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Milky Way Galaxy – Notes Outline
What are the dimensions of the Milky Way galaxy? How many stars does it contain?
Among others, the work of 4 women helped to shape our understanding of our galaxy. Who are they, and what
did they do/study?
What is a variable star? What causes it to periodically change?
What are two types of variable stars? How do they differ? (including luminosity and period)
Apparent brightness is directly proportional to _________________ and inversely proportional to
Where are most RR Lyrae stars located?
Who first tried to measure the mass and size of the Milky Way? Why was he unsuccessful?
Draw and label a diagram showing the structure of our galaxy (galactic halo, galactic disk, galactic bulge).
Where are the oldest stars in our galaxy located? The youngest?
How do the orbits of stars in the galactic halo and galactic disk differ?
What are the properties of the galactic halo, galactic disk and galactic bulge (from the chart).
How did the Milky Way form?
What type of galaxy is the Milky Way? _________________________
Explain how the spiral arms probably formed.
How do the orbits of inner and outer objects differ?
What is dark matter? What evidence supports the existence of dark matter?
What do we think dark matter could possibly be? What is it NOT?
What is at the center of our galaxy? ____________________________________________________
What are the properties of the Milky Way’s galactic center?