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APUSH TEST UNIT 6 Progressivism and WWI
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1) President Theodore Roosevelt's support for the Hepburn Act and the Pure Food and Drug Act
reflected his beliefs in
A) Free enterprise.
B) Regulating big business.
C) An economy based on a small competitive business.
D) The ability of big business to reform itself.
E) Keeping government out of big business.
2) W.E.B. Du Bois joined others to organize the
E) Knights of Labor.
3) Woodrow Wilson responded to the Bolshevik seizure of power in Russia by:
A) Invading Russia in concert with Britain and France.
B) Granting the Bolsheviks diplomatic recognition.
C) Ignoring Russian claims at the Paris peace conference.
D) Adopting a "wait and see" attitude.
E) Denying Russia a vote in the new League of Nations.
4) As president, William H. Taft advocated a foreign policy that emphasized
A) Big stick diplomacy.
B) Economic links with foreign nations.
C) A reliance on the Monroe Doctrine.
D) Military alliances with powers friendly to the United States.
E) Upholding human rights on other nations.
5) The following was the greatest challenge to national public health:
A) Venereal disease.
B) Influenza epidemic of 1918-19.
C) Smallpox.
D) Measles.
E) Malaria.
6) Woodrow Wilson believed that U.S. economic expansion should be accompanied by
A) American bureaucratic know-how.
B) Political domination.
C) Government spending.
D) Military force and naval power.
E) Democratic principles and Christianity.
7) In asking for a declaration of war against Germany, Wilson listed reasons including making the
world safe for
A) Shipping.
B) Our Children.
C) America.
D) Democracy.
E) Free trade.
8) Which one of the following is NOT true of settlement houses?
A) They were progressives but were often anti-immigrant.
B) They combined moral and social appeal.
C) They grew from six in 1891 to 400 houses nationwide by 1910.
D) They were reform communities run by college-educated women.
E) They were in the midst of the neighborhoods they were trying to help.
9) Which one of the following was NOT one of the Fourteen Points of President Wilson?
A) Open covenants.
B) Reduced armaments.
C) Controlled trade.
D) Mediation for colonial claims.
E) The setting of postwar boundaries.
10) The German use of ________ offended American public sentiment.
A) Machine guns.
B) Submarines.
C) Mustard gas.
D) Trench warfare.
E) Civilian targets.
11) Progressive reformers believed the primary purpose of public education was to
A) Assimilate new immigrants.
B) Create an aristocracy of the able.
C) Prepare immigrant children for college.
D) Allow the poor and the rich to mingle in a democratic manner.
E) Teach immigrant children a trade.
12) Which one of the following would be the MOST LIKELY "new" immigrant to enter the United
States in 1905?
A) A German scientist.
B) A young unskilled Asian female.
C) An Australian farmer.
D) A German steel worker.
E) A single unskilled Italian male.
13) Party machines were powerful because they were
A) Supported by the military.
B) Champions of immigration restrictions.
C) Organized and delivered needed services.
D) Crusaders against vice.
E) In control of most state legislatures.
14) Which one of the following was NOT an institution that grew stronger during and after World
War I?
A) Chambers of Commerce.
B) Federal Reserve Board.
C) Lobbying groups.
D) Industrial Workers of the World.
E) Ford Motor Company.
15) Wilson's effort to manage the Mexican Revolution and protect U.S. interests in Mexico resulted
A) A legacy of suspicion and mistrust between the two nations.
B) Pancho Villa's resignation from the Mexican Parliament.
C) A cooperation between the nations that culminated in NAFTA.
D) A war between Mexico and the U.S.
E) An era of good feelings between the nations.
16) Which one of the following is NOT true of the Committee on Public Information?
A) Creel's materials played up "Old World" ties of Americans.
B) The committee created massive writings, films, and advertising for the war.
C) Film stars were recruited to sell war bonds.
D) It wanted to mold Americans into a "white hot mass."
E) Chairman George Creel took it from the government news coordination to promoting the
war effort.
17) Margaret Sanger and other birth control advocates wanted birth control because
A) Birth control would allow poor women to work longer hours.
B) Birth control would curtail the birth explosion.
C) Birth control would prevent child labor.
D) Lower the birth rate among immigrants.
E) They wanted to advance sexual freedom for middle-class women and to protect poor
working women.
18) The Zimmermann note was a coded message proposing an alliance between Germany and
A) Canada.
B) Italy.
C) Mexico.
D) France.
E) Russia.
19) WWI inflamed hatred against all of the following groups EXCEPT:
A) Dissenters.
B) Radicals.
C) American Federation of Labor.
D) African Americans.
E) Socialists.
20) Not only was it a best seller, but Upton Sinclair's muckraking novel, The Jungle, helped further
passage of these two federal laws:
A) Meat Inspection and the Pure Food and Drug acts.
B) Mann Act and the National Board of Censorship.
C) National Municipal Act and the initiative, referendum and recall.
D) National Beef Production Act and the recall and referendum.
E) Clayton Anti-Trust Act and the Federal Trade Commission.
21) In Jacob Riis's book, How the Other Half Lives, the other half referred to the lives of
A) Industrial magnates.
B) Urban poor.
C) African Americans.
D) Women.
E) Rural poor.
22) The American Federation of Labor organized the following:
A) All labor.
B) Unskilled labor.
C) Chinese labor.
D) Skilled labor.
E) Immigrant labor.
23) Progressive academics and legal scholars argued
A) Laws were immutable and could never be changed.
B) Precedents were everything to the preservation of society.
C) Education was an old and tried system that could never change.
D) Man had the ability to control laws and social rules.
E) Only the U.S. Congress could change man's condition.
24) The War Industries Board (WIB) had all of the following authorities EXCEPT:
A) Purchasing supplies for the U.S. and the Allies.
B) Expanded the regulatory power of the government.
C) Converting industrial plants to wartime needs.
D) Nationalizing the railroads.
E) Manufacturing war materials.
25) The most important and long-lasting economic legacy of WWI was
A) An increase in small family owned businesses.
B) Implementation of a government-corporate partnership.
C) A Nationalized industrial base.
D) The reduction of government.
E) The breakup of corporations.
26) You were MOST likely to be for prohibition if you were a
A) Middle-class Protestant.
B) Urban Jew.
C) German Lutheran.
D) Italian immigrant.
E) Working class Catholic.
27) Which one of the following was NOT an immediate response of President Wilson after the
Lusitania and the Sussex incidents?
A) He threatened to break off diplomatic relations with Germany.
B) He increased financial assistance to the Allies.
C) He went to congress to ask for a declaration of war.
D) He got a pledge from Germany to visit or warn vessels before attack.
E) He began to prepare for war.
28) The Woman's Christian Temperance Union's efforts at prohibition and other social reforms
allowed women to
A) Fuse public concerns with moral guardianship.
B) Collect contributions for political parties.
C) Keep wives and mothers in the home.
D) Remove unwanted elements in society.
E) Seek control without the vote.
29) Which one of the following was NOT one of the events from February of 1917 to March of 1917
that prompted the U.S. to declare war on Germany?
A) Germany resumes unrestricted submarine warfare.
B) German submarines sink the Lusitania and Sussex.
C) The Zimmerman note is discovered and revealed.
D) Germany sinks seven U.S. merchant ships.
E) Germany proposes an alliance with Mexico.
30) The Roosevelt Corollary was issued because
A) Roosevelt wanted to prevent armed European intervention in South America.
B) Roosevelt wanted to assure European creditors access to Latin markets.
C) Roosevelt was afraid of losing face in Europe.
D) Roosevelt wanted an open door policy toward China.
E) Roosevelt wanted to prevent the Japanese from colonizing Nicaragua.
31) Wilson was only the second Democrat since the Civil War to be elected to the presidency in 1912.
He was able to do this because
A) He drew the backing of William Jennings Bryan.
B) The state Democratic machines had been revived.
C) Eugene Debs drew votes away from the Republicans.
D) The Republicans split their majority between supporters of Taft and Roosevelt.
E) He repeated McKinley's pattern in 1896.
32) The following best describes the military experience for African American soldiers:
A) Humiliation, racism, and violence.
B) Equal status with the white soldiers.
C) Their first taste of political equality.
D) A truly democratic experience.
E) Hard work but fair treatment.
33) All of the following are attributed to Theodore Roosevelt EXCEPT:
A) The Fourteen Points.
B) Big Stick diplomacy.
C) Mediation of the Russo-Japanese War.
D) Acquisition of the Panama Canal.
E) Open Door trade policy.
34) As a result of the Triangle Shirtwaist Company fire, the following positive action was taken:
A) Women received large annual bonuses.
B) Women received health care and paid vacations.
C) Women were allowed to unionize.
D) Women were allowed to remain home with their families.
E) Improvement of safety conditions and limiting working hours for women.
35) A major reason why Progressive women like Jane Addams turned to settlement work was?
A) That women are more compassionate than men.
B) Society offered no other employment opportunities.
C) Settlement work commanded higher salaries.
D) Dissatisfaction with the choices that society offered to women.
E) Settlement work required less professional training.
36) Feminist Carrie Chapman Catt supported women working in the war service because she
believed ultimately this would give women
A) Employment.
B) Social respect.
C) The right to hold office.
D) Increases in wages after the war.
E) Suffrage.
37) In general, progressives were
A) Optimistic about citizens improving socio-economic conditions.
B) Applying the ideas of Social Darwinism as reforms.
C) Anti-political, preferring to emphasize improving individual character.
D) Revolutionaries who wanted to organize cells for soldiers.
E) Pessimistic about the ability of people to reform.
38) A major consequence of the Creel Committee was
A) Strong support for radicals and peace activists.
B) Strong anti-Allies sentiments.
C) Backlash against the anti-German attack.
D) Strong support for progressivism.
E) Strong anti-German sentiments.
39) Immigration restrictions were lifted for the following immigrant groups during WWI:
A) Italian construction workers.
B) Mexican agricultural workers.
C) Chinese industrial workers.
D) German engineers.
E) Haitian railroad workers.
40) In the ratification debate on the Versailles Treaty, Senator Lodge and his supporters focused on
A) Isolationism as the best position for American security in the postwar world.
B) Fighting all versions of the treaty.
C) Opposing entry into the war in the first place.
D) Mechanisms for the preservation of civil rights in Europe.
E) Congressional authority to declare war if the U.S. was in the League.
41) The American Expeditionary Force:
A) Cooperated with its French and British allies.
B) Stayed distinct from the other Allied forces.
C) Saw action soon after the American entry into the war.
D) Trained by fighting against Villa's forces in Mexico.
E) Saw their first action on the Eastern Front.
42) Booker T. Washington's message to progressive African Americans was to focus on
A) Getting a traditional college education.
B) Obtaining political and civil rights.
C) Forming separate trade unions.
D) Economic improvement and self-reliance.
E) Isolated communities.
43) Theodore Roosevelt gave them the label "muckrakers." They were
A) The poorest workers who cleaned sewage in the cities.
B) Women who wanted more radical things than suffrage reform.
C) Pessimists who did not accept the progressive idea of reform.
D) The corrupt political bosses in the big city machines.
E) Writers who exposed details of social and political evils.
44) Southern Progressives advocated the disfranchisement and segregation of African Americans
A) They felt they couldn't win on the issue.
B) They argued it would give white voters more influence.
C) Progressives shared the same racist views as others in southern society.
D) Progressives wanted protection from the Ku Klux Klan.
E) Disenfranchisement would allow poor whites to be upwardly mobile.
45) Two amendments were added to the Constitution in the post-World War era. The 18 th
Amendment provided for ________ and the 19th for ________
A) Women's suffrage/prohibition.
B) Prohibition/income tax.
C) Income tax/women's suffrage.
D) Prohibition/woman's suffrage.
E) Income Tax/ Presidential term limit.
46) At the beginning of WWI, U.S. policy could best be described as
A) Covert.
B) Lacking vision.
C) Duplicitous.
D) Neutral.
E) War ready.
47) The Supreme Court Cases of Schenck v. the United States, Debs v. United States, and Abrams v.
United States, all upheld
A) Restrictions on union organizing during World War I.
B) The draft laws of the government during World War I.
C) The declaring of martial law.
D) Wartime restrictions on free speech.
E) Local cases which failed to convict World War I vigilantes.
Answer Key
Testname: APUSH UNIT TEST 6 CH. 21-22
1) B
2) C
3) A
4) B
5) B
6) E
7) D
8) A
9) C
10) B
11) A
12) E
13) C
14) D
15) A
16) A
17) E
18) C
19) C
20) A
21) B
22) D
23) D
24) D
25) B
26) A
27) C
28) A
29) B
30) A
31) D
32) A
33) A
34) E
35) D
36) E
37) A
38) E
39) B
40) E
41) B
42) D
43) E
44) C
45) D
46) D
47) D