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Understanding your cholesterol levels
A cholesterol test, also known as a lipid profile, is made of these
four numbers:
1. LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein)
Also known as “bad” cholesterol, LDL carries cholesterol to
tissues in the body. If LDL is high, it can cause a fatty buildup
in the arteries called artherosclerosis.
Goal: Less than 100 mg/dL (milligrams per deciliter)
2. HDL (High Density Lipoprotein)
Also known as “good” cholesterol, HDL carries cholesterol
away from the tissues. High levels of HDL mean that large
amounts of cholesterol are being carried away from the artery
walls to the liver and then turned into waste.
Goal: 60 mg/dL or greater
*Note: A HDL level is considered low when it's less than 40 mg/dL
for men or less than 50 mg/dL for women.
Understanding and managing your cholesterol
is one of the keys to leading a healthy lifestyle.
If your cholesterol is high, you’re at a greater risk
for heart disease and stroke. But learning about
your numbers — and making healthy changes —
may help you to lower it.
Triglycerides are fatty substance in the blood. High levels can
thicken your artery walls and put you at a higher risk for stroke
and heart attack.
Goal: Less than 150 mg/dL
4. Total Cholesterol
Total cholesterol is an estimate of the total amount of
cholesterol and triglycerides in your blood.
Goal: Less than 200 mg/dL
Every person is unique. Your doctor may suggest
different levels or goals for your cholesterol numbers
based on your history or risk for heart or other diseases.
What can you do to improve cholesterol?
Make smart swaps.
Now that you know what each cholesterol type means and the
standard goals, let's see how you can make a difference. Read on to
learn about ways you may be able to improve cholesterol.
Making simple substitutions in your diet can make it easier to lead
a healthy lifestyle. Use this helpful chart to make some healthful
swaps during your next trip to the grocery store.
Healthy change
1. Eat well
2. Move more
3. Lose weight
4. Quit smoking 5. Take medicine
High-fat option
80% lean ground beef
Healthier swap
Deep-fried seafood
Grilled or broiled salmon,
tuna, tilapia or shrimp
Dark chicken or
turkey meat
White chicken or turkey
meat without skin
Bacon or
Whole or 2% milk or
milk products
High-fat and/or
high-calorie yogurt
Low-fat or fat-free yogurt
and snacks
A brownie with
chocolate frosting
Apples with fat-free
caramel dip
Potato chips and dip
Raw vegetables and
fat-free dip or hummus
A handful of crackers
Chocolate chip cookies
A handful of nuts or seeds
Regular stick butter
Trans-fat free liquid or
tub margarine
Healthy change 1: Eat well.
Making healthy food choices is one of the best ways to improve
your cholesterol. It can seem to be easier said than done. But small
changes can add up.
Know the terms.
Knowing the meaning of these terms may help you to better
understand your options and make smart choices at the grocery store.
Reduced or Less: Contains 25 percent less of a nutrient — such as fat
or salt — than the original version.
Low: Contains a small amount of a certain nutrient.
Free: Has none of a certain nutrient, or an amount that’s too small
to measure.
Just because the product is labeled “free” or “reduced” doesn’t always mean
it’s the healthier choice. Compare the altered version to the original to see
if unhealthy ingredients such as sugar were added.
*High salt content, keep portion size small.
97% lean ground beef or
ground turkey
Fat-free, lor low-fat
milk or milk products
Your favorite raw or
dried fruits
Make sense of labels.
Choose the right fats.
Learning how to read food labels can help you to make healthier
choices. While grocery shopping, be sure to bring your healthy
swaps list (found on page 4) and compare food labels along the way.
Choosing foods lower in calories, saturated and trans fats can help you
better manage your cholesterol.
When it comes to improving your cholesterol, not all fats are created equal.
It’s important to be aware of “bad” fats and “good” fats in your diet.
Nutrition Facts
Serving Size: 8 oz.
Serving Per Container: 2
Amount Per Serving
Calories 150
Total Fat 8g
Saturated Fat 5g
Monounsaturated Fat 2.5g
Polyunsaturated Fat 0g
Trans Fat 0g
Cholesterol 35mg
Sodium 120mg
Potassium 380mg
Total Carbohydrate 12g
Dietary Fiber 0g
Sugars 11g
Protein 8g
Calories from fat 80
% Daily Value*
*Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie
diet. Your Daily Values may be higher or lower
depending on your needs.
“Bad” fats — Try to eat less of these.
1 Saturated fats — These fats
raise total blood cholesterol and
LDL cholesterol levels.
Sources of bad fats:
• Fried fast foods
2 Trans fats — Created from
partially hydrogenated liquid oils,
trans fats raise LDL cholesterol
• Packaged foods: frozen dinners, ice
cream, rising crust pizza, frozen pies
and desserts, potato chips, microwave
3 Cholesterol — This waxy, fat-like
substance is found in all parts of
the body, and eating too much of
it can lead to heart disease.
• Dairy products: eggs, whole milk,
• Sweets: cookies, cake, brownies
• Certain oils: coconut oil, palm oil and
vegetable shortening
• Fatty meats: sausage, marbled beef,
skin-on chicken or turkey, and bacon
“Good” fats — Choose these more often.
• Unsaturated fats — These fats
can be good for you when eaten in
moderation. Unsaturated fats come
in two forms: polyunsaturated and
4 Polyunsaturated fats —
These fats may lower LDL and
total cholesterol.
5 Monounsaturated fats —
These fats may increase HDL
cholesterol. They may also lower
LDL and total cholesterol.
Sources of good fats:
• Plant oils: olive, soybean, corn,
sunflower and canola
• N
uts: small handful of hazelnuts,
almonds, Brazil nuts, pecans
• S
eeds: poppy, sunflower, pumpkin,
• F
resh fish: salmon, tuna, mackerel,
trout, swordfish
• Avocado
Healthy change 3: Lose weight.
If you're overweight, losing weight is one of the steps you can take
to lower your cholesterol. Even losing small amount of weight can
make a difference. Use the tips provided for eating well and moving
more to help you lose weight and keep it off.
Healthy change 2: Move more.
We all know exercise can help us improve our health and lose weight.
It can be hard to fit into our busy lives - but every little bit counts.
Fitting in just three 10-minute sessions of exercise each day could
help you to improve your cholesterol and live a healthier life.
Here are some easy tips to help you get moving:
• Set your alarm clock just five minutes earlier. Try some warm-up
exercises such as walking in place. Then, try some jumping jacks.
Consider doing a few stretches after you're done.
• Take the steps instead of the elevator or escalator.
• If you sit all day during work, take a few 10-minute walks around
the office or outside with co-workers.
• W hile you’re at work, stop every hour or two to stretch.
• Move while you watch TV - lift hand weights, do sit-ups, or walk
or jog in place.
• Park your car as far away from the entrance as possible - every
step counts.
• Get off the bus a few blocks early, and walk the rest of the way.
• Dance to a favorite song when it comes on the radio.
• Play with your kids or grandkids.
• Plant or tend to a garden.
Be sure to talk with your doctor before starting an exercise plan.
Healthy change 4: Quit smoking.
Quitting smoking does more than lower your risk for certain cancers
or breathing problems. It can also increase HDL cholesterol levels
and lower your risk for heart disease.
Do you wish you could finally quit? Thinking about why you want
to quit is the first step. Keeping your reason in mind throughout the
quitting process can help to keep you on track.
Also, be sure to talk with your doctor about quitting. Nicotine gum,
patches and medicines have been found to help people quit. Ask
your doctor what might be best for you.
You can find helpful support and resources by visiting or calling 1-800-QUITNOW (1-800-784-8669).
Do you drink alcohol?
If you don't drink, experts do not recommend that you start. However,
if you do drink, limiting yourself to one drink a day if you're a woman
or two drinks a day if you're a man may lower your risk for heart disease.
Keep in mind, drinking more alcohol than the amounts outlined above
can actually raise your blood pressure and triglycerides, and increase
your risk for heart disease and stroke.
Be sure to talk with your doctor about consuming alcohol in moderation.
Keep track of your cholesterol levels
using this chart.
Healthy change 5: Managing your medicine.
Medicines can be an important part of managing cholesterol.
Your doctor may suggest you take one or several of the following
cholesterol-lowering medicines to help improve your cholesterol.
How it helps cholesterol levels
Decrease triglycerides and LDL, slightly increase HDL
Total cholesterol
Cholesterol Absorption
Decrease LDL
Increase HDL, decrease triglycerides
Increase HDL, decrease triglycerides and LDL
Bile Acid,
Binding Resins
Decrease LDL levels
If you’ve been prescribed a cholesterol-lowering medicine, keep
these things in mind:
• Be sure to take your medicine as directed. If you have questions
or side effects, talk with your doctor right away.
• You may be able to save money. These medicines are usually
covered by health plans, but some may have lower copays than
others. There may also be lower-cost generic versions available.
Talk with your doctor or pharmacist to see if you can save money.
Total cholesterol
Medicine(s) I take to lower my cholesterol:
Diet instructions from my doctor:
Exercise goals:
Additional resources
Want to learn more about managing cholesterol? Visit the
following websites for trusted information.
American Heart Association
Get current information and research from a trusted source.
National Institutes of Health
Make use of tools and resources from a government agency
dedicated to health and wellness.
MyPyramid Tracker
Track your food and exercise, and learn more about your personal
energy balance.
My Food-A-Pedia
Compare the calories and nutrients in different foods.
UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company
The information provided in this document is for informational purposes only and is not a
substitute for your doctor’s care. Please discuss with your doctor how the information provided
is right for your treatment plan.
Insurance coverage provided by or through UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company or its
affiliates. Administrative services provided by UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company, United
HealthCare Services, Inc. or their affiliates.
© 2011 United HealthCare Services, Inc. OA100-5244 MBU301002-20775-000001A