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Last class I asked you to take notice of your cafeteria.
•Where there certain foods being advertised? Were those foods
healthy or unhealthy?
•What are the lines like? Do you have little time to eat?
•What is the ratio of healthy to unhealthy choices?
In a few sentences please tell me what you observed…
Lesson 2: Nutrients
• Your body uses nutrients in the following
• As an energy source
• To heal, build, and repair tissue
• To sustain growth
• To help transport oxygen to cells
• To regulate body functions (heart, liver, blood, kidney, brain, etc.)
Nutrients that provide energy…
• Carbohydrates- starches and sugars found in foods which
provide your body’s main source of energy
• Experts recommend getting 45 to 65 percent of daily calories from
• Good carbs vs bad carbs?
3 Types of
• 1. Simple- sugars such as fructose (fruits) and
lactose (milk).
• 2. Complex- starches (bread, pasta, potatoes, rice)
• 3. Fiber-tough complex carbs that the body cannot
digest. (Fiber helps you feel full)
• May reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease and type 2 diabetes
What kind of food
What kind of food
items does it come
Role in
What does it do for
your body? (give
you energy, build
cell tissue)
• Proteins- nutrients the body uses to build and
maintain its cells and tissues
• Made up of chemicals called amino acids
(20 of them)
• 11 nonessential (body produces them)
• 9 essential (the body must get them from food)
Role of Protein
• Muscles, bones, skin, and internal organs are all
constructed of protein
• Carries oxygen to the body’s cells
• Can be used as a source of energy
Fats (3 Types)
• Unsaturated fats- veg oils, nuts, and seeds. (moderate
amounts may lower risk of heart disease)
• Saturated fats- found in meats and dairy products
(consuming too much may increase your risk of heart disease)
• Trans fats- formed by a process called hydrogenation,
which causes veg oil to harden (found in butter, snack foods,
baked goods)
• Can raise your cholesterol level and increase your risk for heart disease
True or False?
• All fats are bad for your health
• False: Saturated fats and trans fats
are bad for your health, but
unsaturated fats are essential to the
diet because the body cannot make
them and needs them for vital
True or False?
• Eating too much fat causes
weight gain
• False: Eating to many calories
causes weight gain, regardless of
whether the excess calories come
from fats or nutrients
True or False?
• The best way to lose weight is
to cut out fats
• False: Although fats have more
calories per gram than other
nutrients, they are more satisfying
and keep you full longer, unlike
eating sugary snacks and drinks
Short Video on how body uses
fats and carbs for energy…
Other types of Nutrients…
• Vitamins- compounds found in food that help
regulate many body processes
• Minerals-elements found in food that are used by the
• Water-all body cells contain water
Read Lesson 2
Complete questions 1-5
Question 1
• Which nutrients can your body use
as a source of energy?
Question 2
• What are essential amino acids?
From what source do you obtain
essential amino acids?
Question 3
• How does eating calcium-rich
foods as a teen protect your
lifelong health?
Question 4
• Explain how saturated fats and
trans fats may cause illnesses later
in life, like heart disease?
Question 5
• What are the health benefits of
eating a variety of fruits and