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1. Define: Microorganism (microbe), pathogen, nonpathogen, endogenouus, exogenous
2. List (6) types of microorganisms. (Note: One is really a “bad” protein.)
3. Which organism is a bacteria but is a parasite on insects?
4. Which organisms was thought to be a virus but is a small rod bacteria that causes a sexually transmitted
5. Which is the smallest seen only with an electron microscope?
6. Which are one-celled animals living in decayed material and contaminated water?
7. Which is a plant-like organism responsible for Athlete’s Foot?
8. What are the three main names and shapes of bacteria?
9. Describe some sub-shapes.
10. Which produce hard to kill spores?
11. What are flagella?
12. What is a toxin?
13. What is an opportunistic infection?
14. What is a nosocomial infection? What is an example of one?
15. Be able to label and identify the chains of the infection cycle.
16. What is the government agency responsible for protecting the public through the prevention and control
of disease?
17. What is the government agency responsible for the safety of the healthcare worker on the job?
18. What are anaerobic and aerobic bacteria?
19. Names several times handwashing is a must.
20 What does asepsis mean?
21. Name (3) levels of asepsis.
22. Which can you use on your skin?
23. What is an autoclave?
24. What (2) diseases are healthcare workers particularly at risk of?
25. What is a sharps container?
26. What is Standard Precautions?
27. What immunization is offered within 10 days of work?
28. What happens if you refuse the immunization?
29. What does PPE stand for? List some examples of PPE.
30 What are the “Big Six”?
31. What is the difference between surgical and regular gloves?
32. Name other body fluids besides blood that may be contagious.
33. Why shouldn’t you recap needles?
34. What can one use if allergic to latex?
35. How should wastes be disposed of?
36. Who is responsible for laundry?
37. Are food and drinks or cosmetics ever allowed in the treatment area?
38. How long does an employer need to keep medical records?
39. What temperature of water should be used?
40. What are some differences between surgical and regular handwashing?
41. Where is the most common place on the hands that is missed when washing?
42. What is the difference between Gram negative and Gram positive bacteria?