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Franklin D. Roosevelt takes over
Roosevelt repeatedly blamed Hoover for the
Depression and worsening economy.
With unemployment above 20% in 1932
alone, Hoover was remiss to defend his
record, and Roosevelt promised recovery with
a New Deal for the American people.
Roosevelt won by a landslide in both the
electoral and popular vote,
 The New Deal was a bunch of government programs started in
1933 by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. These programs
were made to give people jobs and to help improve the
 Some New Deal programs were as follows:
Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)
Civil Works Administration (CWA)
Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA)
National Youth Administration (NYA)
Social Security (SS)
the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
Indian Reorganization Act
Wagner/Fair Labor Standards’ Act
Agricultural Adjustment Act
and above all, the Works Progress Administration (WPA).
 The WPA employed workers in construction projects across
the country.
 Workers built and fixed highways, streets, public buildings,
airports, utilities, small dams, sewers, parks, libraries, and
recreational fields.
 Many of the structures you see today were built by the WPA.
 For example, they created 650,000 miles of roads, 78,000
bridges, 125,000 buildings, and seven hundred miles of airport
 In addition to building things, they also created art.
 They had 225,000 concerts to audiences totaling 150 million
people, and they produced almost 475,000 artworks. They
employed artists, musicians, photographers, and writers on
smaller-scale projects, and they even ran a circus.
Here are some men who were given jobs by one
of these government programs--the WPA.
This picture shows WPA workers fixing a canal.
This picture shows WPA workers building an
This picture shows
artwork created by
a WPA artist.
The CCC was
another New Deal
program. Like the
WPA, this one
focused on hard,
physical labor.
In this picture, two
men are moving a
boulder to help
create a park.
What was the
CCC’s main goal?
To heal the land
and provide
employment for
young men during
the Depression.
In this picture, two CCC
men are cutting down a
Here, a group of
CCC men are
putting plants
and shrubs along
the roadside to
beautify the
In this picture, several CCC men are fighting
a forest fire.
Unlike the CCC, which hired young men
who lived on site, the WPA
hired adults who commuted from home.
Both programs offered shelter, three square
meals, training, companionship, education,
inspiration and a purpose in life.
The Social Security Act was drafted during
Franklin Delano Roosevelt's first term, and
passed by Congress as part of the Second New
The act was an attempt to limit what were seen
as dangers in the modern American life.
including old age
the burdens of widows and fatherless children
By signing this act on August 14, 1935,
President Roosevelt became the first president to
advocate federal assistance for the elderly
The Act provided benefits to retirees and the
unemployed, and a lump-sum benefit at death.
Payments to current retirees are financed by a
payroll tax on current workers' wages, half
directly as a payroll tax and half paid by the
The act also gave money to states to provide
assistance to
aged individuals
for unemployment insurance
Aid to Families with Dependent Children
Maternal and Child Welfare
public health services
the blind
The act slowed the practice of allotting communal tribal
lands to individual tribal members.
It did not restore to Indians land that had already been
patented to individuals, but much land at the time was still
unallotted or was allotted to an individual but still held in
trust for that individual by the U.S. government.
Because the Act did not disturb existing private ownership
of Indian reservation lands, it left reservations a
checkerboard of tribal and free land, which remains the
case today .
However, the Act also provided for the U.S. to purchase
some of the free land and restore it to tribal status.
Due to the Act and other actions of federal courts and the
government, over two million acres of land were returned
to various tribes in the first 20 years after passage.
Even by Depression standards, the Tennessee
Valley was economically dismal in 1933.
Thirty percent of the population was affected by
The average income was only $639 per year, with
some families surviving on as little as $100 per
Much of the land had been farmed too hard for
too long, eroding and depleting the soil.
Crop yields had fallen along with farm incomes.
The best timber had been cut, with another 10%
of forests being burnt each year.
TVA was designed to
modernize the region, using
experts and electricity to
combat human and economic
TVA developed fertilizers,
taught farmers ways to
improve crop yields and
helped replant forests, control
forest fires, and improve
habitat for fish and wildlife.
The most dramatic change in
Valley life came from TVAgenerated electricity.
Electric lights and modern
home appliances made life
easier and farms more
Electricity also drew industries
into the region, providing
desperately needed jobs.
The TVA revitalized a vast area
of ruined rural America by
building dams to provide cheap
Wilson Dam, completed in 1924,
was the first dam under the
authority of TVA, created in
In October 1933, construction began on
Norris Dam, located on the Clinch River. The
dam was named after Senator Norris, who
had campaigned for TVA's creation.
The following month workers began building
Wheeler Dam.
9,173 people were working for TVA by June
Sixteen dams were built by TVA between
1933 and 1944.
It took a Supreme Court ruling to allow this to
happen because some objected that government
shouldn’t be controlling the utilities.
In the decisions Ashwander v TVA the Supreme
Court ruled that regulating commerce among the
states includes regulation of streams and that
controlling floods is required for keeping streams
The argument before the court was that
electricity generation was a by-product of
navigation and flood control and therefore could
be considered constitutional.
The development of the dams displaced more than
15,000 families.
This created anti-TVA sentiment in some rural
Small privately owned utilities feared being put out of
Many local landowners were suspicious of
government agencies.
But TVA successfully introduced new agricultural
methods into traditional farming communities by
blending in and finding local champions.
The electricity generated benefited rather than
harmed the area.
New business was drawn in.
Restricted agricultural production by paying
farmers subsidies not to plant on part of their
land and to kill off excess livestock.
Its purpose was to reduce crop surplus and
therefore effectively raise the value of crops.
The money for these subsidies was generated
through an exclusive tax on companies which
processed farm products.
The Act created a new agency, the Agricultural
Adjustment Administration, to oversee the
distribution of the subsidies
This act was voided by the Supreme Court case
United States v Butler.
Food Stamps
issued under this
Also called Wages and Hours Act
The first act in the United States prescribing
nationwide compulsory federal regulation of
wages and hours.
Signed on June 14, 1938, effective October 24.
The law established a minimum wage of 25
cents per hour for the first year, to be
increased to 40 cents within seven years.
No worker was obliged to work, without
compensation at overtime rates, more than 44
hours a week during the first year, 42 the
second year, and 40 thereafter.
A United States government corporation operating as an
independent agency created by the Banking Act of 1933.
As of January 2013, it provides deposit insurance
guaranteeing the safety of a depositor's accounts in
member banks up to $250,000 for each deposit ownership
category in each insured bank.
As of September 30, 2012, the FDIC insured deposits at
7,181 institutions.
The FDIC also examines and supervises certain financial
institutions for safety and soundness, performs certain
consumer-protection functions, and manages banks in
receiverships (failed banks).
The FDIC receives no Congressional appropriations – it is
funded by premiums that banks and thrift institutions pay
for deposit insurance coverage and from earnings on
investments in U.S. Treasury securities.
No! It took years and years for the country
to get back on its feet again. That’s why
the Great Depression was such a difficult
time for the country and the world.