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French – Polish
Italian - Polish
in Nuclear and Particle Physics
– consortium COPIN
Adam Maj (COPIN)
A. Maj, Catania 2016
Large and medium-size
scientific centres
in Poland
Wroclaw University
Wroclaw University
of Technology
Jagiellonian University
University of Science and
Krakow University of Technology
Institute of Nuclear Physics (with
Cyclotron Centre Bronowice)
A. Maj, Catania 2016
Warsaw University (with
Heavy Ion Lab.)
Warsaw University of
National Centre for Nuclear
Research (in Swierk)
Institute of Plasma Physics
and Laser Microfusion
The collaboration between France and Poland started a long time ago:
Discovery of POLONIUM and RADIUM in 1898
Maria Sklodowska-Curie (1867-1934)
Marie Skłodowska Curie was a Polish-born French physicist and chemist famous
for her work on radioactivity. She was a pioneer in the field of radioactivity and the
first person honored with two Nobel Prizes —in physics and chemistry. She was
also the first female professor at the University of Paris. (Wikipedia)
A. Maj, Catania 2016
Agreement signed in 1957 between the CNRS and the Polish
Academy of Sciences (PAN): first of this kind with a country
of eastern Europe
In Nuclear and Particle Physics, the French-Polish
Collaboration started through personal contacts in the 60’s
and 70’s:
Jerzy Jastrzębski with the Institut de Physique Nucléaire (Orsay) in 1957;
Eugeniusz Bozek (1963), Jan Styczen (1971) with the Centre de Recherches
Nucléaires (Strasbourg) nowadays IPHC (Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert
A. Maj, Catania 2016
French - Polish Agreement for „cooperation
scientifique” signed in 1974 between the Director of
IN2P3 and the Director of Institute for Experimental
Physics of the University of Warsaw
A. Maj, Catania 2016
New Agreement of Cooperation in Nuclear and Particle Physics between
CNRS/IN2P3 – COPIN consortium singed in 2006
COPIN Consortium (
IFJ PAN, Krakow (Coordinator)
NCBJ, Warszawa
ITME, Warszawa
UJ, Krakow
UMCS, Lublin
US, Katowice
UW, Warszawa
SLCJ UW, Warszawa
UWr, Wrocław
Usz, Szczecin
Jan Styczeń (2006-2011 ), Adam Maj (2011-)
A. Maj, Catania 2016
Within the COPIN-IN3P3 agreement are funded
personal exchanges in the collaborative projects
from Polish and French groups on nuclear physics,
particle physics and applications.
The mixed Polish-French committee reviews the
proposed projects and allocates the person-days
every year.
Ca. 600 person-days for french scientists coming
to Poland and 600 person-days for polish scientists
going to France are covered every year.
More than 1000 papers published
Saclay Strasbourg
A. Maj, Catania 2016
Agreement for the creation of the LIA
„The collaboration COPIN-GANIL on Physics of exotic
nuclei COPIGAL signed in Paris 26-11-2008
Scientific Coordinators:
M. Lewitowicz - GANIL
B. Fornal - IFJ PAN
Agreement for the creation of the GDRI ICC Spiral2
Instrumentation Coordination Committee (ICC) signed
in 2014 (+ Belgium and Rumania)
Scientific Coordinator:
A. Maj - IFJ PAN
“Ions lourds aux énergies ultrarelativistes (EUREA)” 2005‐2016
A. Maj, Catania 2016
But of course not only bilateral collaborations
….but also
Common FP6 and FP7 European projects and
also in H2020
SPIRAL2 Preparatory Phase
NuPNET (Nuclear Physics Network)
EURONS (EUROpean Nuclear Structure Research)
ENSAR (European Nuclear Science and Application Research)
ENSAR 2 (European Nuclear Science and Application Research)
A. Maj, Catania 2016
List of aproved projects within CNRS/COPIN Collaboration agreement for 2015
Leptons in p pion-induced reactions with HADES
High-Symmetry point groups in nuclear structure and their experimental manifestations
Effets électromagnétiques et mésiques dans les atomes hadroniques
Développement de programmes Monte-Carlo pour utiliser les faisceaux du LHC comme des faisceaux de
bosons électrofaibles
Simulation du comportement du combustible nucléaire usé à l'aide des techniques de faisceaux d'ions
Statistical effects in nuclei and nuclear Jacobi shape transitions
Studies of electromagnetic structure of exotic nuclei with GANIL facilities
Spectroscopie gamma de noyaux N-Z à l'aide d'Exogam
Collective properties of exotic nuclei studied at ALTO with PARIS Demonstrator
Violation de CP et interactions fortes dans les désintégrations hadroniques des mésons B et D
New GANIL detection setup for SHE identificaion
Broken symmetries, nuclear structure and collective motion
Transformations structurales induites par l'irradiation dans des oxides pour les applications nucléaires
Monte-Carlo generators for p-A and A-A at energies above 1017eV, simulation of extensive air shower
development for the highest energy cosmic rays
Influence of the neutron excess on binary decays from compound nuclei
Isospin symmetry breaking exceptional points and effective symmetries from a perspective of the shell model
embedded in the continuum
Phénoménologie des désintégrations des bons W et Z et de nouveaux états à haute masse au LHC et à l'ILC
ATLAS-LPNHEIFJ-ELECINJET: Use of electrons in jets with first Atlas data
Precision measurements with W and Z events in the first phase of the LHC
Advanced Monte-Carlo and GEANT4 simulations for optimizing future experiments dedicated to nuclear
dynamics at GANIL, SPIRAL1 and SPIRAL2.
n_EDM - Magnetic field calculations and monitoring – Detection and Data acquisition
kT factorisation and quarkonium production in the LHC era
Radioactive nuclei for medical applications
A. Maj, Catania 2016
List of aproved projects within CNRS/COPIN COPIGAL LIA agreement for 2015
Structure of light exotic nuclei and halo nuclei – Coupled reaction channel studies for the investigation of shell effects via transfer
Nuclear structure close to N=Z=50
Nuclear deformation in excited states
Studies of near barrier fusion for very heavy systems (Z around 100) with the present GANIL facility and the future S3 separator
The improvement of light particle and fragment detection for the study of nuclear spectroscopy, dynamics and thermodynamics at the new
generation of Radioactive Ion Beam facilities – FAZIA collaboration
Photon Array for studies with Radioactive Ion and Stable beams (PARIS)
Highly excited exotic nuclei probed by the GDR gamma decay and discrete gamma spectroscopy
Studies of neutron-rich nuclei using deep-inelastic collisions with radioactive beams
Search for the high-rank symmetries in subatomic physics
Installation of the Advanced Gamma Tracking Array (AGATA) Demonstrator and upgrade of the EXOGAM array at GANIL
Measurements of electromagnetic moments of isomeric states in fragmentation reaction products
Theoretical investigations of nuclei far from stability
Barrier height distribution studies
Spectral Predictive Power of the Nuclear Hamiltonians
Theoretical and experimental investigations of the highly collective bands in the A~40,60 nuclei
Correspondence between selfconsistent and micro-macro predictions for very deformed and spin isomeric configurations
Preparatory work on installation of the Recoil Filter Detector at GANIL
Fission dynamics within state-of-the-art Langevin approach
Development and implementation of digital electronics and a data acquisition system of ancillary detectors for SPIRAL2 gamma
spectroscopy experiments
Spectroscopy of exotic unbound nuclei and a search for resonances in heavy ion scattering
In-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy of the neutron-rich C, N, O and F isotopes with the S3 separator at GANIL
A. Maj, Catania 2016
Framework Agreement between COPIN and INFN
Collaboration on Nuclear Physics and Accelerator Technology,
including applications of these disciplines
signed 28 May 2014
The Collaboration was given
the name LEA POLITA –
it complements the two existing LEAs
News in Italy:
The Collaboration LEA POLITA between COPIN and INFN
- main objectives:
The Parties undertake to encourage and develop
their scientific cooperation in:
I) Nuclear physics, nuclear astrophysics and hadron
physics research in the domain of experiment and
theory, carried out with stable and radioactive ion
II) Development of accelerator technology.
III) Medical applications of
accelerator technology.
nuclear physics and
IV) Dissemination and education on nuclear science.
Based on the POLITA Agreement, a collaborative project HARMONIA
„Investigations of nuclei and nuclear processes in unexplored regions
of spin, isospin and excitation energy by employing the most modern
detection and accelleration techniques - collaboration between COPIN
and INFN”
was granted the financial support by the Polish National Science
Duration: 3 years
Visits of Polish researchers to Italy: 310 person-days/year + 43 travels/
year =
202 000on
The project includes 15 sub-projects that were identified
the basis of
existing Italian-Polish collaborations in the area of nuclear physics,
nuclear astrophysics and accelerator technology.
List of projects and their spokespersons
within the collaborative grant HARMONIA-POLITA
Structure of hard-to-access nuclei studied by discrete gamma-ray spectroscopy:
R. Broda (IFJ PAN) – S. Lunardi (Univ. and INFN Padova).
Heavy-ion binary reactions as a tool for detailed gamma spectroscopy in
exotic regions: A. Maj (IFJ PAN) – S. Leoni (Univ. and INFN Milano).
Studies of proton rich nuclei using the GALILEO gamma-ray spectrometer
connected to the Neutron Wall and charged particle detectors: M. Palacz (Univ.
Warsaw) – J. Valiente-Dobon (LNL Legnaro).
Evolution of nuclear structure in neutron-rich Y nuclei near N=60 by studied using
cluster transfer reactions induced by radioactive beams and neutron-induced
fission: B. Fornal (IFJ PAN) – S. Leoni (Univ. and INFN Milano).
Shell model interactions for particlecore excitations calculations near the
doubly magic 132Sn and 208Pb core: B. Szpak (IFJ PAN) – A. Gargano (Univ. and INFN
Reaction dynamics studies with light exotic beams: K. Rusek (SLCJ) – M. Mazzocco
and INFN Padova).
List of projects and their spokespersons
within the collaborative grant HARMONIA-POLITA
8. Studies of massive transfer and breakup processes in Au + Au collisions at
energies: K. Siwek-Wilczynska (Univ. Warsaw) – E. de Filippo (LNS Catania).
9. Isospin effect studies for intermediate mass fragments production in heavy ion
collisions at intermediate energies: R. Płaneta (Jagiell. Univ.) – A. Pagano (LNS
10. Low energy nuclear astrophysics–the Trojan-Horse method: IFJ PAN – C. Spitaleri
Catania and LNS).
11. The improvement of light particle and fragment detection for the study of nuclear
spectroscopy, dynamics and thermodynamics - projekt FAZIA: T. Kozik (Jagiell. Univ.) –
Casini (Univ. Florence).
12. Tests of scintillator detectors (CsI, Polysiloxane) with protons at Cyclotron Center
IFJ PAN: M. Ciemała (IFJ PAN) – S. Barlini (Univ. and INFN, Florence).
13. Development of pulse shape analysis and measurement techniques for detectors used
in gamma spectroscopy and charged particle detection: M. Jastrząb (IFJ PAN) – S.
The POLITA Steering Committee:
Dieter Ackermann (GANIL-GSI)
Faical Azaiez (IPN Orsay)
Gianluca Colo’ (Univ. and INFN Milano)
Giacomo Cuttone (LNS Catania)
Giovanni Fiorentini (LNL Legnaro)
Marek Jeżabek (IFJ PAN)
Stanislaw Kistryn (UJ, Kraków)
Giovanni La Rana (Univ. and INFN Napoli)
Adam Maj (IFJ PAN Krakow)
Tomasz Matulewicz (UW Warszawa)
Eugenio Nappi (INFN Roma)
Krzysztof Rusek (SLCJ UW Warszawa)
POLITA Scientific Coordinators
Fabiana Gramegna
Bogdan Fornal
On November 26, 2015, the POLITA Steering Committee met in Rome.
The distribution of resources within the HARMONIA-POLITA Project
for the year of 2016 was discussed and decision was taken regarding
funds assignments to the individual sub-projects.
Instrumentation for SPIRAL2 project in Caen (France)
Krakow, Warsaw, Katowice, GANIL, IPN Orsay, Strasbourg,…
A. Maj, Catania 2016
Framework Agreement between COPIN and INFN
Collaboration on Nuclear Physics and Accelerator Technology,
including applications of these disciplines
signed 28 May 2014
The Collaboration was given
the name LEA POLITA –
it complements the two existing LEAs
News in Italy:
The Collaboration LEA POLITA between COPIN and INFN
- main objectives:
The Parties undertake to encourage and develop
their scientific cooperation in:
I) Nuclear physics, nuclear astrophysics and hadron
physics research in the domain of experiment and
theory, carried out with stable and radioactive ion
II) Development of accelerator technology.
III) Medical applications of
accelerator technology.
nuclear physics and
IV) Dissemination and education on nuclear science.
Based on the POLITA Agreement, a collaborative project HARMONIA
„Investigations of nuclei and nuclear processes in unexplored regions
of spin, isospin and excitation energy by employing the most modern
detection and accelleration techniques - collaboration between COPIN
and INFN”
was granted the financial support by the Polish National Science
Duration: 3 years
Visits of Polish researchers to Italy: 310 person-days/year + 43 travels/
year =
202 000on
The project includes 15 sub-projects that were identified
the basis of
existing Italian-Polish collaborations in the area of nuclear physics,
nuclear astrophysics and accelerator technology.
List of projects and their spokespersons
within the collaborative grant HARMONIA-POLITA
Structure of hard-to-access nuclei studied by discrete gamma-ray spectroscopy:
R. Broda (IFJ PAN) – S. Lunardi (Univ. and INFN Padova).
Heavy-ion binary reactions as a tool for detailed gamma spectroscopy in
exotic regions: A. Maj (IFJ PAN) – S. Leoni (Univ. and INFN Milano).
Studies of proton rich nuclei using the GALILEO gamma-ray spectrometer
connected to the Neutron Wall and charged particle detectors: M. Palacz (Univ. Warsaw) – J.
Valiente-Dobon (LNL Legnaro).
Evolution of nuclear structure in neutron-rich Y nuclei near N=60 by studied using cluster
transfer reactions induced by radioactive beams and neutron-induced fission: B. Fornal (IFJ
PAN) – S. Leoni (Univ. and INFN Milano).
Shell model interactions for particlecore excitations calculations near the
doubly magic 132Sn and 208Pb core: B. Szpak (IFJ PAN) – A. Gargano (Univ. and INFN Napoli).
Reaction dynamics studies with light exotic beams: K. Rusek (SLCJ) – M. Mazzocco (Univ.
and INFN Padova).
Fusion barrier distribution studies: E. Piasecki (SLCJ) – A. Pagano (Univ. Catania).
List of projects and their spokespersons
within the collaborative grant HARMONIA-POLITA
Studies of massive transfer and breakup processes in Au + Au collisions at intermediate
energies: K. Siwek-Wilczynska (Univ. Warsaw) – E. de Filippo (LNS Catania).
Isospin effect studies for intermediate mass fragments production in heavy ion collisions at
intermediate energies: R. Płaneta (Jagiell. Univ.) – A. Pagano (LNS Catania).
10. Low energy nuclear astrophysics–the Trojan-Horse method: IFJ PAN – C. Spitaleri (Univ.
Catania and LNS).
11. The improvement of light particle and fragment detection for the study of nuclear
spectroscopy, dynamics and thermodynamics - projekt FAZIA: T. Kozik (Jagiell. Univ.) – G.
Casini (Univ. Florence).
12. Tests of scintillator detectors (CsI, Polysiloxane) with protons at Cyclotron Center Bronowice
IFJ PAN: M. Ciemała (IFJ PAN) – S. Barlini (Univ. and INFN, Florence).
13. Development of pulse shape analysis and measurement techniques for detectors used
in gamma spectroscopy and charged particle detection: M. Jastrząb (IFJ PAN) – S. Brambilla
(Univ. and INFN Milano).
14. Superconducting RF accelerating cavities: D. Bocian (IFJ PAN) – A. Pisent (LNL Legnaro).
15. Preparation of the physics case for the IFMIF facility in Poland: A. Maj (IFJ PAN) – G. Fiorentini
(LNL Legnaro).
The POLITA Steering Committee:
Dieter Ackermann (GANIL-GSI)
Faical Azaiez (IPN Orsay)
Gianluca Colo’ (Univ. and INFN Milano)
Giacomo Cuttone (LNS Catania)
Giovanni Fiorentini (LNL Legnaro)
Marek Jeżabek (IFJ PAN)
Stanislaw Kistryn (UJ, Kraków)
Giovanni La Rana (Univ. and INFN Napoli)
Adam Maj (IFJ PAN Krakow)
Tomasz Matulewicz (UW Warszawa)
Eugenio Nappi (INFN Roma)
Krzysztof Rusek (SLCJ UW Warszawa)
POLITA Scientific Coordinators
Fabiana Gramegna
Bogdan Fornal
On November 26, 2015, the POLITA Steering Committee met in Rome.
The distribution of resources within the HARMONIA-POLITA Project
for the year of 2016 was discussed and decision was taken regarding
funds assignments to the individual sub-projects.
Perspectives for expanding Polish-French and PolishItalian collaboration in nuclear physics
• Completion of SPIRAL2 Phase1 (and Phase 2). Large interest of Polish
experimentalists and theorists (Warsaw, Krakow, Lublin)
• EURISOL Distributed Facility intitiative, between SPIRAL2 (GANIL), HIEISOLDE (CERN) and SPES (LNL Legnaro, with IPN Orsay and COPIN as
main associated partners. EURISOL DF is planned to be put on the ESFRI
list in 2018.
• NLC (National Laboratory of Cyclotrons), a consortium of HIL UW in
Warsaw and CCB IFJ PAN Krakow, are now the TNA facility in the H2020
project ENSAR2. Strong interest from GANIL, IPN Orsay, CEA Saclay and
• New bottom-up initiative in Poland to host IFMIF/ELAMAT facility in
Rzeszow and add to it a wide research program for using extremely
intensive neutron flux. Large interest from LNL Legnaro, CEA Saclay,
GANIL, IPN Orsay, ….
A. Maj, Catania 2016
Thank You!
[email protected]
A. Maj, Catania 2016