-­‐doh or legos. Sign language writing – fingerspell your words 16.
Use sidewalk chalk to write your words on your driveway. 17.
Visual writing. Write 10 words to look like what they mean. 18.
Use a paintbrush and water to write your words on your driveway. 19.
Put food coloring in a spray bottle and paint your words in the snow. 20.
Play hangman using your WTW words. 21.
Use wikki stix to create your words and then place paper on top and do a rubbing of your word. 22.
Create a song, riddle or rhyme to help you remember your weekly Words Their Way rules. 23.
Create an advertisement for something. Use as many words that fit your pattern as you can. 24.
Draw and Label – Students draw pictures that represent some of their words, to reveal their meanings. Label each picture with your Word Their Way word. 25.
Identify any multiple meaning words on your list. Write 2 sentences for each word that conveys the different meaning. Example: cruise • Have you ever taken a vacation on a cruise ship? • My dad asked me to cruise around town in our convertible after school. 26.
Change Up – Have students use their Words Their Way patterns, to change a letter or letters to make new words. The new words must contain the same rule. Example: stack, quack, track, shack and so on. 27.
Concept Sort – Have students group their words into categories, like words that are verbs, nouns, adjectives, adverbs, etc or a unit of study, such as community words or animal words. 28.
Flash-­‐writing-­‐ In a darkened room, use a flashlight to draw letters in the air. 29.
Back-­‐writing-­‐ Using your finger, slowly draw each letter on a partner’s back, having the partner say the word when completed. Trade places and continue. 30.
Draw a picture and “hide” the words in the picture. 31.
Words-­‐in words-­‐ Write your word and then write at least 2 words that you can make using the letters from your original word. For example: stairs-­‐air, sat 32.
Write a persuasive letter to a friend or family member using as many Words Their Way words as you can. Underline your words. 33.
Make a writing slate from a Ziploc bag with shaving cream inside. Zip it, lay it on a table, and write all your words using your finger. 34.
Write a “How To” story using a minimum of 5 Word Their Way words. Ex: How to Make A Sandwich 35.
Acrostic Words: Write a Words Their Way word so that each letter is listed vertically on your paper. Next to each letter write a word that starts with that letter, and describes the spelling word. Complete 5 words. 36.
Go to [ to play a game or take a test. 37.
Write 10 of your words and write if they are a noun, verb, adjective, adverb, pronoun, or compound word. 38.
Write a letter, using correct letter format, to a friend or family member using as many spelling words as you can. Underline your words. 39.
Write each of your words on white paper using a white crayon. Paint the paper with watercolors and watch the words appear. 40.
Write a poem using as many words as you can. Underline your words. 41.
Write 10 of your spelling words in reverse ABC order. 42.
Write the alphabet on another piece of paper. Under A, write $1.00. Under B write $2.00, and so on. Add the dollar amount of 5 of your spelling words. 43.
Design a spelling game to play with your friends. It can be a board game, a card game, a guessing game or some other idea. 44.
Write a silly story using 10 spelling words. Underline your words. 45.
Paint 10 of your spelling words using a paintbrush and paint. 46.
Letter Frames-­‐ Write your words. Then write again, drawing a frame around each to show the tall, small and descending of each letter. 47.
Draw or create on the computer a cartoon using at least 5 of your words. 48.
Musical Words-­‐Chant, clap or stomp the letters of each of your spelling words. 49.
Create a mathematical code for letters of the alphabet. Use the code to spell out your spelling words. For Example: A=1, B=2, C=3 cab = 3,1,2 50.
Scrambled words-­‐Write your words, and then write them again with the letters mixed up. 51.
Words without vowels-­‐ Write your words replacing all the vowels with a line. 52.
In the News -­‐ Write a story for the newspaper. Use 5 or more spelling words in your story. Draw a red box around each word you use. 53.
Writing Riddles -­‐ Choose 5 different spelling words. Write a riddle for each one. Ask a family member to solve your riddles. 54.
Map It! – Create a coordinate grid like battleship. Place your words on the grid. Below the grid write the coordinates for each word. 55.
Color by Color – Use this color code to write each spelling word in code: Color code: a – e =red; f-­‐j = blue; k-­‐o = green; p-­‐t = purple; u-­‐z = orange 56.
Shipshape Spelling – Write a word triangle for each spelling word. Example: c ca cat Outline the triangle to make a “sail.” Add a mast and a boat. Write the complete word in the boat. 57.
Dear Teacher – Write a note to your teacher. Use 5 or more spelling words in your note. Draw a blue line under each spelling word you use. 58. Cut your words out of magazines or newspapers OR cut out the letters that make your words. Glue them to a sheet of paper.