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A Career Journey
Famous Careers in Information Technology
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All rights reserved
A Career Journey: Grace Hopper Murray
Computer Scientist
• Developed a premiere language for
business data processing
• One of the first coders
(programmers) for a computer
used during World War II
• First woman admiral in United
States Navy
Grace Hopper Murray
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All rights reserved
A Career Journey: Tim Berners-Lee
Computer Scientist
• Invented the World Wide Web
• Founded the World Wide Web
Consortium (W3C)
Tim Berners-Lee
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All rights reserved
A Career Journey: Jaron Lanier
Computer Scientist
• Created the first art video
• Created virtual reality
Jaron Lanier
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All rights reserved
A Career Journey: Bill Gates
Computer Programming
Bill Gates
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All rights reserved
• At 15, developed and sold
a computerized trafficcontrol system
• At Harvard he created
computer programming
language with a friend,
Paul Allen
A Career Journey: Bill Gates
Computer Programming
• Created a company to sell
his software program in the
late 1970’s
• In the 1980’s a computer
company contracted to use
his operating system
• 1995 wrote The Road Ahead
Bill Gates
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All rights reserved
A Career Journey: Bill Gates
Computer Programming
• Created an internet browser
• Created a charity organization
with his wife, Melinda, to help
provide computer access to
many, fight AIDS and give
vaccines to the needy
Bill Gates
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All rights reserved
A Career Journey: Nolan Bushnell
Video Game Designer,
Inventor, Entrepreneur
• In third grade he became
fascinated with science
• Started a company while
still in college
Nolan Bushnell
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All rights reserved
A Career Journey: Nolan Bushnell
Video Game Designer,
Inventor, Entrepreneur
Nolan Bushnell
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All rights reserved
• Developed sound
• Created a computer game
• Created a very popular
video game
A Career Journey: Nolan Bushnell
Video Game Designer,
Inventor, Entrepreneur
Nolan Bushnell
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All rights reserved
• Started a well-known video
game company
• Helped that company create
a personal computer
• Entered Internet gaming
with his own website
A Career Journey: Chester Gordon Bell
Computer Scientist
Chester Gordon Bell
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All rights reserved
• Worked in his father’s
electrical business at a
young age
• Worked at a major electric
company during college
• Worked on early version
of speech recognition
A Career Journey: Chester Gordon Bell
Computer Scientist
• Worked with a major
computer company on first
commercial equipment
• Created the microcomputer
• Created his own computer
Chester Gordon Bell
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All rights reserved
A Career Journey: Chester Gordon Bell
Computer Scientist
• Became assistant director
of science foundation
• Cofounded a computer
museum in Boston
• Founded computer history
Chester Gordon Bell
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All rights reserved
What Causes Occupational Changes?
Possible Factors:
Changes in occupational interest
Changes in demand
Changes in skills
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All rights reserved