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SIDE Products Release Overview
Version 1 - September 2005
SIDE Products Release Overview
Version 1, September 2005
Table of Contents
SIDE Reporting....................................................................................................................................5
Software Structure............................................................................................................................6
Release Levels and System Requirements.......................................................................................6
Release 2.1 SR2 (current baseline release) ..................................................................................6
Post SR2 Fixes .............................................................................................................................7
Syntax 0505 Patch........................................................................................................................8
Archive/Restore Patch..................................................................................................................8
Service Release 3 (in preparation – target end-2005) ..................................................................8
Duplicate Detection Application (DDA) ...........................................................................................10
Software Structure..........................................................................................................................10
Release Levels and System Requirements.....................................................................................10
Release 2.3 SR1 (current baseline release) ................................................................................10
Syntax 0505 Upgrade.................................................................................................................11
Patch 2370..................................................................................................................................11
Patch 2375..................................................................................................................................11
Service Release 2 (in preparation – target Q1 2006) .................................................................12
SIDE Recovery ..................................................................................................................................13
Software Structure..........................................................................................................................13
Release Levels and System Requirements.....................................................................................13
Release 2.0 (current baseline release) ........................................................................................13
Release 2.1 (in preparation – target end-2005) ..........................................................................13
e-Messaging .......................................................................................................................................15
Software Structure..........................................................................................................................15
Release Levels and System Requirements.....................................................................................15
Release 1.1 (current baseline release) ........................................................................................15
SAA Monitoring ................................................................................................................................16
Software Structure..........................................................................................................................16
Release Levels and System Requirements.....................................................................................16
Release 1.1 (current baseline release) ........................................................................................16
Release 2.0 (in preparation – target Q4 2005) ...........................................................................16
SAG Stats...........................................................................................................................................17
Software Structure..........................................................................................................................17
Release Levels and System Requirements.....................................................................................17
Release 1.0.5 (current baseline release) .....................................................................................17
DB Connector ....................................................................................................................................19
Summary ........................................................................................................................................19
Software Structure..........................................................................................................................19
Release Levels and System Requirements.....................................................................................19
Release 1.0 (current baseline release) ........................................................................................19
SIDE SAA Connector ........................................................................................................................21
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SIDE Products Release Overview
Version 1, September 2005
Software Structure..........................................................................................................................21
Release Levels and System Requirements.....................................................................................21
Release 1.1 (current baseline release) ........................................................................................21
SafeWatch ..........................................................................................................................................22
SafeWatch Enterprise 3.0...................................................................................................................22
Software Structure..........................................................................................................................22
Release Levels and System Requirements.....................................................................................22
Release 3.0.5 (current baseline release) .....................................................................................22
Release 3.0.6 (in preparation – target Q4 2005) ........................................................................24
SafeWatch Standard 3.0.....................................................................................................................25
Software Structure..........................................................................................................................25
Release Levels and System Requirements.....................................................................................25
Release 3.0.5 (current baseline release) .....................................................................................25
OFAC Multi-List 2.5..........................................................................................................................27
Software Structure..........................................................................................................................27
Release Levels and System Requirements.....................................................................................27
Release 2.5.1 (current baseline release) .....................................................................................27
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SIDE Products Release Overview
Version 1, September 2005
This document outlines, for each of the major products developed and marketed by SIDE, key
characteristics related to current release level, existing updates and planned improvements.
It also describes the release level of the individual components of a given product, where
Finally, it highlights the requirements in terms of operating system and ancillary software.
This publication may contain confidential information of SIDE. The recipient should not disclose
this publication to third parties without the prior written permission of SIDE.
Although SIDE has used reasonable efforts to ensure accuracy of its contents, SIDE assumes no
liability for any inadvertent error or omission that may appear in this publication.
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SIDE Products Release Overview
Version 1, September 2005
SIDE Reporting
The base release is SIDE Reporting 2.1 SR2.
The table below provides a summary of the service releases and patches available for SIDE
Reporting 2.1
Service Release 1 (SR1)
Service Release 2 (SR2)
Post SR2 fixes
Syntax 0505 Patch
Archive/Restore Patch
Service Release 3 (SR3)
First Service Release maintenance.
Second Service Release maintenance. SR2 includes SR1
and is the base for new SIDE Reporting installations.
Specific Oracle fixes to apply to SR2 installations. It
incorporates: Support for multi-loader mode,
performance improvement in event reconciliation, and
fix to Oracle SRCL tool.
Mar 18, 05 Support for Syntax 0505 on any of the above. Due to
internal changes in syntax definition, it also requires an
update of SIDE Loader and SIDE Viewer applications.
Aug 5, 05 Archive/Restore patch.
Introduces performance fixes for SQL Server and
See SIDE Reporting CRS 2.3
End 2005
The following diagram summarizes the dependencies (and upgrade path) for these different
Release Overview
1. The Syntax 0505 Upgrade can be applied on any release (including the original SR1 release)
2. The Archive/Restore Patch can be applied on any release (including the original SR1
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SIDE Products Release Overview
Version 1, September 2005
3. Service Release 3 (SR3) is planned to incorporate all 2.2 fixes in a single fix and provide
minor functional updates.
Software Structure
SIDE Reporting consists of four groups of elements:
Server Group
Consists of the relational database (Oracle or SQL Server) and the Loader.
Thick Client Group
Consists of three user applications (Viewer, Watchdog, Reporting) and four administrative
tools (Administration, Licensing, Archive/Restore, Journal Archive)
Thin Client Group
Consists of eSIDE, a browser based version of user applications (eViewer, eWatchdog,
eReporting) similar to their thick client versions but with some functional limitations.
SWIFTAlliance Group
Consists of SAXS, an ADK server component installed in SWIFTAlliance Access
Each element has different system requirements as explained below
Release Levels and System Requirements
Release 2.1 SR2 (current baseline release)
Server Group
Loader version 2.1.10
- Database
o Compatible with Oracle 8 (up to 8.1.7) and Oracle 9 (up to
o Compatible with SQL Server 2000 (Service Pack 4)
o Compatible with SQL Server 7 (Upgrades only, new installs must be done on SQL
Server 2000)
- Operating Systems
o Windows Server 2000 SP4 or Windows Server 2003
Compatible with SQL Server based installation only
o IBM AIX 5.1 or 5.2 (ML6)
Compatible with Oracle based installation only
o Sun Solaris 8 or 9
Compatible with Oracle based installation only
Thick Client Group
Viewer version 2.1 .5
Watchdog version 2.1.6
Reporting version 2.1.2
Administration version 2.1.5
Licensing version 2.1.2
Archive/Restore version 2.1.5
Journal Archive version 2.1.5
- Operating System: Windows 2000 Professional (Service Pack 4) or Windows XP
Professional (Service Pack 1)
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SIDE Products Release Overview
Version 1, September 2005
Database Connectivity
o SQL Server : Client Connectivity software installed
o Oracle : Net8 client software installed on client PC.
Note that an Oracle client 8 can talk to an Oracle server 9. However, the following
limitations are known for the Oracle client:
ƒ ‘License Verification Error’ when starting a client application (although the
license is correctly defined in the system).
The problem appears when connecting a client with Oracle 9 (-m ORCL9)
while Oracle 8i drivers are installed.
Setting the switch to ‘-m ORCL’ solved the issue.
ƒ Failure to change an expired password at logon.
This feature requires version of Oracle drivers (available on SIDE
Reporting Setup CD)
Crystal Report Run-Time: Release 9 (Service Pack 3)
Required for SIDE Reporting module only.
Thin Client Group
eViewer version 2.1
eWatchdog version 2.1
eReporting version 2.1
- Web Server Requirements :
o Tomcat 4 or 5
o Server configured with pooling connection to the Database Server
o IP Connection to Database Server (needed by JDBC for the pooling connection)
- Java Run-Time Environment 1.4.2
- System Requirements: any operating system supported by Tomcat 4 or 5
- Database Requirements: Same as for Server module.
SWIFTAlliance Group
SAXS version 2.2, recommended with patch 2260 compatible with all Loader versions (SR1,
SR2 and Post SR2): Available for all SAA 5.5 server platforms (Win32, AIX, Solaris).
Post SR2 Fixes
This fix is available for Oracle installations only. It must be applied on SR2 release only.
Includes the following corrections/enhancements:
Server Group
Loader version 2.1.18
o Optional support for multi-loader mode
o Performance improvement in event reconciliation
o Fix to Oracle SRCL tool (version 2.1.4)
SWIFTAlliance Group
SAXS version 2.2, where patch 2260 is mandatory to implement the multi-loader mode.
Thick Client Group
Journal Archive tool version 2.1.6 (Fix to support an additional field column present in SAA
5.5 journal archive files).
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SIDE Products Release Overview
Version 1, September 2005
Syntax 0505 Patch
This patch is provided to load the new syntax tables 0505 into SIDE database.
This syntax information is needed for:
- The SIDE Loader to properly decompose 0505 based messages (when text block
decomposition is activated)
- The SIDE Viewer (and eSIDE Viewer) to properly expand 0505 based messages.
Normally, the syntax tables update only requires a database data update but no binary changes.
However, the syntax 0505 has reached a built-in limitation (max 10 nested loops per level).
The following binary fixes are also required to overcome that limitation:
Server Group
New Loader (see table below)
Thick Client Group
New Viewer (see table below)
Syntax 0505 can be applied on any version of SIDE Reporting. The following versions are installed,
based on the release level:
Base Release
Post SR2
Loader Version
Viewer Version
Any higher version of Loader and Viewer is compatible with Syntax 0505.
Archive/Restore Patch
This patch fixes known performance problems with the Message archiving part of the
Archive/Restore tool, both on Oracle and SQL Server database.
The patch is available for all versions of SIDE Reporting (SR1, SR2, Post SR2).
Thick Client Group
Archive/Restore tool version 2.1.8
Service Release 3 (in preparation – target end-2005)
The content of the release must still be finalized.
This release is planned to incorporate all previous fixes (Post SR2 + Syntax 0505 +
Archive/Restore). It will also incorporate the following features:
Active Support Oracle 9 / Passive Support Oracle 10 – 32 bits only
End of Oracle 8 support
End of SQL Server 7 support (upgrade included)
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Version 1, September 2005
Support for AIX 5.3
Support for Solaris 10
Support for Crystal Report 10 or 11
Clients : End of NT 4.0 support
Support for SAA 5.9 (ML Safe !)
Oracle database partitioning
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SIDE Products Release Overview
Version 1, September 2005
Duplicate Detection Application (DDA)
The base release is DDA 2.3 SR1. It is strongly recommended that all DDA 2.3 installations are
upgraded to this service release level.
The table below provides a summary of the service releases and patches available for DDA 2.3
Syntax 0505 Upgrade
Service Release 1 (SR1)
DDAS Patch 2370
DDAA Patch 2370
DDAS Patch 2375
Service Release 2 (SR2)
Mar 11, 05 Support for message syntax 0505.
Mar 11, 05 First Service Release maintenance. SR1 is the base for
new DDA installations.
Patch to fix an error when setting the PDE flag on the
DDA server
Patch to fix an error when setting the PDE flag on the
DDA Verification Interface
Patch to fix socket communication errors.
Includes DDAS 2370 patch.
See section below
Q1 2006
Software Structure
DDA consists of three groups of elements:
Server Group
Consists of the relational database (Oracle or SQL Server) and the DDA Loader.
Thick Client Group
Consists of two administrative tools (Configuration, Licensing)
SWIFTAlliance Group
Consists of DDAS, ADK server component installed in SWIFTAlliance Access that
performs the actual duplicate detection, and of DDAA, ADK client component installed on
each SWIFTAlliance Workstation where the DDA Verification application is needed
Each element has different system requirements as explained below
Release Levels and System Requirements
Release 2.3 SR1 (current baseline release)
Server Group
DDA Loader version 2.3.1.E
- Database
o Compatible with Oracle 8 (up to 8.1.7) and Oracle 9 (up to
o Compatible with SQL Server 2000 (Service Pack 4)
o Compatible with SQL Server 7 (Upgrades only, new installs must be done on SQL
Server 2000)
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Version 1, September 2005
Operating Systems
o Windows Server 2000 SP4 or Windows Server 2003
Compatible with SQL Server based installation only
o IBM AIX 5.1 or 5.2 (ML6)
Compatible with Oracle based installation only
o Sun Solaris 8 or 9
Compatible with Oracle based installation only
Thick Client Group
Configuration version 2.3.2
Licensing version 2.3.0
- Operating System: Windows 2000 Professional (Service Pack 4) or Windows XP
Professional (Service Pack 1)
- Database Connectivity
o SQL Server : Client Connectivity software installed
o Oracle : Net8 client software installed on client PC.
SWIFTAlliance Group
DDAS version 2.3, recommended with patch 2360, which implements important fixes:
Available for all SAA 5.5 server platforms (Win32, AIX, Solaris).
DDAA version 2.3.Available for all SAW 5.5 Win32 platforms.
Syntax 0505 Upgrade
This upgrade loads the new syntax tables 0505 into DDA database. This syntax information is
mandatory when duplicate detection, based on individual field selection must be done. The syntax
upgrade consists only of a database upgrade. It does not include any binary changes.
When applying the syntax 0505 upgrade, it is recommended to install DDA 2.3 SR1 (if not already
done), as it fixes some issues with the messages types 502, 513, 514, 515, 564.
Patch 2370
This patch, available for DDAS and DDAA component, fixes an error when setting the PDE flag
for an outgoing message, either automatically through the DDAS component, or interactively via
the DDAA component within the DDA Verification Application available on the SWIFTAlliance
SWIFTAlliance Group
DDAS patch 2370 is available for all SAA 5.5 Server platforms (Win32, AIX, Solaris).
DDAA patch 2370 is available for all SAA 5.5 Workstation Win32 platforms.
Patch 2375
This patch fixes a communication problem between the DDA Loader and the DDAS component.
This error appears only under certain rare circumstances (heavy traffic to analyze simultaneously on
the outgoing and incoming detection queues).
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Version 1, September 2005
Server Group
Due to communication protocol changes, this patch requires to upgrade at the same time the DDAS
component version 2375 (see below) and the DDA Loader version 2.3.1.F.
SWIFTAlliance Group
The DDAS patch 2375 is cumulative, and thus incorporates the PDE correction provided in DDAS
2370. The DDAA patch 2370 must be applied when applying DDAS patch 2375..
Service Release 2 (in preparation – target Q1 2006)
The content of the release must still be finalized.
This release is planned to incorporate all previous fixes (SR1 + Syntax 0505 + DDAS 2375 +
DDAA 2370). It will also incorporate the following features:
Active Support Oracle 9 / Passive Support Oracle 10 – 32 bits only
End of Oracle 8 support
End of SQL Server 7 support (upgrade included)
Support for AIX 5.3
Support for Solaris 10
Clients : End of NT 4.0 support
Support for SAA 5.9 (ML Safe !)
Additional features for Recovery 2.1 (Emission in Recovery Mode)
New functionality
o ‘Not Configured’ -> ‘Not Checked’ in DDA Configuration GUI
o Include Own BIC8 in duplicate detection logic (optional)
o Include MUR in duplicate detection logic (optional)
o Add routing information in events (for SAA Monitoring)
Clear identification of database version.
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SIDE Products Release Overview
Version 1, September 2005
SIDE Recovery
SIDE Recovery is a business continuity tool that assists customer restarting operations on a coldbackup SWIFTAlliance Access with no message loss (provided SIDE Reporting does not lag
behind SAA in terms of traffic throughput) and no message duplication.
The base release is Recovery 2.0.
Software Structure
SIDE Recovery is based on two other SIDE products, Reporting and DDA, from which it uses the
Server Groups. It consists of two groups of elements:
Server Group
Consists of the Server Group of SIDE Reporting 2.1 SR2 and the Server Group of DDA 2.3
Thick Client Group
Consists of one user application (Retrieval Wizard)
SWIFTAlliance Group
Consists of RCVS, ADK server component installed in SWIFTAlliance Access that
performs the actual message creation (MT020 retrieval requests, Message re-injection).
Release Levels and System Requirements
Release 2.0 (current baseline release)
Server Group
Please refer to the relevant system requirements section of SIDE Reporting and DDA.
Thick Client Group
Retrieval Wizard version 2.0
- Retrieval Wizard requires
o Java Run Time 1.4.2
o JDBC Compliant connection to SIDE Reporting and DDA Database (Native Oracle
JDBC driver (available on Recovery CD) / Native SQL Server JDBC driver
(included with SQL Server client pack).
o Available on Windows Professional 2000 (Service Pack 4) and Windows XP
(Service Pack 1)
SWIFTAlliance Group
RCVS version 2.0, available for all SAA 5.5 server platforms (Win32, AIX, Solaris)
Release 2.1 (in preparation – target end-2005)
Release 2.1 is a major release, which introduces the following major changes:
Graphical Interface based on SIDE Station environment (Rich Java Interface)
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Version 1, September 2005
3-tier architecture (SAA RCVS Component + Intermediate Recovery Server + SIDE Station
User Interface)
Separation and re-design of the recovery activities
o Recovery Database Verification
o Message Injector Application
o Message Retrieval Application
Various functional improvements to the Recovery 2.0 logic
Please refer to the Recovery 2.1 Customer Requirements Specification for a detailed description of
Recovery 2.1 features. The architecture of Recovery 2.1 is based on a 3-tier model. This is different
from the 2-tier model of Recovery 2.0. Recovery 2.1 consists of the following modules, each having
their own system requirements:
Thick Client Group
The SIDE Station based graphical user interface has the following requirements:
- Java Run Time 1.4.2 and above (not yet tested on JRE 1.5).
- IP connection to the Recovery Server.
Server Group
The Recovery Server version 2.1 main interfaces are the SIDE Reporting and DDA databases. The
Recovery Server system requirements are aligned on the system requirements for the SIDE
Reporting and DDA server modules.
- Database
o Compatible with Oracle 8 (up to 8.1.7) and Oracle 9 (up to
o Compatible with SQL Server 2000 (Service Pack 4)
o Compatible with SQL Server 7 (Upgrades only, new installs must be done on SQL
Server 2000)
- Operating Systems
o Windows Server 2000 SP4 or Windows Server 2003
Compatible with SQL Server based installation only
o IBM AIX 5.1 or 5.2 (ML6)
Compatible with Oracle based installation only
o Sun Solaris 8 or 9
Compatible with Oracle based installation only
SWIFTAlliance Group
The RCVS version 2.1 component has the following requirements:
- Available for all SAA 5.5 server platforms (Win32, AIX, Solaris).
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SIDE Products Release Overview
Version 1, September 2005
eMessaging provides e-mail capability integrated directly into SWIFTAlliance Access.
The base release is eMessaging 1.1
eMessaging supports two mail interfaces:
MAPI based mail providers (for SAA Server on Windows only)
This mail interface relies on 3rd party MAPI compliant software installed locally.
SMTP protocol. Available for most Unix based mail servers and usually available for
Windows based mail server (like Microsoft Exchange).
This mail interface does not rely on local 3rd party software, it communicates directly with
the SMTP mail server over a TCP/IP connection.
Software Structure
eMessaging consists of one group of elements:
SWIFTAlliance Group
Consists of EMES, ADK server component installed in SWIFTAlliance Access that
performs the interface with the mail system.
Release Levels and System Requirements
Release 1.1 (current baseline release)
SWIFTAlliance Group
EMES version 1.1
- Available on all SAA 5.5 server platforms (Win32, AIX and Solaris)
- Mail Interface requirements (MAPI or SMTP interface)
o MAPI Compliant e-mail client.
The product has been tested successfully with Outlook client.
Note that e-Messaging does not work with Outlook Express client.
o Valid IP connection to an SMTP mail server
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SIDE Products Release Overview
Version 1, September 2005
SAA Monitoring
SAA Monitoring provides the integration of SAA server into Network Monitoring Stations (NMS)
like BMC Patrol, IBM Tivoli, TNG Unicenter, HP OpenView, etc. This integration is achieved by
generating SNMP traps from specific SAA events.
The base release is SAA Monitoring 1.1
Software Structure
SAA Monitoring consists of one group of elements:
SWIFTAlliance Group
Consists of EMDS, ADK server component installed in SWIFTAlliance Access that
performs the interface with the NMS station.
Release Levels and System Requirements
Release 1.1 (current baseline release)
SWIFTAlliance Group
EMDS version 1.1
- Available on all SAA 5.5 server platforms (Win32, AIX and Solaris)
- IP connection to the NMS station that will receive the SNMP traps
Release 2.0 (in preparation – target Q4 2005)
The release 2.0 adds e-mail notification capability to EMDS. The trap functionality of release 1.1 is
unchanged. Additional configuration is provided to be able to send some SAA event to specific email addresses (individuals or distribution lists).
Mail addresses are associated to given SAA event types (individual value or range).
The same event type can also have multiple e-mail addresses assigned. The selection of a given
address is based on specific keyword information found in the event description.
SWIFTAlliance Group
The system requirements for Release 2.0 are identical to 1.1.
EMDS 2.0 uses the SMTP protocol to send e-mails. A TCP/IP connection to an SMTP compliant
mail server is required.
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SIDE Products Release Overview
Version 1, September 2005
SAG Stats
SAGStats is a tool that offers reports on the InterAct and FileAct traffic, aswell as distribution of
SAG events to operators via SNMP traps or e-mail.
The base Release is SagStats 1.0.4
Software Structure
SAGStats consists of four groups of elements:
SWIFTAlliance Group
Consists of the SAG Reader, client/server application using RA to communicate with
SWIFTAlliance Gateway
Server Group
Consists of the relational database (Oracle or SQL Server) and the DBLoader, the
SAGEvent and SAGMonitoring. These modules communicate with the SAG Reader(s)
and also interact with the SAG database. The Report Server provides the reporting services
needed to display reports in SIDE Station
Thick Client Group
Consists of a SIDE Station based graphical user interface and the Viewer application to
display large reports that exceed the limits of the SIDE Station
Each element has different system requirements as explained below
Release Levels and System Requirements
Release 1.0.5 (current baseline release)
Server Group
SAG Reader version 1.0.5
- Fully compatible with SAG 5.0
- RA 5.0 software installed on the machine where SAG Reader is running
- OS Requirements:
o Available on Windows Server 2000 SP4 or Windows Server 2003
o IBM AIX 5.2
o Sun Solaris 9
DBLoader version 1.0.5
SAGEvent version 1.0.5
SAGMonitoring version 1.0.5
- Oracle 9 Client software installed (up to
- TCP/IP connection to SAG Reader
- OS Requirements:
o Available on Windows Server 2000 SP4 or Windows Server 2003
o IBM AIX 5.2
o Sun Solaris 9
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Report Server version 1.0.5
- IP Connection to Oracle Server database system (Report Server uses a JDBC connection
over IP to connect to Oracle database.)
- Java Run-Time 1.4.2 and above (not tested on JRE 1.5)
- OS Requirements:
o Available on Windows Server 2000 SP4 or Windows Server 2003
o IBM AIX 5.2
o Sun Solaris 9
Thick Client Group
SIDE Station based GUI version 1.0.5
- Java Run Time 1.4.2 and above (not yet tested on JRE 1.5).
- IP Connection to Oracle Server database system (SIDE Station uses a JDBC connection
over IP to connect to Oracle database)
- IP Connection to Report Server system (to generate reports only)
- OS Requirements:
o Available on Windows Professional 2000 (Service Pack 4) and Windows XP
(Service Pack 1)
Report Viewer version 1.0.5
- Operating System: Windows 2000 Professional (Service Pack 4) or Windows XP
Professional (Service Pack 1)
- Oracle 9 Client software installed (up to
- TnsNames.ora modified with a link to SagStats DB
- Crystal Report RDC installed
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SIDE Products Release Overview
Version 1, September 2005
DB Connector
DB Connector is a simple way to link a back-office application to SWIFTAlliance Access. It
fetches SWIFT Input messages directly from the database, updates the database with SWIFT
Acknowledgement information and inserts SWIFT Output messages directly in the database.
The base release is DB Connector 1.0
Software Structure
DB Connector consists of three groups of elements:
Server Group
Consists of the DB Connector Module, Java based server application that interacts with the
customer relational database and the ADK server component SCSS.
Thick Client Group
Consists of one administrative tool (<name>), Java based Graphical User Interface used to
create and modify the DB Connector configuration file.
SWIFTAlliance Group
Consists of SCSS, ADK based server component installed in SWIFTAlliance Access that
handles all interactions within this SAA to create the outgoing messages and to transmit the
incoming messages and notifications, and of SCSA, ADK based graphical component
installed on each SWIFTAlliance Workstation where the monitoring of SSCS is needed
Each element has different system requirements as explained below
Release Levels and System Requirements
Release 1.0 (current baseline release)
SWIFTAlliance Group
SCSS version 1.0. Available for all SAA 5.5 server platforms (Win32, AIX, Solaris).
SCSA version 1.0.Available for all SAW 5.5 Win32 platforms.
Server Group
DB Connector Module version 1.0
- IP Connection to the relational database system (the DB Connector modules uses a JDBC
connection over IP to connect to the database.)
- The following relational database systems have already been validated:
o SQL Server 2000
o Oracle 8, 9 and 10
o Interbase 6.0 / Firebird 1.5
o MySQL 4.1
o DB2 8.1
- Java run-time environment 1.4.2 and above (not yet tested on JRE 1.5)
- OS Requirements:
o Available on Windows Server 2000 SP4 or Windows Server 2003
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o IBM AIX 5.2
o Sun Solaris 9
Thick Client Group
<name> version 1.0
- Java run-time environment 1.4.2 and above (not yet tested on JRE 1.5)
- OS Requirements:
o Available on Windows Professional 2000 (Service Pack 4) and Windows XP
(Service Pack 1)
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SIDE Products Release Overview
Version 1, September 2005
SIDE SAA Connector
SIDE SAA Connector enables a non-connected SWIFTAlliance Access system (called SAA
Connect Client) to use the services of another SWIFTAlliance Access system connected to SWIFT
(called SAA Connect Server), in order to send and receive these SWIFT messages on his behalf.
The connection between SAA Connect Client and Server is based on TCP/IP protocol. SIDE SAA
Connector supports permanent IP connections and dialup connections. For dialup connection, SIDE
SAA Connector provides all the necessary logic to hide issues linked to non-reliable dialup lines
(low speed, line drops, communication errors, etc). SIDE SAA Connector supports multiple SAA
Connect Client connections to a single SAA Connect Server.
The base release is SIDE SAA Connector 1.1
Software Structure
DB Connector consists of one group of elements:
SWIFTAlliance Group
o SCSS, ADK server component, installed in the SAA Connect Server. It handles all
interactions within SAA to create outgoing messages and to transmit incoming
messages and notifications.
o SCSA, ADK client component, installed on SAA Connect Server Workstation(s). It
provides a graphical application interface to monitor the SCSS component (incoming
/ outgoing message flow per client, events, etc).
o SCCS, ADK server component, installed in each SAA Connect Client server system
that needs to connect to the SAA Connect Server. It takes care of transmitting the
outgoing messages over the IP connection to the SAA Connect Server, and of
receiving the incoming messages and network transmission notification received on
the SAA Connect Server.
o SCCA, ADK client component, installed on SAA Connect Client Workstation(s). It
provides a graphical application interface to monitor message flow and events
generated in SAA Connect Client.
Each element has different system requirements as explained below
Release Levels and System Requirements
Release 1.1 (current baseline release)
SWIFTAlliance Group
SCSS version 1.1. Available for all SAA 5.5 server platforms (Win32, AIX, Solaris).
SCSA version 1.1.Available for all SAW 5.5 Win32 platforms.
SCCS version 1.1. Available for all SAA 5.5 server platforms (Win32, AIX, Solaris).
- Dialup connection mode is only supported for Windows based version.
SCCA version 1.1.Available for all SAW 5.5 Win32 platforms.
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SIDE Products Release Overview
Version 1, September 2005
The base release is 3.0.5. It is strongly recommended for all installations to upgrade to this release.
Release 3.0.5 contains the following new features:
- Support for large black lists (World-Check, Factiva)
- Archive tool
- Minor fixes (performance issues)
The SafeWatch product exists in two versions : STANDARD and ENTERPRISE
SafeWatch Enterprise 3.0
Software Structure
SafeWatch consists of five groups of elements:
Server Group
Consists of the relational database (Oracle or SQL Server) and the SafeWatch Server
Thick Client Group
Consists of one client application (SIDEStation)
Thin Client Group
consist of the eNameChecker servlet application
support tools delivered with SafeWatch:
o WorldCheck Updater
o Factiva Updater
o Archive
o List update
SWIFTAlliance Group
Consists of OFCS, ADK server component installed in SWIFTAlliance Access that
performs the actual black list detection, and of OFCA, ADK client component installed on
each SWIFTAlliance Workstation where the SafeWatch workstation for SAA application is
Each element has different system requirements as explained below
Release Levels and System Requirements
Release 3.0.5 (current baseline release)
Server Group
SafeWatch Server version 3.0.5
- Database
o Compatible with Oracle 9 (up to
o Compatible with SQL Server 2000 (Service Pack 4)
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SIDE Products Release Overview
Version 1, September 2005
o Compatible with MSDE (SQLServer runtime engine)
Operating Systems
o Windows Server 2000 SP4 or Windows Server 2003
Compatible with SQL Server or Oracle installations
o IBM AIX 5.2 (ML6)
Compatible with Oracle based installation only
o Sun Solaris 9
Compatible with Oracle based installation only
Thick Client Group
SIDEStation for SafeWatch version 3.0.5
- Java Runtime required : 1.4.2 or higher
- Operating System: any operating system supporting JRE 1.4.2
- Database Connectivity is not required (three-tier model)
- Network : TCP/IP connectivity to the SafeWatch server is required
Thin Client Group
e-NameChecker version 3.0.5
- Java Runtime required : 1.4.2 or higher
- Apache/Tomcat version 5
- Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher
SWIFTAlliance Group
OFCS version 3.0.5, Available for all SAA 5.5 server platforms (Win32, AIX, Solaris). It is
mandatory to upgrade to this version if the SafeWatch server is upgraded to 3.0.5
OFCA version 3.0.4.Available for all SAW 5.5 Win32 platforms (not upgraded in 3.0.5)
Tools Group
WorldCheck Updater
- Operating System: Windows 2000 SP4, 2003, XP SP2, IBM AIX 5.3 ML6, Sun Solaris 9
- Database Connectivity is required
- Network : TCP/IP connectivity to the SafeWatch server is required
- Operating System: Windows 2000 SP4, 2003, XP SP2, IBM AIX 5.3 ML6, Sun Solaris 9
- Database Connectivity is required
- Network : TCP/IP connectivity to the SafeWatch server is required
Factiva Updater
- Operating System: Windows 2000 SP4, 2003, XP SP2, IBM AIX 5.3 ML6, Sun Solaris 9
- Database Connectivity is required
- Network : TCP/IP connectivity to the SafeWatch server is required
Black List update
- Operating System: Windows 2000 SP4, 2003, XP SP2, IBM AIX 5.3 ML6, Sun Solaris 9
- Database Connectivity is required
- Network : TCP/IP connectivity to the SafeWatch server is required
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SIDE Products Release Overview
Version 1, September 2005
Database password change
- Operating System: Windows 2000 SP4, 2003, XP SP2, IBM AIX 5.3 ML6, Sun Solaris 9
- Database Connectivity is required
- Network : TCP/IP connectivity to the SafeWatch server is required
Release 3.0.6 (in preparation – target Q4 2005)
The content of the release must still be finalized.
This release is planned to incorporate the following features:
- Support for Service Bureaus (individual usage counters and reports)
- Parallel SafeWatch Server (support for multi-threading, multi CPU server)
- Problem fixes (list to be provided later)
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SIDE Products Release Overview
Version 1, September 2005
SafeWatch Standard 3.0
Software Structure
SafeWatch consists of three groups of elements:
Server Group
Consists of the relational database (Oracle or SQL Server) and the SafeWatch Server
Thick Client Group
Consists of one client application (SIDEStation)
SWIFTAlliance Group
Consists of OFCS, ADK server component installed in SWIFTAlliance Access that
performs the actual black list detection, and of OFCA, ADK client component installed on
each SWIFTAlliance Workstation where the SafeWatch workstation for SAA application is
Each element has different system requirements as explained below
Release Levels and System Requirements
Release 3.0.5 (current baseline release)
Server Group
SafeWatch Server version 3.0.5
- Database
o Compatible with Oracle 9 (up to
o Compatible with SQL Server 2000 (Service Pack 4)
o Compatible with MSDE (SQLServer runtime engine)
- Operating Systems
o Windows Server 2000 SP4 or Windows Server 2003
Compatible with SQL Server or Oracle installations
Thick Client Group
SIDEStation for SafeWatch version 3.0.5
- Java Runtime required : 1.4.2 or higher
- Operating System: any operating system supporting JRE 1.4.2
- Database Connectivity is not required (three-tier model)
- Network : TCP/IP connectivity to the SafeWatch server is required
Thin Client Group
e-NameChecker version 3.0.5
- Java Runtime required : 1.4.2 or higher
- Apache/Tomcat version 5
- Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher
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SIDE Products Release Overview
Version 1, September 2005
SWIFTAlliance Group
OFCS version 3.0.5, Available for all SAA 5.5 server platforms (Win32, AIX, Solaris). It is
mandatory to upgrade to this version if the SafeWatch server is upgraded to 3.0.5
OFCA version 3.0.4.Available for all SAW 5.5 Win32 platforms (not upgraded in 3.0.5)
Tools Group
- Operating System: Windows 2000 SP4, 2003, XP SP2, IBM AIX 5.3 ML6, Sun Solaris 9
- Database Connectivity is required
- Network : TCP/IP connectivity to the SafeWatch server is required
Black List update
- Operating System: Windows 2000 SP4, 2003, XP SP2, IBM AIX 5.3 ML6, Sun Solaris 9
- Database Connectivity is required
- Network : TCP/IP connectivity to the SafeWatch server is required
Database password change
- Operating System: Windows 2000 SP4, 2003, XP SP2, IBM AIX 5.3 ML6, Sun Solaris 9
- Database Connectivity is required
- Network : TCP/IP connectivity to the SafeWatch server is required
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SIDE Products Release Overview
Version 1, September 2005
OFAC Multi-List 2.5
Software Structure
OFAC Multi-Lists consists of four groups of elements:
Server Group
Consists of the relational database (Oracle or SQL Server) and the OFAC Multi-Lists
Server (including the detection engine)
Thick Client Group
Consists of five client applications
o Black List Manager
o File Scanner
o Name Checker
o Server Configuration
o SIDE database scanner
SWIFTAlliance Group
Consists of OFCS, ADK server component installed in SWIFTAlliance Access that
performs the actual black list detection, and of OFCA, ADK client component installed on
each SWIFTAlliance Workstation where the SafeWatch workstation for SAA application is
Tools group
command line support applications
o World Check updater
Each element has different system requirements as explained below
Release Levels and System Requirements
Release 2.5.1 (current baseline release)
Server Group
OFAC Multi-Lists Server version 2.5.1
- Operating Systems
o Windows Server 2000 SP4 or Windows Server 2003
o IBM AIX 5.2 (ML6)
o Sun Solaris 9
This release includes the « multi-GGL » patch that was distributed for 2.5.0.
In 2.5.1, the Multi-GGL feature can be activated by changing a value in the server
configuration file.
Thick Client Group
Black List Manager 2.5.1
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SIDE Products Release Overview
Version 1, September 2005
Operating System: Windows 2000 SP4, 2003, XP SP2
Network : TCP/IP connectivity to the OFAC server is required
Name Checker 2.5.1
- Operating System: Windows 2000 SP4, 2003, XP SP2
- Network : TCP/IP connectivity to the OFAC server is required
File Scanner 2.5.1
- Operating System: Windows 2000 SP4, 2003, XP SP2
- Network : TCP/IP connectivity to the OFAC server is required
Server Configuration 2.5.1
- Operating System: Windows 2000 SP4, 2003, XP SP2
- Network : TCP/IP connectivity to the OFAC server is required
SIDE DB Scanner 2.5.1
- Operating System: Windows 2000 SP4, 2003, XP SP2
- Network : TCP/IP connectivity to the OFAC server is required
SWIFTAlliance Group
OFCS version 2.5.1, Available for all SAA 5.5 server platforms (Win32, AIX, Solaris).
OFCA version 2.5.1.Available for all SAW 5.5 Win32 platforms
Tools Group
World Check Updater 2.5.1, Available for all SAA 5.5 server platforms (Win32, AIX,
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