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Ectothermic Vertebrate
Identify the Frog Parts
Gall bladder
large intestine
fat body
Small intestine
Frog Body Parts and Functions
Removes nitrogen
containing waste from
the blood
Frog Body Parts and Functions
Hold urine
Frog Body Parts and Functions
Produces sperm
Frog Body Parts and Functions
Produces enzymes that
digest starch, fat and
Frog Body Parts and Functions
Begins digestion, turns
food into a soupy
Frog Body Parts and Functions
Stores fat
fat body
Frog Body Parts and Functions
Frog Body Parts and Functions
Moves food from the
mouth to the stomach
Which of the following characteristics
is found in ALL types of fishes?
A. scales
B. bony skeleton
C. dorsal nerve cord
D. jaws
If you monitored the body temperature of
a snake in four different air temperatures,
what would you notice about its body
A. It rises or fall with the temperature
B. It always stays at about 37˚ Celsius
C. It is higher than the air temperature
D. It is lower than the air temperature
Many reptiles live in areas that consist of
warm, dry air. Due to these living
conditions, the skin and eggs of reptiles
have adapted to
A. use the sun for energy to make food
B. become camouflaged with the
C. conserve water
D. live in water and on land
An animal whose body temperature
changes depending on the environment is
A. ectotherm
B. vertebrate
C. endotherm
D. invertebrate
Which of the following is not a
characteristic of all chordates at some
point during their life?
A. They have pouches in their throat area
B. They have a notochord
C. They are endotherms
D. They have a dorsal nerve cord
Which of the following is a characteristic
that fish, reptiles and amphibians do not
have in common?
A. vertebrate
B. breathe with lungs
C. ectotherm
D. closed circulatory system
The part of the amniotic egg that protects
the embryo and allows oxygen and carbon
dioxide to pass through pores is the
A. respiration membrane
B. atria
C. shell
D. yolk
Which of the following statements is true
regarding fishes?
A. Fishes are invertebrates that live in water
and use fins to move
B. Fishes are endotherms that have a
notochord at some point in their development
C. Fishes are chordates that obtain oxygen
through gills
D. Fishes are vertebrates with a two
chambered heart and open circulatory system
Vertebrates are a subphylum of the
A. Chordata
B. Cnidaria
C. Arthropoda
D. Urochordata
Word Bank
Class Reptilia
Class Agnatha
Class Osteichthyes
Class Amphibia
Class Chondrichthyes
Jawless fishes; parasites
Class Agnatha
Word Bank
Class Reptilia
Class Agnatha
Class Osteichthyes
Class Amphibia
Class Chondrichthyes
Lays eggs on land, dry
scaly skin
Class Reptilia
Word Bank
Class Reptilia
Class Agnatha
Class Osteichthyes
Class Amphibia
Class Chondrichthyes
Moist skin without
scales, populations are
rapidly decreasing
Class Amphibia
Word Bank
Class Reptilia
Class Agnatha
Class Osteichthyes
Class Amphibia
Class Chondrichthyes
Bony fishes; have a
swim bladder
Class Osteichthyes
Word Bank
Class Reptilia
Class Agnatha
Class Osteichthyes
Class Amphibia
Class Chondrichthyes
Cartilaginous fishes; have to
keep swimming to keep
water moving across gills
Class Chondrichthyes
Word Bank
Class Reptilia
Class Agnatha
Class Osteichthyes
Class Amphibia
Class Chondrichthyes
Class Reptilia
Word Bank
Class Reptilia
Class Agnatha
Class Osteichthyes
Class Amphibia
Class Chondrichthyes
Class Osteichthyes
Word Bank
Class Reptilia
Class Agnatha
Class Osteichthyes
Class Amphibia
Class Chondrichthyes
Class Amphibia
Word Bank
Class Reptilia
Class Agnatha
Class Osteichthyes
Class Amphibia
Class Chondrichthyes
Class Agnatha
Word Bank
Class Reptilia
Class Agnatha
Class Osteichthyes
Class Amphibia
Class Chondrichthyes
Class Chondrichthyes
Why is it said that amphibians have a
double life? Explain the life cycle of a frog.
What are the adaptations a frog has for
keeping a fly in its mouth? Name and
describe the functions of the organs that
would contribute to the digestion of the