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Group 3: Seed producing, Vascular Plants
A) Gymnosperms
• Seeds not covered
by fruit
Group 3: Seed producing, Vascular Plants
A) Gymnosperms
• Seeds not covered
by fruit
• Examples:
- Cycads
Group 3: Seed producing, Vascular Plants
A) Gymnosperms
• Seeds not covered
by fruit
• Examples:
- Cycads
- Ginko
Group 3: Seed producing, Vascular Plants
A) Gymnosperms
• Seeds not covered
by fruit
• Examples:
- Cycads
- Ginko
- Conifers
Group 3: Seed producing, Vascular Plants
A) Gymnosperms
• Seeds not covered
by fruit
• Examples:
- Cycads
- Ginko
- Conifers
B) Angiosperms
• Seeds covered by
Group 3: Seed producing, Vascular Plants
A) Gymnosperms
• Seeds not covered
by fruit
• Examples:
- Cycads
- Ginko
- Conifers
B) Angiosperms
• Seeds covered by
• Examples:
- Monocots
Group 3: Seed producing, Vascular Plants
A) Gymnosperms
• Seeds not covered
by fruit
• Examples:
- Cycads
- Ginko
- Conifers
B) Angiosperms
• Seeds covered by
• Examples:
- Monocots
- Dicots
Apple flowers
Seeds and their advantages
1) Seed plants don’t
depend on water to
– Pollen (contains
sperm) carried by
2) Embryo has…
– Nourishment: Nutrients
inside feed embryo
– Protection: Hard shell
3) Allow dispersal
– Carried by wind, water,
Some seeds have “wings”
Some seeds are
“dispersed” by animals
Seeds and their advantages
1) Seed plants don’t
depend on water to
– Pollen (contains
sperm) carried by
2) Embryo has…
– Nourishment: Nutrients
inside feed embryo
– Protection: Hard shell
3) Allow dispersal
– Carried by wind, water,
Helicopter seed falling
Seeds and their advantages
1) Seed plants don’t
depend on water to
– Pollen (contains
sperm) carried by
2) Embryo has…
– Nourishment: Nutrients
inside feed embryo
– Protection: Hard shell
3) Allow dispersal
– Carried by wind, water,
Many helicopter seeds falling
• Type of gymnosperm
• Needle-like leaves (reduces
water loss)
• Common to lumber industry
• Cones used to reproduce
– Male pollen cones:
produce pollen
– Female seed cones:
produce eggs
• Embryo grows inside seed
• Ex: Evergreen, Pine,
Redwood, Cedar
Conifer Life Cycle
• Mature Sporophyte creates
• Pollen cones (male)
– Microspores created by meiosis
– Microspores develop into pollen
– Pollen = male gametophyte
Pollen cones
Seed cone
Pollen released into the air
Conifer Life Cycle
Let’s look at
one scale
• Mature Sporophyte creates
• Pollen cones (male)
– Microspores created by meiosis
– Microspores develop into pollen
– Pollen = male gametophyte
• Seed cones (female)
– Megaspore created by meiosis
– Megaspore grows to become
female gametophyte
– Egg inside female gametophyte
Pollen cones
Seed cone
Conifer Life Cycle
• Mature Sporophyte creates
• Pollen cones (male)
– Microspores created by meiosis
– Microspores develop into pollen
– Pollen = male gametophyte
• Seed cones (female)
– Megaspore created by meiosis
Sperm cell– Megaspore grows to become
female gametophyte
– Egg inside female gametophyte
• Pollination
– Pollen tube grows towards egg
Conifer Life Cycle
• Mature Sporophyte creates
• Pollen cones (male)
– Microspores created by meiosis
– Microspores develop into pollen
– Pollen = male gametophyte
Seeds inside
every scale
• Seed cones (female)
– Megaspore created by meiosis
Sperm cell– Megaspore grows to become
female gametophyte
– Egg inside female gametophyte
• Pollination
– Pollen tube grows towards egg
• Fertilization
Let’s go back
to the seed
– Sperm travels down pollen tube
to fertilize egg
– Zygote grows into embryo
– Seed coat hardens
– Seeds released & can grow into
young sporophyte
Conifer Life Cycle
• Mature Sporophyte creates
• Pollen cones (male)
– Microspores created by meiosis
– Microspores develop into pollen
– Pollen = male gametophyte
• Seed cones (female)
– Megaspore created by meiosis
– Megaspore grows to become
female gametophyte
– Egg inside female gametophyte
• Pollination
– Pollen tube grows towards egg
• Fertilization
– Sperm travels down pollen tube
to fertilize egg
– Zygote grows into embryo
– Seed coat hardens
– Seeds released & can grow into
young sporophyte
Conifer Life Cycle
• Mature Sporophyte creates
• Pollen cones (male)
– Microspores created by meiosis
– Microspores develop into pollen
– Pollen = male gametophyte
• Seed cones (female)
Pollen cone
Seed cone
– Megaspore created by meiosis
– Megaspore grows to become
female gametophyte
– Egg inside female gametophyte
• Pollination
– Pollen tube grows towards egg
• Fertilization
– Sperm travels down pollen tube
to fertilize egg
– Zygote grows into embryo
– Seed coat hardens
– Seeds released & can grow into
young sporophyte
1) How are angiosperms different from gymnosperms?
2) Name three advantages of seeds.
3) Which structure will protect and release gymnosperm
4) What are male cones called and what do they produce?
5) What are female cones called and what do they produce?
6) What is created when the sperm and egg fuse:
sporophyte or gametophyte?