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Unit 8
Lesson 4
Read the False statements below. Replace each underlined word with one from the word
bank that makes each sentence True.
Word Bank
Five Pillars of Islam
1. Muslims consider the Bible to be the exact word of God as it was told to Muhammad.
2. Muslims fast daily during the holy month of hadith.
3. The haji refers to the way Muhammad lived and provides a model for duties and the
way of life for Muslims.
4. The first duties of a Muslim are known as the statement of faith.
5. Islamic law, or Sunnah, judges the rightness of actions an individual or community
might take.
6. At a bazaar in Damarcus, the merchant Abdul offers a 60% discount. Kasim has a sale of
2/3 off at his tent. Which merchant gives you the greater discount?
Generalization: Groups with common origins often develop in both similar and different
Big Idea – In the harsh desert climate of Arabia, Muhammad, a merchant from
Mecca, introduced a major world religion called Islam. Sacred texts called the
Qur’an and the Sunnah guide Muslims in their religion, daily life and laws.
- compare – what is one major belief that is the same in
Judaism, Christianity and Islam? Monotheism
- summarize – what are the different meaning of the term
jihad? Inner struggle to obey God; struggle to defend
Muslim community; has also been translated as holy war
- draw conclusions – how does the Sunnah affect the daily
lives of Muslims? It sets forth the Five Pillars of Islam and
forms the basis of rules regarding business, government
and personal relations
Arabia was a polytheistic area in the Dark Ages
- New religion emerges – Islam
- based on the teachings of Muhammad – called the Prophet
- from a wealthy merchant family
- he had a growing concern for the needy of Mecca
- Muslims believe that God spoke to Muhammad and made him is prophet
Muhammad’s Teachings
- preached a monotheistic religion – one God – Allah (God in Arabic)
- base was Judaism and Christianity, but different
Arabs of Mecca did not accept Muhammad’s teachings
- saw it as a threat to the wealth and power
- as his followers grew, the leaders of Mecca became worried
- planned to kill him and drove him from the city
- he and his followers fled to Medina
- known as the hegira or journey
- soon, more and more accepted Islam
- some peacefully, but others through force and conquest
- recall – what was the hegira?
Muhammad’s departure from Mecca to
The Qur’an
- Muslim Holy book
- collection of Muhammad’s teachings
- Muslims believe this is the word of God told to Muhammad
Main Beliefs
- only one God, and Muhammad is his prophet
- must obey Allah’s commands
- God will judge all people
- good will be rewarded and the bad punished
– analyzing – why is the Qur’an important to
Because Muslims believe it is the exact word of
God as told to Muhammad
- explain – what is the difference between the
terms Islam and Muslim?
Islam is a religion, while a Muslim is a follower
of that religion
- contrast – both the Qur’an and the
Sunnah guide Muslims’ behavior.
Apart from discussing different topics,
how do these two differ?
The Qur’an notebook
Beliefs - there is only one God
- God will judge all people
- the good will live in paradise
Sunnah – record of Muhammad’s
- the bad will suffer
actions: Qur’an – according to
Islam the word of God, God’s
Rules for Worship
- don’t eat pork or drink alcohol messages to Muhammad
- do ritual washing before praying
Rulers for Society
- slaves should be freed
- women have the rights to own property, earn money and
receive an education
– generalizing – what do Muslims learn from
Behavior Guidelines for daily Life
the Sunnah?
- prepare for worship
Five Pillars of Islam; how to
- wash before pray
treat others; to treat guests
- what not to eat or drink
with generosity; guidelines for
- not allowed to eat pork
relations in business and
- not allowed to drink alcohol
- relations among people
- encouraged to free their slaves
- some rights for women
- could own property, earn money and get an education
- still fewer rights than men
- Jihad
- inner struggle to obey God
- struggle to defend the Muslim community
- can be translated as holy war
The Sunnah – record of the way Muhammad lived and serves as a guide for Muslims’
The Five Pillars of Islam
Islamic Law
- based on the Qur’an and the Sunnah
- called Sharia
- no distinction between religious actions and daily actions
- basis for laws in many modern Muslim countries
- define – what is Shariah?
System of Islamic law that judges the rightness
of actions
- draw conclusions – what role does Shariah
play in modern Islam?
It makes up a portion of their legal system
– main idea – what is the purpose of Islamic
Limits authority and set rewards and
punishments for behavior
Sources of Islamic Beliefs
Qur’an – holy book that contains the messages Muhammad claimed to receive from
Sunnah – Muhammad’s example for the duties and way of life expected of Muslims
Shariah – Islamic law, based on interpretation of the Qur’an and Sunnah
True or false
- Muslims gather to pray at a jihad. F mosque
- An Islam is a person who submits to God and follows the teachings
of Muhammad. F a Muslim
- According to Islamic beliefs, God’s message to Muhammad during
his lifetime make up the Sunnah. F Qur’an
- make inferences – how is Islamic law different
from the law in the United States?
It governs religious beliefs and practices. It
makes no distinction between religion and
daily life; in the United States there is a
separation of church and state
1. a. Mosque
c. caravan
b. Oasis
d. Camel
2. a. Mecca
c. Pilgrimage
b. Kabba
d. Khadijah
3. a. Prophet
c. Qur’an
b. Muhammad
d. Caravan
4. a. Islam
c. Judaism
b. Allah
d. Christianity