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World War II
The Path, The Problem, The Plan
Path to War
• Hitler
wants to create a “supreme” race
• Takes
political steps to achieve that goal
 Lebensraum
 Becomes Chancellor
• Creates
the Third Reich
 Aryan racial state
 Goal is to dominate Europe
Path to War
• Hitler
violates Treaty of Versailles
 Treaty limited Germany’s military power
 Hitler creates a new air force and increases army size
from 100K to 500K
• Great
Britain and France warn Hitler to stop
 Hitler stops because he doesn’t want to use force…or so
he says
• Ends
up taking over the Rhineland
 1st step to war
 Why?
Rhineland Problem
Part of Germany
Under French control
Demilitarized Zone
 Germany not allowed to have ANY military weapons, troops, or
 Ignored by Hitler
France was too scared to attack without British support
 Britain did not think it was a problem
Issued an idea of APPEASEMENT
 Giving into demands in hope of peace later
Rhineland occupied by Germany
Hitler’s Push to Gain Allies
 Common interests in expanding empires
 Rome-Berlin Axis
Japan-Emperor Hirohito
 Sign Anti-Comintern Pact
 Fight against Communism
 Promotes Anschluss (Union with Austria)
 Threatens with invasion
 Austria gives in
War is Looming
 Area in Czechoslovakia with many Germans
 Hitler wants control
 Admits that he is “willing to risk World War”
Munich Conference
British, French, German, Italian leaders meet
Agreement reached to give Sudetenland to Germany
Britain and France met ALL of Hitler’s demands
Hitler promises no more demands or invasions
Invades 3 other areas and threatens to invade Poland
Germany controls Sudentenland
The Leaders meet at the Munich Conference
Britain and France React
Finally realize Hitler is full of s***
Offer to protect Poland from Hitler and his army
Need help of USSR
 Political talks with Stalin begin…or so the allies think
Hitler Reacts
Hitler gets to Stalin before Britain and France
Hitler offers Stalin all of Eastern Poland
 Stalin agrees
Nazi-Soviet Non-Agression Pact
 Promised to not attack each other
Opens the door to Poland
World War II Begins
Hitler invades Poland on September 1 st, 1939
Britain and France declare war on Germany
Alliances are formed and stage is set
Western European Front
Poland is attacked by using blitzkrieg
 Key to Hitler’s early success
 Means “Lightning War”
 Use of Panzers supported by airplanes
Hitler gained many early victories
 Ardennes Forest
 Broke through French defenses
 Allowed Germany to control France
Maginot Line
 French & British defensive line in Ardennes Forest
 Germany swept around Maginot Line
 Split allied forces
 Now in control of France
Maginot Line
Western European Front
 British troops survive Maginot Line attack
 Gained a new resolve
Pleaded to the U.S. for help
 FDR issued the Lend-Lease Act
 FDR sent food, ships, planes, and weapons to Britain
 No troops due to Neutrality Acts
Western European Front
Battle of Britain
 Germany wanted control of Britain
 Had to control the airspace
 Luftwaffe (German Air Force) was created
 Constant bombing of British military areas
British did not give in
Hitler started targeting cities & civilian populations
 Allowed British air force to rebuild
The Royal Air Force (RAF) defeated the Luftwaffe
First great allied victory
Mediterranean Front
North Africa
 Italy invades and attacks North Africa
 Push against the British and force a retreat
Suez Canal
 Main objective was to control the area
 Access to the Middle East
 Why is this important?
 British did not give in, pushed back
Germany helps Italy
 Afrika Korps and Erwin Rommel
 Crushing defeat for Allies
Suez Canal and Afrika Korps
Eastern Front
War in the Balkans
 Hitler planned to invade USSR
 Needed bases of operation
 Persuades countries to ally with Germany
Operation Barbarossa
 Plan to invade and control USSR
 USSR unprepared
 Scorched-Earth policy……again
Siege of Leningrad
 Starve and cut-off 2.5 million people
 1 million died; still refused to surrender
Eastern Front
 Hitler and the Nazi army attack the capital
 Soviet Generals hold the line
“No retreat” by Hitler
 Does not want same mistake as Napoleon
 Costs Germany and the army 500,000 lives
War in the Pacific
Pearl Harbor
 U.S. sent help to the Chinese resistance to stop Japan
 Wanted to cut-off oil intake as well
 “A dagger pointed at [Japan’s] throat”
 December 7, 1941: “A date which will live in infamy”
 More than 2,300 Americans were killed; over 1,100 wounded
Japanese Victories
 Dominated the Pacific
 Controlled British and American colonies
 Bataan Death March
 Surrender was considered dishonorable
 50 mile march where Allied POW’s were subjected to torture
War in the Pacific
Battle of Midway
 Key American airfield
 Admiral Chester Nimitz planned a successful counterattack
 Turned the tide in the Pacific toward Allied favor
Douglas MacArthur
 Commander of forces in the Pacific
 “Island-hopping”
Battle of Guadalcanal
 Destroy Japanese military bases
 12,000 out of 36,000 Japanese troops survived
 Terrible conditions
Pearl Harbor
The End Awaits
North Africa
 Battle of El Alamein
 British forces drive Rommel out of Egypt
 Operation Torch
 Dwight D. Eisenhower defeats Rommel indefinitely near Morocco and Algeria
Battle of Stalingrad
 Soviet troops hold out and defeat the frostbitten German troops
 90,000 of Hitler’s original 330,000 survived
 Pushed westward (towards the ‘scorched earth’)
Invasion of Italy
 Allied troops took control of Sicily; defeated Southern Europe
 Mussolini still in power in Northern Europe; defeated when Germany
The End Awaits
D-Day: Codename Operation Overlord
 Allied forces invade Normandy and drive out Germans
 June 6, 1944
 Dwight D. Eisenhower and General George Patton led the attack
Battle of the Bulge
 Fighting in the Ardennes forest
 Constant ‘push-pull’ battle
 Allied forced pushed Germans back to the Rhineland
End of WWII
Germany’s Unconditional Surrender
‘Noose’ closed around Berlin and Hitler’s Germany
British/American forces from the West; Soviets from the East
Hitler and his wife, Eva Braun, committed suicide
Germany surrendered unconditionally on May 7th & signed the surrender
agreement on May 9th
 Known as V-E Day
End of WWII
Victory in the Pacific
 MacArthur defeated the Japanese naval fleet in the Philippines
(Battle of Leyte Gulf)
 Battle of Iwo Jima officially ended the Japanese military threat in
the Pacific
 Japanese: 100,000 dead; U.S.: 12,000 dead
Japanese Surrender
 Manhattan Project is put into action
 Japan is warned; still no surrender
 First atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima August 6, 1945; no
 Second atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki August 9, 1945
 Japan surrenders on September 2, 1945; V-J Day