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“Acient Bacteria”
-Domain: Archae
- Prokaryotes
- Both autotrophic and heterotrophic
- All are single celled
Thermoacidophiles – love hot, acidic
Halophiles – Thrive in Extreme Salt
Conditions, like the Dead Sea
Methanogens – cannot handle oxygen,
turn CO2 and H into methane gas
Achaebacteria are also divided into
• Non extreme bacteria live in normal
environments all around us, much like
• All archaebacteria have cell walls that have NO
Domain Bacteria
All single celled prokaryotes
Both autotrophic and heterotrophic
Classified by shape:
Bacillus – rod shaped
• E Coli and Lactobacillus are both examples
Coccus – round bacteria
• Examples include streptococcus
Spirella – spiral shaped
• Lyme Disease and Syphilis are caused by this type
of bacteria
Bacteria can be both good and bad
• Good bacteria: E. coli are genetically engineered to produce
insulin, Lactobacillus are used to make milk and yogurt.
Protista – Protists can be plant like,
animal like or fungus like.
Domain Eukarya
Single or Multicellular
Autotrophic or Heterotrophic
Euglena is an example of a plant Like
All algae, including large multicellular
algae called seaweed, are protists.
Slime Mold and Water Molds are
Fungus Like Protists
Water Mold caused the Irish Potato
Amoebas are animal like protists
Animal Like Protists cause diseases
such as malaria
• Domain Eukarya
• Can be single or multicellular
• All are eukaryotes and heterotrophs
Multicellular Fungi often have “roots”
called hypae
• Fungi have cell walls made of CHITIN, the same
material in insect exoskeletons
• Fungi reproduce using spores.
Yeast is a single celled fungus, used to
make bread and beer
• Bread mold is in this phylum
Basidiomycetes – the mushrooms
Ascomycetes – cup fungus
Domain Eukarya
All multicellular autotrophs
All are eukaryotic
Cells have a cell wall made of CELLULOSE
Nonvascular plants
• Lack true stems and leaves, produce spores
instead of seeds, lack xylem or phloem, must
reproduce in a moist environment.
Seedless Vascular Plants
• Still use spores instead of seeds, lack xylem and
phloem, but have stems and leaves. AKA Ferns!
Non Flowering Plants: Gymnosperms
• Ex. Pine trees have seeds in pinecones, but no
Flowering Seed Plants: Angiosperms
Animalia, by Phylum
• Domain Eukarya
• All are multicellular heterotrophs
• All are eukaryotes
Sponges – the most primitive animal
Phylum: Porifera
• Have specialized cells, but no tissues
Cnidaria: Jellyfish, Coral, Anemones
• All sting their food to capture and immobilize it.
Coral Polyps
The Flatworms: Platyhelminthes
• Planaria are a common flatworm that can
regenerate when broken apart
Roundworms – often called
• Many nematodes live in soil
Segmented, or annelid, worms
• Earthworms and leeches are annelid worms
• Include everything from snails, clams, octopus
and squid
Octopus are amazingly intelligent
Sea Cucumbers have no external shell
We believe giant squid exist, though
live ones have rarely been seen or
• All have an exoskeleton and jointed limbs
• Includes insects, spiders, and crustaceans like
crabs and lobster
Echinoderms: Includes sea stars, sand
dollars and sea urchins
• Many can regenerate a lost limb
Invertebrate Chordates – have a spinal
cord, but no stiff backbone
• Examples are Lancelets and Tunicates
You are a Vertebrate Chordate
• Animals with a backbone…
• Hagfish are a primitive vertebrate chordate –
they do not have jaws.
Cartilaginous Fish: The Sharks,
Rays, and Sturgeon
The Bony Fish
• Can live on land but must reproduce in water
• Have the ability to lay eggs with shells – no
longer must return to water.
• Closely related to reptiles, lay hard shelled
eggs and have feathers on their bodies.
Mammals – YOU!
• Produce milk to feed their young, have hair
over at least part of their body (even whales!)