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The Rise and Fall of Major
Empires: China (Classical Period
to Modern Era)
Natalie Shideh
Period 3
The Shang Dynasty
to 17th century B.C.E.)
The rise of this dynasty occurred when Emperor
Tang (in 1675 BC) overthew the autocratic rule of
Jie, (the last emperor of the Xia Dynasty).
During the Shang era, there were many impressive
accomplishments. The civilians created their own
unique system of writing (seen on bronze sculptures
& artifacts) and the court expanded their influence as
far as modern-day Beijing.
Throughout the final years of the dynasty, the country
was in turmoil. Emperor Zhou brought about more
conflict by leading a very luxurious and care-free life.
Finally, the Shang era was ended by an overthrow led by
Wu, a chief of the Zhou tribe.
The Zhou Dynasty (1029
to 258 B.C.E.)
The Zhou was at first a nomadic tribe, but later rose
to power after conquering the former Shang era in
While the Zhou kept some Shang practices in their
culture, they built upon it with their own individual
traditions. For example, they ruled with a feudal
system and still practiced the religion, the cult of
During its decline, regional rulers created their own
armies, reducing the emperor’s power completely. The
Era of the Warring States (402 to 201 B.C.E.) also
contributed to the Zhou downfall.
The Qin Dynasty (221 to
202 B.C.E.)
The Qin era started when Qin Shi Huangdi (or First
Emperor) overthrew the last Zhou ruler made himself
the only leader of China.
During the dynasty, Shi Huangdi was brutal, but
efficient. He led powerful armies to crush regional
opposition, and he built the Great Wall to be used in
warfare and trade.
The Qin period declined because of its emperor’s huge
unpopularity. After Huangdi’s death in 210 B.C.E.,
many revolts broke out and one peasant leader defeated
the rest, marking the beginning of the Han era.
The Han Dynasty (202
B.C.E. to 220 C.E.)
After the autocratic ruler Qin Shi Huangdi died, a
peasant led a revolt in 202 B.C.E. and established the
Han dynasty.
During this era, the state bureaucracy improved
vastly and the government created formal training
(based on Confucianism) that would train future
political representatives.
After two centuries of long-lasting rule, control at the
center was broken and many invasions from the
Huns led to the downfall of this great dynasty which
lasted over 400 years.
The Sui Dynasty (589 to
618 C.E.)
Wendi, a member of a noble family, decided to arrange
a marriage between his daughter and a ruler of the
northern Zhou empire. After this, he seized the throne
and secured support with nomadic military officials,
linking the traditional areas of the Chinese civilization
for the first time in three centuries.
Throughout his rule, Wendi won a lot of support
because of his policies such as lowering taxes and
building granaries in the lands.
The decline of the Sui dynasty was started by Wendi’s
son, Yangdi. Once he took the throne, he led
extravagant and expensive building projects and led his
subjects to many endless wars. In 618, he was
assassinated, ending this era.
The Tang Dynasty (618 to
907 C.E.)
Li Yuan, a former political official of the late emperor
Yangdi, fought the struggle to gain power and
succeeded, creating the Tang empire in 618 C.E.
During the Tang era, many emperors funded academies
to train and teach future officials, all based on
Confucian ideology. Because of this, the number of the
educated scholar gentry class increased greatly.
After becoming infatuated with a beautiful woman,
Yang Guifei, Emperor Xuanzong became very
distracted and neglected state affairs and imperial
duties. This led to military crisis, many casualties, and a
false alliance with nomadic peoples, who ended up
taking control over large areas of Chinese territory.
Subsequently, many peasant rebellions occurred, finally
ending the dynasty in 907.
The Song Dynasty (960 to
1279 C.E.)
Zhao Kuangyin, or Emperor Taizu, conquered all his
rivals who sought power after the fall of the Tang, and
created the Song empire.
However, Emperor Taizu was unable to overthrow one
rival, the northern Liao dynasty. Because of this, the
Song peoples were forced to sign a treaty, promising to
pay heavy tributes to their rival, in order to keep the
peace and avoid raiding.
In 1115, the Jurchens, a nomadic people, took over the
Liao empire in the north and created the Jin kingdom.
Their continuing conquering forced the Song peoples
southward, and the dynasty only continued for another
century and a half.
The Mongol (Yuan) Dynasty
(1279 to 1368 C.E.)
From 1235 to 1279, Kubilai Khan and his Mongol army
entered China and conquered many territories, finally
gaining full control in 1279.
Throughout their rule, Mongols retained much of their
culture, refusing to practice Chinese customs such as
footbinding and civil service exams. However, they did
adopt the Chinese calendar and offered sacrifices to
their ancestors.
By the 1350s, the empire was showing many signs of
decline. Banditry, piracy, famine, and secret societies
(ex: White Lotus) that were dedicated to overthrowing
the Mongols contributed to its overall downfall in 1368.
The Ming Dynasty (1368
to 1644)
In 1368, Zhu Yuanzhang, a military official of peasant
origins, overthrew the Mongol overlords and declared
himself the Hongwu emperor of China.
After he seized the throne, Zhu sought to completely rid
China of Mongol practices. Mongol dress, names,
palaces, and administrative buildings were all discarded.
In the late 1500s, the empire was entering a period of
decline. The centralized and absolutist government was
poorly run by weak rulers. After the fall, famine, floods,
and drought struck the land, causing great harm to the
Ming peoples.
The Qing Dynasty (1644 to
Nurhaci brought his Manchu army into Ming China in
1644. They conquered quickly because of the weakness
of the government and social unrest within the empire.
The Manchu emperors of the Qing dynasty adopted
many Chinese traditions, such as the civil service
examinations and the arts. They also claimed
themselves to be the Sons of Heaven, based on
Confucian values.
In 1911, strong opposition grew to the government’s
alliance with the West. As a result, secret societies grew,
demonstrations occurred, and frequent mutinies
happened. The Manchus were forced to abdicate, and
its last emperor, Puyi, reigned in 1912.