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Terrestrial Planets A
1. Atmosphere is composed of 96.5 % carbon dioxide.
a) Mercury b) Venus c) Earth d) Mars
2. Orbits the Sun in 88 days.
a) Mercury b) Venus c) Earth d) Mars
3. Appears to go through phases when viewed from Earth.
a) Mercury b) Venus c) Moon d) all of these e) a and c only
4. Home to the tallest mountain in the solar system.
a) Mercury b) Venus c) Earth d) Mars
5. Atmosphere is a mixture of nitrogen (71%), oxygen (28%) and other gases (1%)
a) Mercury b) Venus c) Earth d) Mars
6. Atmosphere contains a significant amount of sulfuric acid.
a) Mercury b) Venus c) Earth d) Mars
7. Temperature can change more than 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit between night and day.
a) Mercury b) Venus c) Earth d) Mars
8. The thin atmosphere is composed primarily of carbon dioxide.
a) Mercury b) Venus c) Earth d) Mars
9. Most dense planet in solar system.
a) Mercury b) Venus c) Earth d) Mars
10. Tallest mountain in the solar system
a) Valles Marineris b) Phobos c) Olympus Mons d) Deimos
11. Has the most moons of the terrestrial planets.
a) Mercury b) Venus c) Earth d) Mars
12. Does not have a ring system.
a) Mercury b) Venus c) Earth d) Mars e) none of these have a ring system
13. On Earth you weigh slightly less
a) at the poles b) at the equator c) your weight does not vary moving from pole to equator
14. Has the largest dust storms in the solar system
a) Mercury b) Venus c) Earth d) Mars
15. Largest of the terrestrials
a) Mercury b) Venus c) Earth d) Mars
16. Nearly tidally locked to the Sun. Rotation rate nearly matches period of rotation.
a) Mercury b) Venus c) Earth d) Mars
17. The length of a day on a planet is determined by its
a) orbital period b) axial tilt c) period of revolution d) rotation period e) a and c
18. Takes the longest time to orbit the Sun.
a) Mercury b) Venus c) Earth d) Mars
19. The morning sun appears to rise briefly, set and rise again
a) Mercury b) Venus c) Earth d) Mars
20. Extreme temperature is caused by a runaway greenhouse effect.
a) Mercury b) Venus c) Earth d) Mars
21. Largest of the terrestrial planets
a) Mercury b) Venus c) Earth d) Mars
22. Surface covered by thousands of volcanoes—none currently believed to be active.
a) Mercury b) Venus c) Earth d) Mars
23. Earth’s rotation rate is slowing because of the movement of the Moon
a) away from Earth b) closer to Earth c) in gravitational lock with Earth
24. Surface is covered with craters due to the lack of a substantial atmosphere that would cause them to
burn up.
a) Mercury b) Venus c) Earth d) Mars
25. A day on this planet is longer than its year.
a) Mercury b) Venus c) Earth d) Mars
26. Only planet known to support life.
a) Mercury b) Venus c) Earth d) Mars
27. Has the most extreme seasons of the terrestrials
a) Mercury b) Venus c) Earth d) Mars
28. Closest to the Sun.
a) Mercury b) Venus c) Earth d) Mars
29. Similar in size, mass and composition
a) Mercury and Venus b) Mercury and Mars c) Earth and Mars
d) Earth and Venus e) none of these
30. Extreme seasons due to the elliptical orbital path being more elongated (stretched out) than most
other planets in the solar system.
a) Mercury b) Venus c) Earth d) Mars
31. Most geologically active of terrestrials with volcanoes, earthquakes and plate techtonics.
a) Mercury b) Venus c) Earth d) Mars
32. Meteorites coming from this planet have struck the Earth.
a) Mercury b) Venus c) Mars
33. Planet with hottest average temperature in the solar system.
a) Mercury b) Venus c) Earth d) Mars
34. The Sun appears half as large as it does from Earth when viewed from this planet.
a) Mercury b) Venus c) Mars
35. Possesses an atmospheric pressure more than 90 times that of Earth.
a) Mercury b) Venus c) Earth d) Mars
36. Has a powerful magnet field that protects it from the effects of the solar wind.
a) Mercury b) Venus c) Earth d) Mars
37. Has one naturally occurring satellite.
a) Mercury b) Mars c) Earth d) Mercury and Venus e) Mercury and Mars
38. Surface gravity about 37% that of Earth.
a) Mercury b) Venus c) Mars d) Mercury and Venus e) Mercury and Mars
39. Shows signs of liquid water not just ice.
a) Mercury b) Venus c) Mars
40. Second brightest object in the night sky.
a) Mercury b) Venus c) Mars
41. No flowing water but a little ice in deep craters.
a) Mercury b) Venus c) Mars
42. Rotates in the opposite direction to other planets in the solar system
a) Mercury b) Venus c) Earth d) Mars
43-49 Arrange the following in the correct chronological order by placing the numbers 1-7 in front of
the statements. Number 1 is the first event to occur.
____6___Temperature and pressure become great enough in core to cause hydrogen to fuse to heliumprotostar
___4____During collapse, the interstellar gas forms a disk due to the rotation of the cloud.
___5___Gravity draws gas and dust into a central core, heating it.
___1____Slowing spinning interstellar cloud of gas composed mostly of hydrogen and helium.
___7____As the process of fusion (H->He) continues, outward pressure balances inward gravity…a star
is born.
___3____Particles in the densest part of the cloud cause it to begin gravitational collapse.
___2____An event causes anomalies to appear in the interstellar gas.