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Chapter 8
Special senses
 Touch (discussed in ch. 7) , taste, smell, sight
and hearing
 5th sense is equilibrium (receptors in the ear)
 Special sense receptors
 Can be large, complex sensory organs (eyes and
 Can be localized clusters of receptors (taste buds
and olfactory equilibrium)
Anatomy of the eye
 adult eye is a sphere approximately 1 inch in
 Only 1/6 of the anterior surface is seen
 The other 5/6 of the eye is enclosed and
protected by fat and the bony orbit
External and accessory
 Eyelids protect the eye anteriorly; eyelids meet
at the medial and lateral canthus
 Eyelashes project from the border of each eyelid
 Meibomian glands (sebaceous glands) produce
an oily secreti0n to lubricate the eye
 Ciliary glands (modified sweat glands) lie
between the eyelashes
 Conjuctiva (membrane) lines the eyelids and
covers part of the outer surface of the eyeball;
secretes mucus for lubrication
External and accessory
 Lacrimal apparatus consists of the lacrimal
glands and ducts (drain lacrimal secretions
into the nasal cavity)
 Lacrimal glands (above lateral side of each
eye) release dilute salt solution (tears) onto
the anterior surface of the eye
 Tears flush across the eye into lacrimal canals
medially, then into the lacrimal sac, and then
to the nasolacrimal duct to the nasal cavity
External and accessory
 Lacrimal secretions have antibodies and
lysozyme – an enzyme that kills bacteria
 Secretions cleanse and protect the eye
surface as well as moistens and lubricates
 Lacrimal secretions increase, they spill over
the eyelids and fill the nasal cavities
External and accessory
 Extrinsic eye muscles are attached to the
outer eye surface
 Produce gross eye movements and make it
possible to “follow” an object
Internal structures
 Eyeball is a hollow sphere
 Wall is composed of three tunics (layers)
 Interior is filled with fluid (humors) that
maintain shape
 Lens is the focusing apparatus
Tunics of the eyeball
 Sclera – outermost tunic
Thick, white connective tissue
Also called the fibrous tunic
“white of the eye”
Central anterior portion is modified to be clear
(this is the cornea) so that light can enter
Well supplied with nerves (mostly pain fibers)
Most exposed part
Vulnerable to damage
Can be transplanted without rejection by the
recipient’s immune system
Tunics of the eyeball
 Middle tunic is the choroid
 Blood-rich and nutritive
 Contains dark pigment (which prevents light from
scattering inside the eye)
 Anteriorly it’s modified into ciliary bodies that are
attached to the lens and the iris
 Pigmented iris has a round opening, pupil, for
light to pass
 Iris is made of circularly and radially arranged
smooth muscle fibers (to control size of pupil)
Tunics of the eyeball
 Retina is the innermost (sensory) tunic
 Contains millions of receptor cells (rods and cones)
 Rods / cones are distributed over the entire retina
except where the optic nerve leaves the eyeball (optic
disc or blind spot)
 Rods and cones are photoreceptors since they respond
to light
 Electrical signals go from rods / cones to bipolar cells
then to ganglion cells before entering the optic nerve
to go to the optic cortex
 Result is vision
Rods and cones
 Rods are most dense at the periphery of the
 Cones are most dense at the center of the
 Fovea centralis is lateral to each blind spot
(this contains only cones) is the point of
sharpest vision
 Three varieties
 Each type is sensitive to a particular
wavelength (one responds to blue light, one
responds to green light, and red cones
respond to red and green lights)
 If more than one type is stimulated,
intermediate colors are “seen”
 If all are stimulated at once, white is “seen”
 Focuses the light onto the retina
 A flexible, biconvex structure
 Held upright by a suspensory ligament
attached to the ciliary body
 Divides the eye into 2 parts
 Anterior (aqueous) segment is anterior to the
Contains clear, watery aqueous humor
Continuously secreted by the choroid
Maintains pressure inside the eye
Provides nutrients for lens and cornea (they lack
blood supply)
 Reabsorbed into venous blood through scleral
venous sinus
 Posterior (vitreous) segment is posterior to
the lens
 Maintains pressure inside the eye
 Prevents the eyeball from collapsing
Vision Disorders
 Myopia (nearsightedness)
 Elongated eyeball shape
 Lens focuses on objects in front of the retina
(instead of upon it)
 Distant objects are blurry
 Snellen chart is used to diagnose myopia
 Corrective lenses or laser surgery corrects vision
Vision Disorders
 Hyperopia (farsightedness)
 Distance from lens to retina is shortened
 Eyeball is more flattened
 Light focuses behind the retina (instead of upon it)
 Objects in the distance are clear, close objects are
 Corrective lenses “fix” vision
Vision Disorders
 Presbyopia (age-related farsightedness)
 Onset occurs between ages 40-45
 Lens becomes stiff and discolored
 Blurring of up-close objects
 Impedes ability to read
Vision Disorders
 Astigmatism
 Irregular curvature of cornea or lens
 Blurred vision
 Corrective lenses can partially or completely
correct it
Vision Disorders
 Amblyopia (lazy eye)
 Appears during childhood
 One eye is more dominant; the other eye has poor
 Treatment includes covering the good and
strengthening the muscles of the “lazy eye”
Vision Disorders
 Diplopia (double vision)
 One eye is misaligned and produces 2 images
 Treatment includes a patch, corrective lenses, or
Vision Disorders
 Strabismus (crossed eyes)
 One eye drifts in different directions
 Malfunctioning extrinsic eye muscles
 Corrected with exercise, corrective lenses, or
Vision Disorders
 Night blindness
 Rods in retina do NOT function properly
 Usually associated with aging
 Lens becomes hard and opaque
 Due to age
 Causes vision to become hazy
 Eventually causes blindness
 Treatment includes surgical removal of the
“old” lens and transplanting in a new lens
 Drainage of aqueous humor is blocked
 Fluid puts pressure on the retina and optic
 Causes pain and blindness
 Symptoms include “halos” around lights,
headaches, blurred vision
 Treatment includes eyedrops to aid aqueous
humor drainage or surgical enlargement of
the drainage canal
Macular degeneration
 Progressive loss of central vision
 Peripheral vision is unaffected
 Dry macular degeneration
 Thinning of retina
 Do not completely lose vision
 Wet macular degeneration
 Leakage of small blood vessels
 Can be corrected with meds / surgery
Diabetic retinopathy
 Damage to the retina due to diabetes (high
blood sugar)
 Swelling and leaking of blood vessels that
supply the retina
 See red spots
 Corrected with surgery
Light refraction
 Light passes from one substance to another
substance with a different density, rays are
bent or refracted
 Light rays are refracted as they encounter the
cornea, aqueous humor, lens, and vitreous
 Refractive powers of the cornea and humors
are constant
Light refraction
 Refractive powers of the lens can change
depending on its shape
 Greater lens convexity the greater the refraction
 Less lens convexity (more flat) less the refraction
Pathway of light
 Human eye is “set” for distance vision
 Light from distant sources approaches the eye as
parallel rays so NO change in lens shape is
needed to focus light on the retina
 At close range, light from close objects scatters,
so the lens must bulge (be more convex) for light
to be focused on the retina
 Bulging of lens occurs when the ciliary bodies contract
 Ability to “focus” on close objects is called
Pathway to the brain
 Axons from retina are bundled together and
leave the posterior eye as the optic nerve
 Nerve fibers from each eye cross over each
other at the optic chiasma
 Resulting fiber tracts are called optic tracts
 Contain fibers from the lateral side of the eye on
the same side and the medial side of the opposite
 Synapse with neurons in the thalamus to form the
optic radiation which runs to the occipital lobe
Visual fields
 Each eye has a different view
 Visual fields overlap
 Humans have binocular vision
 “two-eyed” vision
 Gives depth perception or “3-D” vision
 Two slightly different views are fused into one
Eye reflexes
 Internal eye muscles controlled by the
Autonomic nervous system
 Can alter lens curvature
 Controls pupil size
 Protects from bright light (photopupillary reflex)
by constricting pupils so photoreceptors are not
 Accommodation pupillary reflex constricts pupils
to all0w more acute vision of close objects
Eye reflexes
 External eye muscles also controlled by ANS
 Extrinsic muscles control eye movements and
allow the “following” of objects
 Cause convergence (move eyes medially to view
close objects) which is controlled by cranial nerves
III, IV, and VI
 Requires both sets of eye muscles
 Lens must bulge and pupils must constrict for
focusing close
 Extrinsic muscles must converge the eyes and
move them to follow printed lines
 So long periods of reading cause tiring of the
eyes and may result in eyestrain
The ear
 Sound vibrations move fluid to stimulate
hearing receptors
 Movements of the head disturb fluids around
the balance organs
 Mechanoreceptors allow us to hear a wide
range of sounds but also keep the nervous
system up-to-date on position and
movement of the head
 Receptors for hearing and balance react
independently of each other
Anatomy of the ear
 Three parts
 Outer ear
 Hearing only
 Middle ear
 Hearing only
 Inner ear
 Hearing
 Balance
Anatomy of the ear: Outer
 Pinna
 “ear”
 Collects and directs sound waves in most animals (lost
in humans)
 External auditory canal
 Short tube carved into temporal bone
 1 inch long x ¼ inch wide
 Lined with ceruminous glands that secrete cerumin
 Ends at the eardrum, which separates the outer ear
from middle ear
Anatomy of the ear: middle
 Tympanic cavity- air filled chamber in the
temporal bone
 Flanked laterally by eardrum and medially by a
bony wall with the oval window and the round
 Auditory tube runs obliquely downward to link
middle ear with throat
 Usually flattened
 Yawning or swallowing can open it to equalize
 Equalizing pressure allows eardrum to vibrate freely
 In infants, auditory tube is more horizontal
Anatomy of the ear: middle
 Contains 3 ossciles (bones) that transmit vibrations
of the eardrum to fluids in the inner ear
 Bones are named for shape
Hammer (malleus)
Anvil (incus)
Stirrup (stapes)
Eardrum moves, hammer moves with it and transfers
vibration to anvil
 Anvil passes the movement to the stirrup which presses on
the oval window
 Oval window sets fluids of inner ear into motion which
excites hearing receptors
Anatomy of the ear: inner
 Maze of bony chambers: osseous labyrinth
 Deep in the temporal bone, behind the eye
 Filled with fluid (perilymph); suspends the
membranous labyrinth which contains the
 Three subdivisions
 Cochlea
 Vestibule
 Semicircular canals
Mechanism of hearing
 Hearing receptors (hair cells) are located inside
the organ of Corti (inside the cochlea)
 Vibrations reaching the oval window activates
the fluids in the inner ear
 Receptor cells on the basilar membrane in the
organ of Corti are stimulated when the “hairs”
are moved by the tectorial membrane that lies
over them
 Hairs cells transmit impulses along the cochlear
nerve (cranial nerve VIII) to the auditory cortex in
the temporal lobe where the sound is interpreted
Mechanisms of equilibrium
 This is a response to the movement of the
 Vestibular apparatus (equilibrium receptors)
are divided into 2 arms
 Static equilibrium
 Dynamic equilibrium
Static equilibrium
 Vestibule contains sacs of receptors called maculae
 Each macula is a patch of receptor cells with “hairs”
embedded in the otolithic membrane (a jelly-like
material) containing otoliths (small pieces of calcium
 Head movements cause otoliths to “roll” in response
to gravity, this pulls the gel, slides a plate over the
“hairs” to bend them which sends impulses down
vestibular nerve to the cerebellum which receives
info about the position of the head
 This helps keep the head erect and indicates “up and
Dynamic equilibrium
 Receptors found in semicircular canals
 Respond to angular or rotatory movements of
the head
 Each semicircular canal contains a receptor
region: crista ampullaris (hair cells covered with a
gel cap or cupula)
 When the head moves in angular direction,
endolymph in the canal lags and moves in the
opposite direction, pushing cupula opposite the
body’s movement
 Hair cells are stimulated and send impulses up
the vestibular nerve to the cerebellum
Dynamic equilibrium
 When angular motion stops, endolymph
flows in opposite direction and reverses
cupula’s movement; hair cells reduce the rate
of firing
 Causes a reverse movement sensation
 Hearing loss or impairment
 Two kinds of deafness
 Conduction deafness
 Something interferes with the conduction of sound
vibrations to the inner ear
 Caused by mechanical problems such as earwax, fusion
of ossicles, ruptured eardrum otitis media
 Sensorineural deafness
 Degeneration or damage to receptor cells in organ of
Corti, cochlear nerve, or neurons of auditory cortex
 Caused by listening to very loud sounds
 Due to problems with nervous system structures
Equilibrium problems
 Cause nausea, dizziness, problems with balance
 Impulses from vestibular apparatus “disagree”
with the visual input
 May have jerky or rolling eye movements
 Meniere’s syndrome is serious problem with
inner ear
 May be caused by heart disease, degeneration of
cranial nerve VIII, pressure on inner ear
 Results in progressive deafness and vertigo (sensation
of spinning)
Chemical senses
 Chemoreceptors are used for taste and
 Respond to chemicals in solution
 Olfactory receptors respond to a wider range
of chemicals
 Olfaction and taste compliment each other
Olfactory receptors
 Thousands located in a very tiny area in the
roof of each nasal cavity
 Olfactory receptor cells are neurons having
olfactory hairs (cilia) that protrude from the
epithelium and are bathed by mucus
 When stimulated, receptors send impulses
along the olfactory nerve to the olfactory
cortex of the brain
Olfactory receptors
 Since olfaction is closely related to the limbic
system (emotions), “smells” are long-lasting
and are part of our emotions and memories
 They adapt quickly when exposed to an
unchanging stimulus (ex: woman will stop
smelling her own perfume minutes after it is
Olfactory disorders
 Anosmias result from head injuries,
aftereffects of nasal cavity inflammation, or
 Most cases caused by zinc deficiency; can be
corrected with supplements
Taste buds
 Specific receptors for sense of taste
 Widely scattered in the oral cavity
 10,000 taste buds, most of which are located
on the tongue (some on the soft palate, some
on inner surface of cheeks)
 Dorsal surface covered with papillae of 3 types
 Filiform
 Fungiform
 Circumvallate
 Taste buds located on the sides of the fungiform
and circumvallate papillae
 Gustatory cells respond to chemicals dissolved in
saliva (epithelial cells surrounded by supporting
cells in the taste bud)
 Gustatory hairs protrude through the taste
pore; when stimulated, impulses are
transmitted to the brain
 Cranial nerves VII, IX, and X carry taste impulses to
the gustatory cortex
 Facial nerve VII serves the anterior tongue
 Glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves serve the
other taste bud areas
Taste sensations
 4 basic taste sensations that correspond to a
specific type of taste bud
 Sweet receptors – respond to sugar, saccharine,
some amino acids
 Sour receptors – respond to hydrogen ions or
 Bitter receptors – respond to alkaloids
 Salty receptors – respond to metal ions in solution
Taste sensations
 Tip of tongue – sensitive to salty and sweet
 Sides of tongue – sensitive to sour
 Back of tongue – sensitive to bitter
Taste sensations
 Homeostatic values to tastes
 “sweets” satisfy a need for carbohydrates and
minerals (and some amino acids)
 Sour (citrus) have high levels of vitamin C
 Dislike for bitter is protective – many natural
poisons or spoiled foods are bitter to the
 Taste depends heavily on olfaction; if sense of
smell is inhibited, taste will be altered
 Eyes are formed by the 4th week of embryo
 All senses are functional at birth
 Eyes are not fully functional at birth
 Eyeballs continue to enlarge until age 8-9
 Lens grows throughout life
 Infants have foreshortened eyeballs are are hyperopic
 Infants only see gray tones and eye movements are
 Tear ducts are inoperable until 2 weeks of age
 5 months of age
 Infant can focus on close objects and follow
 Visual acuity is poor
 5 years of age
 Color vision is developed
 Visual acuity is improved to 20/30
 School age to middle age
 Hyperopia is replaced with emmetropia until age 40
 Presbyopia sets in with middle age resulting from
decreased lens elasticity; decreases close vision
 Lacrimal glands are less active
 After middle age
 Lens loses clarity
 Dilator muscles of iris are less efficient keeping
pupils constricted
 Decreased light reaching retina; visual acuity is
decreased by age 70
 Elderly are susceptible to glaucoma and cataracts
 Diabetes and heart disease can also lead to poor
vision and blindness
 Newborns
 Can hear after first cry
 Responses to sound are strictly reflexive
 Can turn toward noises by 3-4 months of age
 Critical listening begins with toddlers as they start
to vocalize
 Infants - adults
 Few problems affect hearing except otitis (ear
 Elderly adults
 Deterioration of the organ of Corti
 Cannot hear high-pitched sounds (presbycusis);
sensorineural deafness
 Sometimes the ossicles fuse which inhibits sound
 Hearing aides help to alleviate the problems