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Monticello High School
Teacher: Michael Kietzman
A. Introduction to Biology
-branches of biology
-scientific method
A. Characteristics of Living Things
-spontaneous generation and biogenesis
-characteristics of life
-cell theory
B. Classes of Organic Compounds
C. Cell Structures and Functions
-cell membrane
-plant vs. animal cells
A. Introduction to Biology
A1.define the major branches of biology
A2.explain seven steps of scientific
A3.identify parts and functions of
microscopes, apply during use of scopes in
A. Characteristics of Living Things
A1.explain differences between the two
theories and describe experiments of Redi,
Newlands, Spallanzani, and Pasteur
A2.identify ten characteristics of living
A3.restate the three points of the cell
theory and identify contributions of
biologists to its development
A. Introduction to Biology
A1.worksheet, multiple choice quiz,
multiple choice test.
A2.worksheet, short answer test
A3.demonstrate ability to use during labs,
identify and label worksheet, short answer
test, true/false test
A. Characteristics of Living Things
A1.worksheets,text questions,matching
test, short answer test.
A2.worksheet, text questions, matching
and multiple choice test.
A3.worksheet, text questions, multiple
choice test , short answer test.
B. Classes of Organic Compounds
B1.identify examples of
monosaccharides,disaccharides, and
polysaccharides and their uses in living
organisms, and describe their formation
B2.identify differences between fats, oils,
and waxes and their uses and formation
B3.describe how amino acids form
proteins, and identify differences between
structural proteins and enzymes and their
C. Cell Structures and Functions
C1.explain the importance of the nucleus
to a cell and compare the differences
between prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic
C2.locate structures of and state functions
B. Classes of Organic Compounds
B1.,B2.,B3.worksheet, text questions,lab
questions,matching quiz, multiple choice
C. Cell Structures and Functions
C1.,C2.,C3.,C4. worksheets, microscope
lab questions and drawings, text
questions,matching quiz, matching test,
multiple choice test, completion quiz,
completion test, short answer test.
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Monticello High School
of the following organelles: ribosomes, ER,
Golgi apparatus, lysosomes, plastids,
centrioles, vacuoles, cell wall, nucleolus,
nuclear membrane, mitochondria, and
microtubules and microfilaments
C3.describe the structure of cell
membrane, relate its selective permeability
to processes of passive and active
transport, diffusion, osmosis, endocytosis,
and exocytosis, and the homeostasis of
cells differences between plant
cells and animal cells
A. Leaf structure and function
-parts of a leaf
-types of leaves
-tissues and cells
A. Leaf structure and function
A1.identify blade,petiole,node, and bud
A2.identify simple leaves versus pinnately
and palmately compound leaves
A3.identify cuticle, upper and lower
epidermis,palisade and spongy
mesophyl,xylem, phloem,
guard cells, and stomata and explain the
functions of each
A4.describe the starting materials and the
products of photosynthesis, as well as the
reaction involved
B. Tree identification
-trees of Illinois
-leaf types,arrangement,venation,margins
-using a dichotomous key
B. Tree identification
B1.recognize 36 of the most common
native trees of Illinois and identify by
common names
B2.recognize and identify alternate versus
opposite leaf arrangement
B3.recognize and identify pinnate versus
palmate venation of leaves
B4.recognize and identify types of leaf
B5.identify tree specimens using Arbor
Day booklet "What Tree is That?"
A. Leaf structure and function
A1.worksheets,text questions, matching
A2.worksheets,text questions,multiple
choice test, individual leaf
A3.worksheets,text questions,matching
short answer test
A4.worksheets, text questions,multiple
choice test, short answer test
B. Tree identification
B1.worksheet, visual recognition
quiz,short answer test
B2.worksheet, outdoor tree lab, multiple
choice test,individual leaf collection(rubric)
B3.worksheet,test questions,multiple
choice test,individual leaf collection(rubric)
B4.multiple choice test, individual leaf
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Monticello High School
B5.outdoor tree lab, individual leaf
-history of its discovery, structure, and function, and
A1. identify key scientists' contributions to
DNA knowledge(Franklin, Watson, Crick)
- explain nucleotide structure to double
helix, especially nitrogen base pairs(A-T
and C-G)
- describe the how DNA replicates to
prepare for cell division
- recognize the importance of DNA's
genetic code to all life
A1. worksheets, replication lab activity,
matching, multiple choice, short answer
-structural and functional comparisons to DNA
-types of RNA and their roles
-transcription and translation
B1. describe 3 differences between DNA
and RNA, and why cells need RNA
B2. identify the 3 types of RNA and
explain the function of each
B3. describe the processes of transcription
and translation and their vital roles in
living cells production of proteins
B1, B2, B3. worksheets, multiple choice,
matching, and short answer test
C. Mitosis
C1. explain the cell cycle and reasons for
cell growth/size limitations
C2. identify and compare the stages of
mitotic cell division(Pro-, Meta-, Ana-, and
Telophase) and cytokinesis in plant and
animal cells
C3. recognize the key role this form of
asexual reproduction plays in the growth,
replacement, repair, and maintenance of
living organisms and their cells
C. Mitosis
C1. worksheets, matching, multiple choice
C2. worksheets, microscope laboratory
with labeled lab drawings, matching and
multiple choice test
D. Meiosis
D1. explain how meiosis produces the
haploid number of chromosomes in the
formation of gametes(egg and sperm cells),
and how this process differs from mitosis
D2. explain the advantages of sexual
D. Meiosis
D1, D2. worksheets, matching, multiple
choice, and short answer test
C. Mitosis Cell Division
-cell cycle
-stages of mitosis
-importance to life
D. Meiosis Cell Division
-comparison to mitosis
-sexual vs. asexual reproduction
C3. worksheets, matching, multiple choice,
and short answer test
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Monticello High School
reproduction over asexual
A. Mendelian Genetics
-Gregor Mendel
-laws of basic inheritance
-Punnett square problems
A. Mendelian Genetics
A1. describe Mendel's experiments,
conclusions, and contributions to genetics
A2. identify, define, and use key genetics
A3. explain Mendel's laws of dominance,
segregation, and independent assortment
A4. construct and solve both single trait
and double trait crosses using Punnett
squares, including phenotypic and
genotypic ratios expected for offspring
A. Mendelian Genetics
A1. matching, multiple choice test
B. Sex-based genetics
-sex chromosomes
-sex determination
-sex-linked traits
B. Sex-based genetics
B1. explain differences between X and Y
chromosomes and autosomes
B2. identify male and female genotypes,
solve Punnett squares to understand
expected sex ratios
B3. recognize the greater frequency of sexlinked traits, such as color-blindness and
hemophilia, in males than females, explain
why this occurs, including solving Punnett
square problems and pedigrees
B. Sex-based genetics
B1, B2, B3. worksheets, matching and
multiple choice test
A. Taxonomy
A1. Compare Aristotle’s and Linnaeus’s
systems of classifying living organisms
A2. Explain how to write scientific names
for species of organisms
A3. Compare and contrast concepts of
A4. Relate phylogeny to cladograms
A5. Differentiate between the 3 domains of
life and six kingdoms.
A6. Recognize and use the 8 levels of
A. Taxonomy
A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6: worksheets,
matching, multiple choice, and short
answer test
A. Taxonomy
-historical background
-binomial nomenclature
-levels of classification
A2, A3, A4. worksheets, matching and
multiple choice test, coin flipping lab
exercise with question sheet
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A. History of Life
-origin of life
-geologic time scale
-fossil evidence
B. Evolutionary Theory
-Charles Darwin and Natural Selection
-Evidence for evolution
-Mechanisms and processes of evolution
A. Kingdom Protista
-classification of protists
-animal-like protozoans
-plant-like algae
-fungus-like water and slime molds
Monticello High School
A. History of Life
A1. Differentiate between spontaneous
generation and biogenesis
A2. Describe events that may have led to
first cells and evolution of eukaryotic cells
A3. Identify and describe major events in
life’s history using the geologic time scale
And 4 geologic eras of time
A4. Explain conditions under which fossils
A5. Compare and contrast different types
of fossils.
A6. Relate typical fossils of Illinois to
Paleozoic Era rock.
B. Evolutionary Theory
B1. Describe factors leading to Darwin’s
theory, including observations from the
Galapagos Islands.
B2. List and explain the basic points of
Darwin’s theory of natural selection
B3. Explain a variety of sources providing
evidence for evolution, including fossils,
comparative anatomy and embryology,
biochemical and genetic comparisons,
geographic distribution, artificial selection,
and adaptations.
B4. Describe and explain several
mechanisms and processes of evolution,
including types of selection and speciation,
as well as the results of these proesses and
A. Kingdom Protista
A1. Explain how protists are classified.
A2. Identify characteristics, organelles, and
life cycles of protozoans, as well as
diseases some cause in humans.
A3. Identify characteristics and uses of
various groups of algae.
A4. Describe characteristics and life cycles
of slime molds and water molds.
A. History of Life
A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6: worksheets, multiple
choice, matching, and short answer test
A3, A6: “Life on Earth thru Time” activity
B. Evolutionary Theory
B1,B2,B3,B4: worksheets, multiple
choice, matching, and short answer test.
A. Kingdom Protista
A2.A3: microscope lab questions and
labeled drawings.
A1,A2,A3,A4: matching, multiple choice,
and short answer test.
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A. Introduction to the Animal Kingdom
-animal development
-body plans and symmetry and cavities
A. Phylum Porifera
-anatomy and physiology of sponges
-sponge reproduction
-ecology of sponges
B. Phylum Cnidaria
-anatomy and physiology of cnidarians
-reproduction and development
-ecology of cnidarians
C. Phylum Platyhelminthes
-anatomy and physiology of flatworms
-free-living and parasitic forms
Monticello High School
A. Introduction to the Animal Kingdom
A1. Distinguish the stages of embryonic
development from zygote through embryo.
A2. Distinguish between the various types
of body symmetry and body cavities’
A. Phylum Porifera
A1. Describe various types of sponges, and
distinguish between their types of
specialized cells and their functions
A2. Explain methods of asexual and sexual
reproduction in sponges
A3. Recognize uses of sponges, and their
role in aquatic habitats.
B. Phylum Cnidaria
B1. Describe two body types of cnidarians,
Polyp and medusa.
B2. Compare and contrast different
jellyfish, hydra, sea anemones, and corals.
B3. Explain cnidarian methods of both
asexual and sexual reproduction and life
B4. Describe cnidarian advantages over
sponges, and their role in marine and
freshwater habitats.
B5. Recognize impacts of threatened coral
reef communities to global ecology, and
list causes of coral bleaching.
C. Phylum Platyhelminthes
C1. Understand 3 germ layer
development,bilateral symmetry, and
cephalization advantages of worms.
C2. Recognize differences between
lifestyles and reproduction of free-living
Turbellaria(planarians) and parasitic
classes Cestoda(tapeworms) and
C3. Describe symptoms and explain
methods of infection and avoidance of
parasitic flatworm diseases.
A. Introduction to the Animal Kingdom
A1, A2: worksheets; multiple choice,
matching, and short answer test.
A. Phylum Porifera
A1, A2, A3: worksheets and textbook
exercises; diagrams to label, multiple
choice, matching, and short answer test.
B. Phylum Cnidaria
B1, B2, B3: worksheets and textbook
exercises; diagrams to label, multiple
choice, matching, and short answer test.
B4. Live hydra observations lab, including
drawing and questions.
C. Phylum Platyhelminthes
C1,C2,C3: worksheets and text book
exercises; multiple choice, matching, and
short answer quiz.
C2. Live planaria observations and
regeneration lab, including lab questions.
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Monticello High School
D. Phylum Nematoda
D1. Explain advantages of roundworms’
D2. List and describe various parasitic
roundworms and the diseases caused by
them, as well as how to avoid infection.
E. Phylum Annelida
E1. Explain the advantages of segmented
worms’ true coelom development.
E2. Compare and contrast 3 classes of
segmented worms:Oligochaeta(earthworm)
Polychaeta(marine worms), and
E3. Understand structure and functions of
earthworm organs and systems in detail.
D. Phylum Nematoda
D1,D2: worksheets and textbook exercises;
multiple choice, matching, short answer
F. Phylum Mollusca
-anatomy, physiology, reproduction, and ecology of softbodied mollusks.
F. Phylum Mollusca
F1. Describe unique characteristics of
F2. Explain differences between and
examples of each of the four classes of
F3. Understand structure and functions of
freshwater clam and squid organs and
systems in detail.
F. Phylum Mollusca
F1, F2, F3: worksheets, lab questions, and
multiple choice, matching, short answer,
and diagram labeling quizzes.
F3: Clam and squid dissection labs with
G. Phylum Arthropoda
-anatomy, physiology, reproduction, and ecology of
jointed appendaged arthropods.
G. Phylum Arthropoda
G1. Describe unique characteristics of
arthropods, including those that make them
the most successful group of all life on
G2. Explain differences between and
examples of each of the 3 subphyla of
arthropods and 5 major classes.
G3. Understand structure and functions of
crayfish and grasshopper organs and
systems in detail.
G. Phylum Arthropoda
G1, G2, G3: worksheets, lab questions, and
multiple choice, matching, short answer,
and diagram labeling quizzes.
G3: Crayfish and grasshopper dissection
labs with questions.
D. Phylum Nematoda
-anatomy, physiology, reproduction, and lifestyles of
E. Phylum Annelida
-anatomy, physiology, reproduction, and lifestyles, and
behavior of segmented worms.
E. Phylum Annelida
E1, E2, E3: worksheets, lab questions, and
multiple choice, matching, shortanswer,
and diagram labeling test.
E3: Live earthworm observation lab with
questions, and earthworm dissection lab
with questions.
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Monticello High School
H. Phylum Chordata
-unique characteristics of chordates, including
differences between 3 subphyla
-advanced features of vertebrate animals
-3 classes of fishes, anatomy, physiology, evolution, and
ecology of each.
H. Phylum Chordata
H1. Describe the four characteristics
necessary for an animal to be classified in
the chordate phylum
H2. Identify differences between members
of subphyla Urochordata, Cephalochordata,
and Vertebrata.
H3. Explain advantages of vertebrate
chordates over invertebrates, summarize
basic differences and examples of each of 7
classes of vertebrates and their
evolutionary trends.
H4. Describe differences between 3
classes of fish, citing examples of each
H5. Understand structures and functions
of typical ray-finned, bony fish.
H. Phylum Chordata
H1, H2, H3, H4, H5: worksheets, lab
questions, and multiple choice, matching,
short answer, and diagram labeling quizzes.
H5: Fish dissection lab with questions.
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