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Ear care
For the practitioner to be able to confidently
carry out ear examinations, recognise
abnormalities and to carry out appropriate ear
• To enhance understanding of basic anatomy and
physiology of the ear.
• Ear examination
• To recognise abnormalities and associated care
• Theory behind cerumen removal and associated
• To reflect on accountability, documentation
• Practical session
Basic anatomy and physiology
of ear
Outer (External) ear
Pinna and external acoustic canal.
• Canal lined with small hairs next to which are
small ceruminous glands
• The Tympanic Membrane
• Air filled chamber
• Contains 3 smallest
bones in the body –
malleus, incus and stapes
• Eustachian tube
• Vibrations – Oval window
- cochlear
Inner ear
• Semi circular canals
and vestibular
• The organ of corti is in
the cochlea and is
main organ for hearing
Nerves involved:
• Auditory nerve – inner ear ( CN VIII)
• Facial nerve – middle ear ( CN VII)
• Vagus Nerve - Outer ear
(CN X)
Ear wax - Cerumen
• Not Like paraffin! Made of a lot of different
chemical components
• Testerone control over production of sebum.
• What is its purpose?
People likely to produce excessive wax
Learning disabilities
Anxious people
High lipid levels
Genetic tendency
What issues can wax build
up cause a patient?
Ear Examination
History of presenting condition:
What information would be required here?
History cont……
• PMH - ? Relevant
• Meds
• Allergies
• Examine Pina. Outer meatus and adjacent scalp /
mastoid,checking for scars, signs of trauma/
• Is ear inflammed -? Infection/ trauma
• Skin condition – ?seborrhoeic dermatitis/
• Ear canal discharge?
Identify wax……
• In ear examination discern type of wax, position in
canal and % of occlusion
• Is wax healthy, or bacterial debris, or dry and
Assessment cont..
Examine external auditory meatus.
Should be pain free.
What can cause pain?
Otitis externa
Fungal infection
Assessment cont….
• Check ear canal and
tympanic membrane
Assessment cont…
• When withdrawing otoscope check external
auditory meatus carefully.
• Document……!
• Document…..!
• Document….!
Ear cleaning / irrigation
Ear Preparation
• If wax hard will require softening for best irrigation results
• Choice of products –
• OTC drops – otex, cerumol – all contain hydrogen
• Bicarbonate soda 5% drops – possible irritant
• Olive oil
• Almond oil avoid if nut allergies!
Totally contraindicated in any acute perforated Tympanic
Application of drops
• No formal length of time and number of times a
• Advise if using oil not to heat it up – room temp
• Not to over oil ears as becomes irritated
Manual removal
• If dry and crusty possibly can be gently
manoeuvred out using Jobson Horne probe –
head light and otoscope
• If too painful discontinue - skin becomes
quickly traumatised
Ear Irrigation
Equipment required:
Head light / ? Eye protectors/ apron/ gloves
Electronic ear irrigator
Warm water – approx room temp - NOT COLD!!
Noots receiver ( disposable or lined)
Jobson Horne probe/ cotton wool
Tissues, receivers
Waterproof cape / towel
ENSURE – device only used by trained clinician
ENSURE that warnings and cautions are observed
ENSURE patient exhibits NO contra indications
ENSURE the unit been cleaned
Reasons for irrigation
• Remove and Improve!
Principles of ear irrigation
• Facilitate the removal of cerumen and foreign
• Individual assessment of each patient by
practitioner carrying out procedure.
Possible complications?
Vagal nerve stimulation
Irrigation should not be carried out when:
• Informed consent not obtained and NSCP
consent form signed for procedure
• Patient has had previous problems with
procedure in past
• Hx of otitis media in past 6 weeks
• Any form of ear surgery in past 18 months and
NOT been discharged from care of ENT
• Perforation or Hx of mucus discharge in past 12
• Cleft palate repaired or not
• Presence of acute otitis externa
Procedure to always be carried out with both
practitioner and patient sitting, patient should be
under direct vision using a headlight throughout.
• What the patient says
• What you see in BOTH ears
• What you do – including advice given
• Why this treatment – rationale….
NMC record keeping guidelines 2010
Documentation tips…
• Always compare both ears - L=R
• Do not use word “Appears normal” - looks as
though not aware of what you are doing be
definite. – “ Tympanic membrane normal” or
“Tympanic membrane normal features not visible”
• Word “impacted” – to be used if evidence wax
has been pushed down canal with implement
such as cotton bud
• ‘Occluded’ should be used is canal full of wax –
say whether dark and hard, softy and light wax.
• Document advice given to patient written/ verbal
post procedure.
3 types:
1. Conductive : Obstruction between external /middle ear
2. Sensori – neural: Obstruction between stapes footplate and the
auditory centres of brain
3. Mixed Deafness: Combination of conductive and sensori – neural
Practical Time
Hearing Aid Care..
Hearing aid controls
Washing the ear mould
Retubing ear mould
• What is Tinnitis?
• How do you get it?
• Who is likely to get it?
• Hyperacusis
Patient Education
• E – Educate - Why problem there?
• A – Advise – How to prevent recurring
Regular check ups
• R – Resolve – Treat the Problem, applying
clinical judgement and ability
References and acknowledgements
Rogers R,
Action on ENT Steering Board (2007). Guidance
Document in Ear Care. Primary Ear Care Centre. (http://
• Nursing and Midwifery Council (2006) Record Keeping
Guidance for Nurses. NMC, London.
• Skills for Health :CHS20. Undertake examination of the
external ear: -National Operation Standards:
ml/id/350/ (last accessed 11th April 2012)