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By: Coach Hughes
Assist by Coach Toberman (Swim)
And the USTA
Nutrition: Good nutrition is essential to any sport,
but the energy demands of tennis make the selection
of food types and amounts important.
Complex carbohydrate choices will maintain your
muscle glycogen levels. 8-10 servings per day.
High fiber foods – Cereals, bread, rice, pasta, etc.
Fruits and vegetables – Choose a wide variety of colors and
types daily.
Divide these foods into 5-6 small meals
Complete protein sources, between 4-6 oz., are needed
Turkey, chicken, tuna, tenderloin, and fresh lean deli
 Alternative protein options – Low fat milk, cheese, cottage
cheese, light peanut butter, beans, or tofu.
Food timing is just as important. Keeping up
with nutrition means being more scheduled with
eating, targeting meals and snacks every 3-4
hours. Skipping or delaying meals can translate
to poor nutrition and reduced performance.
Eat breakfast everyday! It is unreasonable to
expect your body to perform at peak levels
without refueling your energy sources.
Breakfast foods – Low sugar cereal, two slices of
toast, bagel, glass of juice; or pancakes, waffles, small
amount of syrup, fresh fruit, 8 oz. of skim milk
Drink at least 80 oz. of hydrating fluids per day.
Drink before you get thirsty.
Replace a liter/hr during play.
Sports beverages or water are best on the court;
juices, milk, and any other decaffeinated
beverages are find during the day.
Dehydration can impair your ability to train. To
stay hydrated while training and during
All of the gains that you achieve from your
training occur during your recovery phase. If you
actively promote recovery, you’ll reap the full
benefits of your last workout and you’ll be ready
for your next one.
If you ignore recovery, fatigue will quickly
overwhelm you, and your training and
performance will suffer.
To speed the reloading of your muscle fuel stores,
consume about 1.1 grams of carbohydrates per kg (0.5
grams per lb) within 30 minutes of completing
practice, and consume a high-carb meal within 2
For a 68kg (150-lb) athlete, that equates to 75 grams
of carbohydrates immediately after training, and then
again 2 hours later. If you prefer, you can also refuel
by consuming smaller amounts of carbohydrates more
Consuming 15-25 grams of protein as soon as possible
after a workout will provide the amino acids that
your body needs for repairing muscle tissue damaged
during training and for making new muscle tissue as
an adaptation to your training.
Weigh yourself before and after working out in
order to gauge your net loss of fluids. Replace
this fluid after working out by gradually
1,500 ml of a sports drink, recovery beverage, or
water for every kg (23 fl oz per lb) of weight lost.
If your fluid loss during workouts consistently
exceeds 2% of your body weight, try to increase
your fluid intake during subsequent workouts in
order to avoid dehydration.
Recovery Options
 Be prepared! Pack in your bag or cooler:
Rolls or bagels
PB & J sandwiches
Salted pretzels
Fresh and canned fruit
Frozen fruit smoothies
String cheese and crackers
Low-fat chocolate milk
Granola bars/sport bars
Eat a meal 90 minutes before a match:
High in carbohydrates, low in fat, low in protein, low in
• Breakfast prior to match:
• Combination of cereal, yogurt, toast, fruit, water
• Lunch prior to match:
• Sandwich w/pretzels, fruit, and water
• Eat a snack 60 minutes before a match:
• Fast absorbing carbohydrates snack – Fruits (not
bananas), rice cakes, corn chips
• Recommended: Cold fluids, sports drinks, high carb
energy bars, non-caffeinated energy gels
• Discouraged: Cola or soft drinks, bananas, fatty snacks
(chocolate bars, etc)
• First 30 minutes: Large snack or medium portion
dinner w/ 2 parts carbohydrates and 1 part protein and
sports drink or natural juices. Ex. Carb/protein energy
bar, or pasta/rice, lean meat, and a vegetable
• Within 2-3 hours: Eat a well balanced meal, a variety of
carbohydrate sources, a protein portion and plenty of
fluids. Ex. Pasta/rice based meal with lean meat and
vegetables with several glasses of fluid
• Within 24 hours: Continue to drink plenty of fluids and
give your body rest
• If another matched is scheduled within an hour:
Rehydration and carbohydrate intake should begin
immediately: Ex. High carbohydrate sports drinks,
sport bars, and other high carbohydrate foods.
Sleep: in general, children and teens need more sleep
than adults. Teens need 8-9 hours each day. During
sleep, human growth hormone (HGH) is released,
allowing the process of normal growth to occur.
While researchers don’t understand the
sleep/performance relationship completely,
improvements appear to be related to the release of
HGH during sleep, which stimulates muscle repair
and growth, bone formation and overall recovery from
Take-away: Be sure to get at least the recommended
hours of sleep for age, and consider extra time in bed,
either at night or at nap time to optimize