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Kaylee Bielak
November 26 2013
The Seven Groups of Animals
Slimy Tree Frog
Fierce Rattle Snake
Wired Black Widows
Pretty Monarchs
There are millions and millions of living creatures that walk, creep, slither , fly , swim, and
crawl on this big planet. Scientist have found
a way to organize into seven simple groups.
Read on to learn how each group has is
unique adaptations.
King Of All mammals 3
The Colorful Jelly
The Cool Puffins
Slimy Tree Frog
This is the tree frog
using it suck chin cups
to hang on to the
This is the tree frog it is
an amphibian .Did you
know that tree frogs have
adaptations. The first
adaptation is. Fast tong
to catch prey. The second
adaptation is the suck
chins cups they use to
clime trees. The finally
adaptation is their big
eyes to see in dark.
Page 2
Animal Adaptations
The Fierce Rattle Snake
This is the rattle snake mean animal and some
it is in the retail group
times disgusting but I
The weird adaptations.
like it.
First the rattle snake
opens its jaw all the way
open to eat animals and
some times humans. Second the snake will lay in
the sand and blind into
the sand. its snake is a
This is the rattle snake using its
rattle to warn
Weird Black widows
This is the black widow it
is in the arachnid group
.Did you know that the
black widow has adaptations. First the black
widow will use its 8 legs
to spin its web. Second it
will wait till a clumsy in-
it will use its poison to
kill it and suck the blood
out of it. The black widow is truly a discussing
animal but it is cool.
This is the black widow using its
The cool puffins
This is the puffin it is in
the bird group .Did you
know that the puffin has
adaptations. First the
cool bird uses its powerful
wings to fly away from
predators. The puffin uses their sharp claws to
dig into moutons sides to
get food. Second some
times the puffin uses its
beak to hold all the food.
The puffin is very interesting bird hope you
liked it.
This is the puffin using 2 kinds of adaptation they
are holding prey in its beak the 2 one is fly i
Kaylee Bielak
Page 3
Pretty Monarchs
This is the monarch it is
in the insect group .The
awesome monarchs has
adaptations that are cool
do you want to check
them out. First when the
monarchs is on the
ground getting nectar it
will use its bright orange
colors to tell the animal
arch uses its powerful
that it is poisonous. Secwings to fly away from
ond if that animal is color the animal. I hope you
blind it could possibly eat enjoyed the monarch.
the monarch and get very
sick. Then the butterfly
poisons the animal and
the animal dies. This is the monarch using it bright
colors to warn predators.
Finally the mon-
The king of all Mammals
This is the lion it is a
mammal .The amazing
adaptations the grizzly
lion has. First the lion
feeds on its delightful super. That it could tear
with mighty sharp teeth
and his keen claws. Second he can catch the poor
animal by tracking the
animal with his sharp
nose. Next he may hide
behind the tall grass. Finally he could jump out of
no where and track it.
Then he used his awesome
calves to
run back
This is the lion
using it teeth
The colorful jelly fish
This is the jelly fish it is
part of the fish
group .The jelly fish has
some cool adaptations do
you want to check them
out. First the bright colors the jelly fish have
help the fish blend into
the coral. Second the cool
but painful stingers help
the fish sting predators
that try to eat them.
Third the jelly fish uses
their tentacles to trap the
animal and bring it into
its opening. I think the
jelly fish is one of the
in the
This is the tentacles the
How to classify animals
There are animals all over the
world. Scientist divided them into
seven different groups. It helps to
determine the relationship of one
thing to a another . Let me chair the
different groups with you.
The first groups is mammals.
They have fur or hair, give live birth,
provide milk, warm blooded , vertebrates and lungs to breath. An example of a mammal is a lion and a horse.
They both have mammal characteristic.
great group is birds they are ,warm
blooded, vertebrates, feathers, lay
eggs ,lungs, wings, beaks, two
legs ,most can fly ,have no hollow
bones and can build a nest.
The third group is fish, have
gills, live in water, cold blooded ,scales, lay eggs ,vertebrate, have
fins and care fore eggs.
The forth grope is reptiles , scaly
skin, cold blooded, vertebrate and invertebrates, lay eggs, live on land and
water, breath threw lungs ,most have
four legs or none.
The fifth group is amphibians, lay eggs, live on land and water,
smooth and slick, cold blooded.
The sixth group is arachnids,
eight legs, two body parts, cold blooded, invertebrate, gills and lungs, it
has a head and a cent thorax, lay
eggs ,three stage life cycle ,has an exoskeleton.
The sevenths group
is insects, cold blooded, invertebrates,
three body parts, six legs, has a head
and a thorax also admen even a exoskeleton, and compound eyes, shed
skin, three or three four stage life
Since I have been talking
about the seven groups of animals I
would like to tell you the three different kinds of adaptations.