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LinguiSHTIK Study Guide
Write the sentence structure underneath each sentence. Your choices
are: simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex.
1. I went to the skating rink and I fell down a lot.
2. I like to meet new people.
3. Although I had no money, I went to the mall and I looked at clothes
4. Since I love fried chicken, my mom made me some for dinner.
5. Since I helped my mom with chores, took me to the movies.
6. Going to the baseball game is fun.
7. When I am bored, I read books and I watch TV.
8. I love pizza and I ate too much of it.
Write in the answer.
9. The boy hit the ball.
Ball is the __________________.
10. Name 5 prepositions.
11. Boxing is my favorite sport.
Boxing is a ___________________.
12. What are the following words?
clump flare smash motel
13. Name 5 diphthong words.
14. What are the following words?
toot rotor radar peep refer solos civic
15. What are the following words?
Flock cast covey bevy team batch pride cache
16. Give an example of an infinitive in a simple sentence.
17. What are the following words?
mart math coed champ prom
18. Give 5 examples of onomatopoeia.
19. Give an example of an appositive in a complex sentence.
20. Give 2 examples of an anagram.
21. What are the following words?
Tutu pompom murmur tartar dodo
22. Give 3 examples of heteronyms.
23. Name 5 abstract nouns.
24. The girl will play tomorrow.
Tomorrow is an ________________.
25. Name 4 conjunctions.
26. The birthday party is next summer.
Birthday is a ____________________________.
Write one of each of the following sentence types: simple, compound,
complex, and compound-complex.
27. Simple:
28. Compound:
29. Complex:
30. Compound-complex
More Practice:
Use the following words in a Simple sentence
Use the following words in a Compound sentence
Use the following words in a Complex sentence.
Use the following words in a Compound/Complex sentence
Identify the following sentences as Simple, Compound, Complex, or
1)Kolyan and Brad drove to Chicago to see their long lost uncle.
2)We went to the store and we bought some marshmallows.
3)Marlowe was very tired because she had the flu.
4)Although the crowd was screaming, and the other team was
playing well, Lebron still scored 35 points.
5)The teacher gave the students their homework.
6)We would have lost, but we ended up winning by 5 points,
because we did really well in the fourth round.
Write down as many nouns as you can think of that fit the following
general demands.
1)five letters, collective noun
2)seven letters, double vowel, singular
3)plural, s forbidden, a required
4)eight letters, q required
Use the following nouns as a subject.
Use the following nouns as a direct object
Identify the underlined words as either a subject or a direct object.
1)Under the tree grew the flower.
2)The referee gave him a penalty.
3)The captain gave the men their orders.
4)I ran outside, because my cat had run away.
5)Prince hit the ball out of the park and across the freeway.
Identify the following nouns as either a Predicate noun, an Object of
the preposition, or a noun adjunct.
1)I laid the book upon the desk.
2)The baseball player is a famous athlete.
3)He was a dog catcher, but he quit when the job got too boring.
4)Under the apple tree sat the boy.
5)Barack is president, but Michelle is really in charge.
Use the following nouns as a Predicate noun, an Object of the
preposition, or as a noun adjunct. Give at least one example of each.
Identify the each of the underlined nouns as a subject, a direct object,
or an indirect object.
1)The chef baked me a cake.
2)My friend sent his mother a letter.
3)I threw the ball to the pitcher.
4)She made him a promise, that she wouldn't yell in his ear.
5)I gave the dog a bone.
Use the following words as an Appositive.
Identify all the Infinitive, Auxiliary, and Predicate verbs in the following
1)I will want to sleep when we get back from Florida.
2)The players jumped for joy, because they had won the title.
3)The crowd seemed ready to explode.
4)When I reach Knoxville, I will have been driving for 10 hours.
5)I want my brother to let me watch my television shows.
6)He will be running the race tomorrow.
Identify the underlined verbs as either singular and plural.
1)The computer broke as he wrote the report.
2)The deer were scared by the shotgun blast
3)The song played on.
4)If only you had seen the car coming down the road!
5)What is your favorite color?
6)The groceries cost me $14.56.
7)They filmed the movie in downtown Chicago.
Identify the verbs below as either regular or irregular verbs.
1)to throw
2)to circle
3)to speed
4)to open
5)to catch
6)to link
7)to freeze
8)to type
9)to drive
10)to jump
Write down as many verbs as you can think of that fit the following
general demands
1)singular, v required
2)plural, x required, a forbidden
3)eight letters, double consonant, regular
4)four letters, double vowel, irregular
5)six letters, linking verb, r required
Write three complete sentences for each verb listed below, using the
verb in all three sentences, once in Past tense, once in Present tense,
and the third in Future tense.
1)to copy
2)to write
3)to answer
4)to ask
5)to request
6)to steal
7)to rise
8)to conquer
Underline all the adjectives in the following passage
“It was after nightfall when they had entered the Mines. They had
been going for several hours with only brief halts, when Gandalf came
to his first serious check. Before him stood a wide dark arch opening
into three passages: all led in the same general direction, eastwards;
but the left hand passage plunged downward, while the right hand
passage climbed up, and the middle way seemed to run on, smooth
and level, but very narrow.” –The Fellowship of the Ring
Write down all the adjectives you can think of that fit the following
1)five letters, s required
2)nine letters, a required, e forbidden
3)double consonant, y required
4)double vowel, seven letters, h required
5)six letters
6)four letters, o required
Identify the underlined adjectives as either predicate adjectives or
adjacent adjectives.
1)The foolish man forgot where he parked his car
2)When did the last train leave?
3)The flowers smelled fresh.
4)Elinor's mom washed her clothes because they were dirty.
5)The fantastic journey is about to commence.
Underline all the adverbs in the following:
"I moved forward, found the steps and quickly started down.
Below the bridge lay the hard stone river of the street, and for a
second I looked at the waves of cobblestone as though I expected
water, as though the fountain above had drawn from them. Still I
would cautiously enter and go across to Harlem. Below the steps
the trolley rails gleamed steely. I hurried, the sound of the crowd
drawing closer, myriad-voiced, humming, enfolding me, numbing
the air, as I started up the ramp. It came, a twitter, a coo, a
subdued roar that seemed to be trying to tell me something, to give
me some message. I stopped, looking around me; the girders
marched off rhythmically into the dark, over the cobblestones the
red lights shone." - Invisible Man, by Ralph Ellison
Identify each underlined adverb as Verb Modifier, Adjective Modifier,
or Adverb Modifier.
1) The really ugly duckling became an extremely beautiful swan.
2) The students ran home to watch their favorite shows.
3) Did you realize that the interest rates are falling awfully quickly?
4) Speed Racer drove extremely fast!
5)It won't take us very long to get home.
6)She quickly realized that she hadn't studied enough for the test.
Use the following adverbs as either Verb Modifiers, Adjective
Modifiers, or Adverb Modifiers. Include at least one example of each.
Use the following words in an appositive phrase
Use the following words in an infinitive phrase
Identify the underlined clauses as Independent or Dependent clauses.
1)Bill went to the store, because Hillary needed some aspirin.
2)The doctor charged Al $135 and he told Al to take care of his stiff
3)While it was raining out, I got wet.
4)Either we lost the map on the way to Grandma's house, or
somebody took it when we stopped at the gas station.
5)I am extremely tired, because I stayed up late watching television.