Download Throughout the week choose any 3 spelling activities to turn in for

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Throughout the week choose any 3 spelling activities to turn in for your spelling homework.
1. ABC order- Write your words in alphabetical order and in backwards alphabetical order – in
2. Rainbow Words - Write your words in crayon/colored pencil/marker using a different color for
each letter in the word
3. Backwards Words- Write your words forwards, then backwards
4. Silly sentences -Use all your words in ten sentences
5. I Spy - Draw a picture and write your words hidden in the picture
6. Words without Vowels - Write your words replacing all vowels with a line
7. Words without Consonants - Same as above but replace consonants with lines
8. Story words - Write a short story using all your words
9. Word Search – Make a word search either by hand or online – make sure to give an answer key
10. Ransom words - Write your words by cutting out letters in a newspaper or magazine and glue
them on a paper
11. Pyramid Words - Write your words adding or subtracting one letter at a time. The result will be a
pyramid shape of words
12. Three Times – Write your words three times each – once in pencil, once in pen, and once in
crayon/marker/colored pencil
13. Cursive Please – Write your words twice in cursive
14. Magazine words - Use an old magazine or newspaper and find your words. Cut them out and
glue on paper
15. X Words - Write two words having one common letter so they criss-cross
16. Code Words – Make a code for each letter of the alphabet, write your words in the code
17. Telephone Words – Use a telephone keypad to determine the number value of each letter, write
your word out in number values under each letter (at least 10 words)
18. Sound Words - Use a tape recorder and record your words and their spelling. Then listen to your
tape, checking to see that you spelled all the words correctly – bring in a note from parents stating
you completed this assignment
19. Good Clean Words - Write your words in shaving cream on a counter or some other surface that
can be cleaned safely - Bring in a note from a parent stating you completed this assignment
20. Delicious words - Write your words in whipped cream, peanut butter, or anything you can eat!
Bring in a note from a parent stating you completed this assignment
21. Spell-a-Doodle – Draw a picture to illustrate your spelling word, write the word in a circle around
the picture
22. Acrostic - Write the letters of a spelling word vertically. For each letter write a word or phrase
that relates to the word.
23. Comic Strip - Create a comic strip that has at least 6 squares. Your comic strip needs to tell a
story and include at least 8 of your spelling words.
24. Create New Words – Write each spelling word, then rearrange the letters of the word to create as
many new words as you can. You must complete this activity for all of your spelling words.
25. Riddle Me This – Pick at least 8 of your spelling words and write a riddle for each word. Each
riddle should have 4 clues to help the reader identify the proper spelling word. Write the answer
to each riddle at the bottom of the clues.
26. Story Problems – Write math story problems that include your spelling words. Your problems
must make sense. Solve the problems and show your work. You need to have at least 8 different
story problems.
27. Flashcards – Make study cards by writing your spelling words on each one
28. Practice Test- Have an adult give you a practice spelling test and score it; parent must sign the
practice test
29. Type ‘Em Up – Type your spelling words two times each on the computer – be creative and use
different fonts – print out and turn in
30. Syllable Sort – Sort your words into columns based on the number of syllables in each word
31. Fancy Letters - Write each of your spelling words using fancy letters. Your letters can have curlyq’s or dots, for example!
32. Bubble Letters – Write each of your words in bubble letters, then color in the bubbles.
33. Categories - Sort and categorize your words according to their parts of speech (noun, verb,
adjective). You can use a dictionary to check your work!
34. Connect the Dots - Write your spelling words in dots. Then connect them by tracing over them
with colored pencil or crayon!
35. Tongue Twisters - Write a tongue twister for your words. Underline your spelling words. For
example: Davey dug daringly deep into the depths of the dune.
36. Rhyme Time - Make a short rhyme for each of your words, and write them on a piece of paper.
Do you see any similarities between your spelling words, and each of the rhyming words?
Underline your spelling word and its rhyming word. For example, belly: The thing I like most in
my belly is a sandwich of peanut butter and jelly.
37. Computer Time – Go to or our class website to play a spelling practice game
Bring in a note from a parent stating you completed this assignment
38. Scrambled Up - Fold your paper long ways three times. In the first column write each of your
words. In the second column, scramble your words around. Then later, come back to the third
column and see if you can correctly unscramble your words in the third column…without looking at
your list!
39. Choo-Choo Words - Write all of your spelling words end-to-end as one long word like a train.
Use a different colored crayon for each word. hopmopstopdrop
40. Adding My Words: Each letter has a value. Consonants are worth 10 and vowels are worth 5.
Write your spelling words. Then, add up the value of each word. Example: Said
41. Colorful Consonants & Vowels - Write your words in pen, pencil, crayons, colored pencils, or
markers (or you may type these). Write the consonants in blue and the vowels in red.
42. Echo Words - Echoes get softer as they repeat. Write each of your spelling words three times as
an echo, getting smaller each time
43. Spelling Chart - Use your spelling words to answer each question. Number of letters? Number of
consonants? Number of vowels? Number of syllables? Organize the information in a chart
44. Grid It! - Using a grid, connect as many spelling words as you can! Begin by writing one of your
words in the center of grid paper. The word may be written horizontally or vertically. Write your
second word, so it intersects the first word….
45. Number Order - Write your spelling words in order from the one with the most letters to the one
with the least letters. In case of ties, put the tied words in ABC Order
46. Word Riddles - Write questions or riddles for at least 10 spelling words. The answer will be one
of the spelling words. In cursive. Example. What animal can be mooooooody? A cow
47. Guide Words - Using your dictionary, find 10 of your spelling words. Write down the definition,
page number, and two guide words at the top of the dictionary page.
Ex. Lone: single, alone
pg. 514
loge – long
48. Synonyms & Antonyms – Write your spelling word and then write a synonym & antonym for