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American History I
Building a Powerful Nation Revision
Chapter 6
What was the goal of the Sherman Antitrust Act?
How did John D. Rockefeller gain control over much of the oil industry?
What did both Thomas Edison and George Westinghouse work with?
How did Andrew Carnegie gain control of the steel industry?
Collective Bargaining
Social Darwinism
Division of Labor
Business Cycle
Chapter 8
What were the key positions held by the Republican Party in the Gilded Age?
What were the key positions held by the Democratic Party in the Gilded Age?
What typically led an immigrant to achieve success in America?
According to reformers during the Gilded Age, who should lead reform efforts to help the needy?
Laissez faire
Restrictive covenants
Chapter 9
Niagara Movement
Plessy v. Ferguson
Yellow Journalism
Rural Free Delivery
Chapter 10
What was the number one economic reason for the United States to expand?
How did the United States enforce the Monroe Doctrine with Great Britain?
What was the central message of the Roosevelt Corollary?
What connection was made between imperialism and the American frontier?
Why was the building of the Panama Canal important?
How did the United States acquire the Canal Zone?
How were the banana republics of Central America controlled?
Chapter 11
What did most Progressives agree that the government should do?
What helped Wilson get elected in 1912?
Why did President Wilson establish the Federal Reserve System?
What were the main goals of the Progressives?
Clayton Antitrust Act
Social welfare programs
Essay - Choose 3 of the 5 essays. (5 points each)
Historians have used the terms “robber barons” and “captains of industry” to describe the
powerful industrialists of the late 1800’s. Compare the two points of view reflected by
these terms.
As you read, Mark Twain labeled the years from 1877 to 1900 the “Gilded Age,” implying
that American society was “a think layer of glitter over a cheap base.” Identify and
explain examples that might support Twain’s conclusion.
How did W.E.B. DuBois’s attitude toward education of African Americans compare with
that of Booker T. Washington?
Compare President Theodore Roosevelt’s approach to foreign policy with that of President
William Howard Taft. How were they alike and different?
What are two questions that Progressives would likely have asked candidates in the 1912
presidential campaign? What answers to these questions might have won Progressives’