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Chapter 23.2 Notes
The Revolution of 1830
 At the end of the Napoleonic era, (1815) the Congress
of Vienna restore Louis XVIII to the French throne.
The French has a constitution and a legislature, but
most of the power remain with the king.
The Revolution of 1830
 A King Abdicates
 Louis XVIII dies his brother Charles X inherited the throne
 Charles tried to rule as an absolute monarchy
 He suspended the power of the legislature resulting in citizens
 Within days they controlled Paris and Charles fled to England
 Metternich of Austria heard of the revolution and said “ my
life’s work is destroyed”
The Revolution of 1830
 The Reign of Louis Philippe
The moderate liberal party would help start the revolution formed a
constitutional monarchy and chose Louis Philippe to be the new king
He was an aristocrat who was popular with the middle class
He dressed like the middle class
 They called him the citizen king
He did not act like a citizen king
He increased the number of voters but only too the wealthy
 He limited freedom of the press
 Very repressive, silenced those who opposed him
 During his reign the working class grew poorer and the middle and
upper class grew richer
Popularity decrease in 1846 with an economic depression, life was
worse for all but the upper class
Revolution began again
Birth of a Republic
 The Revolution of 1848
The Revolution of 1848 began when the government banned a
banquet for reformers
Angry protestors took to the streets and Louis Philippe abdicated the
throne and the monarchy came to an end
The French citizens formed a republic and a new government, a
republic with a President
Voters elected Napoleons nephew Louis Napoleon, as President
Era was known as the Second Republic
 1st
republic was under the national convention during the FR
 All adult males could vote and never lost it again
 Created support for a republican government
 Helped the women’s rights movement
 Began industrialization
 Economic prosperity
Birth of a Republic
 Napoleon II and the Second Empire
The new constitution only allowed the President to serve for 4 years
In 1851 LN wanted to remain in office so he sent troops to Paris and
arrested the members of the National Assembly who opposed him
He called for a national vote to decided if he should be given the
power to draft a new constitution, Voters approved the measure
In another vote the next year the people voted him the emperor
Beginning the era known as the Second Empire
 Increased voting rights
 LN had absolute power
 Built many railroads which helped increase trade
Birth of a Republic
 The Third Republic
 In 1870 LN drew France into war with Prussia
 LN was captured by the Prussians and surrendered
 This shameful defeat led the French National Assembly to
depose of LN and create the Third Republic
 After the capture of LN Prussia invaded France
Prussia lost but cost France a lot of money
Third Republic Reforms
1820 education available for children 6-13
 1884- trade unions legalized
 1900- work hours had been reduced
 1906- new act passed that required employers to give their
workers one day off a week
The Birth of a Republic
 The Dreyfus Affair
 All of these reforms did not solves France’s problems, divisions split
French society
 In 1894 the divisions came to a break point know as the Dreyfus Affair
which revealed the extent of anti-Semitism in France
 1894 Alfred Dreyfus was a captain in the French army and a Jew
He was falsely accused and convicted of betraying the French military and
selling military secrets to the Germans
Other military leaders knew he was not guilty but because they were antiSemitic they allowed him to take the blame
They held a public ceremony to humiliate him, the stripes from his uniform
were ripped off and his sword broken, the crowd was shouting to kill him
Later evidenced showed that another officer gave the information to the
Germans but he was not Jewish and was not found guilty in court
In 1897 military officers came forward with the true story but Dreyfus
was not officially cleared until 1906
The Birth of the Republic
 The Dreyfus Affair
 The Dreyfus Affair divided France
 Emile Zola published an open letter in 1898 in defense of Dreyfus and accusing
the French government of anti-Semitism
 This allowed the Dreyfus case to re-open
 This resulted in Anti-Semitic protests and Zola being put on trial and found guilty
of libel
 The Dreyfus Affair had a huge impact on the growth of Jewish nationalism
 Theodor Herzl covered the Zola and Dreyfus trial was shocked by the antiSemitism in France and he believed the root of the problem was that the Jewish
people did not have a nation of their own
Herzl published The Jewish State which outlined a plan for an independent Jewish
country, developed by the help of other countries
Herzl work help start Zionism- a Jewish nationalist movement to re-create a
Jewish state in its original homeland
 By the 1900’s Zionist movement encouraged Jews to return to the
Mediterranean, and many did