Download Unit 22 – ICO 2 – Causes and Spread of Infection

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Health & Social
NVQ Level 2
Unit: 22
Unit code: ICO 2
Ref No: H/501/7103
Credits: 2
Candidate Name ____________________________
Work Book
The Causes and Spread of Infection
Vision Training North East
12 Yarm Road, Stockton-on-Tees, TS18 3NA
T 01642 673255
Identif y the diff erences between bacteria, viruses, f ungi and parasites
(Dip 22: 1.1)
Bacteria are ....
Viruses are ....
Fungi are ....
Parasites are ....
2|P ag e
Identif y common illnesses and infections caused by bacteria, viruses, f ungi
and parasites (Dip 22: 1.2)
3|P ag e
Describe what is meant by inf ection and colonisation (Dip 22: 1.3 )
Inf ection is……
Colonisation is …..
Explain what is meant by “systemic infection” and “localised infection” (Dip
22: 1.4)
Systemic inf ection is………………
Localised inf ection is ……………..
4|P ag e
Identif y poor practices that may lead to the spread of inf ection. (Dip 22: 1.5)
Outcome 2 Understand the transmissio n of infect ion
Explain the conditions needed f or the growth of micro-organisms (Dip:22 2.1)
5|P ag e
Explain the ways an infective agent might enter the body (Dip22: 2.2)
Identif y / list common sources of infection (Dip22: 2.3)
Explain how infective agents can be transmitted to a person (Dip22: 2.4)
6|P ag e
Identif y/list the key f actors that will make it more likely that infection will
occur. (Dip22: 2.5)
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Candidate Name
Candidate Signature
Thank you for completing the workbook. Please hand this to your Assessor for assessing against
the standards.
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7|P ag e