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Comparing Democracy in Greece and Rome Worksheet
Document A: What is Democracy?
Source: Aristotle’s The Politics
1. What is a democracy based upon, according to the Greek philosopher, Aristotle?
2. Explain the 2 principles of liberty according to Aristotle.
3. Cite information from the packet to compare and contrast the differences between
democracy in Greek and in Rome. What is unique about the form of democracy used in
Greece and in the Roman Empire? What is similar?
Roman Empire
Document B: Duties of the Individual in Greece and Rome
Source: Aristotle, On a Good (Athenian) Wife 330BC
4. What are the duties and responsibilities of a wife in an Athenian household according
to Document B?
5. What evidence in Document B helps us to understand why women were not included in
the government of Athens?
Document C: Duties of the Individual in Greece and Rome
Source: The Twelve Tables 450BC Excerpt
6. The Romans, much like the U.S. today, allowed their citizens to participate in
government through a Representative Democracy. Examine Document C, how were
Roman laws strikingly different from our laws? What stands out to you?
Document D,E,F: How was Democracy improved by the Ancient Greeks and Romans?
7. Do the Documents D,E, and F excerpts support democracy or not? Cite at least 2
arguments/examples from each document to support your response.
Document D, 2 arguments/examples
Document E, 2 arguments/examples
Document F, 2 arguments/examples
8. According to the excerpts, what are some advantages to having a king or a tyrant rule a
society rather than “a mob of untaught citizens”?
Document G: What advice did Plato and Aristotle give…?
Source: Plato, Laws
Document H: What advice did Plato and Aristotle give…
Source: Aristotle, The Politics
9. What importance do both Plato and Aristotle place on “the law”?
10. Who should be required to follow a societies “laws” according to both Plato and
11. Think About It: Are the leaders of the U.S. required to follow all of the laws of the U.S.?
Why is that important? What would happen in the U.S. if our leaders weren’t required
to follow our laws? How does this relate to the ideas of Plato and Aristotle?