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The Bill of Rights
The first ten amendments to the Constitution
Protect the rights of the individual against the
First Crisis of the New Union
Creation of a National Bank
To pay off all debts of all States
The Problem: Not specifically mentioned in the
Constitution (Not an “Enumerated Power”)
The Answer: Creating a national bank is an “Implied
Power” (not specifically mentioned, but needed)
District of Columbia
Both Virginia and Maryland wanted to be home to the
Created out of land from Virginia and Maryland
Compromise by Alexander Hamilton to get Bank of
the U.S. (1791)
“The Whiskey Rebellion” (1794)
Congress needed more money, so they put a high tax on
Western farmers revolted
Pres. Washington sent in 13,000 troops
The First Political Parties
The Federalists
Wanted a strong national government
Who were they?
Manufactures, bankers, merchants
The Democrat-Republicans
Strict limits on Federal Government (Washington, DC)
Protection of States' Rights
Who were they?
Farmers in rural south and west
Washington's “Farewell Address”
Warned of the dangers of political parties
Stay away from permanent alliances with any part
of the world
Make sure military doesn't become too large
We must be a moral people
The Second President
John Adams (Federalist) (1797-1801)
Avoided war with France (positive)
“Alien and Sedition Acts” (negative)
Made it a crime to say anything false, scandalous, or
malicious against the Federal Government or any
Government official
The Election of 1800
John Adams v Thomas Jefferson (DemocratRepublican)
Jefferson wins a very close and bitter election
Election decided in the House of Representatives
A first in world history: The peaceful transfer of power
The 3rd President: Thomas Jefferson (1801-1809)
“Judicial Review” : the power of the Supreme
Court to decide if a law is unconstitutional
Sup. Court Chief Justice John Marshall
Made the Court a massive, independent power in government
The Louisiana Purchase (1803)
Jefferson bought the Louisiana Territory from
Napoleon needed money for military
Doubled the size of the United States
The 4th President: James Madison (1809-1817)
The War of 1812 (U.S. V England)
“Impressment”: kidnapping soldiers
“Star Spangled Banner”
War ended in a tie