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Do Now
1. Energy is the ability to do work.
2. Does space have energy? Even though space is cold
electromagnetic energy . All
and dark, it is flooded by ___
stars in the universe produce energy
. Planets andmoons
reflect that energy back, glowing in the darkness. Also
everything in space is in motion
, so there is also kinetic
Do Now
1. Energy is the ability to do work.
2. Does space have energy (stars, planets, moons)?
Stars burn up, moons glow bright and
planets rotate and revolve around the Sun.
Do Now
Energy is the ability to do work.
Energy can be found in many things,
and takes many forms.
1. The two factors that affect kinetic energy
mass and ___
speed .
are ___
2. List the object that has the greatest KE
when rolled, diet cola or regular cola.
Explain. Regular cola because
the greater the mass,
the higher the KE.
3. The two factors that affect potential energy
height .
are ___
mass and ___
4. Where at home would you put an AC to
have the greatest PE? The greater the height,
the higher the PE: attic
Do Now
1. In Gizmo, we found out that the energy in
the pendulum is fast at point ___ (bottom
swing) and slows down at points ___ and
___ (upswing).
2. This type of change where energy goes
from one form, ___ energy (pts A and C)
to another form ___ energy (pt B), and
where energy is never lost is called “the
principle of ___ of energy”.
1. In Gizmo, we found out that the energy
in the pendulum is fast at point ___
(bottom swing) and slows down at points
A and ___
C (upswing).
2. This type of change where energy goes from
potential energy (pts A and C) to
one form, ___
another form ___
kinetic energy (pt B), and where
energy is never lost is called “The Principle of
of Energy”.
Do Now
1. List in sequence that shows an increase in
kinetic energy. Top to bottom: A, G, B, F, C, E, D
2. List in sequence that shows an increase in
potential energy.Bottom to top: D, E, C, F, B,G, A
Do Now
1. Explain how the motion of a swing
illustrates the transferring of energy
between potential and kinetic energy.
When the pendulum is on an upswing, the
increases .
potential energy ___
When the pendulum swings down the ___
changes to ___.
KE is increases.
At the downswing, the ___
When the pendulum swings up, the KE
changes to PE
Do Now
1. How can a pebble on a hill have the same
potential energy as a stone?
Same PE: pebble on a hill = stone at ground level
2. Explain what happens to the kinetic energy of
a skateboard that is coasting along a flat surface,
slows down, and comes to a stop.
2. Explain what happens to the kinetic energy
of a skateboard that is coasting along a flat
surface, slows down, and comes to a stop.
The KE of the skate is converted into
thermal energy by friction.
Do Now
Thermal energy is what we call energy
1. ___
that comes from heat.
2. What happens when you pour milk
into hot chocolate? The hot chocolate
cooler because it lost
becomes ___
___ energy to the milk.
3. Identify all forms of energy as the girl sweats
from jumping rope.
3. Identify all forms of energy as the girl
sweats from jumping rope.
a. As the rope swings up- PE
b. As the rope swings down- KE
c. The girl becomes hot- thermal energy
d. The girl starts to sweat- chemical energy
A swimming pool at 30°C is at a lower
temperature than a cup of tea at 80°C. But the
swimming pool contains more water, so it stores
more thermal energy than the cup of tea.
To boil water we must increase its temperature
to 100°C. It takes longer to boil a large beaker of
water than a small beaker because the large
beaker contains more water and needs more
thermal energy to reach 100°C.
Do Now
1. How can a swimming pool of 75 degrees F
have the same thermal energy as a cup of
hot coffee at 100 degrees F?
Because the pool store more thermal energy.
2. Which takes longer to boil, a large or a
small beaker of water?
It takes longer to boil the large beaker because
it takes more water and needs
more thermal energy to reach its
boiling point.
Do now
1. Draw a Venn diagram and write the two
factors that affect each form of energy.
Do Now1. When heat is removed, molecules ___
contract (come together) .
2. When heat is added, molecules ___
. expand (spread out)
3. Which picture shows that heat is added ?
Glass molecules
become hot and then
Glass molecules
become cooler and
then contract
4x. Which picture shows that heat is added?
Iron molecules
become hot and then
Iron molecules become
cooler and then
5x. Why is the jar lid easier to open after using
hot water?
The hot water increases the thermal energy
of the metal lid and therefore makes it
expand and loosen up.
6. However, water has a unique property:
when water becomes cold, the molecules ___
and when water becomes hot, the molecules
contract .
In freezer
At room
7. We can see that glass breaks as water
molecules ___
expand when it freezes .
In freezer
energy is energy stored in
1. Chemical
bonds of chemical compounds
(atoms and molecules).
2. Chemical energy is released in a
chemical reaction, often in the form
heat .
of ___
3. Identify which are examples of chemical
energy. Write the word “chemical energy” or
“not” after each statement.
Matchstick is lit =chemical energy
Plants convert sunlight into sugar =chemical
Water freezing into ice
A person breathing =chemical energy
Melted wax
“Nature of E” worksheet
16a. Chemical energyb. Thermal energyc. Light energy18. Radiant energy-
WORD BANK (five words):
19. Radiant Chemical Thermal PE KE
20a. (three answers)b. (one answer)c. (two answers)d. (one answer)e. (two answers)f. (two answers)g. (two answers)-
Do now
1. Photosynthesis
is the process in which sunlight is
converted by chemical energy to make sugars for
2. Photosynthesis takes place in the chlorophyll
which is located on the underside of the leaves.
Each dot is a chlorophyll.
3. ___
is also located in
plant and animal
4. It uses a lot of
chemical energy
in order to make
each cell grow
and operate
Worksheet to chemical energy
label and color
chloroplasts and mitochondria
Label four parts: stroma, outer
membrane, lamella and granum
Label two parts:
thylakoid and granum
Label three parts: matrix, outer membrane,
1. Plant cells
2. Sugar
3. Photosynthesis
4. Carbon dioxide and water
5. carbon dioxide and oxygen
7. thousands
Do Now
1. Identify the different types of energy that
you saw in the video.
a. Kinetic Energy=
b. Potential Energy=
c. Thermal Energy=
d. Chemical Energy=
Crossword puzzle: (three words not used)
1. Identify the different types of energy that you see
in space.
a. Kinetic Energy= rotating planets, meteorite
crashed down, spaceship lifting up, astronauts
floating in space
b. Potential Energy= the sun stays still, the
spaceship was still before it lifted
c. Thermal Energy= the hot sun, rocket fuel
burning, the stars burning actually, volcanoes
erupting on Venus
d. Chemical Energy= rocket fuel evaporates into
gas, the crater burns into ash, astronauts inhale
oxygen and exhale co2
Do Now1. Identify the different types of energy that has
been applied before you came to this class.
a. Kinetic Energy=
b. Potential Energy=
c. Thermal Energy=
d. Chemical Energy=
1. Identify the different types of energy that has
been applied before you came to this class.
a. Kinetic Energy=
a boy shaking his bookbag. I am walking to
school. I was kicking a ball in gym.
b. Potential Energy=
a person falling his seat. Standing on the roof.
Im standing in line at lunch time.
c. Thermal Energy=
the school oven is turned on. I feel cold air
from the vent. Running in gym class, I get
d. Chemical Energy=
the light bulb burns. Foam comes from wet
soap. Cooked pizza
applied before you came to this class.
a. Kinetic Energy= the car moving, when we are
walking to class, talking to friends
b. Potential Energy= sitting on a chair, slept on my
bed, the Great Wall of China project displayed in
the hallway
c. Thermal Energy= drinking hot cocoa for
breakfast, my bed is warm, the heat in the car as
you are driving to school
d. Chemical Energy= my breakfasted digested in
my stomach, I was breathing in oxygen and
breathing out CO2, the car gasoline burns into
Nature of Energy, pg 716
23. At high speed, both cars have more
KE. This greater KE will result in more
24. The chemical energy in the wood is
transformed into thermal energy and
radiant energy.
25. Chemical energy is converted
into thermal energy by your body.
26. The vase with the larger
mass would have more PE.
27. The golf ball has less mass
so it must be moving faster.
27a. If they move at the same
speed, the bowling ball has
more KE.
1. D
2. A
3. D
4. A
5. G
6. F
7. C
8. B
9. E
10. E
11. A
12. D
13. A
14. D
Do Now
1. What forms of energy do the
chloroplasts in the plant leaves
undergo? Explain.
Potential energy = The plant stays still.
Kinetic energy = The leaves of plants move
towards the sunlight.
Thermal energy = The sun’s rays heats up the
Chemical energy = The rays are converted to
food for the plant by