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Why did the alignment of nations (east vs west) affect the relationship of
European nations?
• It established a political division between
Eastern and Western Europe.
What were the Soviet protectionist trade policies in the late 1940s?
• Not to trade with others because of the
devastation that the country had experienced
in World war II
How did the Soviets gain control over Eastern European nations immediately after
World War II?
• Soviet troops were already there in Eastern
How did the Americans and British respond to the Soviet blockade of West Berlin in
• Airlift supplies into closed off Berlin
How did the Cold War affect American life?
• Fear of communism created a climate of
suspicion in the nation.
How did the United States respond to the Soviet launch of Sputnik I?
• Invested more money in science education
What is the Arms Race? Who was
• Stockpiling of nuclear weapons by the
superpowers- U.S. and Soviet Union
What scientific advancements resulted from the Cold War arms race?
• Space Exploration
What happened during the Cuban Missile Crisis?
• Soviet Union placed nuclear missiles in Cuba.
Closest we have come to nuclear war.
Which approach did Truman propose in order to meet the challenges to postwar Europe?
• Truman Doctrine- help countries that wanted
to reject communism
What did the United States government aim to achieve through containment of
• Keep communism where it is and not let it
What were the results of the Korean War? Who won?
• The war ended in a compromise. Border of
North and South Korea went back to the 38th
parallel. Communism was contained to North
Why did the United States government consider involvement in the Korean War as necessary?
• To contain Communism
Why was the Vietnam War length and difficulty?
• The South Vietnamese government was
widely unpopular.
What was the Domino Theory?
• If communism isn’t stopped, it will spread
What is the Cultural Revolution in China?
• Cultural revolution pushed China toward the
final stage of communism and also allowed
China overcome its past, especially
humiliations previously suffered.
Why did China’s relations with the Soviet Union become strained?
• The Soviet Union refused to attack Taiwan on
behalf of China.
Who is Mikhail Gorbachev?
• Leader of the Soviet Union
What is glasnost?
• An “openness” to Soviet society and lifting of
restrictions on freedoms
What is perestroika?
• Economic reforms or restructuring introduced
by Mikhail Gorbachev
Who is Ronald Reagan?
• President of the United States in the 1980’s
What did President Reagan do to diminish Soviet global influence?
• Supporting anti-communist movements in
Latin America
What was President Ronald Reagan’s foreign policy regarding communism?
• Moving away from the policy of Détente or
moving away from trying to have good
How did the people of the USSR including Poland respond to difficult economic problems brought on by
policies of the communist government?
• They voted for Solidarity leaders in free
elections. Solidarity was people protesting for
What caused the eventual fall of the Soviet Union?
• The collapse of a flawed economic system
What caused the fall of communism in Eastern Europe?
• Overwhelming popular demand for reforms
How did the Lech Walesa prompt a change in Soviet control and influence in the late 1980s?
• He led to the first free elections in Eastern
Europe since the Communists took power.
How did Pope John Paul II contribute to the end of the Cold War?
• He encouraged unity among Polish labor