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 To rest and repair (physically
and mentally)
 To consolidate memories
and skills
 Necessary for brain
 To twitch??
 The young twitch more
 Protective
 Circadian Rhythm is our 24 hour biological
 Our body temperature and awareness changes
throughout the day.
 It is best to take a test or study during your
circadian peaks.
Annual Cycles: seasonal variations (bears hibernation, seasonal affective
28 day cycles: menstrual cycle.
24 hour cycle: our circadian rhythm
90 minute cycle: sleep cycles.
Many of our behaviors display rhythmic variation.
 Circadian rhythms
 One cycle lasts about 24 hours (e.g. sleep-waking cycle).
 Light is an external cue that can set the circadian rhythm.
 Some circadian rhythms are endogenous suggesting the existence of an
internal (biological) clock.
 􀂄 Environmental cues
 􀂄 When darkness falls, the eyes indirectly inform the
 pineal gland (responsible for the body’s natural
 cycles and registering light and darkness).
 􀂄 The pineal gland secretes the hormone melatonin
 in response to darkness, making us drowsy. This
 affects the brain cells which produce Serotonin, a
 sleep-related transmitter substance.
 􀂄 The serotonin is concentrated in the Raphe Nuclei
 (near the pons), which secrete a substance that
 acts to induce light sleep.
 Electroencephalograph (EEG)
 Beta Waves: Small fast waves associated with alertness and
Alpha Waves: Large, slow waves associated
with relaxation and falling asleep
 There are 5 identified stages of sleep.
 It takes about 90-100 minutes to pass through the 5
 The brain’s waves will change according to the
sleep stage you are in.
 The first four sages and know as NREM sleep..
 The fifth stage is called REM sleep.
 Stage 1: Alpha and theta waves produced in light sleep
 Hypnic Jerk: Reflex muscle twitch throughout body
that may occur
 Stage 2: Deeper sleep; sleep spindles (distinctive brainwave activity of half second or longer)
 Stage 3: Deeper sleep; Delta waves appear (very large
and slow), breathing regular, BP falls.
Stage 4: Deepest level of normal sleep; almost
purely Delta waves (50%) – less blood flow to the brain
 REM: Rapid Eye Movement
 This is a very active stage of sleep.
 Composes 20-25 % of a normal nights sleep.
 Breathing, heart rate and brain wave activity
 Vivid Dreams can occur.
 From REM, you go back to Stage 2
 Non-REM (NREM) Sleep: Occurs during stages 1, 2, 3, and 4; no rapid eye
movement occurs.
 Rapid Eye Movements (REM): Associated with dreaming; sleep is very light.
 REM Behavioral Disorder.
 We all need different amounts of sleep depending on
our age and genetics.
 But we ALL sleep- about 25 years on average.
How do you feel when you don’t get enough
 Psychoanalytic: Dreams represent disguised
symbols of repressed desires and anxieties.
 Manifest versus latent content
 Biological: Dreams represent random activation
of brain cells during sleep.
 Cognitive: Dreams help to sift and sort the events
of the day.
© 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
 Repair/Restoration
 Sleep allows for recuperation from physical,
emotional, and intellectual fatigue
 Survival Value
 Sleep evolved to conserve energy and protect our
ancestors from predators
 Necessary for brain development
 To twitch??
 The young twitch more
 A sequence of images, emotions, and thoughts passing
through a sleeping person’s mind.
Manifest Content: the remembered
storyline of a dream. (what the man thinks it
Latent Content: the underlying meaning
of a dream. (what your dream really
 Activation-synthesis hypothesis:
 Dreams represent random activation
of brain cells during REM sleep
 Problem Solving
 Dreams focus on the problems we have
in an attempt to find a solution
 Threat simulation
 Dreams evolved to help us practice
skills we need to avoid threats.
Wish Fulfillment –
Freud’s DreamTheory…
“Sometimes, a cigar is
just a cigar.”
- Freud, on the
meaning of dreams
theory: Dreams
represent disguised
symbols of repressed
desires and anxieties
Manifest Content:
symbols used to
disguise true meaning
of dream
Latent Content: true
unconscious meaning of
a dream
 Dreams act to sort
out and
understand the
memories that
you experience
that day.
 REM sleep does
increase after
stressful events.
Activation-Synthesis Theory:
 during the night our brainstem
releases random neural
activity, dreams may be a way
to make sense of that activity.
 REM Sleep:
 Consolidation of new memories
 Role in learning
 Absent in lower mammals
 Non-REM sleep
 People deprived of all sleep show greater time spent in
non-REM sleep the next night.
 Reduced immunity
 Mood alteration
 Reduced concentration and motivation
 Increased irritability
 Lapses in attention
 Reduced motor skills
 Sleepwalking (Somnambulism): Occurs in
NREM sleep during Stages 3 and 4
 Sleeptalking: Speaking while asleep; occurs
in NREM sleep
 Night Terrors: Total panic and
hallucinations may occur
 Sleep Apnea: Interrupted breathing
during sleep; cause of very loud snoring
 A sleep disorder characterized by temporary
cessations of breathing during sleep and
consequent momentary reawakening.
 A sleep disorder characterized
by high arousal and an
appearance of being terrified.
 Occur in Stage 4, not REM,
and are not often remembered.
 Sleepwalking is a sleep disorder
effecting an estimated 10
percent of all humans at least
once in their lives.
 Sleep walking most often
occurs during deep non-REM
sleep (stage 3 or stage 4 sleep)
early in the night.
 The sleep walking activity may include simply sitting up
and appearing awake while actually asleep, getting up and
walking around, or complex activities such as moving
furniture, going to the bathroom, dressing and undressing,
and similar activities. Some people even drive a car while
actually asleep. The episode can be very brief (a few
seconds or minutes) or can last for 30 minutes or longer.
 One common misconception is that a sleep walker should
not be awakened. It is not dangerous to awaken a sleep
walker, although it is common for the person to be
confused or disoriented for a short time on awakening.
Another misconception is that a person cannot be injured
when sleep walking. Actually, injuries caused by such
things as tripping and loss of balance are common for sleep
Insomnia is the inability to fall asleep.
It is common problem that most people
experience at least occasionally.
 Sleep
apnea: person stops breathing
and is awakened when blood levels
of carbon dioxide stimulate
 Narcolepsy: Sleep appears at odd
 Sleep attack: urge to sleep during the
 Cataplexy: REM paralysis occurs,
person is still conscious
It is a condition that causes patients to fall asleep
uncontrollably throughout the day for periods
lasting less than a minute to more than half an
• Crime recall - Improves recall, more sure, but sometimes
more distorted
• Age regression
• Past-life regression
 Hypnosis is an altered state of heightened
 The hypnotic state is characterized by:
Narrow and focused attention
Passive receptive attitude
Reduced reaction to pain
Heightened suggestibility
 People can be hypnotized against their will.
 People will do immoral things while hypnotized.
 Hypnosis improves memory recall.
 Hypnotized persons have special strength.
 Hypnosis is fake.
 Meditation refers to a set of
techniques that promote a
heightened sense of awareness.
 can involve body movements
and posture, focusing of
attention on a focal point, or
control of breathing
 can induce relaxation, lower
blood pressure, and can be
associated with a sense of
 They can help us prepare for future events.
• They can nourish our social development.
•Can substitute for impulsive behavior.
 Agonists: Mimic
Reuptake inhibitors
 Antagonists: Blocks
Reuptake inhibitors
 Psychological Dependence: develops when the person
has an intense desire to achieve the drugged state in
spite of adverse effects.
 Tolerance: decreasing response to a drug
 Physiological dependence or addiction develops when
changes in brain chemistry from taking the drug
necessitate taking the drug again to prevent withdrawal
 Withdrawal: stop taking the drug the body reacts with
intense craving for the drug.
 Psychoactive Drug: are chemicals that can pass
through the blood-brain barrier into the brain to
alter perception, thinking, behavior, and mood.
 They are classified into their main effects:
 Stimulant: Substance that increases activity in
body and nervous system
 Depressant: Substance that decreases activity in
body and nervous system
 Hallucinogen: Substance that alters or distorts
sensory perceptions
 Narcotics: or analgesics (pain reducers) which
work by depressing the CNS. Opiates, codeine,
heroin, opium, methadone.
 Psychoactive Drug: Substance capable of altering behavior
 Examples include tobacco, alcohol, cannabis, amphetamines,
ecstasy, cocaine, and heroine
 Speed up body processes.
 More powerful ones (like
cocaine) give people
feelings of invincibility.
 The most popular stimulants
are cocaine, amphetamines
such as methamphetamine,
Ritalin, ephedrine, ecstasy,
 Causes hand tremors,
sweating, talkativeness,
tinnitus, suppresses
fatigue or sleepiness,
increases alertness
 Caffeinism: Physiological
dependence on caffeine
 Withdrawal: Insomnia,
irritability, loss of
appetite, chills, racing
heart, elevated body
 Natural stimulant found
mainly in tobacco
 May cause stomach pain,
vomiting, diarrhea, confusion,
 Highly Addictive
 Responsible for 97% of lung
cancer deaths in men, 74% in
 Slows down body processes.
 Alcohol
 Anxiolytics (barbiturates and
 More than 86 billion
dollars are spent
annually on alcoholic
 Alcohol is involved in
60% of ALL crimes.
 Alcohol is involved in
over 70% of sexually
related crimes.
 Is it worth the cost?
Involved in up to 60% of all crimes.
 Has depressive and
hallucinogenic qualities.
 Agonist for endorphins.
 Derived from poppy
 Alter moods, distort
perceptions, and evoke
sensory images in the
absence of sensory
 Include, LSD, PCP,
Marijuana, Peyote
 LSD and the Brain
 Though the name may sound harmless, bath salts are a
dangerous synthetic stimulant that carry the risk of
easy overdose, hallucinations and even death.
A synthetic, stimulant powder product that contains amphetamine-like
chemicals, including mephedrone, which may have a high risk for overdose
 Detoxification: Withdrawal of
the person from alcohol; occurs
in a medical setting and is tightly
controlled; often necessary
before long-term treatment
 Alcoholics Anonymous (AA):
Worldwide self-help
organization composed of
recovering alcoholics;
emphasizes admitting
powerlessness over alcohol usage
and wanting to recover.